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QQfest on Sentinels - Truth or L2P?


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Its not a L2P issue. However, the class itself isn't complete garbage. It can only be considered garbage when you compare it to all of the other classes. As of this moment sentinels/marauder are the worst class in the game.


I am a level 50 sentinel with 4/5 pieces of the T2 PVP armor. Even though I have pretty good gear I am still getting out dpsed by tanks and healers. At the end of a warzone I will have about 100-125k damage while the other can have upwards of 250k damage.


I must admit though that Sentinels are prob the best 1v1 class. I rarely lose 1v1 and I always beat healers 1v1. Sometimes I am even able to handle 2v1. Now some of you guys might think that "WOW 2v1, HOW IS THAT CLASS GARBAGE!?" well ill tell you. The only way I can win 2v1 is if i pop all of my cooldowns. I need to use 4 Cooldowns that are 45 seconds or longer in order to be able to become good. Which entails the problem with the class. You also have to consider in these 2v1 situations im most likely not facing 2 level 50 opponents.


SENTINELS NEED THEIR COOLDOWNSs in order to be efficient while other classes can blast you away without using theirs. At the moment without those cooldowns sentinels are just too damn squishy.


Now, I wouldn't have a problem with being too squishy if not for the fact that I am constantly being out damaged by hybrid classes.


Another problem I noticed is that every other classes 360 aoe damage has some sort of CC with it. The sentinels force sweep does in fact stun mobs, however it does not stun players which makes it absolute trash. Other classes AOE knocks players back. OH! but wait not only does it knock you back but it also slows you and for others roots you in place. While sentinels does nothing but deal damage....


Either way the Sentinel/Marauder class needs some sort of buff.


its an L2P issue, this guy hasn't done that yet

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It's definately L2P, you say that you have 4/5 of T2 PVP armor. Well I don't have any pieces

of PVP armor and I'm always topping the DMG done by 200-300k aswell the kills and sometimes even the healing done.


No, this isn't a L2P issue at all. I can play my Sent just fine, wreck in PVP, fully keybinded, and have no problems 1v1 or 2v1 even. The problem is that the class is weak, very weak. It's not burst damage as it is suppose to be on any spec. It's not the best damage dealer either.


People will continue to deny this because it was nerfed during Beta testing. People complained so much and they nerfed the class. I understand this but when you do this it completely screws over the class. This happened to Assassins on Aion where they would wreck everything because the ability to stun lock targets to death (This games stuns are a joke.) They nerfed the class 6 months after release to where they are just squishy decent dps. That is what has happened here with this game, and its ridiculous.


It will become the one of the most underplayed classes in the game while people will either reroll ranged or healing type classes because of how OP they can be. That's if they can still stand to play the game because being Sent we are able to see how horrible the PVP is do to the bad sync of the system. We depend on so much and when we can't trust what the system is telling us we are screwed.


Also no healing class should be able to keep up the damage of straight DPS while still being able to heal, this should set off a lot of flags for people but no they would rather just play the ease mode OP class.

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Also no healing class should be able to keep up the damage of straight DPS while still being able to heal, this should set off a lot of flags for people but no they would rather just play the ease mode OP class.


Learn to KICK!

Learn to Force Stasis while your DOTs are up!

Then KICK again!


Seriously, I don't understand while people complain so much... this is so obvious L2P issue.

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Its not a L2P issue. However, the class itself isn't complete garbage. It can only be considered garbage when you compare it to all of the other classes. As of this moment sentinels/marauder are the worst class in the game.


I am a level 50 sentinel with 4/5 pieces of the T2 PVP armor. Even though I have pretty good gear I am still getting out dpsed by tanks and healers. At the end of a warzone I will have about 100-125k damage while the other can have upwards of 250k damage.


I must admit though that Sentinels are prob the best 1v1 class. I rarely lose 1v1 and I always beat healers 1v1. Sometimes I am even able to handle 2v1. Now some of you guys might think that "WOW 2v1, HOW IS THAT CLASS GARBAGE!?" well ill tell you. The only way I can win 2v1 is if i pop all of my cooldowns. I need to use 4 Cooldowns that are 45 seconds or longer in order to be able to become good. Which entails the problem with the class. You also have to consider in these 2v1 situations im most likely not facing 2 level 50 opponents.


