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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The "canon" Outlander?


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Back when LFL was more actively regulating the EU/Legends, they made it a point to canonize significant elements from games with branching narratives; they made Revan canonically a lightside male, they made the Exile a lightside female, they made Jaden a lightside human male, etc.


So assuming that LFL would canonize one of the characters as the Outlander, which one would it be? I'm thinking it would be the Hero of Tython; his/her story has always seemed to be "the" central narrative of SWTOR similar to what Revan was to KOTOR and Meetra to KOTOR2 (he/she was the one to kill the Emperor and force him to retreat in the first place after all). So having him/her continue as the Outlander seems to be the most coherent plotwise. Anyone else have alternate ideas? Maybe KotFE would be the perfect opportunity to "pass the torch" to another hero, similar to the Revan-Exile transition from KOTOR 1 and 2. In that case, who would you consider as the "new hero" of SWTOR?


Note: This isn't asking who you want to be the canon Outlander, but who you think would be the most reasonable or logical choice for LFL to choose, if they were to ever canonize the Outlander's identity.

Edited by Sanguiluna
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Sorry but I think it is the wrath, the emperor is especially fond of and is the only one he promised to spare until last. Also he seems to be the best for the job and he just fits for the story especially since Marr will call a sith hero not a republic hero to help him against the emperor.To be fair even Darth Nox works but the wrath fits better with him being the enforcer of the sith empire also because the wrath defeated the emperor once before so he has experience. Edited by adormitul
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Female JK, sentinel. Come on the JK fights the Emperor ever since the ending of Chapter 1, when she created a wall of light with Kira. She's the 2nd person whose personal mission is to finish Vitiate off (like Revan, he spent centuries with it, ever since he defeated the Mandalorians at Malachor and after that he found Nathema)
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You are asking for our opinion on who should be the "cannon" Outlander aye? Well I think any of them would work fine as long as the writers tailored it to that specific class. They will have to create scenarios where it is believable that this smuggler/ bounty hunter/ agent / trooper is taking on the most powerful force users the galaxy has had the misfortune to come across and survive.


There would be no shooting Arcann with a blaster pistol if the Outlander is say a powertech. You would see the character utilize flame throwers, grenades, missiles, and the rest of his heavy artillery. Oh and they will need some Deathstroke level prep skills.


Though if hey did canonize the Outlander, it would of course be someone with a lightsaber, so like the other's have previously said, The Hero of Tython. (I'd be partial to a female Torgruta, I love me some Ashoka) Though I think they should step away from their Jedis and maybe focus on the sith. Break the mold so to speak with a complex darkside aligned character that doesn't come off as some sort of psychopath.


Hell maybe make the fact know that darkside =/= evil. Contrary to how the movies portray them.


They would be leading an alliance, make us believe they are worth following.

Edited by Pandagaro
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Female JK, sentinel. Come on the JK fights the Emperor ever since the ending of Chapter 1, when she created a wall of light with Kira. She's the 2nd person whose personal mission is to finish Vitiate off (like Revan, he spent centuries with it, ever since he defeated the Mandalorians at Malachor and after that he found Nathema)


Sentinel has never seemed like the canon JK to me, Guardian just seems to fit better.

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Female Jedi Knight. Female because they need to mix it up, and Jedi Knight because she has at the start of KOTFE "defeated" Valkorian twice already. Also, they should make her a Miraluka, just for fun.


Wouldn't changing it up mean something other than Knight/Warrior as well?


To the OP, I would guess male knight, only because that's who they use in the videos for KOTFE.


Myself, I'd say Consular Shadow Female!

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I think it would be the jedi knight. Only the sith warrior and the jedi knight are as deeply connected to Valkorion prior to the start of kotfe's story, making those two the most logical and believable choices (Valkorion thinking some smuggler is the most interesting and influential person after him, really?) Both of those classes have a deep connection from their class stories, but since the EU doesn't seem to like the idea of sith being heroes that save the galaxy, and that the jedi knight story is basically kotor 3, knight makes out as the most probable choice for who would be the canon outlander.
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Back when LFL was more actively regulating the EU/Legends, they made it a point to canonize significant elements from games with branching narratives; they made Revan canonically a lightside male, they made the Exile a lightside female, they made Jaden a lightside human male, etc.


So assuming that LFL would canonize one of the characters as the Outlander, which one would it be? I'm thinking it would be the Hero of Tython; his/her story has always seemed to be "the" central narrative of SWTOR similar to what Revan was to KOTOR and Meetra to KOTOR2 (he/she was the one to kill the Emperor and force him to retreat in the first place after all). So having him/her continue as the Outlander seems to be the most coherent plotwise. Anyone else have alternate ideas? Maybe KotFE would be the perfect opportunity to "pass the torch" to another hero, similar to the Revan-Exile transition from KOTOR 1 and 2. In that case, who would you consider as the "new hero" of SWTOR?


Note: This isn't asking who you want to be the canon Outlander, but who you think would be the most reasonable or logical choice for LFL to choose, if they were to ever canonize the Outlander's identity.

preatty clearly thorugh the intro scenes he has to be a male Jedi Knight.

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If they want to go for an interesting Outlander, I'd say they'd make it Darth Occlus (not Nox). A "Grey" Sith following the beat of their own drum. Why are they leading the Rebels? To destroy Zakuul? Or take it over?

The "canon" SI outlander is Darth Imperius. That is, the one you get if you create an insta-60 SI. During the conversations on Marr's ship at the beginning, you are addressed as your proper Darth title, and the insta-60, neutral though he may be, is addressed as Darth Imperius.

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The "canon" SI outlander is Darth Imperius.

Nope, there is no canon Inquisitor outlander. The instant 60's are not canon, they are defaults, they are the result of one particular set of choices, just as any other character you (can) make.


There's only 'need' for a canon outlander when the story continues, or is referenced, in other stories. Until then, and until that particular author makes the choice, there is no canon outlander.

Edited by nimmerstil
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Nope, there is no canon Inquisitor outlander. The instant 60's are not canon, they are defaults, they are the result of one particular set of choices, just as any other character you (can) make.


There's only 'need' for a canon outlander when the story continues, or is referenced, in other stories. Until then, and until that particular author makes the choice, there is no canon outlander.

Hmm. OK, fair point. How about this, then?

The closest we get to a "canon" SI Outlander is Darth Imperious.
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