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How do I turn off level shift?


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I thought that I would hate level sync so much that I wasn't sure I'd stay interested in the game when 4.0 dropped, but instead wound up pleasantly surprised. Minus a few times where I was inconvenienced by aggroing too many mobs while traveling, like OP mentions, I've barely even noticed it.


It would be kind of nice if it was optional, though. I can't think of a reason for it NOT to be optional. I know it's possible and that's the only part of it that bothers me.


I kind of agree with you , just I think once you are max level give the player a way to turn it off .I also didn't think I would like it when I came back to the game a few days ago , but I ended up loving it . Now , I can't out level a planet and I get full xp for all my quest . Plus I don't have to hold on to a quest turn in, so I don't screw my self out of xp from being to high level . And I like how Flashpoints works with it

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I kind of agree with you , just I think once you are max level give the player a way to turn it off .I also didn't think I would like it when I came back to the game a few days ago , but I ended up loving it . Now , I can't out level a planet and I get full xp for all my quest . Plus I don't have to hold on to a quest turn in, so I don't screw my self out of xp from being to high level . And I like how Flashpoints works with it


Why limit it for max level?

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I agree, this level reducing mechanism they are using is a little ridiculous. Many other players in many other games have made this clear in the past...most do NOT want it. It was fun being able to solo the old flashpoints, being able to cross Dromund Kaas at level 50 without being attacked, etc.


Seems a little odd that my big bad Darth of the Sith comes down to Dromund Kaas to visit the dark temple only to realize that he is now level 10, and being attacked by rats and kitty cats..just saying. Did not work through all those levels just to be forced gimped on lowbie planets..please put an off/on switch!


Wow wasn't it a few weeks ago that people complained that the game has NO CHALANGE ANY MORE?


So they make you play at a lower level big deal. A level 65 at level 10 still kicks butt on everything they come accross. But i guess that chalange thing was just BS then.


Now you no longer have to worry about out leveling a planet before your are done there, you no longer have to worry about abandoning missions because you will not get experance for it any more. I guess that is a bad thng.


You know, I have not checked but I will bet that the people that are complaining about level sync are the same people that complained that companions were OP and the game was not a chalange any more.


I for one like level sync, I like getting experance for mobs that I could not get experance for. I still can kick low level mobs butts with impunity. I can now go back and do all those missions I had to abandon because I out leveled them. I really do not see a problem with level sync. So you get knocked off your speeder if you cruse throught mobs. You can still get much closer than when you where at level for the planets. You still are a high level with ALL your stills and weapons, just not INVINCIBLE any more.


Oh I get it now, you can't play god mode thats why.... But then I come back to the whine that "the game has no chalange any more". Oh well adapt or die.

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Wow wasn't it a few weeks ago that people complained that the game has NO CHALANGE ANY MORE?


So they make you play at a lower level big deal. A level 65 at level 10 still kicks butt on everything they come accross. But i guess that chalange thing was just BS then.


Now you no longer have to worry about out leveling a planet before your are done there, you no longer have to worry about abandoning missions because you will not get experance for it any more. I guess that is a bad thng.


You know, I have not checked but I will bet that the people that are complaining about level sync are the same people that complained that companions were OP and the game was not a chalange any more.


I for one like level sync, I like getting experance for mobs that I could not get experance for. I still can kick low level mobs butts with impunity. I can now go back and do all those missions I had to abandon because I out leveled them. I really do not see a problem with level sync. So you get knocked off your speeder if you cruse throught mobs. You can still get much closer than when you where at level for the planets. You still are a high level with ALL your stills and weapons, just not INVINCIBLE any more.


Oh I get it now, you can't play god mode thats why.... But then I come back to the whine that "the game has no chalange any more". Oh well adapt or die.


No disrespect. Not everybody likes lv sync, that's just how it is( especially a FORCED lv sync).


Personally speaking, I don't need to be at max lv, just high enough for mobs to go grey and I don't think of myself as a 'God' when I reach max lv. Also, I never complained about companions being overpowered, although I did think their power was too high, but I kept it to myself. And no, I don't care about soloing world bosses.


On the note of old side quests, I never needed a reason to play side quests immediately, I saved them until after the main story was finished so I'd have something to do later on (that and i like the side quests), it was never about exp for me.


Challenge wise, I never cared about a 'challenge', get my quest-rip the enemies to pieces-move on to something else.

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Wow wasn't it a few weeks ago that people complained that the game has NO CHALANGE ANY MORE?


