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NiM Loot Issue / Update


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The gear was part of that fluff. Not necessarily cause you strictly needed it to kill the stuff but cause you could get it cause you were able to kill the stuff. You may remember how of an exclusive item was Kell Dragon gear back in the days of the first round of NiMs.


It was nice not cause you needed Kell Dragon to kill NiM but cause you could only wear Kell Dragon if you could beat NiM.


Kell Dragon *looked* different, that look is what I mean by "fluff". Shells that nobody else can get (or dye reskinned) is a valid reward. You don't need stats to go with it, since (presumably), there is nothing tougher than what you just beat to merit needing more stats.


Still the highest tier of gear dropping on the highest tier of content still makes sense for other reasons other than gear is fluff by itself: can help you killing the last and usually hardest bosses of that tier (within NiM, difficulty varies a lot), the next tier of Operations at launch or to put NiM on farm after you beat it the first times so you get other vanity stuff (timed runs titles, exclusive mounts, etc) after that.

If 224 is the highest level of gear, and you can beat NiM with it and other people can't, you already have an advantage over other people with the next tier. I can't imagine that the next level/tier upgrade will have BW assuming 224 (with set bonus) as the base line for entry.


The number of players that still go do progression for little to no reward (on gear or whatever) are very restricted, even amongst seasoned and dedicated raiders very few will still go do really challenge for no reward.

I agree -- my point is that extra stats as a reward for beating the toughest current content isn't really a reward.


That said, if BW is going to include it, I do agree that it should be dropped more, not less, in the NiM content. I just wish BW would have removed it (the stats, at least) from the NiM entirely and put in stuff you couldn't get any other way.

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From what I understand (NOT a raider by any means, so correct me if I'm wrong), the problem is that running hard mode GUARANTEES a 224 drop, while running an NiM mode only gives a CHANCE at a 224 drop. In other words, the easier option gets the better loot. Which is the opposite of how it should be.


I agree that if both modes drop identical 224 gear, NiM should do so more frequently/reliably. My point was more that NiM should be focused on dropping stuff you can't get in lower modes (and by extension, equivalent modes that were for a long time able to be over-leveled). I.e., they should have added new fluff that would truly separate players who ran it "at level" from those of us (including me) that got a lot of NiM stuff during the last year running level 50/55 ops at level 60 with 192/198 gear.

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Anyone got good recommendations for good raiding games?


It's really not a hard question to answer. If raiding, difficult progression raiding, is your thing WoW is the best game for the money. It has the biggest raiding community, the hardest content, and while sometimes the pace is slow the raids keep most guilds busy the entire time.


WoW gets a lot of bad press, especially in these forums, but that game does 1 thing better than any other game on the market -- raiding.

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I agree -- my point is that extra stats as a reward for beating the toughest current content isn't really a reward.



Well, stats are actually a reward in a number of ways. From the role playing aspect of making your toon more powerful (and you get to that cause you can kill stuff others can't!) to the fact that once you start getting gear that drops on NiM and nowhere else you start to build conditions for: a) kill the hardest bosses within NiM and b) ultimately farm NiM and eventually get additional rewards (titles, timed runs achievs, farm mounts, get it on alts aswell, and so on).


Just because you can kill once (or some of) the bosses of NiM with a lower tier gear you can get on lower tier of difficulty, that doesn't mean you will be able to do all the rest I mentioned without a higher tier of gear that only drops on NiM. You may get it through... but if you are rewarded with even better gear that only drops on NiM you can maybe go on the next step and do it on alts and otherwise not. Or try the timed run as a next challenge which you may fail with the lower tier of gear. Or kill the last boss which you couldn't before you started farming the early bosses on NiM. These always have been part of the progression process aswell.


I dont want to be annoying with this but I feel you are oversimplifying the question and disregarding that stats are a reward by themselves in a number of ways and that many, many experienced raiders always felt - i'm betting on this based on large empirical evidence - and were actually rewarded when they got shiny higher stat level of gear. Not just for the looks but also for the rest, cause it actually matters. Gave you many examples of actual gain/reward coming out of it, tbh.


