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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50. My view of the current state of the game (wordy)


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Yeah, wow had 2 zones per level brecket. Both zones were boring, so once i actually got into endgame content I just didn't have strenght to level again. I spent 2 years in WoW with single max. lvl toon, cause i couldn't bring myself to go through the torture again.

In this regard, SW:TOR does much better.


Past 60 which is the majority of the content it is literally one zone per level.

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You out leveled everyone, no DUH Area's are stagnant and unpopulated.. Is that your biggest concern? I hope your spacebar still works...




That being said blindly saying that the game is fine when there are glaring issues that need to be addressed in a proper fashion is important, but to expect them immediately after a games launch is unreasonable.


The biggest issue i have personally, and this is from my standpoint trying to raid lead, I need a combat log.. Its important on so many vast levels its rediculous.


Theorycrafting is at a standstill without proper numbers to crunch, not to mention the 'Bug vs Mechanic' debate. How are you supposed to know if you get 1 shot that its intended as a game mechanic vs. a bug that is unintentional. our guild spent hours before we realized there was a bug in eternity vault that had the turrets stuck on hardmode, before we found a solution around it.


Otherwise the launch of the game is solid and there is an extremely high potential for this game to be amazing.

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Am I nuts for thinking that blue font on a blue background is a bit hard to read?


no i just can't be bothered read the whines anymore about how it isn't like this or that so it is not good ..


IF YOU DON'T like it DON'T POST vote with your money and leave


the negative posts are neither constructive nor helpful as people want things like another game while that is not the point in THIS game


try something new


i for one like the game and DON'T want sweeping changes to compensate for people who are afraid of new things


if every game did the same thing we would still be texting comments on MUDS or the games would look like DOOM look a likes


as to why I AM posting .. i am tired of the silent majority that gets a game they like ruined by the loud and vocal minority

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i dont get this, the OP has some valid points ofc, not denying that, but some stuff i read here is like... i honestly wonder if blizzard is paying some people to come here and spam this forum, because when you play in the servers with the 90 % of people that matter, the 90 % that is happily enjoying the game at around 20-30 lvl, you dont see complains, people are having fun, groups being formed constantly for hc quests, i never grouped so much like swtor while lving, i dont know maybe we are all wrong....or not.


played wow for seven years, the launch was a disgrace, swtor is light years ahead of any mmo on that department, in wow nowdays 1 to 85 is a desert of everything, of ideas, of people , of story you name it, after lvling my first char the rest of my alts i think overall were ganked less than 10 times, thats how lifeless the game became once Bgs were inserted, people just sit in the capitals waiting for raids/pvp , yet people in this forums complain swtor is lifeless ( lol ? ) and boring ?


the game has been out for 7 days, has yet to get a pactch, at least have the moral decency of giving bioware a month or 2 to work on the patches, the game is not perfect but i wouldnt trade it for nothing, skyrim is a absolute pile of bugs with a 2 hour mainstory yet people elevated it to god status , i wonder where the low tolerancy for swtor comes from.


and then we get the reviews, the official site of reviews aka http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/index.html list 2 official reviews averaging atm 94 %, yet the amount of tards mentioning obscure sites on this forum where people give the game 0 because of queues seems to be the standard, or reviews from people who rushed to 50 and now feel alone so come here to complain about everything, poor things...


the current state may not be perfect but the game is here to last, its star wars, bioware is rich enough with mass effect and dragon age and has lucasarts and EA behind, they will do everything to make the game work, have a little faith and patience.


You have some valid points here. I was a beta tester in WoW and also played it for 6 years and i was a beta tester in SWTOR and am now playing it. I think SWTOR handled its launch very well.


But now SWTOR has to prove that they can keep up the good work and fix those bugs and imbalances. esp. the OP's point 2+3+4 are very valid and healing should recieve a minor buff (esp. those with cast time)

Edited by Apoxie
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My view is you're going at this game all wrong. While everyone should enjoy their game and be allowed to play as they wish. SWTOR is not a traditional MMO.


SWTOR is geared towards altaholics that enjoy the stories and cutscenes. It isn't geared towards the WOW crowd of gear grinding and raiding. It's a game for those that love Star Wars especially KOTOR.


