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Reason for lack of content


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I was very curious about why swtor has started to lack in content as a game and i decided to go to BioWare's website and found out there are 32 job openings, most of which are essential to swtor.


Here's the link




I know this isn't just for swtor, but at least it explains some of the reasons for lack of content...

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I was very curious about why swtor has started to lack in content as a game and i decided to go to BioWare's website and found out there are 32 job openings, most of which are essential to swtor.


Here's the link




I know this isn't just for swtor, but at least it explains some of the reasons for lack of content...


Lack of content? KOFTE was just released a few weeks ago...that doesn't explain anything they do have personal.

Edited by psikofunkster
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Lack of content? KOFTE was just released a few weeks ago...that doesn't explain anything they do have personal.



>New Content


Pick one.


Most of KotFE is based on doing stuff already in the game. Besides a linear story that lasts 6 hours max content and a basic KDY solo FP everything else is the same. Now you just grind old Heroocs for crates and more influence on comps that now have 250k vs 10k Max Plus that was released in October. Now look at any other MMO Expac and say this is sufficient content with a straight face. :)

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>New Content


Pick one.


Most of KotFE is based on doing stuff already in the game. Besides a linear story that lasts 6 hours max content and a basic KDY solo FP everything else is the same. Now you just grind old Heroocs for crates and more influence on comps that now have 250k vs 10k Max Plus that was released in October. Now look at any other MMO Expac and say this is sufficient content with a straight face. :)


KOFTE = New Content


All those cinematics, all those new chapters weren't created in 6 hours you know, at least developers expended half 2015 doing that. That's my point.


Yes its a pretty easy fast burn content, tedious and boring.... still is new content.


Now i want to especulate too, my guess is those experienced endgame developers were moved to a different project (with more priority and importance), those new post jobs, are for people who are gonna keep the game in permanent maintenance mode....yes, they are gonna release new chapters, a new warzone here and there, fp maybe but that's all, their best staff is not working on this anymore, again just my guess... As Musco confirmed they don't have future plans for new operations.


Zorz guild knew that and just moved on.....

Edited by psikofunkster
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Bioware needs to stop wasting money on making bad looking gear and content and spend time on true endgame and new warzones.


And that is not going to happen any time soon. So what are you going to do about it? Keep on making stupid threads on an Internet forum or go get a life?

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And that is not going to happen any time soon. So what are you going to do about it? Keep on making stupid threads on an Internet forum or go get a life?


Asks the pot responding to the kettle's "stupid" thread on an Internet forum.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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I was very curious about why swtor has started to lack in content as a game and i decided to go to BioWare's website and found out there are 32 job openings, most of which are essential to swtor.


Here's the link




I know this isn't just for swtor, but at least it explains some of the reasons for lack of content...


Because they let go old devs who now started making their own MMO leaded by Dallas Dickinson.



Bunch of devs went with him and this created big hole in Bioware Austin dev team (SWTOR).

But that wasnt the end. Few more key postion team members left (end of 2015) team like Jesse Sky.

Edited by Divona
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I was very curious about why swtor has started to lack in content as a game and i decided to go to BioWare's website and found out there are 32 job openings, most of which are essential to swtor.


Here's the link




I know this isn't just for swtor, but at least it explains some of the reasons for lack of content...


There are only 9 job openings for BioWare Austin, the studio that develops this game. Only 2 of them are non contract positions. This is industry standard. Software engineering is contract based.


Move along.

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There are only 9 job openings for BioWare Austin, the studio that develops this game. Only 2 of them are non contract positions. This is industry standard. Software engineering is contract based.


Move along.


Yup exactly, Minor thing and coincidence that 4.0 was story based game update and no big updates for 2016.

It is a standard in this industry when pretty much whole game developer team leaves same time who have been here since Dragon age.


Move along.

Edited by Divona
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And that is not going to happen any time soon. So what are you going to do about it? Keep on making stupid threads on an Internet forum or go get a life?


