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The Old Republic in December


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The rewards will be announced later this week, I will edit the link in when that happens. I accidentally left that part in the post, I removed it for now to avoid any confusion.


Thanks for catching that!




I'm sure the 4th Anniversary reward will be yet another box of fireworks!

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Cool, thanks! Some nifty stuff indeed. :D


Opinions will vary.



  1. More strongholds for cheap? Not bad I suppose, assuming you like decorating multiple strongholds. Of course, if you already have these strongholds, it's not much of a reward, is it? This one seems geared towards newer players who have joined since the implementation of strongholds, rather than those who have been around long enough to celebrate multiple anniversaries. Anyone who was around when strongholds first came out (and who was actually interested in strongholds) probably picked these up cheap during the initial offer.
  2. Ebon Hawk decoration? Meh. (see assumption on #1)
  3. Ebon Hawk resting animation? Frankly, it looks ridiculous. I can just imagine a big bad Sith or a stoic Jedi Master busting out a kids toy and flying it around in between life and death fights.



So for a player who has been around for a while and isn't particularly interested in the whole "interior decorator" aspect of the game, these rewards don't really offer much worth mentioning.

Edited by Blackbird
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for new players or old players with low-level alts on alt servers, the 4-credit strongholds are still selling for 5,000. That could stand to be fixed...


The Dromund Kass stronghold is still 5,000 for my fresh Sith Inquisitor - but she's on the same server as the characters I created at launch. Same account.


Is broken :)

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What is needed for Christmas is the ability for Quinn to die in Chapter 3 or change the circumstances around that "event" so that it would make sense for him to survive. I don't know how your writers can sleep at night. Don't you have any pride in your work? Now that you have the voice actors recording and all companions have all roles there is no excuse to Sith Warriors to have to bear the indignity any longer. Not that there was a valid excuse before. The ship droid could have simply been ungraded to heal like Quinn.


That has to be a worse, most character destroying, disaster in the game. Even worse than taking a lightsaber to the gut at center mass (that spine had to have severed) and walking it off like a leg cramp.

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bioware is lucky i still got Fallout 4 to finish or i might just stop paying for this 12 month sub for a mmo with more content like GW2 cant belive gota wait till feb 9th or 11th for them to get off their butts lets hope the content then wont be like the release of KOTFE which you can finish in 6hr :mad:
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Opinions will vary.



  1. More strongholds for cheap? Not bad I suppose, assuming you like decorating multiple strongholds. Of course, if you already have these strongholds, it's not much of a reward, is it? This one seems geared towards newer players who have joined since the implementation of strongholds, rather than those who have been around long enough to celebrate multiple anniversaries. Anyone who was around when strongholds first came out (and who was actually interested in strongholds) probably picked these up cheap during the initial offer.
  2. Ebon Hawk decoration? Meh. (see assumption on #1)
  3. Ebon Hawk resting animation? Frankly, it looks ridiculous. I can just imagine a big bad Sith or a stoic Jedi Master busting out a kids toy and flying it around in between life and death fights.



So for a player who has been around for a while and isn't particularly interested in the whole "interior decorator" aspect of the game, these rewards don't really offer much worth mentioning.


As far as your #3 goes, there is a rest animation toy that already DOES what they are giving, just not with the "Ebon Hawk" (it is some other ship). Now for the funny thing: this rest animation is always available on the GTN for less than all the other animations (rare exceptions for new animations that are crappy and numerous, but even they sell eventually leaving the model starship). So they took something very unpopular and reskinned it, calling that a gift.

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Hey folks,


There are quite a lot of things that will be going on in-game during the month of December. We wanted to share all of them with you so you know when to get in on the action.


BW to English translation : Damage control post incoming. We've read all your posts about not really having any repeatable content to do - so we're going to announce the stuff you were already bored with anyway.


  • Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree


Did that to death already. Already got everything I wanted. Don't really feel the need to do it again.

But I'm sure others will enjoy it.


  • Dec 8 – Jan 5: Log in for 4th Anniversary Rewards!


I'm sure there are people who care about their Stronghold decorations enough to appreciate this one. Not me though.

But I'm sure others will appreciate it.


  • Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Rakghoul Plague


See my note about the Gree.


  • Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day


See my note about the 4th anniversary rewards.


  • Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP


Wow. You haven't done this one to death already?


I guess all those new people who've never played the game before who you're hoping will flock in after the release of the film will enjoy this. ofc, they may just use their "insta-60" token instead - and let's be honest, 60-65 levelling needs a double XP boost in the same way the Atlantic Ocean needs a cup of water.


Plus, when did "you won't have to play as much of our game (to reach max level)" become an incentive?


On the positive side, I may even level a few more of my alts. I'm not actually sure why, since I already have 15+ level 60+ characters - but I guess there's nothing else to do.


  • Dec 22 – Dec 29: Bounty Contract Week


Now in theory, I need to do this. I barely ever did it in the past and my bags aren't already collapsing under the weight of the event rewards like all the other events. The thing is... the reason I've not already done this event to death was that I didn't enjoy it very much. Too much running around to kill 2 or 3 mobs per contract. So chances are, I won't be doing it again.



  • Dec 8: Relics of the Gree
  • Dec 15: Rakghoul Resurgence
  • Dec 22: Death Mark
  • Dec 29: The Balance of Power


tbh, there are people within my guild who will really appreciate knowing this sort of stuff well in advance. Not me. But thank you anyway.


Personally, I think people should be able to see this sort of stuff in game rather than posted on the forums/dulfy/reddit. But I guess if you're going to partially implement new gaming infrastructure - the forums are as good a place as any to fill in the gaps.


That is everything coming to you in December. Don’t forget about all of the subscriber rewards you can become eligible for in January as well.


BW to English translation : Please sub. Please sub. Please don't take a break. Yeah, I know, technically we're a F2P game, but please sub, please sub, please sub.! We already posted high numbers for subscribers due to the release of KotFE - and if you don't sub, the sh*t is really going to hit the fan when the huge drop-off we're seeing continues.


Thanks everyone.




Please sub, please sub. See I'm a nice guy. Please sub.


Sorry Eric, I know the financing of the game isn't in your hands.

You aren't responsible for the fact that the game was released as 1.0 rather than as it should have been with 1.2 or 1.3.

It's not your fault that all those potential loyal customers left before 1.3.

It's not your fault that the reduced income has led a lot of players with high expectations being sorely let down again and again.

You personally could not have turned the game into the run away success it could have been, with the associated increase in revenue to deliver the content on it's originally scheduled cadence rather then drip feeding everything at the slowest possible pace over a number of years.

You don't choose to be myopic about development resources - bouncing from one approach to the next, leaving each previous attempt to keep people happy as husks of what they could be if those systems were only fleshed out.

You don't do the analysis of the metrics data. Assuming that if lots of people are doing "something" that they like it, without considering that those same people might prefer to do something else, but that something else isn't really within the game any more (if it ever was). Looking at data of those who are currently active, without taking into account what the people who already quit the game wanted from the game (and therefore might be willing to pay for it it still was in the game).


I know the company feel like they are catering to their audience.

Ever think your audience might be those nearly 2 million people who subscribed during 1.0 to 1.2 ?

(I think it was 2 million, could have been 1.... honestly, I pulled that number out of the air)

Edit: Yeah, 2 million. I thought so, but didn't want to commit without a source. Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120204115906/http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19915-electronic-arts-q3-fy12-earnings-call

Sadly, it feels like Bioware have decided those people will never return. To me it just feels like you've given up any attempt to fix why those people left in the first place. Or perhaps it's just the money.


Meanwhile though... your job (as I understand it) it to be the communication conduit between the players and the developers.


And yes, I know, anything you say becomes gasoline for the fire.


Here's the thing though, your feedback to the players is so few and far between - everyone NEEDS to hang on your every word. Could I please, for the love of gods, please ask you to consider having a member of your team (or yourself) be visibly active all the time. So that players can get a vibe of what's going on from the sheer volume of information, feedback and opinion being directed at us - rather than over reacting to each tiny morsel of that is thrown our way. I'm sure there will be some early set back, with players treating a new style of continual feedback in the same ways as we currently do - but surely, over time, things will settle down to a normal level of interaction?