You are meant to play through this game several times. If there was ever an MMO more about the journey than the endgame. Well you're looking at it.


To make it to 50 at the speed you did it is obvious you didn't watch the cutscenes or get into the story. I'm doing a video series which includes all the cutscenes- it would be physically impossible for you to have watched them all.


You ate up SWTOR in one bite and should have savored the flavor a bit more. Once again this is not a traditional MMORPG and it won't appeal to those into hardcore gear grinds.


I am not disagreeing with you, but I dont think its fair to say its aimed towards "altaholics". There is a crap ton to do just like every other MMO out there and they are gonna keep on adding...If your the kinda player that typically focuses on 1 main, there is still plenty for you!

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After reading the OP i agree and disagreee with some of your post.


The main thing i agree with and NEEEDS to be fixed is the ability delay, that atm is the only thing i am unhappy with in this game. PvP is cool but i get pretty frustrated when im trying to do a 3 move burst on someone and the delay causes me to mess up somehow and my target gets away.


As far as you saying its a single player game with multiplayer function.. ***??? That makes no sense, how could it be MORE of a multiplayer game then it is? Every single thing you do end game requires other people.

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Yes this is not WoW. We get it you blazed through 200hrs of content in 9 dasys or less and now your butt hurt cause of lack of content.



I am not going to sit here and day a game that is 7 days old is clean and perfect but every single one of your complaints and every other toolbox that raced to 50 to wave their epeen are having issues cause you raced to 50. Well Your fault not EA not BW.



Let see wahahahaha I am board. Oh well that cause you did 200hrs of content in 72.


Wahahaha I cant get a group. Well gee that cause your lvl 50 and 95% of your server isnt even 40 yet.



Wahahahah space combat. Well it was never ment to be or claimed to be anything but what it is get over your self.



Wahahahaha PvP. The game is 7 days old how much end game did your really expect?



These post are getting so old so fast it sad. You choose to race to max level in the 7 days the game has been releaeed in how is that EA or BW fault at all? Once any of you clowns that raced through the game in 14days or less can explain to me how its EA or BW fault your raced through the game I might take the time to read these pointless posts but till then.

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Those games had bad launches as well Fexhie, I also had a bad launch with Star Wars Galaxies, you couldn't play for about 5 days because we had our first "sony experience" as I like to call it. Regardless it was rewarded with 30 days free play.


Swg was bad. That is one of the few games I did not even continue to play. The people on this post who complain about linear storyline should of played SWG. They would of loved the lack of any story at all and a big mmo sandbox to kill things in, or mainly die in. I think I quit SWG after a week. I went back after they added a storyline, but then it ended about halfway through the game so I quit again. FFXIV was pretty Terribad too I quit on the third day. Nothing better than crashing and failing 1 of 6 or so quests you could get every 40 hours. I think that game is still not charging monthly fees it is so broke.

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You obviously didn't play at the launch of WoW because at the launch of WoW it had a player base of any other MMO, which on average each mmo had about 250,000 people. They did not have server crashes on day one, they did not have server que's. They got past 1 million players 2 years later in 2006 when the game finally hit its hype. Learn your stuff before you start talking. So for SWTOR has a game that has just launched for 7 days and has over a million subscriptions...........take your invalid arguement somewhere else.


You obviously didnt play on week one let alone day one. Anyone who did remembers the "free days" they added to every sub for MONTHS every time the servers crashed and burned. Some days you were waiting on them to come up more than you were actually playing on them lol.


I remember how bad it was, and tons of people do as well. Its not some mysterious hidden fact....its well documented how AWFUL world of warcrafts launch was.

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You obviously didn't play at the launch of WoW because at the launch of WoW it had a player base of any other MMO, which on average each mmo had about 250,000 people. They did not have server crashes on day one, they did not have server que's. They got past 1 million players 2 years later in 2006 when the game finally hit its hype. Learn your stuff before you start talking. So for SWTOR has a game that has just launched for 7 days and has over a million subscriptions...........take your invalid arguement somewhere else.


