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Producer Letter Livestream Wrap-up


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Incorrect. Star fortresses count as group content.


Lol. I suppose you are technically correct, but really come on. Do I really have to clarify that I mean group content that actually requires a group and a pulse?

Edited by chelbelle
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KOTOR, ME, Dragon Age, Fall Out, Sky Rim, and a hundred other games dozens of time. However, those games have ten times the original content that KotFE offers, for a fraction of the price.


Your comparing top rated games to an expansion. I would say the difference being some of those game were years in production to make. I would say ( and think you could agree) this expansion was not.


As a hard core gamer, I presume you do realize they will NEVER create enough content fast enough for you. It is just not possible. I guess I was lucky. I started with EQ raiding where content was bottlenecked by questing for parts and non instanced raid mobs on 3-5-7 day timers that guilds raced to kill before another guild did. That game raised my patience quota pretty high.


I did state I do agree they need to add group content. I do ops with my friends. Unfortunately we never were able to complete the last expansion Ops, so we still have something to work towards.

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My impression of KOTFE is, that we only play it to please all our companions.

Where is the new endcontend for all subscribers, who played it for years?

Since 2 years we're playing the same eight operations. Last year we only get two new ones. (Monolith an Toborro I don't count as an operation, because it's only like a worldboss-kill)


We wan't more NEW operations!!!

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Your comparing top rated games to an expansion. I would say the difference being some of those game were years in production to make. I would say ( and think you could agree) this expansion was not.


As a hard core gamer, I presume you do realize they will NEVER create enough content fast enough for you. It is just not possible. I guess I was lucky. I started with EQ raiding where content was bottlenecked by questing for parts and non instanced raid mobs on 3-5-7 day timers that guilds raced to kill before another guild did. That game raised my patience quota pretty high.


I did state I do agree they need to add group content. I do ops with my friends. Unfortunately we never were able to complete the last expansion Ops, so we still have something to work towards.


Expansions usually cost even less. Even a terrible game will offer far more original content per dollar than KotFE is giving us. I think you will be hard pressed to find a game that is trying to charge you more for their content than swtor is right now.

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Incorrect. Star fortresses count as group content.


That's laughable given the recent companion nerf/buff sequence. There's nothing about Star Fortress that's group content for the same portion of the player base that's upset about the lack of new end-game (Operations and PVP) content. When BioWare tried to make the content less solo-friendly people threw a fit worse than the one end-game subscribers are raising in this thread.

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The point being I do not believe Bioware has the intention of you only playing one character for their game. So judging the amount of content by a single playthrough is a not quite fair representation of the game. I will grant you there is little variation in the story per class with the last few expansions but it is there. The choice is your as to how you wish to treat the "value" of the game but it isn't the same for everyone.


I agree there needs to be some group(ish) content. New heroics and such. I believe their might be Operations towards the end of the story content. Ops (raids) usually revolve around fighting big Boss(es) at end of story content/expansions, we currently are only mid story. It wouldn't make sense to have an Op battle against the "Big Bad" when we still are unsure who it will be at the moment.


That's some excessive inflating. There are only 8 unique classes/stories and many people are very particular about the playstyles they enjoy. Presuming that your alt-aholic-ness should be the basis to which content pacing should be done for the entire consumer base that is likely populated with plenty of people that wouldn't bother with legendary status is silly.


People are upset because the content was easily finishable by core gamers within the early access week minus the lokin alert yet is supposed to last till chapter X. Furthermore we're told we're getting no new content for 3 months which the hyped up announcement extended to 4. The Alliance grind also didn't provide any staggered content. There's currently no incentive to grind alliance as progressing your specialists did not unlock any further alerts. No new OPs PvP and FP either and all 6 star fortresses might as well be 1.


Couple this with the fact that people have found that the average time to complete a chapter is 30 to 90 minutes and 1 chapter a month seems really unappealing for 15 dollars a month. The presented Subscriber Rewards really does feel like a lame attempt at retaining subs from these upset people and it looks like the carrots just aren't enticing enough.

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Oh GOD yes!!! I've done the original romances (the male ones <3) 22 times!


I mean, seriously, the companions married us, we are each other's woobies, we've been gone FIVE years. Think of it like coming home from a deployment in Iraq or something. I can see it now...





Man, did this thread need something light-hearted like that. Too funny lol


Eric/Ben, thank you for the announcement—I am really looking forward to HK-55 and more details of the progressive rewards as you reveal them.


Oh and just quietly, bugs... ↓↓↓↓↓

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I would have liked it better if HK-55 and the additional chapter had been a reward for like... 8 or 10 or 12 months accumulated subscription time. I don't support story content and characters being exclusively obtainable at one point in time. It leaves new and returning players with a negative impression, and they don't pay for something that gives them negative feels. I don't understand why you're so intent on continuing the point-in-time reward system.


