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Item Stack Resale Exploit


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Don't be so quick to wish people away from this game, we can't lose many more.


We're talking considerably more then a candy bar here. Hypothetical case, we say that 1 million is equal to $3 USD


The folks that got off with the lightest bans utilized the exploit for a minimal of 100 million credits + quite a few stacks of companion gifts. (Yes, this is totally subjective based on who I've chatted with)


So we're talking $300 USD right there.


-- We can easily afford to lose the types that feel exploiting for significant sums is appropriate. I've had a lot of folks come back online that have been away from game for quite some time since Bioware was soft pedaling exploiters until the recent past.

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Some of you people really need to get off your high horse and take a second too consider reality


I have been a subscriber 4 years, since pre-launch


I used this bug a handful of time during a 1 hour window The last fat before fix after it had remained in game for over 7 weeks and over 2 since by was reported


It was my first offense if any kind in game


I did not vendor any items for credits , I did not trade any items, I didn't post anything for sale in ah or in trade


I used this to get 1 companion from 39-50 affection.


So a fair and just punishment is to remove 100% of anything I've earned during my entire duration playing this game, over 4 years of paid play?


If your friend or child made the mistake of stealing 1 candbar bow about you remove destroy everything he has review his entire life?


I'm all for my suspension, even removal of anything earned through this, maybe even my comms, but everything else is just insane


There are levels if involvement and punishment. Imagine if everyone was always punished the same regardless of involvement?


The guy who gets a noise violation gets the death penalty just like the guy who murdered??


If bioware and the community is really happy with this than good luck, enjoy your sinking ship and chasing off/removal of over 1000 subs when you have already fallen below 100k active subs


Maybe there is a reason why the earning from this game are in such dramatic decline(yes this was confirmed)


I would have stayed subbed till the bitter end because I love star wars and invested so much time and energy into this game


As it stands talk can all go .... ........


hahaha but you knew it was wrong so i am glad they purged you and so they should it's players like you that even a tiny bit of ripping off the system has hurt legit players like my self. no revanchist title will save you here and it shows being subbed for 4 years means nothing as it should we are all equal when breaking the ToS so next time really think should I take advantage of something that you clearly know is not something that is intended and at some stage will be highlighted as an exploit.

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I suspect the devs are doing a far better job of driving people away in far greater numbers than anything resulting from the treatment of exploiters.


After all completely unbalanced game play, lack of end game pvp or pve content and a story in which choice really doesn't mater that only appears to exist in the story chapters as once complete you go back to a game that has no notion of an eternal empire with events such as the gree even currently on strangely ignorant that the armies and fleets of both the republic and the empire have been crushed.

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Not referring to skill set here. I'm referring to the type of player that is good for the game versus the toxic exploiter types who are moaning about losing their stuff.


"best" is a subjective term, it could easily refer to what you mean...


Regardless, if the paying player count drops too low, you no longer have a viable game. I'm not suggesting that those who exploited and made billions or sold to credit sellers shouldn't be banned, but you have to be careful not to go too far afield beyond that.

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"best" is a subjective term, it could easily refer to what you mean...


Regardless, if the paying player count drops too low, you no longer have a viable game. I'm not suggesting that those who exploited and made billions or sold to credit sellers shouldn't be banned, but you have to be careful not to go too far afield beyond that.

No, they really don't. Rules are rules and rules without consequence may as well not exist.

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No, they really don't. Rules are rules and rules without consequence may as well not exist.


Sure they do, the rules only exist to make Bioware money. If they come down too harshly, it is as bad as not coming down enough.


You wouldn't suggest that the death penalty is acceptable for every crime, would you? Likewise, removing existing legitimate credits from everyone who used the exploit even once would be equally wrong.


For some people, yes, for others, lesser punishments make sense.

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Sure they do, the rules only exist to make Bioware money. If they come down too harshly, it is as bad as not coming down enough.


You wouldn't suggest that the death penalty is acceptable for every crime, would you? Likewise, removing existing legitimate credits from everyone who used the exploit even once would be equally wrong.


For some people, yes, for others, lesser punishments make sense.


Nah. Wiping out anyone who used the exploit is fair. There aren't THAT many. Time will tell of course. They are claiming 500 have had some type of ban, I've seen maybe 30-50 posts of people complaining about being banned. I've seen a fair share of those who said they got away with it. A fair share saying they were banned but nothing was removed.


The ones who got caught and were obliterated, too bad soo sad. Start over or use your sub to whine on here.


Also you guys need to quit comparing this to "death penalty," "stealing a candybar," etc.

People agreed to a contract when they started playing. Permanent ban for exploiting was one of the possible consequences. You gambled and loss. Grow up and move on. You can easily make back your credits, but I do wish you would just go away. I'm sure many more would also.

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Sure they do, the rules only exist to make Bioware money. If they come down too harshly, it is as bad as not coming down enough.


You wouldn't suggest that the death penalty is acceptable for every crime, would you? Likewise, removing existing legitimate credits from everyone who used the exploit even once would be equally wrong.