Actually my server Burning Blade Eu had one of the worst starts with the servers and got nicknamed broken blade.


We had quoes we got booted by loot bugs ,

vein bugs ,

Graveyards bugs that teleported us halfway over the continent


some people couldnt play because graphical errors thanks to the graphic cards which should be supported but wasnt .

Even months into the game we had to have breaks for 10-15 minutes because some keyfigures /raidleaders in the raid got booted out and had to relog and wait in quoue.


AH's that wasnt linked charge/blink bugs that made you fall trough the world and maybe even having to contact a gm to TP you .

The list can be made long .


But when another game have those problems some people makes it into the end of the world

But still WoW had potential i find the same feeling that i had then as i have now on this game have :)

Edited by Varghjerta
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I'm not going to flame, I just feel the need to point out that after reading your entire post, to me you are simply someone who felt the need to put their point across.


Which I now also feel the need to point out that every point you made has been made over the past 7 days and during early access.


You just prettied it up with a bow.

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Going to throw in a few words aswell.

First of all - I agree with your assessments to a large degree. What bothered me the most so far during actual gameplay is:


A) Green line / bars / area bug. Honestly - suddenly having a large green box stretch over tatooine somewhat ruins the fun. And that is something that is happening on more than 1 planet (experienced it on Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, Correlia)


B) HP bars / UI. I completely agree - and I feel pity on the healers. But just aswell pity with myself and all the other tanks who get a "panic attack" as they think their healer / dps is being smacked - just to find out that the UI is bugging around again


C) Not going to even mention the ******** of graphical bugs you can experience with armor / head items etc. - Especially if you are playing Miraluka


D) PvP. Not going to go into the "reward" and "item distribution" problem but rather into the level brackets. I know - it can be nice to play as a lv. 19 with your friend but honestly - there should be at least a few "outlined" brackets (e.g. 10-30, 30-50). Otherwise team balance pretty much crumbles apart if you are trying to go with a random group (yes I know my own fault but still....)


E) Storyline rewards. Don't get me wrong here. I loved the storyline of my consular. Really did. But the "final" reward you receive is more than a joke. After you hit level 50 and finish your class questline - went around the entire galaxy - you expect at least something awesome... and not just you know what (not going to spoil it for those who haven't done the questline - if you want to know, you'll find it via google)


G) LAST BUT NOT LEAST - actually one of the most important things: GUILD ROSTER, "WHO" OPTION AND FRIENDS LIST. Yes - the caps was intended. It sucks if you are looking at "offline" while people are online, if you do not find them at all, if they supposedly belong to another faction and so on. This needs an immediate fix.


I know you mentioned a lot of those points but hey - it never hurts to stress them again!

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After reading the OP i agree and disagreee with some of your post.


The main thing i agree with and NEEEDS to be fixed is the ability delay, that atm is the only thing i am unhappy with in this game. PvP is cool but i get pretty frustrated when im trying to do a 3 move burst on someone and the delay causes me to mess up somehow and my target gets away.


As far as you saying its a single player game with multiplayer function.. ***??? That makes no sense, how could it be MORE of a multiplayer game then it is? Every single thing you do end game requires other people.


Yet again not necessarily disagreeing with you cause I know they definitely need SOME tweaking with the combat but at the same token, why would you execute a chain ability like that in PvP when you know they can run away and escape...you should focus on instant attacks or etc...My SW always executes his abilities on the run (unless its a chain attack like "ravage") and I generally dont have a problem...I think people are just so used to WoW like combat that instead of complaining about how TOR should be more like it, I think we need to adjust for a new type of combat system after BW makes a few little tweaks...Lets learn not stay stagnant with the same ol

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The default response for most dissenters of the OP's statements are:

  1. It's 7-days old give it a chance
  2. You shouldn't rush to 50
  3. WoW had just as many issues...


7-days, but many dollars earned, some people are going to be very impatient, they expect immediate change, immediate fix; however, there has to be something said for many of the problems in the game that were reported on over the many months of beta, which are still in the game. What's the excuse for not addressing serious bugs and gameplay issues when they knew about them for a long time? They didn't just creep up in the 7-days of official launch.