So they make you play at a lower level big deal. A level 65 at level 10 still kicks butt on everything they come accross. But i guess that chalange thing was just BS then.


Now you no longer have to worry about out leveling a planet before your are done there, you no longer have to worry about abandoning missions because you will not get experance for it any more. I guess that is a bad thng.


You know, I have not checked but I will bet that the people that are complaining about level sync are the same people that complained that companions were OP and the game was not a chalange any more.


I for one like level sync, I like getting experance for mobs that I could not get experance for. I still can kick low level mobs butts with impunity. I can now go back and do all those missions I had to abandon because I out leveled them. I really do not see a problem with level sync. So you get knocked off your speeder if you cruse throught mobs. You can still get much closer than when you where at level for the planets. You still are a high level with ALL your stills and weapons, just not INVINCIBLE any more.


Oh I get it now, you can't play god mode thats why.... But then I come back to the whine that "the game has no chalange any more". Oh well adapt or die.


There are more than one group of players, the ones wanting challenge aren't neccesarily ones that want level sync to be optional. I know I am group B and not group A.

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My big issue with level sync is that it no longer allows us to not gain experience if we so desire. Before level sync, once I was six levels above a planet, I could stay there, explore, do quests, kill mobs, and play the game on my own schedule without being forced to continue to level up.


I recognize that I'm probably the only person who ever wanted to stop earning experience while I quested, but the game used to allow quests to go gray at a certain point, so I could hang out on a DK as long as I wanted without worrying about being level 32 or something ridiculous by the time I leave. I liked that the game let me do that.


But now, with level sync in place, it is impossible for me to play without gaining experience and levels. The only way to pump the brakes is to not play. And while gaining experience for absolutely everything might be great for most people, it isn't what I want.


I want to be able to level at a snail's pace. I used to be able to. Level sync makes that impossible.

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My big issue with level sync is that it no longer allows us to not gain experience if we so desire. Before level sync, once I was six levels above a planet, I could stay there, explore, do quests, kill mobs, and play the game on my own schedule without being forced to continue to level up.


I recognize that I'm probably the only person who ever wanted to stop earning experience while I quested, but the game used to allow quests to go gray at a certain point, so I could hang out on a DK as long as I wanted without worrying about being level 32 or something ridiculous by the time I leave. I liked that the game let me do that.


But now, with level sync in place, it is impossible for me to play without gaining experience and levels. The only way to pump the brakes is to not play. And while gaining experience for absolutely everything might be great for most people, it isn't what I want.


I want to be able to level at a snail's pace. I used to be able to. Level sync makes that impossible.


What's stopping you from still doing this? OK you're still going to get XP, but you can also still do the content once you hit level cap, so you won't get any XP then. You don't HAVE to skip any quests, you can still hang out, explore, kill mobs, and you'll still be level synched to the same level you would be when you stopped gaining XP.

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Level shift is a great feature when I'm running with my low level friends and helping them out, don't get me wrong.


As its been stated, you cannot. Which in my opinion is rather restrictive. The real reason they did this was to thwart those credit farmers that camp their level 55 to 60 toons at the old H4 areas and farm credits.


I wish they'd looked at how City of Heroes/Villains did this. They had no requirement for level sync; however, they did have it set up that you could team up with lower level toons or higher level toons and participate in missions.


If you were on a lower level toon, you were leveled up within 2 levels of the higher level toon, and it was the inverse going with a higher level toon who was the leader. IIRC it was called Exemplar. This was the best way to level toons in the game and play with your friends.


This is how it should be in this game. A very simple way to play a game without all the convoluted things they put in the game. We cannot have something like this because of these illegal credit farming animals that are out to swindle every person they can to earn their ill-gotten gains.

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The real reason they did this was to thwart those credit farmers that camp their level 55 to 60 toons at the old H4 areas and farm credits.


Nope. Real reason for it was to make old heroics "relevant content" for Alliance grind. And so that grind would take longer.

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if you can't pilot a speeder across planets below your level without having to get into a fight, the problem lies in your piloting skills and not the level sync... funny how i (a casual with only 2 characters over 50) pilot a speeder all over lower level worlds all the time without getting knocked off my speeder, yet there's someone that claims it's a problem... :rolleyes: Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Could not agree more.


Also, why are you having to drive across such long distances in the first place? Quick Travel?


