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[1.0.1] Warzone completion rewards have been decreased


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This has me concerned as a PUG PVP player.


I am a Rep 50 (just) Commando on a PVE--EU server. At this time in my opinion/experience we are roughly 50/50 win/loss on our realm, might be slightly more wins than losses.


There are obviously losing streaks on both sides. It also appears only a small amount play wz pvp on our realm and same names appear fight after fight, day after day, some lead to winning streaks others help losing streaks.


When on a losing streak due to afk'ers (I don't understand why they do this...) or too many pre-20's on our side or too many skilled opposition the only reason I continued to play was because I could still easily crank out 5-7 medals, and it was still worthwhile even though the chance of winning at the time was small.


Depending on the severity of the win/loss changes it may be that when I now see a selection of pre-20's or known AFK-ers on my side or a group of skilled imps that destroy our team within seconds on the other I will either level an alt or go play on my super secret imp pvp character :p


I'm sure I wont be the only one thinking this, as I do not do original thoughts. Hoping for a minor change rather than a large one.

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Perhaps if they fixed the (appearance) class imbalance, things would be looking up? I see powertechs and sorcerers all over battlegrounds, but only knights and smugglers on the republic side. I did a set of five battlegrounds yesterday and saw a total of three sages in total, and all were healing ones.


tl;dr: Class composition is skewed, empire gains from it and republicans don't want to queue. Thats my take on it anyways. This fix will only make it less interesting to queue.


None of what you just said makes ANY sense. You could at least explain your logic when making blanket statements like you just did.


"I see powertechs and sorcerers all over battlegrounds, but only knights and smugglers on the republic side."


What does this have to do with balance? And just for the record I never see smugglers but I do see a lot of troopers against me, seems they're the republic "fad" class.


"Class composition is skewed, empire gains from it and republicans don't want to queue."


Are you implying sorcs are overpowered? A guildie sorc healer and myself Q together for many warzones and see identical numbers at the end of them. And I didn't realize the Republic followed the tea party...

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I'll just queue less for warzones and fill the time with more world PvP (see! this is a boost to world PvP!). I don't care how much teamwork you have...if you're on a team of lower levels and you're up against a team with a 4-man level 50 premade in champion gear...you will not win. Bolster just doesn't cut it. Champion gear gives a siginifcant amount of health (several thousand) and damage (I've been repeatedly crit for over 5k each time...two shots while stunned brought me down to 5% health multiple times in the last match I played) over bolstered players. This change is just going to further separate the already 50s with champion gear (much of which was gained through RNG) from those who are still leveling.
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I'll just queue less for warzones and fill the time with more world PvP (see! this is a boost to world PvP!). I don't care how much teamwork you have...if you're on a team of lower levels and you're up against a team with a 4-man level 50 premade in champion gear...you will not win. Bolster just doesn't cut it. Champion gear gives a siginifcant amount of health (several thousand) and damage (I've been repeatedly crit for over 5k each time...two shots while stunned brought me down to 5% health multiple times in the last match I played) over bolstered players. This change is just going to further separate the already 50s with champion gear (much of which was gained through RNG) from those who are still leveling.


You could make your own pre-made team of level 50s...damn that was HARD.

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Can't say that such a change makes me glad. By decreasing rewards for losing devs just improve the gap between winners and losers, making the former even harder to compete with. There might be other options to encourage players to do some teamwork, like adding more achievements/medals for completing important objectives (a lot of suggestions were already posted above). As of now, it's a typical "rich get richer" situation. Especially considering the Republic/Empire imbalance on certain servers.
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I play Republic on the Mind Trick server and this change really hurts me. We probably lose 75% of the time. Changes like this will simply result in Imps queuing more and Republic queuing less. I'm not going to argue that I'm the best PVPer in the world but it sucks that I have less reasons to do it now.
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This change seems like a way of enshrining those who first achive the Best gear with a permanent advantage. I'm not good at PvP, but the one thing that kept me coming back was the notion that I could eventually get good PvP gear to compete. At 1-2 hours/day, I'm not sure how that happens with less commendations - what this change does is makes it much, much longer for casuals to gear up, if they don;t just give up altogether. BW is essentially punishing casual players with this nonsensical move. How does this make sense in a game designed around casual players?
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Bad change. PVP needs to be fixed first before you go messing around with the rewards. Considering there producer claimed they have a team dedicated to pvp solely its bizarre the sad shape of pvp in this game right now.
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This is a stupid idea. This just encourages pre-made farming. Depending how bad this turns out to be in game (still in queue) PUGs may be dead, with the game soon to follow.


It's not like there's no work related to get an actual good premade group going. Sure, you could just take 9 Volunteers from general chat, but you'd be no better than a PuG.

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losing a war zone gave to much exp compared to winning. there wasnt much of a gap at all. in general pvp gave a sizable amount of exp. users were complaining that if they pvp they would out level the world.


so...bio ware listened and made the gap larger and reduced the total amount of exp for winning and losing...


your qq tears could run niagra falls


thank you bio ware

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losing a war zone gave to much exp compared to winning. there wasnt much of a gap at all. in general pvp gave a sizable amount of exp. users were complaining that if they pvp they would out level the world.


so...bio ware listened and made the gap larger and reduced the total amount of exp for winning and losing...


your qq tears could run niagra falls


thank you bio ware

Why should we care about your pveness and you worrying about out leveling a world in pve, are you serious? PvPers want to level by "gasp" pvping and not pveing.

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