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Anybody gonna try out Black Desert, blade and soul, or another MMO?


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Hmm good idea to check that out. I played Rift long time ago. Did raids there and it was insane hard as tank :)


Completely forgot about Rift. Played it at launch, even got a couple of those "Facepull has found the first [insert blue/purple item here] on the server!" messages. I lost interest at 50 when you could play with two fingers if you had the proper macros. Might check it out again. Hope my Templar is still there.


I've gone over to Wildstar and I'm having a lot of fun there. I'm digging the art style, the humor and the '50s sci-fi drive-in movie cinematics on some of the missions. Plus, I've actually died a couple of times while leveling! The horror!

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Completely forgot about Rift. Played it at launch, even got a couple of those "Facepull has found the first [insert blue/purple item here] on the server!" messages. I lost interest at 50 when you could play with two fingers if you had the proper macros. Might check it out again. Hope my Templar is still there.


I've gone over to Wildstar and I'm having a lot of fun there. I'm digging the art style, the humor and the '50s sci-fi drive-in movie cinematics on some of the missions. Plus, I've actually died a couple of times while leveling! The horror!


The devs actually care in that game but theres been a long stalemate on more endgame content, but the stuff they do have is very unique from what I've seen, hope ya enjoy it.

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I'll try Black Desert and Everquest next (if it ever comes out) but other than that nothing new on the horizon really interests me. So in the meantime I have my account here (I can't leave ... all my "friends" and "fans" would miss me) and I have a pretty hooked up free to play account over at Dcuo. Mmorpg's as a genre are dead. I just hope Bioware manages to pull it's head out of it's fourth point of contact soon. Edited by Skaara
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I heard Black Desert was pretty okay, but the Asian developer's view kind has me skeptical, but when is the exact launch date?


P.S. This video makes me think it will tank here


Thanks a lot for this video review!

It was very interesting and helpful. I'm still not sure if I should go back to Final Fantasy XIV (kinda bored of the constant vertical grind and too used to the whole franchise I think =/)


Or maybe give a good fair try for Guild Wars 2 (which I find much more graphically and design-wise appealing) but I'm not sure I'm gonna enjoy the 10 skills per class (+5 per weapon on swap) in a no tank/healer/dps trinity... It seems the world vs world battles and regular 'battlegrounds' are quite a mess. And pve wise... Took them 3 years to add a raid (and a Taunt skill) so not sure how it will be on my enjoyment scale. Also, if all the good looking armors are cash shop only like here it's gonna be a pain to get something decent :rak_01:


Maybe I'll give The Secret World a try... Hum :confused:


I do have Blade and Soul, Devilian, Black Desert Online on watch, along The Repopulation. So we shall see ^_^


I ordered my i5 6600K 3.5 GHz quadcore with a GeForce 980 ti 6GB DDR5 & 2x4 GB DDR4 + SSD 250 GB with Windows 7 x64. Can't wait to go back to my most demanding games (GTA V, Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Divinity Original Sin, Guild Wars 2) and be able to max them on Ultra at 100+ fps :D


That's why I keep an eye on Black Desert Online cause it looks incredible and I shouldn't have issues to run it soon =)

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Thanks a lot for this video review!

It was very interesting and helpful. I'm still not sure if I should go back to Final Fantasy XIV (kinda bored of the constant vertical grind and too used to the whole franchise I think =/)


Or maybe give a good fair try for Guild Wars 2 (which I find much more graphically and design-wise appealing) but I'm not sure I'm gonna enjoy the 10 skills per class (+5 per weapon on swap) in a no tank/healer/dps trinity... It seems the world vs world battles and regular 'battlegrounds' are quite a mess. And pve wise... Took them 3 years to add a raid (and a Taunt skill) so not sure how it will be on my enjoyment scale. Also, if all the good looking armors are cash shop only like here it's gonna be a pain to get something decent :rak_01:


Maybe I'll give The Secret World a try... Hum :confused:


I do have Blade and Soul, Devilian, Black Desert Online on watch, along The Repopulation. So we shall see ^_^


I ordered my i5 6600K 3.5 GHz quadcore with a GeForce 980 ti 6GB DDR5 & 2x4 GB DDR4 + SSD 250 GB with Windows 7 x64. Can't wait to go back to my most demanding games (GTA V, Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Divinity Original Sin, Guild Wars 2) and be able to max them on Ultra at 100+ fps :D


That's why I keep an eye on Black Desert Online cause it looks incredible and I shouldn't have issues to run it soon =)


