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Everything posted by hungryewok

  1. After these "changes" I lost all hope in "combat team". Going to unsub, thankfully Blade&Soul is coming in a month
  2. /signed on new content and cross server. Premades should stay.
  3. I'm only writing this in hope it might get noticed and taken into consideration. Dear devs, Could you please be straightforward by telling us when and if are you going to roll out any actual content (PvP or PvE) and take care of class balance. There are dosens, if not hundreds threads that are getting ignored conpletely. It would be great if you do it in a oneliner even. For exmple: Class balance patch - Q1 2016 New Operation - Q3 2016 New warzone - Q4 2016 8v8 ranked and cross server - not planned, low priority. If you do it in such way, it would address all these threads and people would know what to expect in the future.
  4. Dear Dev team if you're reading this: - I have returned @ kotfe launch to do story and PvP stuff. I gavrn' played since like q2 2012. - Story "content" lasted shorter than a Call of Duty singleplayer campaign. - After that I levelled 3 toons and got them dressed in full ranked PvP gear and finishing on my 4th toon at the moment. - And now I'm left with no content, as there's no ranked season. Solo ranked pops are very rare without cross-server feature. There's a ton of issues in class balance in particular and whole PvP design in general. I have no incentive to play at all only ONE month after I returned. I have been out of the game for 3 years only to see ONE month worth of content. Because PvP is as good as dead without cross-server or at least cross-faction ques. As far as I can see PvE is not better with no new ebdgane pve cobtent for over a year.
  5. Funny thing if they nerf pt without nerfing sorc healing, people will just go on even more about "I cannot kill a healer". PTs right now is almost the only spec (theres also maras and sins to sime extent) being able to highly pressure a healer in reg wz. I'm not saying that PTs shouldn't be nerfed. I'm thinking if it's too hard to separate PvP fron PvE and do a proper PvP balance?
  6. In order not to create a new topic: What spec would you advise for levelling and low level wz?
  7. Thank you all for your answers. If I had to choose between jugg and mara for solo pvp play, what will be less stressful?
  8. What would you advise as the most viable melee dps class/spec. It should be able to stay in your face, have good survivability and do decent damage. Sonething akin to warrior/dk in wow.
  9. class balance and poor graphical engine performance. gearing is fine. create a lvl60, get 65 by doing wz and vois la, you have 2018 expertise.
  10. Warhammer online had the best PvP I've seen to date. It had scale and castle sieges, it was fun. Guild Wars 2 had good pvp when I was playing it at launch. I'm considering to give it a try soon-ish
  11. The gear gap in swtor right now is nowhere close to what it was in WoW back in the early seasons - you had to grind bgs for weeks to have some starting gear and then have high enough ranked rating to get BiS gear. It took a lot of time. In ToR you need around 8k (4k for 204, and 4k for 6 pieces of 208 that cannot be made adaptive) comms and 2-3 mil credits to get quite competitve gear. Its a very low entry point. Class balance is bad - that is the common issue with pvp. Totally unrelated question: what do you need to have, except gear and datacrons to min/max your stats?
  12. Is there any?) Operatives seemed to have had a dot spec, but it was bad back in the day. Don't want to roll sorc fotm
  13. OP, sorry to spoil all the fun, but was there any math and comparison involved, or you just usef your "gut feeling"?
  14. Thank you all for your answers. You've been great and helpful. I'm stating again that I'm not defecting to empire. I'm transferring my main to Ebon Hawk as well as creating an empire toon.
  15. I meant transferring them between characters of opposing factions. I got a set of sorc gear bought by mistake. And I have a spare augmented set of armor from cartel market. I'm wondering whether I can send them to my new character.
  16. THank you for all of your replies. I decided to do both - transfer to EH and roll an Imp char. Will I be able to transfer a set of armor with augments? What about weapons and off-hands? Any guide out here?
