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10 Good
  1. My big issue with level sync is that it no longer allows us to not gain experience if we so desire. Before level sync, once I was six levels above a planet, I could stay there, explore, do quests, kill mobs, and play the game on my own schedule without being forced to continue to level up. I recognize that I'm probably the only person who ever wanted to stop earning experience while I quested, but the game used to allow quests to go gray at a certain point, so I could hang out on a DK as long as I wanted without worrying about being level 32 or something ridiculous by the time I leave. I liked that the game let me do that. But now, with level sync in place, it is impossible for me to play without gaining experience and levels. The only way to pump the brakes is to not play. And while gaining experience for absolutely everything might be great for most people, it isn't what I want. I want to be able to level at a snail's pace. I used to be able to. Level sync makes that impossible.
  2. I'm also distinctly upset by this. I understand the items they offered is available in ops, but I don't see why something I could purchase before requires me to run ops to have a chance at finding now. I have a guess as to why they were taken away. As I recall, the items sold by those vendors were Heavy/Med/Light armour, and they've been releasing only Adaptive armour for a while. So by removing the vendors, perhaps they think that they're improving things by taking away Heavy/Med/Light so new players don't get confused. Still upsets me, though. I used those armours all the time. Now I'm just expected to use the one single shell you can buy from them, that everyone will have, all they way to 65? I know I could, but I would rather use what I used to be able to buy.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised with this having to do with the fact that they made all companions relatively cookie cutter, eliminating almost all of the unique abilities and proficiencies of each companion. I would like to see Corso able to equip both rifles and pistols, as he used to be able to. For that matter, I would like all of the companions who used to have unique abilities and animations to have them again, though I doubt they'll be coming back.
  4. Long story short, it's a different empire. Same dark side of the force, similar teachings, very different hierarchy. Long before the Rule of Two, hence all the Sith Lords running rampant.
  5. I promise I'm not trying to make fun of you, but the fact that you just responded to a question from three and a half years ago (04.28.2012) made me laugh really hard. Thank you. It was a welcome break from all the negativity on the forums.
  6. I wasn't aware they got rid of the gear in flashpoints as well. Real bummer. I was already pretty upset they took away the commendation gear vendors. I liked their gear! I thought it looked good! There's no way they packed up after going out of business, I know I wasn't the only frequent customer.
  7. In my personal opinion, I never cared whether or not Treek was OP. It didn't bother me, because I didn't have to use her as a companion. I got to choose to use my normal companions. If they seemed weak, it was a choice I could make to gear them up. If they seemed too powerful, it was my choice to hold off for a while on gearing them further. I got to enjoy being with my companions, all of whom were unique (not anymore), appreciate them for their personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and choose how powerful or not they were through gearing. Now? Not anymore. That choice is gone. As long as I want to adventure with a companion, they will be at a power level that I think is too high. I understand that other people might like it, but I no longer have the choice to not use a companion that I think is too powerful. Unlike when Treek was released, at which time I decided I didn't want a companion that powerful, and got to say no to her, and still enjoy gameplay with the companions I knew and loved.
  8. I definitely want to see them brought back. I liked the look of the gear they offered, and often used it for companions. And yes, I understand that we no longer need to gear companions for stats (something I also enjoyed), but if I could I would still be periodically updating my companions' outfits from the gear vendors. It's just too boring for them to wear one outfit from 1-60, and I like feeling like I'm watching out for my companions as I gear up too.
  9. Yeah, this bug has been around since 2012. Personally it is the number one bug I want to see fixed. It is both extremely immersion breaking and disrespectful to all of the players who spend countless credits and cartel coins on dyes and outfits to make their companions look right, only for them to end up looking like a bag of skittles.
  10. This is, for me, the single most frustrating thing about the game right now. After I go through all the effort of making my companions color coordinated, I expect them to look right in the companion conversations, the one place I care most about how they look. It's hard to take the romance seriously when your companion is dressed like skittles. I submit a bug report every time I go through a conversation where my companion's outfit loses it's color coordination, in the hopes that someone decides they should finally fix the bug. It's pretty much every companion conversation, which are a big part of the game.