In any case, I think we agree more than we disagree...

Edited by MarcoAnt
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I once mentioned a while back that people only raided for new gear and got told that wasn't true. Well it's pretty dang true according to this thread.


completely miss the point. The gear is simple to get. The point is that putting 224 drops ONLY guaranteed in HHM is idiotic.


And when, until today, the sole official communication in the last five months said the exact opposite, it's sort of a big Eff You to the (as is obvious today) sizable portion of the subscriber (<-- key word) base that considers higher difficulty Operations one of the more meaningful justifications for paying/playing.


I am willing to wager that it is the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind this decision that has this community fired up. Most people that will ever be capable of doing NM content at-level are already pretty much BiS at this point. But as we go through this rehashed content, we're literally doing it for nothing but decorations and fun. I think it's not in any way out of the realm of reason to at least expect the same level of gear that you got this week for killing Jarg and Sorno & the Fabricator Droid.


Giving worse gear is just rude.

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Eric To be very honest with you...


What you guys need is to gather around a table and fire 90% of the workers.

Its amazing there isnt a patch that you guys release that works 100% fine or a patch that people are actually happy.


Those developers need to leave or the game dies, simple as that.

If i was working there i wouldnt be happy to see so much rage everytime i posted something on the forums, if i was working there i wouldnt EVER release content half working...this is just too much to handle.


You are the ones destroying the game... its just sad to watch.:(


I have to conclude this to be true.


I sure am glad a REAL Star Wars product is coming to us in less than 2 weeks...

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Disgusted with the stuffing of endgame loot into mid tier and labelling the NiM operations as roleplay **** for mounts and titles with a RNG chance of the gear which is guaranteed to drop in easier content.


And yes I do want hardest content to be where the best loot is not utter trash like KP and EV "hard" mode.


Anyone want a 224 mainhand for their 20th junk alt char because that's all you need to get one.


Endgame gear is devalued to the point of triviality.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Are you out of your *********** minds? Do most Bioware employees travel to work on the same short bus that took them to school?


Whoever thought this up should be fired (because apparently shooting them is going to far), along with everyone who heard the idea and didn't immediately slap the idiot in the face for coming up with it.



This, is how Bioware is treating endgame:

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Since i've only just started Story Mode Operations (Whee!) reading through the notes it appears that NiM is pretty much purely for pets and mounts? Thats... ok isn't it? For the collectors to show off the nifties that only they can get from NiM? Or are they just not anything special?
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Since i've only just started Story Mode Operations (Whee!) reading through the notes it appears that NiM is pretty much purely for pets and mounts? Thats... ok isn't it? For the collectors to show off the nifties that only they can get from NiM? Or are they just not anything special?


while some of the mounts are cool, who cares about pets? as a NiM raider since 1.0 and all subsequent patches i can personally say I wont be pressing to do the NiM content in 4.0 unless its for sure dropping 224 because the reward for the effort just isnt there. Especially since only 1 mount/pet drops per 8 people. They didnt give us any new achievements, fight mechanic changes or anything so NiMs were already looking unattractive from the start, i fear this puts the nail the coffin for most players as i know it does for me.

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Since i've only just started Story Mode Operations (Whee!) reading through the notes it appears that NiM is pretty much purely for pets and mounts? Thats... ok isn't it? For the collectors to show off the nifties that only they can get from NiM? Or are they just not anything special?


NiM and endgame in general requires a large time and teamwork and personal practice commitment.


Tarting up and roleplaying is very secondary to all of that.


On the other hand, a desire to tart up and roleplay won't get you through the hardest content.


So shock horror when NiM guilds turn up and trash the proposal to make NiM utter junk for gear and expect people to raid just to play dress up dolly which has ZERO functional use.

Edited by Gyronamics
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