SENTINELS NEED THEIR COOLDOWNSs in order to be efficient while other classes can blast you away without using theirs. At the moment without those cooldowns sentinels are just too damn squishy.


Now, I wouldn't have a problem with being too squishy if not for the fact that I am constantly being out damaged by hybrid classes.


Another problem I noticed is that every other classes 360 aoe damage has some sort of CC with it. The sentinels force sweep does in fact stun mobs, however it does not stun players which makes it absolute trash. Other classes AOE knocks players back. OH! but wait not only does it knock you back but it also slows you and for others roots you in place. While sentinels does nothing but deal damage....


Either way the Sentinel/Marauder class needs some sort of buff.


I'm a capped sith warrior, and I have to say this s probably the most honest assessment I've seen on the class. I often see the warrior/knights hovering down at the very low end of the wz stats.


Get rolling against some equal level, decent geard players and you'll be waving the white flag once the honeymoon of things wears off. We are in no way on par with really anything except our mirrors.

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Learn to KICK!

Learn to Force Stasis while your DOTs are up!

Then KICK again!


Seriously, I don't understand while people complain so much... this is so obvious L2P issue.


Lol you will be changing your tune in the future unless you are running with a skilled capped premades and piggy backing off their strength.


Its unfortunate reality of the state of the class currently. I'm not sure how much the synching bug is affecting our effiecany but with everything as it is .... We are crap

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I'm a capped sith warrior, and I have to say this s probably the most honest assessment I've seen on the class. I often see the warrior/knights hovering down at the very low end of the wz stats.


Get rolling against some equal level, decent geard players and you'll be waving the white flag once the honeymoon of things wears off. We are in no way on par with really anything except our mirrors.


funny because i crush everything on my sentinel... Marauders are easy mode seeing how most of them are bad players. The class is not bad the skill of the playerbase is just terrible after wow took skill out of MMOs.

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funny because i crush everything on my sentinel... Marauders are easy mode seeing how most of them are bad players. The class is not bad the skill of the playerbase is just terrible after wow took skill out of MMOs.


What this guy said.

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funny because i crush everything on my sentinel... Marauders are easy mode seeing how most of them are bad players. The class is not bad the skill of the playerbase is just terrible after wow took skill out of MMOs.


Define smoking everything, I smoked the pve run to 50. Did fantastic when everyone was in leveling mode pvp along the way.


I breezed through my storyline and helped some guild mates in difficult quests.


Compared to the leveling content we are strong and can chew through it. Now that there are more 50s in pvp things are changing. Classes putting up 350k or more damage in a wz.


Honestly, it's not a bad class, it's got some really cool things going for it, but it's laughable compared to the other classes out there currently.

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Define smoking everything, I smoked the pve run to 50. Did fantastic when everyone was in leveling mode pvp along the way.


I breezed through my storyline and helped some guild mates in difficult quests.


Compared to the leveling content we are strong and can chew through it. Now that there are more 50s in pvp things are changing. Classes putting up 350k or more damage in a wz.


Honestly, it's not a bad class, it's got some really cool things going for it, but it's laughable compared to the other classes out there currently.


see your problem is you are looking at warzone damage most of the time the top damagers are the worst people in a WZ because they care about damage not winning the WZ... the WZs have objectives its not who kills who more.


The devs said many times World PvP is what they really care about not warzones.

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The devs said many times World PvP is what they really care about not warzones.

Where, when? And what world pvp as it is now there really is none.


To other posters, I consistently break 300k dmg on my Sent if the WZ goes on long enough. Problem is not with the class.

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Haven't played a gunslinger to the level you have so I'll defer to you on this one - you say you have five bars filled, and yes, every class has a lot of buttons - my question to you is in a given fight against a normal pack of trash mobs, how many of them do you use? How many do you NEED?


My point being the sent not only has a bajillion buttons, to survive a given fight they have to make use of the vast majority of them.