Lol I dont think the video review was very accurate since it was such an old old alpha build. Also don't plan on running Witcher 3, or GTA V @ 100 fps, I have a i7 4790k 4.0ghz and 980 ti SC, 1 TB SSD 850 EV0.. saying that... I do play on 1440p resolution on a native 1440p monitor, i just don't understand people that would buy a 980 ti to play @ 1080p when a 970 can do that just fine :)

Edited by SaerethDL
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I will try Black Desert. I read the pvp in Black Desert is good and female models are good proportions. As for BnS, I have a BnS account on the Japanese servers that I played many months ago. I have no interest in playing a North American version of Blade and Soul. What I don't like in BnS are the female models, except the Lyns. The female models in BnS are too exaggerated and I can't stomach how they look. I prefer the female models in Black Desert or Tera. Lastly, I hated the questing in BnS. It felt a lot like swtor questing, but I didn't care about the story so skipped it all. BnS doesn't have the magical feeling and familiarity I found in swtor. That is why I won't bother with BnS.


I only plan to play BD if the pvp is better than in swtor. However, I read that BD has very little if no PvE. I also been thinking of returning to Tera, but from reading the forums it seems the pvp died in that game. New content in Tera consist of releasing one or two dungeons with reusing old boss and mob models. Lastly, it appears Tera will no longer release any raids or operation size content, which makes the content in my eyes meaningless. I never considered 5 man dungeons to real content, especially in game where the story don't matter. At least in swtor, the dungeons or flash points have story to them and wicked voice over acting. In short, it's unlikely I will play BnS or return to Tera. I'm looking forward to Black Desert, fighting other players in Bikinis XD.


I was looking forward to BDO, but then this article came out: http://black-desert.com/articles/the-naked-truth-about-black-desert-onlines-current-state-of-affairs-open-beta/


It's probably best to reign in any enthusiasm at this point, at least that way you won't be disappointed. But if everything they were suggesting that would happen to PvP does happen? PvP will be absolutely dead because no one is going to want to grind off the karma penalty.

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I will try Black Desert. I read the pvp in Black Desert is good and female models are good proportions.

I only plan to play BD if the pvp is better than in swtor. However, I read that BD has very little if no PvE..


Yeah female (and male) models are really great, lots of details, and you can customize EVERYTHING :eek: :eek: :eek:

As you can see here:


It seems like that game is really graphically awesome and the combat seems to be delivering too. Apparently you *can* level up just doing 'quests' (which are just "go kill 50 boars" most of the time though :D ) ... So we shall see.


But yeah, it seems there is VERY LITTLE IF NOT NOTHING AT ALL in the PvE department ... :eek: :eek:


I took a look at Skyforge which I also had on my radar and... While it's looking nice and also has lots of customization for your character creation .... It's heavily instanced and HEAVILY GRINDY lol. You pretty much just grind dungeons 24/7 until you cap your thingie per week (spark? Forgot the name of the currency used) which is used to progress on the giant skill tree / sphere grid to grind classes and get new ones, improve the ones you already have access to etc...


So yeah, two of the games I had on following seem to be having limitations and irks (imo) right off the start :( :( :(

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Still no spiritual successors to SWG that are being done by large accomplished dev teams on the horizon. A sandbox where playing in the world was your end game and you could choose what that was whether RP, PVP, Crafting, Decorating, City Building, or PVE ( granted no raids but still was some challenge )


SWG as it was when it closed with a better ground combat engine would have been awesome. Star Citizen will likely be my next MMO. Was excited for EQ-Next but the dirth of information there has lowered expectations quite a bit.

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Still no spiritual successors to SWG that are being done by large accomplished dev teams on the horizon. A sandbox where playing in the world was your end game and you could choose what that was whether RP, PVP, Crafting, Decorating, City Building, or PVE ( granted no raids but still was some challenge )


SWG as it was when it closed with a better ground combat engine would have been awesome. Star Citizen will likely be my next MMO. Was excited for EQ-Next but the dirth of information there has lowered expectations quite a bit.


Not sure if you heard about it/checked it out already, but there is "The Repopulation" which is in the works (using the real Hero Engine, not an incomplete failure tweaked by BioWare Austin :D ) which a lot of people talk about (great crafting system and open world sandbox).


Having never played SWG (or SWGEmu (yet)) I can't comment on the similarities or differences though. ;)

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I was looking forward to BDO, but then this article came out: http://black-desert.com/articles/the-naked-truth-about-black-desert-onlines-current-state-of-affairs-open-beta/


It's probably best to reign in any enthusiasm at this point, at least that way you won't be disappointed. But if everything they were suggesting that would happen to PvP does happen? PvP will be absolutely dead because no one is going to want to grind off the karma penalty.


