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Koth Hatred


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One thing I've noticed in the forums is an unusual amoun of hate for this guy. So I'm doing a run taking every option that Koth hates. Just to see how much bioware will let this guy hate me back.


Updates to come, I hope it's worth it


Koth's crew would have been replaced by Imperials immediately. I would have taken this Ship to Sith controlled territory and reprogrammed the Agent droid. This notion I would even bother with these people having the power of the Emperor and a ship capable of besting the Enternal Fleet is a joke. They'd be given compensation. They could serve, but the Sith would never let Koth remain in control of that ship. I certainly wouldn't let a new republic Admiral near it.

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That's kinda irrelevant, though. The existence of the empire, or the emperor, isn't the thing. The issue is the only one who knows Vitiate and Valkorion are the same person-- also happens to be the same one who claims to hear voices in their head.


Outlander: Hey, Koth I know I'm the one who killed your beloved emperor, but it's okay because he was secretly the embodiment of evil and darkness, and now he's living in my head and wants to help us depose his son. ^_^


Koth: O_o;


I'm curious how they'll handle Koth in future chapters now that the alliance is taking hold, though. He seems to have the most potential for an actual character arc.


Also, I think Koth only deserted after Valk died and Arcaan took over, but I might be remembering that wrong.


But koth believe you! At some point he even ask if he can Talk to Valkorian . So he believe Valk is in you ? but don't believe that he is evil and did horrible thing?


Honestly , considering in 9 chapters they gave him a basic 'I'm a fanboy of Valk and watever you say doesn't matter! I still Love Valk , and you'll see !! in the end he is our great Savior!' instead of a guy who in 9 chapters couldve voiced doubt , enquired some more and such . I mean even Senya seemed to have made enquirie about jedi ...and he didn't . But expect you to save Zaakul.....then walk on my Smoochie with no reasons beside being a perv ...:p

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Players should have had the ability to exile, kill, or reject Koth.


"My ship!" - Koth

*pc stabs his chest with a lightsaber*


"I speak their language" - Koth

*pc force chokes him*


*Koth betrays everyone's trust*

*pc cuts his head off with a lightsaber*


"He did right by Zakuul" ~ Koth

*pc places a long distance holo-call to the past*

*Ebon Hawke arrives to the scene*

*ship's ramp opens to the ground*

*Carth Onasi strolls out of the ship*

*Carth walks over to Koth and shoots him*


"They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity." - Carth Onasi, Knights of the Old Republic

Edited by Linyivee
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That's kinda irrelevant, though. The existence of the empire, or the emperor, isn't the thing. The issue is the only one who knows Vitiate and Valkorion are the same person-- also happens to be the same one who claims to hear voices in their head.


Outlander: Hey, Koth I know I'm the one who killed your beloved emperor, but it's okay because he was secretly the embodiment of evil and darkness, and now he's living in my head and wants to help us depose his son. ^_^


Koth: O_o;


I'm curious how they'll handle Koth in future chapters now that the alliance is taking hold, though. He seems to have the most potential for an actual character arc.


Also, I think Koth only deserted after Valk died and Arcaan took over, but I might be remembering that wrong.


No, you're remembering that part right. He does, however, believe you about Valkorion being in your head. The part he rejects is that Valkorion is really Vitiate and Vitiate brought war to the galaxy and then devoured a planet. I still think that's a reasonable place to draw the line.


He never saw the side of Valkorion we do. If you use Valkorion's power in the fight with Arcann and have higher affection with Koth than Lana (I think that's what decides who you see in that cutscene, could be wrong) his reaction speaks volumes - he's shocked and horrified and has never seen that kind of power before. Valkorion ruled Zakuul through peace and manipulation, and presumably didn't go waving his power around, sucking the life out of innocent bystanders.


I still like him less than I did my first run-through. But I don't think his stubborn disbelief is unreasonable.

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But one question: So people hate Koth, but like the Imperial PCs and NPCs who praise and express great pride in their racist, militaristic, genocidal regime?

Obviously it's ok to support and even be part of a government that commits mass murder and slavery as long as your name is Darth Marr. :)

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I liked him till he said The Gravestone was HIS ship. I'm like excuse me? I know we only just met a few hours ago, but did Lana at least inform you I am Darth Nox a member of the Dark Council and what that means? Did she also inform you Sith Lords don't take too kindly to insubordination? Did she also inform you I can kill you without so much as lifting a finger?


Sorry but if I ever get the option to kill him off he is a dead man. Preferably decapitation by lightsaber.

Edited by Lord_IntarMedris
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I personally think that he is a well-written character. In fact to me his attitude highlights the difference between Zakuul and the two factions; Zakuulan people in general seem to think that Valkorion is okay, and to be fair they have not given any proof to believe otherwise. Koth is by far the loudest when it comes to the defense of Valkorion, but you don't see Senya agreeing with Lana that they need to get rid of Valkorion either. She even asked if she could talk to Valkorion, didn't she? Seems to me like reverence to Valkorion is just a Zakuulan thing.


Koth is a decent guy, maybe a bit too overzealous and overeager but his heart is in the right place. Most of my toons would keep him alive.

Edited by iusCogens
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Can repeat it here as well as my way of apology to Koth :) I am not his hater, more like "disliker" (can not accept an obvious rogue as a military man) but I found out one really positive thing about him - his romance with a trooper (fem-trooper in my case) feels as the most natural fluent and appropriate in every way thing in the game. Really liked it.
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I never really hated Koth when I brought my Sith Warrior through, but at the end of the chapter when you ask to talk to one of three alone, either through romance or other means, he storms off like a child. So I guess he hates me, and he's moved into my top 5 to kill list, with Quinn, Lokin, Vowrawn, and Scourge. I'm not expecting to be able to kill Vowrawn but the others I should have the option to kill, especially Quinn and Lokin.
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I'm not expecting to be able to kill Vowrawn.


It would be extremely hard to do since all the Dark Council Members except Darth Acina or the sith inquisitor, if you're playing that class are dead. It's from one of the updates on state of the empire while looking for supplies on Zakuul with Lana on the imp side.

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It would be extremely hard to do since all the Dark Council Members except Darth Acina or the sith inquisitor, if you're playing that class are dead. It's from one of the updates on state of the empire while looking for supplies on Zakuul with Lana on the imp side.


I thought it mentioned they were dead or gone into hiding? I know in chapter 2 when you're in the dream world you see Vowrawn kneeling to Arcann with that republic twi'lek.


Vowrawn is a slippery little weasel though, unless I see his body on the end of my lightsaber, I won't know for sure he's dead.

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