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Producer Letter Livestream Wrap-up


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How about legit Dual specialization ? Resetting Disciplines and utility points and having to reset bars up is a massive pain. That would be an update I could get behind.. even if I had to unlock it as a perk for a couple of mil.
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What he said, I'm deathly afraid my guild will quit if we don't get new ops and class balance soon.


Most of my guild is already gone. The rest including myself will follow.


If BW's intent was to kill the MMO side of this game: Job Well Done!


Devs in the game are clueless to what makes an MMO great, absolutely clueless...

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time zones and lag.... =(


Oh forgot about that... Would be nice for cross realm but I think it would cause even more issues than be beneficial. Heck I still have the flickering taxi on coruscant bug. Has to do with shadows and collision from me observing it since launch....... :(

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We hope you enjoyed the stream and want to thank you all for tuning in. If you have any questions about the stream or anything else, throw them in this thread and I will work with Ben on getting them answered. Thanks!


Here's a question. In fact, a few:


Why should we care about an HK-55 companion when we already have about 25 of them now?


What are we expected to actually DO with ourselves if we choose to stay subscribed for all of this if we don't care about yet another inconsequential companion and a fluffy piece of stronghold art that doesn't matter to many of us... considering that your chapters were about an hour of content and we now have two and a half months to wait for the next hour instead of a month?


What are you planning to do to actually RETAIN YOUR AUDIENCE, i.e. new planets to explore, new operations and flashpoints, new holiday events, new quests, new anything? Surely you're aware that people don't actually keep subscribing for fluff pieces if there's no content to be played?


And finally... why did you guys do a live feed to basically announce a press release with almost nothing of consequence to show for it?

Edited by damonskye
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  • Be a subscriber continuously from January 11th through the launch of Chapter 16, and receive an entire bonus Chapter where you will play as HK-55!


Oh EA my old friend have I missed you!


And no, I can watch this on youtube.

Edited by znihilist
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Only Bioware could turn an easy announcement of free additional content to Subscribers into a let down by setting expectations high for no reason. At face value, there's nothing inherently wrong with what they are providing over the course of the months to come as subs. Unfortunately, they went hard in the paint with the hype, so everyone's going to be deflated with what they said.


So, Bioware, I'm going to give you some advice. Please, next time just show us the rewards/information rather than tell us about how awesome they are going to be. There's no reason to be deceptive in announcements in regards to content. Here's what you could have said:


"We are going to have a Live-stream on Tuesday. This is just a recap of what we're doing/timeline going forwards as long as some player metrics."


Bam. People tune in, and you show them the sub rewards as an additive, not as the main selling point of the stream. People would have wanted to know the time line and the metrics of what people were doing in the expansion/game so far. How hard would it have been to do this?


Ideal Stream Layout:

  • Meet and greet.
  • Go over events, conquest schedule.
  • Throw some numbers of class popularity, use of operations and so forth. You could even do a "by metrics, x% of people are taking the kneel choice."
  • Tell people that the chapters are coming out, the schedule going forwards.
  • Big shock! We have extra sub rewards to show you!

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Seriously. Nothing about group content at all, you do realize you're going to kill hundreds of guilds? What's the point of having a group system, guilds, anything but armies of solo players if we literally don't have any new content to do as a group?


I'm deathly afraid of my own guild going rip in pepperonis cause of the dev team's incompetence, and my faith in you guys is seriously lacking. It's kinda annoying how you guys are literally backstabbing the players that have played since beta, tested everything publically testable, devoted hundreds upon thousands upon tens of thousands of hours to your game, and literally worked on everything from fan sites, to guides, to podcasts, to general server events, and in order to whore yourselves out to new players, you're gunning for a quick buck with story and hoping that people will stick around, as if people actually played say, KOTOR, for months at a time.


A single player RPG is not going to work as your primary content stream in an MMO environment. You're giving us 3 hours of story after like a *********** 3 month gap. I would like some of the drugs your dev team is smoking.


