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January Producer Live Stream Wrap-up


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But, its not challenging, has terrible rewards and is irrelevant. :( Old content is old!


Ah, yes, the typical badmouthing from high--end players ... :rolleyes:


"We, the end-game raiders, do not want Newbies or Lowbies to like the same content we don't like !"

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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  • It is you and your Companion.



I think that is a pretty bad decision, especially with how companions are overpowered.


Having a healing/tanking companion negates any sort of challenge in pretty much every encounter in the game, and it certainly doesn't make player to learn any kinds of ropes needed for Group Play (the stated goal). I can engage a group, get off the chair, go take a bathroom break and when I come back, the enemies are long dead... that is not how it works in most group scenarios.


If companions are to remain, then there should be no rewards, or cosmetics stuff at best.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Hey folks,


Group content - We know that group content is something that is very important to you guys. Although we have no further updates at this time on the PvE side, we did talk a bit about the new Warzone which is coming (more on that shortly). Also, we will have even more detailed information on the new Warzone in next month's Producer Live Stream.




So why would I pay $15 a month for a single player game with group chat? Already screwed nim mode up so no use running that. No new group content and there's only so many times you can rerun old content. Good thing only 4 days left on sub.

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I tried asking this on the SWTOR facebook page but for some reason I could not see the comments so I'm gonna try here.


So I've been playing the past couple years mainly for the story and am enjoying the game a lot, KotFE has also definitely been amazing so far. However I noticed that I cannot give the new companions(Lana, Theron, Senya, Koth ect), any new armour. There default gear is great but I do like to customize my companions look so I was wondering if it will be possible to do that at sometime. Ideally it would show in story scenes as well as out adventuring around the galaxy and hanging out in strongholds but if it can't show in the story because of whatever reason then I guess that's fine too. But like I said, in cut scenes too would be ideal.

Edited by MacKMadsen
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Something that's always puzzled me about having "BiS" drop from the hardest content. In theory, you can already DO the hardest-difficulty content with the tier of gear that's rewarded from the previous tier of content. As any number of people in this thread have pointed out, the only reason you need BiS items is to do NiM content. It never has made sense for me that you have to participate in content to get the gear you need for the content.


Why not do more cosmetic/trophy awards (such as Wings of the Architect)?

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I think that is a pretty bad decision, especially with how companions are overpowered.


Having a healing/tanking companion negates any sort of challenge in pretty much every encounter in the game, and it certainly doesn't make player to learn any kinds of ropes needed for Group Play (the stated goal). I can engage a group, get off the chair, go take a bathroom break and when I come back, the enemies are long dead... that is not how it works in most group scenarios.


If companions are to remain, then there should be no rewards, or cosmetics stuff at best.



I am at a loss to how the developers will offer any balanced challenge with a healer companion in the arena.


It's a shame the only feed back we've been given so far is 'What gear do you think should be rewarded?' kind of pointless if we don't know the sort of difficulty or the players it's aimed for.

I hope it may see light of day on the PTS (not that my set up allows me to play on that :( ) but at least those that do may get to see if any challenge is offered at all.


Unfortunately too much of the solo challenge is removed because the game needs to cater to such a wide range of disciplines and companion combinations.


A shame the Eternal Championship couldn't have had the individual bosses scripted to be balanced against disciplines without a companion present.

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I am at a loss to how the developers will offer any balanced challenge with a healer companion in the arena.


Same way they offer a challenge in a FP where there's a PC healer? The Eternal Championship isn't limited by being passable by any player, particular at wave 5+. They don't even have to balance it for a companion at low influence, necessarily; though I wouldn't want to see the tenth wave balanced for a Influence 50 companion, either.

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still hoping for a confirmation that our companions are actually coming back, so tired of not knowing, data mining is not official but the stuff found there is not looking promising, even just saying they Are coming back would be nice even if i didnt know when, because no character of mine will start KOTFE unless I know their love interest will be coming back, had to make a char just to do KOTFE because of this, I assume it was done for cost spreading reasons so you didn't have to do voices and story for all companions at the same time, but frankly the spread of companions seems randomly unfair on the who gets which companion first and some classes not getting much at all of companions back for ages
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Hey folks,


One of the questions that came up on the stream was around Loot in Nightmare Operations. I said I would post the answer on the forums after the stream, so here is the update that I have.