If he used speeder/taxi or quick travel points what would he have to complain about? Duh. The obvious must be ignored for the sake of righteous rage!!! Like I hate that all the companions are the same now. Sure, I could keep Jorgan a DPS, Dorne a healer, Tanno a tank, but them how ever would I complain about it then?

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I wish they'd looked at how City of Heroes/Villains did this. They had no requirement for level sync; however, they did have it set up that you could team up with lower level toons or higher level toons and participate in missions.

Or the mentor certificates in Runes of Magic.


For a reasonable sum (reasonably for a highbie, that is) of gold (== credits), you (above level 30) buy a certificate from a particular vendor in the main city Varanas(1). You then use it and group up with one and only one character who is below level 30.


Now you go together into some area where the mobs aren't too twitchy about the presence of a lowbie(2), but where the lowbie couldn't normally go, and the highbie beats up the mobs. No XP for the highbie, but the lowbie uses the same formula he'd normally use for killing such mobs (except that he couldn't do it, normally), and thus gains huge amounts of XP.


I did this from both sides (as mentor and protegé), and when combined with rest XP, it gives a huge boost to your character.


(1) Nicknamed "Varacrash" because the game client was buggy and would crash fairly consistently when you went into that city. The community moderators on the forums would consistently try to blame it on the crashee's PC having some sort of hardware fault.


(2) Aggro range was influenced by level difference, and that caused occasional oddities, like accompanying (without a certificate) my wife's alt somewhere where she was under-level. It was during the Christmas holiday event, which leads to two surreal consequences:

* In a case like my wife's, Santa's evil twin (he had lots, just ordinary human mobs in Santa suits) suddenly started chasing after her, and I had to take a moment and kill the guy.

* You can fight without a weapon, in which case you attack in melee range with your fists. It's great fun as a highbie in a lowbie area, punching out Santa.


EDIT: fixed missing footnote

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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(blah blah blah)


You know, I have not checked but I will bet that the people that are complaining about level sync are the same people that complained that companions were OP and the game was not a chalange any more.


(more blah blah blah)


Then I certainly hope nobody has placed you in charge of any actual money. ;)

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But when I'm solo and running through some stuff on lowbie planets, how do I turn this off?


Give Bioware a couple million dollars to add content to go along with the Star Fortresses. Otherwise we're going to be stuck with things like level sync because its a hell of a lot cheaper to make us redo heroics then it is to design new missions.

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As its been stated, you cannot. Which in my opinion is rather restrictive. The real reason they did this was to thwart those credit farmers that camp their level 55 to 60 toons at the old H4 areas and farm credits.


I wish they'd looked at how City of Heroes/Villains did this. They had no requirement for level sync; however, they did have it set up that you could team up with lower level toons or higher level toons and participate in missions.


If you were on a lower level toon, you were leveled up within 2 levels of the higher level toon, and it was the inverse going with a higher level toon who was the leader. IIRC it was called Exemplar. This was the best way to level toons in the game and play with your friends.


This is how it should be in this game. A very simple way to play a game without all the convoluted things they put in the game. We cannot have something like this because of these illegal credit farming animals that are out to swindle every person they can to earn their ill-gotten gains.


I think it was called Sidekicking

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if you can't pilot a speeder across planets below your level without having to get into a fight, the problem lies in your piloting skills and not the level sync... funny how i (a casual with only 2 characters over 50) pilot a speeder all over lower level worlds all the time without getting knocked off my speeder, yet there's someone that claims it's a problem... :rolleyes:

I challenge you to do the Makeb Heroics

Edited by TUXs
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I challenge you to do the Maked Heroics

I don't know about Republic-side, but Imperial-side, there is only 1 Makeb heroic that, as noted, can't be soloed with relative ease (the others are time-consuming, no doubt). So I'm not sure what point you think you are making re: your character getting knocked off its speeder with the example of 1 heroic (again, talking Imp-side only) that is not easily soloed.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Using Heroics to put across a point about getting knocked off your speeder isn't ideal, since there's a little shuttle button that takes you directly to where the Heroic is. The only mobs who should even see you on a speeder are the ones you usually have to kill for the quest anyway.
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So I'm not sure what point you think you are making re: your character getting knocked off its speeder with the example of 1 heroic (again, talking Imp-side only) that is not easily soloed.

I didn't mention ONE Heroic. I suggested the other poster try to do Makeb heroics and not get knocked off. I don't think it's possible unless another player has cleared the way for you. There are several Heroics there that force you to go through mobs that will knock you off of anything.

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