Yeah I noticed that in the Valdis thread as well. I guess it's a paradigm shift for a lot of players where they have to not only concentrate on what they're doing but also be worried about the opponent. I think maybe enough people didn't grow up on Street Fighter.


You are correct in that the gunslinger's moves are more situational. I was just using the amount of buttons as a reference point to show that both classes have an overwhelming amount of moves over other classes. The main annoyance for a sentinel class of having so many moves is that on top of pushing abilities, you have to constantly move around as well as use long cooldown moves regularly.


Whereas on my gunslinger, I'm in a cozy foxhole dishing out enormous damage. I can move my hands a bit more freely when I don't have to think about moving. Of course when I do have to move, I have to act quickly as the cover mechanic can be buggy and slow.


I do use the majority of my abilities often as a gunslinger. However, I use a handful for single target PVE, a different set for group pull solo PVE, elite PVEs, group PVE, PVP, etc.... I wish there was a UI function to have all action bars preset to a PVE solo, PVE group, PVP set, etc... But because there's no function for that, I have to have all the abilities somewhere on my screen. For example, I rarely use "hunker down" in PVE, but it is a necessity in PVP to avoid being forced out of cover.


I do think something needs to be done with the Sentinel class. Yes, you can play a Sentinel and be successful. However, on all the other class forums, people don't just say "this class is fine; L2P" (some do, but they always do that). The other classes are much EASIER to learn to play. They flow easier when leveling up, and experienced MMO players can figure out a good rotation without looking on forums and websites. Sentinel seems to have a large amount of players who have a tougher time learning to play the class. There is much less room for error when playing as sentinel. If you miss a defensive cooldown, that might be life or death. Rarely is this the case with other classes.


I figured out a good gunslinger rotation pretty quickly on my own. I later checked the forums and found out it was very close to what was stickied to the top (minus a few moves I hadn't learned at the time). Sentinel is not like that at all. Some moves you might think do very well, aren't a high priority to use. So I'll go ahead and thank the few posters who instead of say "L2P" actually taught us how to play the class.

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Its not a L2P issue. However, the class itself isn't complete garbage. It can only be considered garbage when you compare it to all of the other classes. As of this moment sentinels/marauder are the worst class in the game.


I am a level 50 sentinel with 4/5 pieces of the T2 PVP armor. Even though I have pretty good gear I am still getting out dpsed by tanks and healers. At the end of a warzone I will have about 100-125k damage while the other can have upwards of 250k damage.


I must admit though that Sentinels are prob the best 1v1 class. I rarely lose 1v1 and I always beat healers 1v1. Sometimes I am even able to handle 2v1. Now some of you guys might think that "WOW 2v1, HOW IS THAT CLASS GARBAGE!?" well ill tell you. The only way I can win 2v1 is if i pop all of my cooldowns. I need to use 4 Cooldowns that are 45 seconds or longer in order to be able to become good. Which entails the problem with the class. You also have to consider in these 2v1 situations im most likely not facing 2 level 50 opponents.


SENTINELS NEED THEIR COOLDOWNSs in order to be efficient while other classes can blast you away without using theirs. At the moment without those cooldowns sentinels are just too damn squishy.


Now, I wouldn't have a problem with being too squishy if not for the fact that I am constantly being out damaged by hybrid classes.


Another problem I noticed is that every other classes 360 aoe damage has some sort of CC with it. The sentinels force sweep does in fact stun mobs, however it does not stun players which makes it absolute trash. Other classes AOE knocks players back. OH! but wait not only does it knock you back but it also slows you and for others roots you in place. While sentinels does nothing but deal damage....


Either way the Sentinel/Marauder class needs some sort of buff.


I think you just proved it's a L2P issue.


How is it at level 50 with PvP gear you're getting 125k damage at the end of warzone whereas in the pre 20 levels I was getting near to 200k damage each warzone. (Haven't done any warzones since level 16 because my level is ahead of content.)

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I am mindblown by people on this forums, saying they have level 50's with T2 sets that barely breaks over 125 000 damage ......