Oh man, you got me good. I post a thread that took 2 minutes to write and you're telling me to get a life. You must be twelve. Also, 8 hours of content maximum after waiting a year is not much content at all.

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Lack of content? KOFTE was just released a few weeks ago...that doesn't explain anything they do have personal.

2-1/2 months ago isn't "a few weeks ago" lol. It was 5 hours of story content, that's it. Some great QoL changes, but nothing long lasting.


I think this is a GREAT sign for us!!! The less people they have who had been there, the better off we are. The more NEW people they hire, the better off we'll be.

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It looks like they scared off/laid off/fired too many people and someone important has finally figured it out.

Or they're gearing up for their Next Big Thing.

At this point I wouldn't mind if they shut down the game, and I hate to say that.

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At this point I wouldn't mind if they shut down the game, and I hate to say that.



It is time for you to move on, sir. You are experiencing something called "burnout." As are apparently most of you.


I WOULD mind if they shut the game down. I and many others are still enjoying this game.

I think a lot of you read more into what is said off hand at a cantina or a taken out of context quote that might or

might not contradict earlier or later news/quotes and feed off of it. And you come here and try to find like minded individuals that share your opinion and you feed off of each others negativity.


Take a break from the game. Take a break especially from these forums. I visit here once in a blue moon now and I enjoy the game much better for it when I don't see daily "I BURNED THROUGH KOTFE, GOT MY COMPANIONS TO LEVEL 50 INFLUENCE EACH IN 10 HOURS NOW WHAT?" posts.


And if taking a break from these forums doesn't help you enjoy the game better, then it's time to find a new game. I suspect many of the people that post here are power users that spend more time in SWTOR a day than I do in a week, and it's just pain that causes them to lash out here instead of anything constructive.

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It is time for you to move on, sir. You are experiencing something called "burnout." As are apparently most of you.


I WOULD mind if they shut the game down. I and many others are still enjoying this game.

I think a lot of you read more into what is said off hand at a cantina or a taken out of context quote that might or

might not contradict earlier or later news/quotes and feed off of it. And you come here and try to find like minded individuals that share your opinion and you feed off of each others negativity.


Take a break from the game. Take a break especially from these forums. I visit here once in a blue moon now and I enjoy the game much better for it when I don't see daily "I BURNED THROUGH KOTFE, GOT MY COMPANIONS TO LEVEL 50 INFLUENCE EACH IN 10 HOURS NOW WHAT?" posts.


And if taking a break from these forums doesn't help you enjoy the game better, then it's time to find a new game. I suspect many of the people that post here are power users that spend more time in SWTOR a day than I do in a week, and it's just pain that causes them to lash out here instead of anything constructive.

Trust me, the moment I get HK-55 back I'm off. I won't even be able to talk on the forums when my sub runs out.


I'm not burned out because of playing too much. If anything I want to enjoy the game as much as possible. But it's the state the game is in now (broken companion stories for example) and the lack of communication that's bothering me: that's what's got me burned out.

Edited by Swedguy
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Funny.. I counted at least 12 of those positions "Could" be for Austin staff (SWTOR) and at least 3-4 anywhere really.


Based on the pictures count of "Meet..." I'd say that is a pretty HUGE chunk of staff if that number of folks is correctly even updated.


Clearly they have a shortage of talent and folks are bailing for bigger and better things. Wouldn't you? The ship is sinking and nobody is showing up to help bail them out. In the IT world word of mouth is very dangerous. I was reading the EA Wife post about her hubby that worked for EA and can totally agree (Word of mouth) that EA is toxic to work for at this point if you want to have a life. Not sure how that ties back into BW, but I would suspect they are treated worse than EA employees since they are the red headed step child of EA.


Just my two creds... take it or leave it. I don't really care if you disagree. LOL

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Based on the pictures count of "Meet..." I'd say that is a pretty HUGE chunk of staff if that number of folks is correctly even updated.

Based on the "Meet..." pictures, James is the ONLY employee in Austin lol.

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