  17. Thank you for your answers. One thingbis bugging me: what exactly will I be able to transfer from Pub to Imp if I choose to go with a mirror class? Cosmetic armor? PvP mods? Mounts?
  18. Returning player, got a lvl 65 shadow with mix of 204-208 pvp gear. Unranked wz is a terrible experience. Are ranked arenas also faction based? Should I use free lvl 60 to create a lvl 60 imperal? Will I be able to transfer my gear to the imp? And are mounts bound to character or I can transfer them as well? Thank you for your answers.
  19. Hi all, a returning player here, who wants to grasp shadow pvp once more. And so far it hasnt been a good experience. I'm playing an infiltration shadow. I'm geared accordin to Krea's guides., iLVL 204 items, earpirlece implants abn relics are 208, all augments are 208 power. Trying to grind out full 208 before going ranked. And I got tremendous difficulties. Up to the point that I'm considering to reroll sorc or pt or merc. Firstly i feel that ranged classes are OP in this game, having over 9000 diffeeent ways to kite me and having insane survivability - mostly sorcs. They also do ****ton more burst damage than I do - mercenaries and sorcs. I almost always find myself in a situation when I'm being kited to death. Life as melee is way to difficult - juggs and maras seem to be stronger 1v1 and when trying to engage ranged dps, I am being focused and kited to death by 2+ ppl. Defensive cooldowns help, but I,m out of them after 20 seconds, and then I die. I do laughable burst comparing to pt and snipers. My overall damage seems much worse than sorc and merc. And pvping as a Rep on Tomb of Freedon Nadd has been the worst pvp experience for me so far - reps lose around 8/10 games. So I got 2 questions - is 8v8 just bad for sins? Should I roll imp for a better experience or maybe change the server?
  20. Guys could you please say what is the wait time for a response to an in-game ticket. 24h - and no response. This looks quite disheartening tbh
  21. Haven't played since mid 2012, resubbed now. I've seen quite a few 50-60 lvl people with Founder title on the fleet. Whether I'm going to play in 2 months - I'm not sure. The game definitely has my attention, but if in terms of end game content nothing changed since 2012 - then all these newconers are gonna drop the game in a couple of months.
  22. Hi all, just a simple question. I have to grind out pvp gear from scratch. Is buying a set of armor and a weapon on cartel market and then equipping it with PvP mods will be faster than simply buying PvP set pieces or not? Does it have any other possible advantages/disadvantages? Thanks in advance.
  23. Apologies for noobish questions in this thread. I haven't played since early 2012 and barely remember anything. Which spec would you recommend if I have zero pvp gear and wish to grind it out? I feel like I do no game impact whatsoever in Serenity in terms of damage. The only useful thing I seem to do is ninja capping of objectives.
  24. Hi all and thanks for viewing the thread. I dropped the game back in spring-summer 2012. Completely forgotten almost everything. And I would hug you if could answer some of my questions. Here they go: 1. This "Do story quests and level up quickly" thingy is already active or will it begin on 27th? 2. This is my 1st f2p mmo. So does spending cash give you any way of a competitive advantage? And what is the optimal amount of cash to spend? 3. Is PvP any fun? Did rated arenas appear? Is world PvP still a thing? 4. What is the most unpopular class in the game at the moment? 5. Is performance still lacking in BGs, raids and mass PVP Thanks again.
  25. you're doing something wrong when u are saying concealment is useless when out of stealth. I constantly crit for 2.5+k vs 400+ expertise geared opponents and up to 5k on lowbies when out of stealth. Sever Tendon makes up for lack of mobility and pvp medpacks + rakata medpacks + shield probe help me to stay in a fight for quite a while. Here's a screenshot of me as Concealment being in the middle of action all the time and using biochem defensively. http://s018.radikal.ru/i513/1201/22/1632fa4e772f.jpg Considering this Lethality is completely not viable right now. It might be viable if only they added ta proc from dot crits or from weakening blast so that we didnt have to use shiv.
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