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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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So.... We now have a worthless skill and on top of it we got screwed for 8 hours of down time. Starting to feel like another mmo I know and quit for that reason.


You really need to test and think nerfs through before you implment them peoples.

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This is an inherent problem with any crafting system where you don't have to actively be there for it to do what it does...


If you can queue up missions that take forever, what stops you from queueing them up then logging to an alt? Nothing.


This is just one of those things people will just have to get over :/...

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Yea thanks BW for completely ruining a crew skill, good job there.




Every mission i have done the last 2 hours or so has been a loss, thats 4 companions sending every 30 minutes, so a total of 16 slicing missions, all with a loss.




a slight reduction nerf you say ? , i know BW dev's aren't the smartest knife in the drawer, but really.


Pathetic BW.

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You are only telling part of the story. Yes, 1 in 3 loses money, but the others make between 30-50% profit. I have been slicing at 400 on 41-48 cases and I got a Rich Yield at 8106 credits. I have also gotten several epic missions out of it. I will keep slicing. It evens out to about 13,000 credits per hour using 2 companions to run the missions.
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Oh you are so right, I think other professions shouldn't get materials, because materials can be turned into profits, in fact, I think you should have a small chance to gain materials and a small chance to lose it, so it is in line with slicing. What do you think?


What do you mean that is unreasonable? You have gathering professions, the point is to gather, so stop being lazy and using your extra crew members to gather.


On the moot point, a little extra money is never bad. Do you max a gathering skill to never use mission skills with it again? Are you really that dense? The problem right now is, that it isn't turning a profit, how will we buy something if the profits it yields are purely from going out and about and gathering?



No one buys augments, because crafting gear is pointless due to the massive amounts of gear already available through vendors.


You keep saying that picking up slicing to sustain isn't smart, but the funny part is that instead of just getting it yourself you all whine about being broke and call for slicers to be broke as well. It was smart because it generated a stable flow of money.


You have this idea in your head that only hardcore hour putting nerds should be able to make money, and this elitist ideal is why slicing pisses you off so much. Because people who can only play here and there don't need to suffer for it. Why don't you go make your own MMO with this idea and see how far it gets you.


The idea that an economy is exclusively for level 50s, is pathetic. You are pathetic for trying to force this idea down our throats and claiming it is rock solid logic.


My only question that remains is why are you so mad? Why are you so happy that people now have to grind out countless hours and levels just to sustain themselves? What does their ease of play have to do with you to make you feel the need to inject your arrogant elitist drivel all over these forums?


Know what I think?


I think that the Auction system shouldn't be a clunky menu infested nightmare.

I think that people should stop whining about a crew skill that falls off the face of the earth the higher level they get.

I think that people should stop making problems and realize that this nerf has caused this website to crash multiple time, you aren't the majority in thinking this nerf was uncalled for and stupid.

I think that the other professions should be buffed to be better than vendor items, because right now there is little to no incentive to craft anything because the only way crafted items will last is if they are purple, and those don't even last very long.





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just wanted to add in my 2 cents


I have absolutely NO interest in crafting

i am the kind of player that would rather go out, farm some money, and then pay crafters a well earned wage for their fine products.

When i heard about slicing, i jumped into it to earn some money, and yeah at a low level it earned me some credits pretty quick, which i was then able to put into the economy to purchase the things i needed but was not crafting


Now with this latest slicing nerf all the gathering skills actually loose money

sure the odd mission you might crit and make a little, but overall you will lose allot of credits just doing crew skills without crafting


This means if i want to actually make a decent amount of credits in the game i am now forced to take up a crafting skill

This is something i do not care to do, yet now have no choice if i want to buy my skills as i level or ever upgrade my gear.

I do not have a problem with skills being mainly for crafting, but what was so wrong with 1 skill being useful for people who do not want to craft


I think if not slicing, some new skill should be added to the system.

Something that is useful only to earn a little credits and maybe the odd thing to list on the GTN, something that non-crafters can pick up just to earn a little credits and not be completely broke at all times


Well thats just my opinion, hopefully it made sense and maybe someone takes it into consideration

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The real problem was all the sites telling people to do slicing to make money.


90% of the people who did slicing were doing it because of the fast money. Not the Augments, not the Schematics, not the Missions. Just for the money.


I read the same websites as everyone else and took the skill for that purpose alone.


turns out I love the mission and schematic rewards as well as the augments, so I'll be keeping it even though my cash cow died.


Most people pick a skill/craft based on the money they hope it will create either immediately or later in the game.


As for a loss of money? you can probably make more with slicing now. When people drop the skill, the items you receive from it will become more rare meaning you can charge about 10x the price on the DTN. Then people will be whining about the prices on the DTN.

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i never once got a 'blue box' all of my credit cases were always green. What this means to me, (since I've had the skill at 400 before launch) was that I can no longer afford to give money to my family, friends, or guild. In the mean time, UWT materials are still selling for well over 1k per item.



So hey, here's a real life economics lesson to everyone. You nerf the hell out of people that are giving things away, but you still allow market speculators to sell goods at well over 170% of cost.

