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10 Good
  1. I killed them all fine, the new patch must of broken it.
  2. easy quest is easy. If you are the only person in the game that is claiming the quest impossible, the problem is clearly you. otherwise everyone else on this forum would be here complaining about the quest. /cant complete quest /rage on forums /throws toys out of pram
  3. We need rifles yes, the merc's ability when using rifles should be better ammo for the same bonus as the 25% of the extra pistol. makes sense bros
  4. Full dark for me, No point in being a BH and "caring" about people. Just show up do the job and have a little fun on the side
  5. /gets insulted /cannot think of logical reason to comment back /throws toys out of pram
  6. This also happens to me, its just a visual bug. you will not lose any dps from this =p
  7. Then he should learn how to Play his character (I Just assumed they had That CC) The statement still stands, He cannot play this game because hes a WoW noob. WoW makes the game incredibly easy so that when other MMO's come out they seem too hard, leaving WoW with all the noobs returning later on. That's the same reason more people play call of duty rather than battlefield. Noobs are noobs and deserve to be shunned out of our game
  8. /cannot complete quest /assumes I am not to blame /throws toys out of pram /Bioware stop entire game because 1 of their million+ players cannot complete a quest or learn how to use a CC
  9. It could be used in Merc to jump away.
  10. I find all of you repulsive. "oh no my skill that gave me a **** load of money now dose nothing for me because i don't know how to use it properly" /throws toys out of pram
  11. The armor gets much better later on, I think what the problem is you cant be slim and tall so it makes you look like a teenage boy. =p
  12. theres another heroic in there that gets you the chest.
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