For some people, yes, for others, lesser punishments make sense.


When a Hunter goes out and bags that beautiful 8 or 9 point buck and field dresses it. As he does, so he thinks about the head being mounted on his wall above his fire place. As he thinks about getting that 300 lbs carcass processed and how much meat that will be when its all said and done.


He foolishly doesn't see the Game Warden about 45 feet away watching with his hand cuffs out. As he thinks how this dumb SOB is going to loose his Hunting gear. His Hunting licensed, as well his Truck he came into those woods in. Plus thousands of dollars in fines. And after all that depending on the state one lives, as well as The Game and Wildlife Poaching laws & Regulations of that state, can even take your house. Oh yeah and you can still get jail time on top of all that.


Harsh punishment yes. But after decades of Pouching and the normal slap on the wrist doesn't seem to stop it from happening, then a more server action is needed and is well warranted.


People have no one else to blame for something like, Haunting out of season. Knowing the penalties and what can happen to them. That goes with ANYTHING IN LIFE. For every action there is a opposite re-action. Especially when one is doing WRONG!


This goes for People exploiting a game and taking gain from, said exploitation.

If people get banned from this, THEY HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO BLAME BUT THEM SELVES!


Take Care and Be Well.

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He foolishly doesn't see the Game Warden about 45 feet away watching with his hand cuffs out. As he thinks how this dumb SOB is going to loose his Hunting gear. His Hunting licensed, as well his Truck he came into those woods in. Plus thousands of dollars in fines. And after all that depending on the state one lives, as well as The Game and Wildlife Poaching laws & Regulations of that state, can even take your house. Oh yeah and you can still get jail time on top of all that.


So why not just have the Game Warden just execute the hunter, that would be fair, right?

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Nah. Wiping out anyone who used the exploit is fair. There aren't THAT many. Time will tell of course. They are claiming 500 have had some type of ban


You need to go back and read it again...


More than 500 were permabanned... Thousands and thousands got temp bans...


So by your logic, anyone who cheats even $1 dollar on their taxes should have everything they own taken away, kicked to the street naked, and have the scarlet letter branded on their forehead?

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Rumors going around that some of the Credit farmers are the ones who informed bioware of the exploit. Cause the prices of credits were falling so low and so fast, they werent making any real life profit from it anymore. It does make sense when you think about, if everyone (mainly other competing credit farmers) got access to this exploit, credit sellers would be out of business in this game.


I guess thats one way of getting rid of the credit farmers lol, though it would kill the game at the same time. P

Edited by Allamirr
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You need to go back and read it again...


More than 500 were permabanned... Thousands and thousands got temp bans...


So by your logic, anyone who cheats even $1 dollar on their taxes should have everything they own taken away, kicked to the street naked, and have the scarlet letter branded on their forehead?


you can't compare this to taxes at all but Bioware have told the community since the ravagers exploit they are going to take serious action on anybody caught using exploits in any form and this time they have repeat offenders are getting nailed hard also even though it took Bioware 6 weeks it doesn't give any player the right to exploit or use in game functions that are not working as they should to benefit and that's being a sub or not.

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Hah. Linux did this a few times. Some programmers crashed the system and hacked other people from it, getting money for showing them bugs of course the people need to report this bug after "using" it. But without using it, it is not proven that it is a bug.^^ Cause then you would not even know that it is there, the devs would not know it either.


Linux the open source operating system as to which their a variety of flavours and untold amounts of customisation did this? Er what?

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The real reason why the devs are taking all credits, and coms from each account is because they don't have the time, capability, or resources to suss out the legitimate from the illegitimate gains. They have simply resorted to blanket removal largely because there are not many employees left. Hell, they out sourced all of CS not long ago, and made most of it automated canned auto responders. So yeah, keep banning accounts devs, cause you are basically removing yourself out of a job.


I've still got my fortune and all items and I didn't cheat so seems they're on the right track from my perspective.

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So say you have earned 2.5 Billion over the last year through crafting, GTN, and playing. You get swept up in the crime wave and proceed to exploit 2 million credits. And the devs not only remove the 2 million and other gains, but all of your 2.5 Billion, and that's okay? All I see is more people quiting as a result which causes a real loss of revenue in both subs and cartel purchases. The devs have already perma banned themselves out of a $100K+ profit a year. Again the punishment is way too harsh, but as we all know, Bioware is incompetent at doing anything other than extremes.


Yes, that is fair punishment. Don't cheat - a great msg to send.


And stop throwing around your $100K figure like it's fact ( the math is wrong to begin with unless you believe in heavy rounding ).

You have no way of telling if all of those 500 accounts were throw away accounts or not, you're assuming that all of them would stay subbed for a year when most likely they were accounts created to expedite use of the exploit and help launder the credits.

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No, it really isn't, and if you can't see that, you're blind.


The "burn them at the stake crowd" really, really is out in left field here.


Like I said before, you translate this in real $ terms and it becomes quite easy to see the punishment level that's appropriate.

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