  11. I would apologize for necroing this but I'm not actually sorry. The fact that in companion-quest cutscenes, or anytime on my ship, the fact that my color-unified companions revert to rainbow-hodge-podge is the single most frustrating thing to me about this game. I had assumed until today that it was merely my computer messing up, but when I researched the forums today and saw that this has been a continuously reported issue since late 2012, I was deeply disappointed. So I thought I would do my part to give this issue a bump, and recognize it again. I recognize that it isn't technically a game-breaking bug. I am aware of the fact that I am not active in PVP or Endgame, and I respect that many players play specifically for that, and find the issues there of much greater importance. However, this is a bug that affects every single player, and in the very aspect of the game which makes it unique. Not every player PVPs. Not every player gets to Endgame. But every player, even those who 12x and skip all of the planetary and side quests, goes through the class story. The depth of those stories, the cinematics, the voice-acting, the intricate companion storylines, are what make this game an absolute standout. I like to take my time with the game. I have a Juggernaut and a Sorc so far, and for both of them I debated long and hard about who my character is, their background, what they value, and how they react to situations they're confronted with. I walk in the Citadel, because my Sith doesn't want to look hurried; she'd prefer to be dignified. When I make choices in conversations, based on who my character is, the result of those choices plays into my own perception and understanding of the character. It is because of the strength of the voice-acting and cinematics in this game that I am able to play an ever-deeper developing character, and because of that character development that the cutscenes are so enjoyable. Which is why when companions show up in rainbow gear instead of a color coordinated outfit it just crushes me. Lag I can write off -- my computer, or the connection sucks. Lack of class balance I can write off -- my character hasn't been working out enough, or just is not as good as an opponent. But whenever Vette, nicely uniformed, tells my Sith she wants to have a serious conversation, I go back to the ship and out she comes, looking like she raided her closet for the most random items she can find. I look for the conversation option "Go back to your room, and try again" or "You think freedom means you get to wear what you want? Think again. (Chokes or shocks her)." But it's never there. I feel for all the trooper players. I feel like if I played one, my trooper would be looking for a quest where he can write his whole squad up for repeated failure to observe uniform regulations. As much as I love dressing my companions to complement me, it almost makes me wish there were all like Khem Val: He never looks wrong in cut scenes. It never bums me out with him. In one of the eight or so threads I saw in which this issue was noted, someone recommended submitting a bug report any time their companions showed up in a cutscene without the dyes or color-unify applying. Every time. And I pledge to begin to do that. I play the game at a slow enough pace. And besides this single issue, I love the game. Earnestly. The issue deserves at least that much attention from me. TLDR: Companions appearance customizations (color-unification and dyes) still won't display in companion-quest cutscenes or on-ship cutscenes. It has been an reported issue since late 2012, with no remedial action taken. It is the single thing that earnestly bothers me about the game; crushes me every time I see it. Thought I would bring it to light again.
  12. I've read everything wookiepedia seems to offer on the subject, but all that I can glean is that there were a large variety of skin colors exhibited by the species, some more rare than others. But, for example, would parents pass on their skin color to their children? Did families tend to be of the same skin tone? The reason that I ask is that I just started a Sith warrior, and have been trying to decide what customization to use on Vette. I'm torn between #2 (Red with red eyes and tattoos) #3 (Aquamarine with brown eyes) or #6 (Pink with purple eyes). I read that both Vette's sister and mother had blue skin, so if skin color was hereditary, of the three I like the Aquamarine might make the most sense. On the other hand, I also read that Lethan Twi'leks had their red skin tone on account of a mutation, not heredity, so perhaps the red customization would make sense too. TL;DR: anyone with any insight on how Twi'leks' skin color is determined, I would really love to learn.
  13. Surely you mean a clippers? I do think it's pretty ridiculous that when you buy the extra hairstyle package from cartel market that you have to pay cartel coins a second time to use the hairstyle. Feels like they're cheating at the money-making game. And winning.
  14. This might be the wrong section of the forums but I figured it is where I'll find the most people concerned with understanding their characters decisions. If you don't want to read everything below, the basic question is orange crystal or yellow: my character might see orange as a more rare gem to obtain, but yellow as marking her as an outsider or as unique to the sith, which she desires. I play a female Zabrak sorcerer, and am in the low forties level wise. So far I've used yellow lightsaber crystals for the following reasons: I originally took artifice, archaeology, and treasure-hunting as my crew skills because they felt like the most appropriate complimentary set of skills for my character, who is concerned almost entirely with the pursuit of knowledge and power for her own benefit; the creation of focuses and the search for relics and crystals seemed fitting. When the "Custom Built Lightsaber" from artifice was available to me at level 20, I switched to that over the one Zash gave me when I became her apprentice; to my character, it was an act of self-definition and realization of her power. By tossing aside what had been given to her and literally creating power in her own hands, she was showing to herself and others that she would forge her own way. At this point I chose the yellow crystal, as it requires all three skills to create, providing all the materials are self-sourced. I also like the fact that the yellow lightsaber deviates from the traditional sith image; an alien former slave inquisitor is hardly the norm in imperial society, and I find the yellow marks her as an outsider who's not ashamed to be one. Additionally, I find it a nice touch that my alignment is pretty neutral, though my character would never choose the crystal based on where she stands in the force; it is more an expression of her self-sufficiency and power. However, at upper levels of arftice the orange crystal becomes available to craft; on the one hand I can see my sorcerer seeing it as a crystal even rarer to find than a yellow one, and thus being drawn to it, but on the other hand it is a slightly more traditional color for a sith, and the yellow might do a better job of marking her as unique. Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm pretty conflicted. Any opinions or musings would be welcome.
  15. Thanks hugely for the opinions, I think I will go with Madness Sorcerer. It's just helpful to see I was on the right track for people who (presumably) know more about this galaxy than I do.
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