Look at this image, i was level 14 there. Barely had any abilities to do proper damage, i had no shoes, no proper gear at all. Think the gear was from the skin raiders from Tython. Yet i did over 180dmg with no healing on me. The guy above me was level 40 btw. My record was as level 18 i think, where i did over 240 000 damage. Ive played almost every class in this game, no class can compare to the Sentinel. They are extremely fast in doing tons of damage.


My shadow does some really nice burst dps but my Sentinel never stops, he builds so many focus points all the time that my damage is never ending. My shadow runs out of force power after 4-5 attacks, if the target is not dead, well then im surely dead.

Edited by Avean
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I am mindblown by people on this forums, saying they have level 50's with T2 sets that barely breaks over 125 000 damage ......




Look at this image, i was level 14 there. Barely had any abilities to do proper damage, i had no shoes, no proper gear at all. Think the gear was from the skin raiders from Tython. Yet i did over 180dmg with no healing on me. The guy above me was level 40 btw. My record was as level 18 i think, where i did over 240 000 damage. Ive played almost every class in this game, no class can compare to the Sentinel. They are extremely fast in doing tons of damage.


My shadow does some really nice burst dps but my Sentinel never stops, he builds so many focus points all the time that my damage is never ending. My shadow runs out of force power after 4-5 attacks, if the target is not dead, well then im surely dead.


That's a nice one.


My record so far was level 13 doing the warzone with the 3 cannons. I got a little over 190k damage, 1 death, and I think it was 10800 objective score.

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Though I will admit I have noticed some of the tendency to primary "two lightsabers" and I try to keep my blades sheathed until I'm actually fighting, heh.


Oh, and since I picked up such a nice tip from you, here's the two things I've noticed fighting agents.

1) Your friends are a liability if they are near you, because I'll use them as a jump point when you're in cover. Mostly noticeable when there's an elevation change between you and me.



I do these things all the time. Can't leap at that guy? no problem, tab, leap, tab kill kill kill. Done.


Also if I see an ambush coming, I'll force camo and just walk up to the guy. With the lag in pvp you want to hit camo around the halfway mark on the timer, any later and it likely won't save you in my limited experience.

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As someone who was struggling with Sentinel until I read some tips on the forums about how to play it better, I think a lot of it is L2P.


The other sentiment I see a lot of, however, is "Every other class is WAY stronger and rips through everything." What this makes me think is that the other classes are way too overpowered.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to stomp through everything. I like having a tough time with an encounter and having to really think through my battle methods in order to be successful. I don't want to be a Trooper and just blast my way through everything without having to think about it.


Maybe the Sentinel does need a little boost. But since there are people out there who say they have no problems no matter the level, it makes me think that:

1) Sentinel CAN be good enough if played well and

2) The other classes must be OP if they are supposedly miles ahead of Sentinel.


I suppose if people don't want to have to play with some finesse, there are plenty of other mindless classes to roll and blow everything to pieces with.

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That's a nice one.


My record so far was level 13 doing the warzone with the 3 cannons. I got a little over 190k damage, 1 death, and I think it was 10800 objective score.



270k with 23 kb's and 3 solo kills has been my best so far.

Edited by Mavick
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It is true that sent takes more practice and skill to play than with other classes out there. Does that make it imba, I don't think so. Practice hard and learn it and you will always get over 150k damage in warzones. I almost always hit 180k on average with about 25k healing from my dots (watchman). That is nothing to make faces at on average. I have done over 225k damage in a match with 28 killing blows and 40k healing. That shows you that it is possible to make this class sing. Practice, practice, and then go practice some more. If you do not like it, re-roll. This class is fine.
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"Sentinel takes more skill to play than every other class. If you try and play a sentinel like another class you fail horribly" Is all well and good, but that "skillful play" only makes the sentinel on par if not a little worse than the other classes, who don't have to work as hard at all.


If anything, sentinel players need to not work as hard just to be as good as the other classes, yet a "truly skilled" sentinel should be much better than the other classes, whereas a player with a standard skill level should be just as threatening as the other classes are currently.


I'm hesitant to say "Nerf every other class so that they ALL have to use every single one of their abilities every single fight to survive, and even then only get out with 5% of their health." because quite frankly, that wouldn't be fun for anyone playing the consular, trooper, smuggler, inquisitor, agent, bounty hunter if suddenly they couldn't play the way they have been.