I'm only here because I love this game, but right now I'm contemplating moving on. Show me I shouldn't.


I'm just so mad i think i will waste my next 4 hours before sleeping in this thread. XD

I'm actually punching stuff in my room right now xD damm how can some games affect me so much? Must be some ultra-master-hardcore-level of stupidity, i hate stupidity, it always gets me ubber mad.

At least as a subscribber i can say this, guess if i make 1000 posts complaining the anger will go away... one can only hope. :confused:

Edited by James_Mcturney
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So as someone who doesn't particularly care about getting HK-55 back and cares even less about playing as HK-55 for a chapter), I have to quote Malcolm in the Middle - "I expect nothing and I'm still let down."


At least I get the excitement of waiting months and months until you get around to having my favorite companions return? Oh boy! :rolleyes:

Edited by Lesaberisa
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My wife and I are not excited anymore....


1. We already have HK-51, we have NO desire for another HK droid and you already ruined 51 taking away his special abilities.

2. Why another companion anyway? We have too many and all do the same thing.... We cant even change their clothing.

3. I see NOTHING that rewards long term players... It seems that long term is being thrown out to support short term players.


What I would have done to KEEP subs...

Up the base CC from 500 to 1000... No need for any shiny stuff in the mail, let US use that coin to buy what we want.


My .02

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Seriously. Nothing about group content at all, you do realize you're going to kill hundreds of guilds? What's the point of having a group system, guilds, anything but armies of solo players if we literally don't have any new content to do as a group?


I'm deathly afraid of my own guild going rip in pepperonis cause of the dev team's incompetence, and my faith in you guys is seriously lacking. It's kinda annoying how you guys are literally backstabbing the players that have played since beta, tested everything publically testable, devoted hundreds upon thousands upon tens of thousands of hours to your game, and literally worked on everything from fan sites, to guides, to podcasts, to general server events, and in order to whore yourselves out to new players, you're gunning for a quick buck with story and hoping that people will stick around, as if people actually played say, KOTOR, for months at a time.


A single player RPG is not going to work as your primary content stream in an MMO environment. You're giving us 3 hours of story after like a *********** 3 month gap. I would like some of the drugs your dev team is smoking.


I'm only here because I love this game, but right now I'm contemplating moving on. Show me I shouldn't.


OH, and just to add onto this, PUT DOWN THE ROSE TINTED GLASSES.


Incase it wasn't clear to you, I'm a huge fan of KOTOR and SWTOR, but here's the thing:


I have 267 days, 3 hours, and 59 minutes devoted to ONE CHARACTER in my legacy.


That's 6412 hours.


You know how much I have devoted to KOTOR and 2 since the day it came out, including playing a litany of content mods and addons in like the TEN YEARS since those 2 games came out?


249 hours and 43 minutes.


Do the *********** mental math. Your 3 hour story (heh, more like 30 minutes) isn't even going to be a drop in the bucket preventing even the most casual player from quitting. Grow some brain cells.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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We have a whole host of new subscriber rewards for you as well:

  • Be a subscriber on January 11th and receive HK-55 as a playable Companion when 4.1 launches on 2/9.
  • Be a subscriber continuously from January 11th through the launch of Chapter 16, and receive an entire bonus Chapter where you will play as HK-55!
  • Be a subscriber on the 1st of each month, and receive 2 days of early access to any Chapter which launches that month. This includes Chapter 10 in February.
  • There will also be additional monthly subscriber rewards throughout Season 1, most of which will be themed around HK-55.






Will HK-55 be exclusive to those players subscribed january 11? Or can he be obtained through other ways?


Will the Bonus chapter be exclusive to those who keep their subscription up all the time or will it be available later through other means?

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Mr Musco,

as this is an MMO, multiplayer game... with monthly sub.


No group content or new content until february? from october to february nothing new ?! that's just plain wrong.


quoted for truth


i stopped my sub because I dont feel its right to pay a monthly sub for a MMO single player game.

