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Vote for new PvP content @ all PvP Players and BioWare


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I just started doing pvp (first because of the stupid droid) with my boyfriend and now because we make compromises for those we love


He does some things I like and I do very limited pvp with him.


But I WILL NOT do pvp if I can not group with him. I am not dealing with some of those idiots in pvp without him. There isn't any way I would do pvp without him. So take out grouping you can forget me ever stepping foot in a pvp zone again.


So Not signing.

Edited by casirabit
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I heard they have a PvP team... What have they been doing for the last 2 years apart from "balancing", really? And hitting the PvP Season switches.


When you mentioned the PvP team you meant Bob the intern down in the basement who only worked half an hour per week right?

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I just started doing pvp (first because of the stupid droid) with my boyfriend and now because we make compromises for those we love


He does some things I like and I do very limited pvp with him.


But I WILL NOT do pvp if I can not group with him. I am not dealing with some of those idiots in pvp without him. There isn't any way I would do pvp without him. So take out grouping you can forget me ever stepping foot in a pvp zone again.


So Not signing.




Please read my First post again!

You can sign for all 3Points or only for one Point from my suggestions.


Thank you for your Vote

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So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


- New PvP Map(s)

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone



+ new pvp-modes, example: attacking/defending(escort him into a safezone) a VIP

OR something like voidstar, BUT one side comes with dropships at different points and must reach the bridge

OR a wide-open-map like novare WITH cannons from the flashpoint "collicoid games" (don't know the exact name of the FP in english^^)

+ new gsf-maps

+ new gsf-modes, example: attacking/defending a stardestroyer/outpost



"something awesome like crosserver"^^.... it's already there, it's the costume designer^^, every pvp-player needs at least 3 or 4 slots with different costumes, then in 8vs8-warzones only 4vs4 people will get invites, BUT the game will automatically change the appearance of every player every x seconds, so that you think there are more than 4vs4 players in this warzone - it can be soo easy^^

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It might have helped if they had refined the ilum idea on PVP instead of focusing on warzones.


See now this has merit, it would have been nice just to be able to go to a planet, in a specific area set aside and complete some [Daily] for PvP by completing an objective..... although if it is anything like this....

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Hi Guys


First of all, sorry for my bad English!


So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


Please, please all PvP Players only we can change that, so only write /sign under this Thread.

And Eric / BioWare please look on this Thread.


so here are my suggestions:


- New PvP Map(s)

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones

(please note you can sign for all 3 Points or only for one if you want)


Thank you all for your VOTE


And now /sign


I agree with all but the "No more Premade Groups for Warzones". grouping with friends for PvP is what makes pvp fun for a lot of people. It is a misconception that "premade" is the same as "pvp guild"... if I group with 2 friends, we are a premade, but we may suck.


I'd rather they change the system so that premades queue up against other premades, and fill in the holes with single players.

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Cross server queues, never going to happen of course, neither is the "better than cross server" carrot they threw at us over 12 months ago. Cross faction would be a reasonable compromise.


Remove bolster from all ranked play, it has no place there.


Bring back 8's V 8's back into ranked.

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I'm a "solo-player," if you really took a look at the time spent in-game over the years. But I like playing PvP as well as doing Operations and FPs.


In catering to the "solo" crowd in this expansion, BW is detracting greatly from the game generally. It is less appealing to log in, because there isn't very much new to do - you can only do the KotFE story and Alliance grind so much. At that point, it's the same things that have been in the game for a long time that are left as options. There isn't even a new daily zone and reputation track.


The novelty of running the level 50 content again wears off quickly also, because it was played in the past (how many times can we run Hammer Station on different difficulties and levels?).


Subscribers need things like new WZs, FPs, and Operations to keep the game fresh and going. Story content is great, but the other parts of the game are much more repeatable, when we've all become the same character, the Outlander. Even SoR had me take 1 of each class through it, just to do/see the 10 minute class quest. Of 15 characters, I've only done KotFE on 2, and the Alliance grind to 20 on 1.


It's the first time since launch I'm likely going to let my subscription lapse, as there is no indication BW has anything new to offer its players. It's simply not fun to do the same story on every class, just to be able to do the next chapter in... February.

Edited by arunav
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Hi Guys


First of all, sorry for my bad English!


So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


Please, please all PvP Players only we can change that, so only write /sign under this Thread.

And Eric / BioWare please look on this Thread.


so here are my suggestions:


- New PvP Map(s)

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones

(please note you can sign for all 3 Points or only for one if you want)


Thank you all for your VOTE


And now /sign


Cross Server queues - /sign (to me the most important thing because I'm playing on a less populated pvp server)


New maps - /sign (but not at priority. Cross server queues first)


No more premade groups for warzone - NEVER EVER ! If I can't group with my guildmates I'd be done with pvp, what also means I'd be done with the whole game. Remember how much players stopped playing Age of Conan when they removed the premades from their minigames ?


If you want solo content, please enjoy the new KotFE story, but leave the group content to those who enjoy them.

Edited by Kheeleb
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Pvp is way too laggy...the classes aren't equal, and you need a special set of gear or whatever.


Until this changes, I'm not into new pvp content. Or any pvp content for that matter. If I'll have to do it for a companion later on, I will, but that's it.

Edited by JessieLoverRxE
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Hi Guys


First of all, sorry for my bad English!


So there is no new PvP content between the last 2 Years...it's time to change!!!


Please, please all PvP Players only we can change that, so only write /sign under this Thread.

And Eric / BioWare please look on this Thread.


so here are my suggestions:


- New PvP Map(s)

- Cross Server queues for Ranked Warzone

- (possibly)No more Premade Groups for Warzones

(please note you can sign for all 3 Points or only for one if you want)


Thank you all for your VOTE


And now /sign


What do you no new content, they gated a Companion behind PvP, surely this was enough!!! :eek:


In all seriousness, despite being mostly a PvE player, I'd support your requests so long as they didn't gate anything PvE related behind it.


Interestingly, point 3 with no pre-made groups (so all totally random) would be a great idea for UNRANKED WZ's and make them a friendlier and more interesting place for new PvPers as they wouldn't be put up against obvious PvP guild groups who you don't stand a chance against. I would say this should NOT apply to Ranked WZ's as this should be where the guild groups go.

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