Pretty much this. I'm a subscriber from December 2011 until now, I've invested over 2000$ into this game. And I wouldn't get it if i choose to cancel my subscription for one, two or three months because maybe I'm on a work trip, in hospital or really WHATEVER? Yeah, that's how long time customer retention works... not.

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Hey, could you just clarify for us why you said that Chapter X would be released in January, then turned around and delayed it to February


Care to cite where they specifically said January.


The said a short break after the movies then they'd be starting the chapters in their main announcements. I don't recall any specific date being stated. A little over a month is a short break... again after the movies.

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We have a whole host of new subscriber rewards for you as well:

  • Be a subscriber on January 11th and receive HK-55 as a playable Companion when 4.1 launches on 2/9.
  • Be a subscriber continuously from January 11th through the launch of Chapter 16, and receive an entire bonus Chapter where you will play as HK-55!
  • Be a subscriber on the 1st of each month, and receive 2 days of early access to any Chapter which launches that month. This includes Chapter 10 in February.
  • There will also be additional monthly subscriber rewards throughout Season 1, most of which will be themed around HK-55.


I got to page 10 (max number of posts viewable) and started skimming, so I may have missed something if asked already.


First, thanks for the short livestream detailing some of the upcoming subscriber rewards. I can understand some of the frustrations in this thread, but that is all I will add to those concerns already voiced.


With the subscriber rewards (incentives?) specifically. My understanding of KotFE chapter releases, is that they are subscriber content only. Making the 2 days early access slightly bemusing (!).


Does this mean that there will also be another way for non-subscribers (F2P / Preferred Accounts) to access the KotFE content? Such as paying for an unlock for specific chapters via the Cartel Market?


I think that's the only real question I have about the livestream. Thanks Eric :)

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I put this on another thread: my feedback is that I am incredibly disappointed that BW is spending substantial resources to create a fluff alternate POV chapter rather than use those resources on what players want ie new operations, FPS or warzones. Heck even more main story content would be better than a HK-55 chapter.


Don't assume to speak for anyone but yourself on what people want.


The HK-55 chapter is story content.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Thanks a bunch for the info on upcoming updates and subscriber rewards. You have done a good job... :)


There is one question I have had since 4.0 was released that has been asked many times in the forums, but to date we have not had a response from anyone from BioWare. The question is, will we be given the ability to change out the armor on the new companions? I find it detrimental to my game play to see many identical Lana's, Senya's ect. running around in the same area that I am in. It really takes away from the immersion and feel for the game and is only second to our ability to change and/or customize the look of our characters.

Please, can we get an answer or at lease some kind of response to this issue that is VERY important to many long time players of SWTOR?


Thank you :)

Edited by OneHawk
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Okay, so... let me point something. You say a lot you pay attention to players' feedback.


Players are begging for:

A) Warzones and PvP Content

B) Specific class side-quests

C) New Ops and true Flashpoints.

D) More meaningful companions

E) Less content like the Grind Alliance.

F) New things to do (New Events)

G) Some love to GSF (New maps, for example)


Love how people assume to know the wants of most of the playerbase. While I want a lot of those things, I don't make the presumption my wants are anything but my own. Regular raiding and PvPers are a minority of most PvE games. So many games have moved away from those things because of their own internal findings on how many players participate in that content.


Delayed content which was supposed to come monthly. Since launch.


They specifically said there would be a short period after the launch, and the new chapters wouldn't come out until a short time after the new movie.

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Don't assume to speak for anyone but yourself on what people want.


The HK-55 chapter is story content.


The entire point of this thread is to provide feedback and ask questions. Speaking for himself is literally what he's supposed to be doing.


However, I think that if you read the rest of the thread you will find that he's not in the minority.

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^^ this is post 392


A whole two posts and you cant figure that out ...awwwww .... Well here...let me lead you to it since instead of trying to figure it out on your own you decided instead to resort to a personal attack.....


Post I was referring to to was #388 i even quoted you in the response it was only 4 posts away when you asked that question ...and you couldn't find it ...... LOL .....wow just wow **facepalm**


Post #388 is below, for your reference.

well if you are referring to multiplayer content as ops and pvp... etc ...then your wrong. as i have stated above. It is not a "requirement" of a mmo.


As you can see, this is in fact the post I replied to, asking where your "above statement" was located. You have still not provided me with a response to this question.


So, since you seemed unable to comprehend the previous time, I shall ask again.


Where is your post that explains how one can have an MMO without group content?

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Post #388 is below, for your reference.



As you can see, this is in fact the post I replied to, asking where your "above statement" was located. You have still not provided me with a response to this question.


So, since you seemed unable to comprehend the previous time, I shall ask again.


Where is your post that explains how one can have an MMO without group content?


Novablast's argument is that an mmo only requires other people to be present. Not that they actually do stuff together. Because running around doing dailies, and story line, in the same general area as others, without actually interacting is mad fun and counts as being social. /s

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