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Which planet makes you pause and think I cant be bothered with that right now!


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Lageraa... er Alderaan. Hate that place and its flying flatulance whales. Even my LS characters want to punch all those irritating nobles in the face.



But at least in a couple thousand years a cranky Moff & Darth blow it up! :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Taris, Coruscant, Illum, Makeb and Corellia are the worst and most painful and depressing planets in this game in my opinion.Those are boring and dull too. Some have nice art on them, but still feel so boring for some reason. Korriban also had a ton of potential in this game, but it was wasted into what it is. Jedi Academy and KotOR 1/2 nailed the essence of Korriban pretty well. Dark, mysterious and enjoyable while exploring. Here in SWTOR feels like another dull, boring and lazy planet. Even the "tombs" are boring to explore.
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My list from most dreaded to most enjoyed:













Nar Shaddaa


Ord Mantell







Dromund Kaas



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When I thought, "Meh, can't be bothered with it", I wasn't thinking about the atmosphere of a planet. 'Atmosphere' as in being surrounded by ruins, toxic pools of water, or ravenous mutants. I was thinking of utter boredom and "remind me of why this planet is important?"


For me, that was Quesh.


Taris was oppressive, because of all of the destruction and death that had occurred Malik was one seriously bad dude. So, was that sicko who invented the Rakghoul virus.


Hoth was cold and inhospitable, so I felt cold, and that I had to look over my shoulders all of the time.


Belsavis, was a mess, because there were prison breaks everywhere. It would have made a good place to go safari, if it weren't for all of them dangerous armed prisoners... Wait.... Hunting dangerous armed prisoners could be considered high stakes safari hunting.... (Sith thinking, here).


Corelia. It's a massive war zone that hasn't gone Taris, yet. Of course there's gonna be rubble everywhere and you have to take the long way around, but I hate that rocket tram.


Voss 'was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there' kind of place.


Hutta felt disgusting, because of all of the pollution and the poor oppressed, repressed, and dismal people living there.


In terms of "atmosphere" All of the above planets made me feel like I was visiting places that had problems. It felt kind of realistic. I liked that.


But Quesh? For me, Quesh was like, do I really need to be on this planet? Why?

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I love Korriban and Hutta . But I hate Ord Mantell but I do love Tython .


After Alderaan , all the planets become Boring and a pain in the doo doo .


Those are :

1-Hoth (Endless ice , That music put me to sleep really . And most missions and heroics are boring .)

2-Belsavis (on Imp at least you have the dread Pikachu . But on Repb it's BOOORING like hell)

3-Voss (Dont care for the Voss and their mystic be you Repb or Imp . The planet remind me of Dantoine just without Moando) .

4-Corellia . (I always though corellia is Nar shaddaa if someone Bombed the place because of that Twielek wont shut up lol the place Lag , the missions are supposed to be the last for your story and its uber uninteresting. I mean Green jedi ? really..? whats next ? Spider Jedi ? )


The only thing I find annoying on starter planets , and thats on ONE planet : Tython . Was how many peoples would jump on your mission (Kill droids) and won't wait or go click another button . That was sooo annoying .


I also Love Dromun , but the troll parked in Genchat running their mouths is making the planet feel like the fleet :(

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So it seems I am alone in my dislike of Tatooine then :) I understand the calls for Corellia, when I have been there before I have just been so desperate to complete the class story Corellia just slows me down.


I like Tattoine personally .


For many reasons . And none of them is cose 'OMG ITS TATTOINE FROM KOTOR!' lol cose it is nothing like the previous ones . (Missing dragonnn! for one)


But I like it , because (1) Often you meet other faction peoples due to the Outlaw den/Or shared Mission . (2) I don't mind the Sand Peoples , I take them over Moo Moo in Belsavis any day . (3) There are Jawa around , and unlike Hoth and such , for a desert the outpost seem clustered at least for me .


The only dissapointing aspect of Tattoine is the Lack of Wind .

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Imperial Taris because its so dark <physically - as a player its hard to see>

Scenary on coruscant and makeb because I don't like heights, and I always feel like i'm going to fall off.

I don't like playing thru Hoth in the wintertime, but I like it in the summer.




I like : Korriban and the Athiss FP scenary & atmosphere. What Sith should be.

I like : Imperial Balmorra for the music.

I like : Alderaan and what we see of Odessan so far for the scenary. I like the "taxi" - birds on Alderaan.

I like: Voss story.

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Tie for which planet I don't give a damn for.

Belsavis and Voss.

I swear you wasted a whole day driving on that forsaken hunk of junk with nothing but fugly creatures wanting a piece of you for dessert.

As for Voss, I kept trying to se ehow fast I could get off that big piece of crap.

Didn't care for the Voss or the Gormak.

Always killed the npc when I was supposed to sacrifice myself so she could become epic.

To hell with that crap.

I'm giving nobody my soul.

But of course, I had to do something similiar for that Gormak chief clown and you had no way around it.

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Its nice to see what everyone thinks of each planet :)


For me the worst is Hoth followed by Alderaan.


Alderaan just bores me... the setting and story didn't interest me all that much. It always felt like a grind just to force myself through that planets quests.


Hoth is worse as the story is lame - From an Imperial stand point, you are there to waste Republic resources? woo! that's not boring at all...


However I really enjoy playing through Taris. The stories and characters are a lot of fun I found. I don't mind it being dark during the Imp's story line as I found it added to the mood. Plus the sounds of the broken city really add to the game play on that planet :).


Tatooine is kind of a love/hate thing with me... I like the setting, I think the towns are cool in design and that blue sky is a nice change!


Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are alright but I don't think they are represented well in game from an environment point of view.

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Belsavis and Corellia. Belsavis because it seems to take forever, and Corellia because it's nothing but a giant maze.


In my opinion, BOTH are a giant maze ! :D


I hate Corellia because of the so few quick travel points, and because everything looks so much destroyed. It's just ot much fun going betwen rubble almost all of the time ...Okay, I'm exaghgerating, but I hope you see what I mean ...

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Taris- especially with everything on the wrong side of the wall and all that twilight on the DS.


Belsavis, coz if you have more than 1 mission running, it's difficult to know which arrow you're chasing.


Balmorra with its wrong-side-of-the-gorge-or-wrong-level-need-a-lift malarkey. - Though I understand it better now.


It used to be Tatooine, Alderaan and Hoth, coz with old PC they took an age to load.


Corellia coz it's such a maze of twisty-turney passages - no doubt to make the game last longer and get another few hours sub out of people. - And it even looks pretty much all the same. - My heart sinks when I finish Voss. - Such a shame, because the end of the old class chapters should be set on a stunning looking world, not a bomb crater filed PITA city.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Corellia (Core-Hell-ia) mainly because I always think remove 1 wall per mission and I can save 2hrs of running around the maze to get to the next objective



Hoth & Ilum - only because I always wonder why there are no glacier glasses issued in the cold weather pack

(It's way to BLUE - someone send an ART Dev skiing)

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In terms of unavoidable planets:

  1. Alderaan (those nobles bore me to death)
  2. Taris (Pub) (big icky swamp) (at least it's dark on imp side)
  3. Balmorra (Pub) (big icky swamp with big icky insects) (my DS imps take delight in Darth Lachris)


I like planets like Hoth and Quesh a lot more now that we got some cosmetic items that improve immersion and role play. Corellia is a great place to flaunt land speeders and brush up on Aurebesh.

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