While the implementation in that article is pretty harsh (over the top harsh) I like the idea of the karma system. If they only plan one server for everyone and wPvP is a possibility, there has to be a penalty for being a dick. Some people will absolutely love being that dick, regardless of penalty.


I will keep an eye on that one. Looks interesting enough right now.

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got final fantasy few days ago thanks to humble bundle.. so far? not impressed.


I mean... its pretty but... is there any voice acting at all or is it just narrator and nothing else? so far, I'm just seeing text and extremely repetitive music. it also starts really REALLLY slow :/ graphics are very pretty, but character creation for all the options is actualy more limited than swtor :/ will give it a few more hours but at this point.. looks like I'll be mostly focusing on single player games .

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THANK YOU! Nabbed this bundle right away. Keep forgetting to check that every so often.


you're welcome? :p you know you could just subscribe to their newsletter :p you can specify main page bundles only in settings if you are not interested in their other stuff.

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got final fantasy few days ago thanks to humble bundle.. so far? not impressed.


I mean... its pretty but... is there any voice acting at all or is it just narrator and nothing else? so far, I'm just seeing text and extremely repetitive music. it also starts really REALLLY slow :/ graphics are very pretty, but character creation for all the options is actualy more limited than swtor :/ will give it a few more hours but at this point.. looks like I'll be mostly focusing on single player games .


There is some voice-acted cutscenes, but nothing for your character specifically. The music, I have to disagree with, each area, each boss fight, each dungeon, each raid and trial, all have their own music, and FFXIV, in my opinion, has probably one of the best soundtracks for a game to date (despite WoW's large music library, it just doesn't feel as great as FFXIV's). If you want a better example, find the FFXIV OST list on youtube, that was compiled by Mekkah Dee. He did a fantastic job of getting the music captured and even put some gameplay into it to see what it's attached to.


The character creation I can partially agree with, though I think there's a little more customization in FFXIV than here.


The story isn't quite what I'd hoped for from a Final Fantasy game, but it's not horrible either, in comparison to others, but SWTOR definitely has FFXIV beat hands down when it comes to story telling. The housing in FFXIV is horrible though, if you're a new player getting in, it's impossible for you to get player housing, because the land plots have all been bought up, and they don't release land plots from players that quit the game.


FFXIV's minigames I think are better than SWTOR's, but SWTOR's PVP is by far better than FFXIV's.

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It's to try and fool us casuals so we buy the game or spend money on it in some way, play a month or two and realize that it's just another game that only cares about pvp:ers, and/or raiders. Then the raiders and pvp:ers complain that people are leaving and the servers are empty...


They should remove all pve content that is not raids and let people level up by pvp and raids only. At least this way both groups won't have to deal with casuals like myself and we won't have to deal with these groups.


Blade and Soul's PvP is more about 1 on 1, which usually people don't mind and it's open world PvP is based on wearing a specific outfit that says you're flagged for pvp (so you won't even accidently trigger open world pvp like you can in TOR).


It's also not bad for the RPers, much like people can RP in TOR and avoid the raids and pvp if they want.

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I've been looking at EVE. So thinking of giving that a try.


It's a great game. However, it has a super high learning curve in it. If you have a friend that's playing it all the time, see if they can hook you up with a free 30 day trial account. Then work with them to learn the game properly. That's how I did it. Had I not, I'd not lasted a week in the game. Too much information to absorb at one time! LOL

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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  • 3 months later...

Stopped playing SWTOR this month, just can't stomach it any longer.


When you PvP / PvE in other MMO's the lag / engine issues SWTOR has screem at you. All those times you raged were actually due to a piss poor game engine that simply cannot cope with the demands put upon it.


Re a BDO style SWTOR successor, this IMO would be an absolute win, for the community, for the licence, for Star Wars fans. The game is leaps and bounds superior to SWTOR's Tab Target combat and horrific engine issues. SWTOR IS on borrowed time, and the sooner they pull the plug and offer the community a better product the better.


Now, when I say a better product, I'm talking purely about the game in terms of design and implementation, the story driven content of SWTOR is second to non... But it's not enough.

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I played BDO and there is a lot I like about it, but it just wants too much of my time and money. I probably could hang with the money part but the time part is just annoying. I actually like SWTOR because I can pretty much do what I want to do rather than have to do much grinding. Here the problem is getting enough of what I would want to do
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