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Everything posted by NinjaSixFett

  1. No, that's not what I'm talking about. The gap between DF/DP and the release of Rav/ToS was so long the devs came on and apologized and said there would never be such a long gap between Ops again. We're now a year out from the release of Rav/ToS and not even a hint of any new Ops. THAT'S what I'm talking about.
  2. Musco, after Palace and Fortress we were promised there would never be such a gap between new Ops again. So please, just give raiders SOMETHING. Tell us the team is working on them. Please. It's been a year since Ravagers and Temple, so tell us, what happened?
  3. Just tell us they're coming, that they're being worked on. I recall after the debacle of Dread Fortress and Dread palace that we were told there would never be such a gap between the release of new Ops again. Well. I'm waiting. Throw us a bone, single player stuff is all well and good, but raiders exist too. Just tell us something is happening on that front.
  4. Oh nothing like that. I haven't played ranked since s3. And even though I went in with full 2018, my experience was quite unpleasant. My thinking was that potentially everything has become more difficult, with the idea of wins potentially becoming harder to come by, in solo at least, because everyone has full expertise, meaning the games should be much closer.
  5. Since this is the first season with the new system of requiring full PVP gear to even enter ranked, is there a chance BW will reduce the rating requirements required for the tiers? Assuming ranked is now actually more difficult and reaching specific tiers more difficult..... And I'm not talking a lot, like maybe 25-50 rating. Thoughts?
  6. The tokens will be different/look different. So there's no mixing and matching.
  7. No. You can't buy the s6 rewards until s7 starts. You have all of s7 to spend your tokens.
  8. Yeah...... That's really really low.
  9. Weapon set 20,000. Curses, I was kinda hoping the weapons would be separated out, so I could pick and choose which ones to strive for.
  10. Something I'd like to know is if weapons with similar/the same effects be available through other means. I did my ranked matches in the YOLO queue and well, let's just say it did not go well. As it stands it seems like I have 0 chance of getting these weapons. However, I would like a chance to get similar shells for the weapons at some point. Even if they're not legacy. Don't let them be legacy, let that be part of their specialness for the s2 rewards. But for something like this to be limited to the whims of solo queuing or the deadness that is ranked team is really frustrating. TL;DR I'd really like a chance at a lightsaber on fire, but my rating is the pits.
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