How someone plays the game and the speed they level is their personal choice, you shouldn't be slower than them, how about that?


Why do you people find it acceptable that this game should be judged by the market leader 7-years ago? Um really? Really? Really? You think its okay that some of the same glaring issues of a game that was released 7-years ago appear in a Triple-A MMORPG of 2011? It doesn't hurt your confidence in this vendor that they apparently did not learn from their predecessors, specifically the market leaders?


If you're willing to sit back and accept ****, that's your perogative, but there are many of us who are not willing to accept it. I'm glad to be patient and keep playing, even through a lot of the bugs and missing features; however, many other people are not and should not be expected to.


This is our community forum, a place to sound-off and discuss the game, if you don't like the subject matter of a post, be a mature human being and move on; but to keep up with the over-used "Go Back to WoW" response is pretty *********** dumb, and not very condusive to the health and future of this game, as this game needs people to stick around and voice both positive and negative feedback.


As many of you have been championing on the forums, if you don't like it than it may not be for you, well if you don't like the content of this post, than it may not be for you.

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You obviously didnt play on week one let alone day one. Anyone who did remembers the "free days" they added to every sub for MONTHS every time the servers crashed and burned. Some days you were waiting on them to come up more than you were actually playing on them lol.


I remember how bad it was, and tons of people do as well. Its not some mysterious hidden fact....its well documented how AWFUL world of warcrafts launch was.


*raise hand*


I got several free days myself because our server cluster was absolutely horrific.

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Nothing can be done about the 'single player game with multiplayer functionality'. It is just the way this game is. I'm sorry for those who dislike it. I happen to enjoy and welcome the change.


Other suggestions may be worked out by them and hopefully implemented at a reasonable timeframe. For me, there is just one single question to make: Am I having fun? Right now, the answer is: Yes, definitely! So I'll just keep playing, having all the fun I can from this game and hope they keep the good work and make this game better at every passing patch

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You have some valid points here. I was a beta tester in WoW and also played it for 6 years and i was a beta tester in SWTOR and am now playing it. I think SWTOR handled its launch very well.


But now SWTOR has to prove that they can keep up the good work and fix those bugs and imbalances. esp. the OP's point 2+3+4 are very valid and healing should recieve a minor buff (esp. those with cast time)


i absolutely agree with you, and thats where patience and faith in bioware come in, even the mentaly retarded that plague this forums somehow know that lving and questing will never be the same after swtor, now its bioware time to show us they can go beyond that.

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at level 49 i agree to 100% Have some friends who reached 50 and they're going to play minecraft until pvp works and operations arent buggy (loot and stuff)


Also, the worst issue of them all, how on earth can we not buyback? Ive bought like 5 items on the way to 50, when i was tired for example, i bought a dark rank 3 lightsiber by misstake when i was light, etc. Really annoying to loose 14 commendations from voss just cause i missed the little "dark tier 3" text on the bottom.

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at level 49 i agree to 100% Have some friends who reached 50 and they're going to play minecraft until pvp works and operations arent buggy (loot and stuff)


Also, the worst issue of them all, how on earth can we not buyback? Ive bought like 5 items on the way to 50, when i was tired for example, i bought a dark rank 3 lightsiber by misstake when i was light, etc. Really annoying to loose 14 commendations from voss just cause i missed the little "dark tier 3" text on the bottom.


Yes I have had several mistaken buys on the com vendors. This is something that does need to be looked at.

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1. agree, mostly


2. time will fix the bugs


3. time will address features


4. combat in general is completely out of whack, see the 100+ page thread



Yes, it is a promising game, and the game is unfinished, probably a result of EA's notorious business practices.


In general, combat and UI need fixing immediately, and the other issues such as social aspects and so forth can be addressed over time.


Problem is they dont have time, when it comes to MMO's the first fue months after release are critical. If issues are not addressed within that time frame more and more will cancel subs. As population declines a snowball effect comes into place. Until you end up with warhammer online.


There not on the top of the food chain in the MMO market so they cannot take there time with major issues, if they have any hope of long term success.

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