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healing op


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Because its being a war of healers now.

I have seem premades entering with 3-4 healers, and when they think its being too hard, suddenly another one pops out (4-5). And things run more nicely for them. They change in the middle.

HPS is being higher than DPS, generally speaking. And now, that Force is not a problem anymore, plus the immunities, their job is easier, also, generelly speaking.


Its not that Sorcs, or Ops should get weaker. They should have more problem with tactical advantage and force points, or a little DPS and little less HPS. That would apply some more dificulty in the gameplay, and make things more fair.

Also, GUARD is too strong. I have to admit.

Edited by leonlotus
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Because its being a war of healers now.

I have seem premades entering with 3-4 healers, and when they think its being too hard, suddenly another one pops out (4-5). And things run more nicely for them. They change in the middle.

HPS is being higher than DPS, generally speaking. And now, that Force is not a problem anymore, plus the immunities, their job is easier, also, generelly speaking.


Its not that Sorcs, or Ops should get weaker. They should have problems with force, or little more DPS and little less HPS. That would apply some more dificulty in the gameplay, and make things more fair.

Also, GUARD is too strong. I have to admit.


If teams are queing with 3 to 4 healers, that's a GG they loose. As well, you know you can't change specs in the middle of a WZ right?

To top this falacy of a statement off, you understand that HPS is supposed to be higher than DPS yes? If it wasn't, every healer would go squish to a single DPS instead of it being a stalemate, as it should be.


Is this Cretinus on a different name? Feels like it.

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If teams are queing with 3 to 4 healers, that's a GG they loose. As well, you know you can't change specs in the middle of a WZ right?

To top this falacy of a statement off, you understand that HPS is supposed to be higher than DPS yes? If it wasn't, every healer would go squish to a single DPS instead of it being a stalemate, as it should be.


Is this Cretinus on a different name? Feels like it.


Yeah i know they cant changes SPECS in the middle, i am in the game for years.

But they can change CHARS, and queue again with another one, healer. That happened couple of times early in the morning, when theres less people queuing.

Well, they are loosing now more times, with bunch of Sages/Sorcs but they were not in the last patch. So warn the guilds out there about that.

At least gainst the parties i enter, yeah, i am winning, but it becomes more difficult to handle. And i bet they still win a lot, against bad players. Or they would have abononed that strategy alredy. But they were not good also, wich means the numbers are winning, not ppl. Its happening still.


HPS should be more equal to DPS, because that would make the make things more fair?

Less dependant on formations, party synergies, and more about skills, as it was before? And that would also equilibrate the populations?

I miss the old times

Edited by leonlotus
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In the games I've been in it takes about 2 dps to undo 1 healer. I think the biggest advantage isn't the healers but it's the heals along with their protection spell that they can run almost an infinite amount of times Edited by HyperHypo
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In the games I've been in it takes about 2 dps to undo 1 healer. I think the biggest advantage isn't the healers but it's the heals along with their protection spell that they can run almost an infinite amount of times


1 healer isn't a big deal, not even in 4v4s.

The problem begins when the healer has a tank or there are multiple healers in 8v8s.

They can make the fight at mid a stalemate while the rest of the team floods the sides with their stealth.

They then Phasewalk to one of the sides to support it.

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1 healer isn't a big deal, not even in 4v4s.

The problem begins when the healer has a tank or there are multiple healers in 8v8s.

They can make the fight at mid a stalemate while the rest of the team floods the sides with their stealth.

They then Phasewalk to one of the sides to support it.


^ That.

The major problems are the immuties, and mobility they gainned. Also, having no trouble with force points. Thats giving them great survavability while still being able to cure an entire party. They dont need to choose, or focus anymore, depending on situation. They will cure the party before have run or teleport.

Thats why we dont see many Juggs focused on protecting the healer. They just Guard, and expect the healer to survive. And they do.

Edited by leonlotus
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A few tips for taking out healers:


1. Interrupt and stun them while another players attack them.

2. throw a "marker" on them and let people know to CC or focus them.

3. CC the healer yourself.

4. focus the healer to the point that they either have to bubble, or focus healing themselves and not their teammates.

5.If there are tanks near the healer, again CC the healer away from the tanks (15 meters, but 20 to be safe)

6. If you are unable to do any of the above, re-gear, re-spec, or let your teammates handle the healer.

7. If 6 did not work for you, make a healer yourself and become "OP" :cool:

Edited by versellies
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Because its being a war of healers now.

I have seem premades entering with 3-4 healers, and when they think its being too hard, suddenly another one pops out (4-5). And things run more nicely for them. They change in the middle.

HPS is being higher than DPS, generally speaking. And now, that Force is not a problem anymore, plus the immunities, their job is easier, also, generelly speaking.


What an utterly ridiculous and nonsensical statement. No one in their right mind would queue for a warzone with three healers, let alone four. In fact, I have seen a warzone with more than three healers exactly twice in 4.0 launched. Three healers is also overkill, but it is quite managable. If your team has just one healer, then that healer will be able to outheal the few DPS that are left, because most of the DPS spots were taken up by healers. Meanwhile, your team has more DPS and can just focus the healers down one by one.

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