In a case like this, I'd just say bring the sentinel up to par with the other classes.

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- Sentinels are weak at low levels, but gets better beyond 40

- Warrior class starts out strong, then gets **** beyond (pick one) level 20/40/at endgame

- JKs with the best gear can barely do Ilum

- JKs manage Ilum just fine

- Sentinels do no damage in PvP

- Sentinels tear through everyone like butter in PvP


This is based upon my personal experience. I've been level 50 since December 16th and was in the full Beta (Not weekend) for quite a while before that and played Sentinel exclusively so I've put in a LOT of hours with the class. Please don't take this as bragging. Just stating the facts.


Sentinels are indeed a little weak until they get Doc, their healer companion. From that point on you're a non-stop killing maching. So many people try it out and get frustrated by about 30 max.


Doing Illum? Going to assume you mean lvl 50 mobs for like the dailies etc? I rip through them like butter. NO issued what-so-ever.


In PvP I'm never below top 3-4 in damage. Usually top 2 and very seldom die. The trick is to learn when to use defensive cooldowns, pop stealth when you know it's a losing fight, or pop you're GbtF when you're below about 15% health and are in danger of losing a close fight. Melee is definitely usually at a slight disadvantage in this game but it's nothing that can't be overcome with smart play.


In PvE, I'm in one of the top rated guilds with tons of world firsts already under our belts (Again, not bragging just giving some info so you know I'm not just making stuff up here) and I have been a mainstay / must have for all of our raids. The Sentinel buffs play a HUGE role in our progress although I will say that again, being Melee can put you at a bit of a disadvantage at times so you've just got to play smart.


Hope this helps,



Edited by sCaryDeth
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Getting really confused and tired of these kind of L2P comments.


I'm playing a JK Sent and I love it! (No! Not another WoW simile...) Played as a DK Frost in WoW and there is some resemblens between the two classes. And that's the playstyle that I love! Melee dps ftw! Ka-pow!! :)


But I can honestly say that THERE IS something seriously wrong with the class system.

So is the Sent class broken? Depends on how you see it. I would say NO, but compared to other classes the Sent is definitely underpowered (or the right statement should be that many of the other classes are OP).


Got a friend who plays BH and OMG what a class! Heals combined with good damage ouput, AoE and stuns. I've seen him at the pvp arena and together with a couple of other BH they own the arena. It reminds me of DK:s before they changed the talent tree system in WoW, or the Reaver before they nerfed it in Rift: plate + heals + good damage output = immortality. Nasty as ****!


"But I like it when it's difficult beyond necissity to play a class", "it's boring with a two-click-kill"... honestly?... seriously?... Ok, I kind of agree that a two-click-kill is boring but if you have a chance to choose between killing an elite while eating your breakfast serial or on the other hand blowing all your CD while bite-your-tongue-concentrating to get a good rotation to survive... well the choice should be easy? Shouldn't it? I mean we are rational people? If you can kill a mob in fraction of a second why the heck would you like to do it in five? Then you are just plain stupid...


In my opinion the problem isn't the Sent class or L2P. The Sent is fun as ***** to play (currently Watchman to get the little heal I can get)! The problem is the other classes. Combining heals with damage is what makes the class system broken and every MMO I played they've nerfed all these kinds of classes. I imagine BW will do the same but that will be a really big change for some classes. And not very popular one....

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but if you have a chance to choose between killing an elite while eating your breakfast serial or on the other hand blowing all your CD while bite-your-tongue-concentrating to get a good rotation to survive... well the choice should be easy? Shouldn't it?


I don't know, to me the second one seems much more interesting. Keeps me invested in the action, knowing that I have to be an active participant in the fight to succeed.


Essentially it's the same reason why I prefer the combat in any Final Fantasy prior to XII compared to XII. FFXII was just - set up gambits, walk around and let the AI do all the fighting for you with minimal required intervention. Lame.

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from the purely pve leveling/solo questing standpoint Sentinels are harder to level then any other class I've had experience with (Read: I've actually managed to die). That isn't to say its bad, just that it is for sure the hardest to level.
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