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DF and DP came out 26 months ago, since then we had 2 new ops. Nice gap, eh?


No, that's not what I'm talking about. The gap between DF/DP and the release of Rav/ToS was so long the devs came on and apologized and said there would never be such a long gap between Ops again.


We're now a year out from the release of Rav/ToS and not even a hint of any new Ops.


THAT'S what I'm talking about.

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I'm curious about HK-51

It was originally better at DPS than the original cast of companions and required extra effort and patience to obtain and then millions of credits to unlock for other characters. With 4.0 it was revamped with the rest of the companions except it's dysfunctional as a tank or healer. So, now it's not really a quality companion compared to the rest.

A lot of wasted time and resources (before (Yavin was introduced).


Introducing HK-55

Now i'll have an uncustomizable HK who will most likely perform all roles.


55 is funnier and all but i can't just toss aside the one which all the investment was paid (and erased)


Why is HK-51 not a viable tank or healer?

Are we expected to turn to HK-55 instead? Is 51 being scrapped?

Will 55 be customizable?

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No, that's not what I'm talking about. The gap between DF/DP and the release of Rav/ToS was so long the devs came on and apologized and said there would never be such a long gap between Ops again.


We're now a year out from the release of Rav/ToS and not even a hint of any new Ops.


THAT'S what I'm talking about.


But...Monolith hype train!!1!!!!!1!!1!


Yeah, I talked to them at a cantina tour where they swore up and down they knew a year+ gap was a huge mistake. I guess I'm a sucker cuz I believed it wouldn't happen again.

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Only Bioware could turn an easy announcement of free additional content to Subscribers into a let down by setting expectations high for no reason.


Tweeted by @swtor on November 30: "The countdown has begun! 24 hours until our most-anticipated Producer Livestream yet"


Tweeted by @swtor on November 27: "We're breaking all precedents with our new Subscriber Rewards. "


Tweeted by Drew Karpyshyn of SWTOR on November 25: "We're announcing this already? Is the world ready? Are WE ready?"


Do not accuse the player base of mismanaged expectations when the fault lies with BioWare/EA. Stop blaming players for the issues with this game. Nothing that has transpired is the fault of the game's players, and certainly NOT the expectations of something more than a few fluff pieces and a delay of content for a month.

Edited by damonskye
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Epic fail imo


sorry Bioware ....robots just are not my thing...... more romantic companions / story / interactions would be nice .


For me, the most disappointing thing about the original companion romances is that once they play out to their conclusion and the sweet mails are forcibly deleted, there is nothing to remind you that they ever happened. x months later when you're walking around with your lover and they still won't give the slightest inkling that you were ever together, It gives off the somewhat depressing vibe that the romance happened in an illegitimate alternate bubble reality. What I'd like to see happen for romances in kotfe is:



  • Special summon barks for romances like 'Honey, you called?' and 'I'm here for you'.
  • Looped Kiss/hug animations activated by the wheel, like in dragon age.
  • Lounge scenes like in me2. i.e: if you ask your romance to hang out, a scene could show you both having a drink together in the lounge area, or the pc stroking their lovers hair, bald head or lekku while snuggling on the bed (clothed).
  • Also if possible, a picture of your romance to go on the wall of your study.


With things like that, it won't feel as if you're in a one sided estranged relationship. :o


I agree with all of this and have made a similar plea in a earlier post


we saw the practical uses..... I am looking for more social/ rp improvements


more companion /social aspects

repeatable cinematics

repeatable flirt / affection dialog (bg flirt packs)

continuously updated dialog


possible cartel items

romance DLC packs( me 3 type date quests)


will probably still be a sub for the story ........but defiantly not becase of them I probably will not ever I use them unless you force me to sooo pretty much useless for me ........


This whole announcement was not in anyway worth the hype IMO . waiting for the Kira chapter ....

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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