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Marauder's Equipment looks!


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So I'm kinda disappointed in how a Marauder equipment looks, this is just opinions. I really hate that we look like inquistors for the most part. the later gear is just robes and and it looks more light light armor then medium imo. and the Raid gear is just outrageous looks like terminator it fits the juggernaut class way more. but this really needs tuning.. and i really hate that if we chose to not wear those darn skirts we end up with those skinny jeans and slippers no decent modable shoes so far. I really like the Jedi's look with the hoods and leatherly like gear. I know that people might think why not reroll jedi? well I like sith and i find it annoying that we cant use the gear we have the option to craft. Im a syntweaver and i can craft tons of Jedi gear but i cant use them? Is there any particular reason to why i cannot wear the same gear? while being sith! :p


Post your opinions on how you think it should be! and please link some cool looking equipment! both jedis and Siths!

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So I'm kinda disappointed in how a Marauder equipment looks, this is just opinions. I really hate that we look like inquistors for the most part. the later gear is just robes and and it looks more light light armor then medium imo. and the Raid gear is just outrageous looks like terminator it fits the juggernaut class way more. but this really needs tuning.. and i really hate that if we chose to not wear those darn skirts we end up with those skinny jeans and slippers no decent modable shoes so far. I really like the Jedi's look with the hoods and leatherly like gear. I know that people might think why not reroll jedi? well I like sith and i find it annoying that we cant use the gear we have the option to craft. Im a syntweaver and i can craft tons of Jedi gear but i cant use them? Is there any particular reason to why i cannot wear the same gear? while being sith! :p


Post your opinions on how you think it should be! and please link some cool looking equipment! both jedis and Siths!


Given that I am not the reroller type of guy, I will probably stop playing swtor alltogether if we wont have some decent sets. So far sets are beyond pathetic for marauders.

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Marauders get absolutely shafted in terms of gear availability/gear looks. There is not one robe/hood combo (which was advertised in the class progression video) and is in fact given to Juggernauts instead.


None of this will matter as custom gear will not compete with end-game PvP/PvE gear due to set bonuses and un-extractable mods. Unless that's changed look at the vendors to see what you (and the rest of the population) will end up looking like.

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The armor progression for Marauder is complete garbage. I'd sooner wipe my butt with the skirts they throw at the player base then wear them. The artists were lazy as hell to. The only difference between each skirt, and each top for marauder is a re-coloring. A player would think they'd at least be rewarded with a hooded chest piece with which to mod until end game pve/pvp gear.


The worse part of it all, our boots turn into leather strap on's. Every-time I look at my marauder I think to myself I may be lucky enough to star as Lady Ga-Ga's back up dancer.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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I agree, I am thoroughly disappointed with the Marauder gear. One would assume a Sith Marauder would be the first if not the ONLY class on the Sith side to wear robes with a hood. But instead, we are cheated out of the best looking gear. Is there a way we can collectively express this grievance to Bioware?
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I'm reasonably happy with gear I've been getting.


My favorite look which I had between levels 32 and 34 made me look very similar to Asajj Ventress. I hope to achieve this look again.


The only look I am unhappy with is the current dress/helmet combo I have going. The dress exposes my midriff and has a v-neck. Bleh.

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Just e happy your not an assassin. We're forced to wear caster dresses. Yes I know marauders have a ton of skirts but just take a moment to compare the assassin end game sets and the marauder end game sets.


Assassins get one set that looks like a retarted shaman set from wow, one is a purple k-k-k robe (complete with the pointy hat and all) and another is a dress with the dead space mask on (this one is level 40ish not end game).


For a class modeled after darth maul, we don't really look like him.


From what I've seen, once you hit 30 all the marauder gear looks so awesome, I'm so tempted to reroll, but I'd miss Khem Val, Xalek, and my sexy double bladed saber.

Edited by Xaxxus
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Equipment look variety is pretty low in this game for all classes. I finally gave up trying to look decent and ended up looking like a cross between a dominatrix and a drag queen... with a cape... and not in a good way. Edited by Straegen
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customization in this game is a let down across the board. you can choose to be light or dark but can not match this in any way with your armor, no options for hoods or different styles. 95% of all boots pants look the same. No color choices. it is amazing how far behind smaller games like rift, war, aion, etc this is at release.
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Marauders get absolutely shafted in terms of gear availability/gear looks. There is not one robe/hood combo (which was advertised in the class progression video) and is in fact given to Juggernauts instead.


None of this will matter as custom gear will not compete with end-game PvP/PvE gear due to set bonuses and un-extractable mods. Unless that's changed look at the vendors to see what you (and the rest of the population) will end up looking like.


I still want proof of the Bolded and underlined. Nobody has been able to PROVE that set bonuses exist, at least not to me.

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Level 33. I've had a very similar look for about 15 levels now.




I don't see how anyone would want anything different. This look is the typical dark side bad guy look. I love it.


Dont get used to that look, i had that look up till around 35'ish, and then the skirts started appearing, and then weird biker helmets, im 43 now and i have white pants (because i was sick to death of skirts) that were spec ops pants before i changed all the mods, some black chest peice with a cape which isnt to bad, and the finned helm from belsavis commendations vendor and some red boots, i seriously think if the enemy npc's could react to your appearance they'd all die of laughter, not exactly becoming of a dark lord of the sith now is it :).


I've been seriously rethinking my choice of class for my main, gear that looks like crap and the low survivability unless you use the healing companion is deminishing my love for the class.

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So I'm kinda disappointed in how a Marauder equipment looks, this is just opinions. I really hate that we look like inquistors for the most part. the later gear is just robes and and it looks more light light armor then medium imo. and the Raid gear is just outrageous looks like terminator it fits the juggernaut class way more. but this really needs tuning.. and i really hate that if we chose to not wear those darn skirts we end up with those skinny jeans and slippers no decent modable shoes so far. I really like the Jedi's look with the hoods and leatherly like gear. I know that people might think why not reroll jedi? well I like sith and i find it annoying that we cant use the gear we have the option to craft. Im a syntweaver and i can craft tons of Jedi gear but i cant use them? Is there any particular reason to why i cannot wear the same gear? while being sith! :p


Post your opinions on how you think it should be! and please link some cool looking equipment! both jedis and Siths!


obviously you didn't look hard enough, my marauder looks sweet in the gear I have, I love it, and no we look nothing like inquisitors... have you bothered to look at those fruits? we look awesome, especially with my big metal boots



Dont get used to that look, i had that look up till around 35'ish, and then the skirts started appearing, and then weird biker helmets, im 43 now and i have white pants (because i was sick to death of skirts) that were spec ops pants before i changed all the mods, some black chest peice with a cape which isnt to bad, and the finned helm from belsavis commendations vendor and some red boots, i seriously think if the enemy npc's could react to your appearance they'd all die of laughter, not exactly becoming of a dark lord of the sith now is it :).


I've been seriously rethinking my choice of class for my main, gear that looks like crap and the low survivability unless you use the healing companion is deminishing my love for the class.


and you.. lazy much? it's not hard to find good looking moddable gear that has no skirts and just upgrade it for use at higher levels... I've used the same gear on my marauder for close to 20 levels now


learn to figure out how the game works instead of thinking "it must be like WoW, buy the next tier herp derp"

Edited by Romanticyde
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