This line intentionally left blank.

Edited by Woetoo
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Meh. Events I've run too much as is. I think I might actually visit family this year instead of try to find excuses to play swtor even though they're all practically insane. I did hear my cousin finally got kicked out of his house the bank forclosed on 5 years ago. Nice to know banks operate slowly I guess. Nothing at all new to sink my teeth into swtor wise means I get to go see the rednecks. At least we'll fire off a few rounds in the back yard for fun. Good times.


Seems like a gigantic missed opportunity to me in terms of a great if not ideal time to release content.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey folks,


There are not a lot of things that will be going on in-game during the month of December. We wanted to share all of them with you so you know when to expect nothing.



  • Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree
  • Dec 8 – Jan 5: Log in for 4th Anniversary Rewards!
  • Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Broken Rakghoul Plague - So sorry, too much eggnog. Check back next month.
  • Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day - Annoy the hell out of people by throwing snowballs at them.
  • Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP - Get double XP unless you end up with a bugged mission and can't advance your class story (Be advised that all support tickets submitted in December will be auto-closed).
  • Dec 22 – Dec 29: Broken Bounty Contract Week - Again, so sorry. Need more eggnog. Check back next month.


For Life Day this year we have made a few changes to the rewards. All previously available rewards, including some items previously only available on the Cartel Market, are available for purchase with Snow-Covered Parcels from the Master of Ceremonies on each Faction’s Fleet. Additionally, we have a few new Cartel Market items in honor of Life Day and one of them might be a tank that shoots snowballs, seriously.



  • Dec 8: Relics of the Gree
  • Dec 15: Rakghoul Resurgence
  • Dec 22: Death Mark
  • Dec 29: The Balance of Power


That is everything coming to you in December. Don’t forget about all of the subscriber bribes you can become eligible for in January as well. Thanks everyone.





Edited by PorsaLindahl
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That is freaking brilliant lol!


You forgot the • random rollback event though. Nothing beats playing for 4 hours on a Saturday, logging in on Monday to see everything you bought/sold/did, is completely removed. Those jokers lol...

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Not that we did before, but something i noticed is that we didn't get anything for free.


I mean.. it's Christmas right? In every online game i play we get gifts everyday.

Even freaking GTA Online gives you stuff for free.


In SWTOR we only get discounts in CM and an Event that includes stupid repetitive boring throwing of snowballs.

We could at least get come CC .__.


Just saying. Especially after this screwing up they did..

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Not that we did before, but something i noticed is that we didn't get anything for free.


I mean.. it's Christmas right? In every online game i play we get gifts everyday.

Even freaking GTA Online gives you stuff for free.


In SWTOR we only get discounts in CM and an Event that includes stupid repetitive boring throwing of snowballs.

We could at least get come CC .__.


Just saying. Especially after this screwing up they did..


The anniversary gift vendor has freebies. That's it, though.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Not that we did before, but something i noticed is that we didn't get anything for free.


I mean.. it's Christmas right? In every online game i play we get gifts everyday.

Even freaking GTA Online gives you stuff for free.


In SWTOR we only get discounts in CM and an Event that includes stupid repetitive boring throwing of snowballs.

We could at least get come CC .__.


Just saying. Especially after this screwing up they did..

Bioware believes it's better to give than to receive...they love when you give them your money and receive nothing.

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Ya im in GW2 atm running around grabbing Christmas presents off the ground that are full of loot, its been going on for days and will continue till after the holidays are over, they are literally just laying around on the ground everywhere throughout the game.
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Ya im in GW2 atm running around grabbing Christmas presents off the ground that are full of loot, its been going on for days and will continue till after the holidays are over, they are literally just laying around on the ground everywhere throughout the game.


they always have awesome events. but i dont really like the game, dungeons even less challenging than here, story worse, and pvp boring like here. but events oh yum yum

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they always have awesome events. but i dont really like the game, dungeons even less challenging than here, story worse, and pvp boring like here. but events oh yum yum


I wont disagree with you that the story is boring and poorly writen, but the pvp is leaps and bounds ahead of star wars, and for me, story takes a back seat to pvp.

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