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I have 2 characters that have 400 slicing and it completely worthless now. Yes it was over-powered before but paying 1,321 on level 50 mission and 35 minutes to get back 1,1680 is a joke.


Here are my numbers as a 400 Slicer from the last 5 level 49-50 missions (Keep in mind this is 30 to 35 minutes per mission.


1,485 -> 2,128

1,153 -> 1,316

1,415 -> 1,655

1,135 -> 1,501

1,415 -> 1,800


Average cost -> 1,321

Average return -> 1,680

Average profit -> 359


359 credit per 30 - 35 minutes! WTH the reduction is about 80% reduction.


Now, I believe that before nerf it was a little over the top I was making 6,000 to 8,000 profit in 30 minutes with 3 companions running missions. But this is crazy.

Edited by ArchonGamer
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Slicing now is a COMPLETE joke.. Ive spent 3 hours running "Rich Yield" missions losing as much as 500 credits and only gaining a maximum of 200credits.. 200 credits in 30minutes??? seriously?!?! i can kill a group of non-elite non-strong mobs and make that in about 30 seconds.. this crew skill is completely useless compared to other crew skills now.
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Bw love you guys but ***.... ***......***....... you guys better fix this fast. I mean asap, lower the profit margin, level cap it, give us random stuff with minimal cash profit i dont care what you do... You better this this chit asap. or else... something will or may happen... i guess.



p.s ***.

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I think we can all agree slicing required a nerf. BW just went totally overboard.


This is purely due to inexperience. The auction house is equally a mess, yet, games that have been out for years or preceded TOR have had gems of auction houses. EVE is a perfect example.


Would be nice if developers listened and learned both from mistakes and the good points made by competitors.

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Im going to kick the crap out of this dead horse and say this change is regodamndiculous.


Completely over board and rendered a crew slot useless aside from gathering augments which are of very limited use because Mod gear is what everyone uses and crafted gear even with mod slots is of limited value.


you should be ashamed of yourselves devs for a nerf this big one week in. we went through all this in beta. get it together.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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I'm still gaining money, but its minimal. Sending companions out to slice is more passive.


I created a small spreadsheet to show my logs.




(Inspired by pdxmarcos, his thread with a lot more information can be found Here)

Edited by Teldara
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My point is not irrelevant. People are complaining that they can't make money from missions anymore. Maybe these people should realize that was not the intent. You were not supposed to get a ton of free cash from missions. No other profession does. If you want free money from slicing your going to have to gather it. That's the point.


Did you make sure you re-read what you said there? Slicing is a resource based on gathering money. So how can you say that not getting money from missions is a good thing? That would be like me saying that you shouldn't get any resources from missions either.


Look I'm not exactly sure what the problem was? I mean right now I'm at like 50K. Before the change I've sliced containers which netted me 100-250 creds, and I've been having my droid go on missions which has probably netted me the same amount with the occasional bonus of maybe a 50-100% payback. Hell sometime I would actually lose money. Either the mission would turn out as a failure, or I wouldn't net any profit. i.e. I paid 975 creds for a mission but only came back with 815 creds. I lost a little over 100 creds. Sure slicing might get you money faster, but I don't think it needed changing.

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Majority in our guild have simply dropped it and picked up UT/TH, which grants far more credits per minute then even the pre slicing nerf.


I'd suspect those two skills will be the next in the vicious cycle that bioware has started.


... Also, this is the 6th nerf to slicing so far. If you count the beta nerfs. Like, come on :/

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after reading 33 pages of this just one question:


What the point in keeping slicing skill at all?


Its a means to an end.


People think its useless, but its not. Pretty much every profession right now is a credit sink and not turning over profits because to many people are leveling and economy has not matured.


It will have its purpose and it will generate profits when the majority of the population is at max level thru augments and rare patterns. Also when your 50 you can get 1-2k credits from harvesting the highest level nodes. What other profession gets that? Free money. None. Everybody else has to farm, craft and sell on the GTN, thats the perk.


Right now as is missions for slicing is not the way to level, just like missions for every other gathering profession is not the way. To many people are overlooking the fact that Slicing is a gathering profession NOT a mission skill. You gather credits and rare items. Later you will go on missions to get augments and rare patterns.

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Sliceing was nerfed a little to hard Bioware. I had just bought a lv 40 speeder and training so now im completely broke and i had just maxed out slicing. So it was a complete waste of my time and now i have no way of making credits to relearn a profession that can actually make some money. I suppose its off to kill stuff in order to get enough credits so i can find a profession that actually makes me some credits now ><.
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This adjustment to slicing actually makes a lot of sense.

You still make money from slicing boxes in the field. That's pure profit.

Sending companions on missions runs is for trying to get rates and you still get creds back for your effort. No other mission skill is like this. A slicer is still going to bring in more credits than a non slicer. Did anybody else notice the skill level slicers are throwing around. 300 to 400. It was to easy to raise slicing. its impossible to spam other missions to raise skill because you'll run out of credits fast.

I'm sorry but crafting doest make **** for money I know. I put items on the trade network for sell all the time. I have slicing and crafting and this adjustment makes total sense to me.

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