Starting in Game Update 4.1 (with Chapter X) the final boss in a Nightmare Operation will now have a 100% chance to drop a 224 item. All other bosses in the Op will still have a chance to drop 224, but it is not guaranteed.




In the words of Master Yoda, "That is why you fail."


Eric, you have to understand that NiM is the hardest content in the game and that gear from said content should be the best in the game. ALWAYS. Without question. Other people have access to it by doing the weekly priority HM operation. NiM raiders get it faster as a reward for beating the hardest content in the game at a faster pace than HM raiders or casual raiders.


Will you please take this suggestion back to the team and STRONGLY encourage them to make a 224 piece (or two) drop from every single boss in a NiM operation?


As an endgame player/raider we need something to keep playing the same content over and over again. We haven't seen a new operation in long while (subject for a different post) and I think a 100% chance of 224 from every boss in NiM is really a small reward for a very neglected portion of the community.



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But don't forget the Cartel Pack changes coming too! :rolleyes:

I don't care about any of the cartel stuff... I want new end game content.. like ops or even a Nightmare FP because HM FPS are no more challenges. When Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi came in HM out it was so fun and you had a challenge... but now you just run through FP with SM ops gear which u get easily and don't even need a tank. Lost Island is still a bit of a challenge but the rest... meh

Edited by Cajiing
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In the words of Master Yoda, "That is why you fail."


Eric, you have to understand that NiM is the hardest content in the game and that gear from said content should be the best in the game. ALWAYS. Without question. Other people have access to it by doing the weekly priority HM operation. NiM raiders get it faster as a reward for beating the hardest content in the game at a faster pace than HM raiders or casual raiders.


Will you please take this suggestion back to the team and STRONGLY encourage them to make a 224 piece (or two) drop from every single boss in a NiM operation?


As an endgame player/raider we need something to keep playing the same content over and over again. We haven't seen a new operation in long while (subject for a different post) and I think a 100% chance of 224 from every boss in NiM is really a small reward for a very neglected portion of the community.



I agree!

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I'm not even at end game. After 3 years. I did Makeb last year.


I even refuse to play end game right now because of 2 reasons :


- Inventory full (too many bount-to-character items)

- notoriously bad roll luck in OPs


As long as hese 2 things are not fixed, you won't see me in eng-game.


I'm just writing this to see that extremes are there on BOTH sides : Those who have done EVERYTHING within a given time from, and those who don't.

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  • The Eternal Championship and Bowdaar Recruitment have been moved to coincide with Chapter XI (Update 4.2)
  • A Blizz Recruitment Mission has been added into Chapter X (Update 4.1)


I don't get why we're getting all these companions that have no real voice acting. Just pre recorded jibberish and wookie barks and the huge number of alliance companions that don't speak basic. You folks should of put more effort and priority into returning our crew. I want my padawan and apprentice and my romance companions back in the story :( They've been silent since rise of the hutt cartel...

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I'm not even at end game. After 3 years. I did Makeb last year.


I even refuse to play end game right now because of 2 reasons :


- Inventory full (too many bount-to-character items)

- notoriously bad roll luck in OPs


As long as hese 2 things are not fixed, you won't see me in eng-game.


I'm just writing this to see that extremes are there on BOTH sides : Those who have done EVERYTHING within a given time from, and those who don't.


If you join a guild or jsut form a group of people who will run operations together with loot rules, your bad rolls make less difference.Just a suggeston to try that route where people can band together to get geared vs battling ti out with a group of random people all trying to loot for themselves or their alts over your main.

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Don't blame the messenger. I hate it as much as anyone else does...but it's not Eric's fault.

Still, he is the face of BW failure as the community manager. We can't direct our loathing towards developers who do not exist anymore as they have been sacked or found better job opportunities elsewere.

So Eric is BW's scapegoat.

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I don't get why we're getting all these companions that have no real voice acting. Just pre recorded jibberish and wookie barks and the huge number of alliance companions that don't speak basic. You folks should of put more effort and priority into returning our crew. I want my padawan and apprentice and my romance companions back in the story :( They've been silent since rise of the hutt cartel...


you realize Blizz and Bowdar ARE people's crew yeah?

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Unless the craft changes include easier ways to get high end mats there little point in doing anything. the 550 cap still wont make better items than what we can pick up at venders. That an I tell you now trying to force players into Op's and WZ to get those high end mats is never going to work. Also making crafts across 4 skills instead of 3 is not a quality of life change at all that was promised prier to 4.0 Edited by DreadtechSavant
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