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FAILED - 3 strikes Star Fortress Heroic Solo as Sage


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I just want to say thank you for all the geat advice from everyone. Some very nice people here. I really appreciate it. I'll also definately try balance. I think I will work on getting more datacrons and presence before I go for the achievement again. 3 strikes was too much for me. At least I did make it to boss and trust me the hardest part was getting past the skytrooper but I found a way to do that by hiding behind the crates and forcing all the mobs and him into one bunch as I aoe them. Still that was tricky. I do think my dps is weak compared to most other classes I've seen. Yes it can be the player too. I've been playing roughly 6 months and still am Learning. Thanks again all. :) Edited by Savyl
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actually not true the Sage TK dps tree is strong yes but its considerably weaker in comparison to sorc infact most jedi are weaker in comparison to their empire counterparts.


I.. I don't even... what?


That's like saying the person you see when you look at a mirror is better looking than yourself. Is that why ppl punch mirrors?

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I.. I don't even... what?


That's like saying the person you see when you look at a mirror is better looking than yourself. Is that why ppl punch mirrors?


Lots of people do badly at something and then blame the game for their low numbers.


For all those who might not be sure on the subject, the classes are completely and 100% mirrored, aside from minor bugs that get fixed asap after they're identified. Sorcs are designed around being identical to Sages when it comes to DPS/Healing output.


They're the same class with different names and cosmetic changes. all the classes are this way.

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I'm going for the achievement and my sage is tk sage which is dps. Yes it is too hard but devs said all classes can do this solo but that's not true. Maybe certain classes like sage should have more buffs, no idea but It's very frustrating since I have speant so much time on this. Yes my companion is set to heal. But I have tried other stances too to no avail.

If within 10 seconds of starting combat the Exarch is killing your companion, that means your companion is getting aggro. As a dps you should be able to out aggro a healer companion fairly easily. Try putting your companion on passive for the first 10 seconds of the fight, and not using aggro drops.


If this doesn't work I can only recommend what worked for me: Respec to heals with a healer companion. I managed to do it in 192 gear with a Rank 11 companion via the pc healer + npc healer method. It's slower, but it really really works.

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Basic and Glowing gear vendors can be found in your alliance base, mixed in the various alliance specialist rooms.

Huh. Wouldn't have thought to look for them in the instance. Weird that they did that still. But thanks.


OP: Another thing to remember for your sage: Even if you're not a healer you still have in-combat revive. If your companion goes down. revive them! Bubble them and give them a few heals to get them started and they'll handle the rest.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Sage DPS here with Rank 50 Senya Qyzen and C2 N2 have soloed the heroic with 192 6 piece bonus some 198 a 220 implant a 208 mainhand and 220 offhand with a mix of alacrity and critical augments


zero issue soloing this if you have heroic moment use it as often as you can especially on the final boss and the 2 knight of zakuul room use unity as well if your going for the achievement forget about the paladins


after you get the achievement work on getting the 4 guys to rank 10 for the abilities makes it so much easier

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As a TK Sage myself, I can say I've had some troubles too (but I've completed all I've tried so far). One thing that helped was tossing on Rejuvenate in between attacks. You will kill them slower, but as long as you kite them you can heal back up to full over time. Also, even if you don't have any of the attacks unlocked Heroic Moment can still help too.
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I.. I don't even... what?


That's like saying the person you see when you look at a mirror is better looking than yourself. Is that why ppl punch mirrors?


Completely off-topic, but several years back when I was first having some health issues, I was hobbling into an appointment with a doctor and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone else hobbling around and I thought" At least I'm not that guy".


Then I realized that I was seeing my own reflection in the glass. I was that guy.




On topic: If it's not a tactical failure on your part, then maybe you should try to get some more of those datacron, work towards the legendary bonus, improve your influence with this (and every other) companion, and whatever else you can do to improve your odds.


They were fairly clear that while they wanted this to be doable solo, this was also supposed to be the highest end of the solo content.

Going in without every advantage should cause some problems.

Edited by Mithros
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armor is all 216..


As in crystal gear 216? Or set bonus 216?


It makes a big difference. If you are in crystal 216, to be honest, you should probably get a set of the intro PvP gear... The crystal gear is garbage (as it always has been) for doing things like this. The set bonus makes a HUGE difference.


My sage is not even close to being my main, and I can do this with my rank 23 Lana healing and me DPSing in TK. You may have to force speed heal a few times, but it can be done....

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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first.


PS sorry run on sentences.


Sage/Sorc is an excellent class for facerolling about. I am far from some great player, I have ehhh-level of gear(no Kotfe relics, no augments) and level 30 companion. One and only run on Tat SF was still quite simple during this terrible nerf week of hell when my companions actually weren't playing the game on my behalf.


I am pretty sure your only real problem is with the specific SF you chose. Bosses are not identical. Ie, Voss can be tricky to solo due to self heal the end boss does. Tat end-boss on the other hand, for example, doesn't seem to cast self heals at all. So when facing him, just Re-spec to healer, keep your companion as healer as well and simply survive the guy to death. Keep dots up, throw an occasional ligtning, remember to use Heroic moment. Also, you most certainly wanna be sure the aggro stays on -you- during the entire fight, and not on your pet. So remember to use the aggro-reducing pull ability on your companion every now and then.


As a sage, you of course don't wanna just toe-to-toe the boss. You wanna kite him. Move around all the time. Spec in fashion that supplements this. Most of the heals you'll be using are the instant cast ones.



Also, the one and only Achi might not appreciate it if you end up leaving instance to respec so make sure you got Field Respec (Legacy trait. costs 200k) going.

Edited by Stradlin
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I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too.. yesterday tried voss and earlier today tried belsavis so basically have speant too many hours to count on this.. yes took a few bio break, etc and I probably need a real life but here I am to say I can't do it. I'm not a legendary player and I don't have all those special buffs.. I have some datacrons but not all.. armor is all 216.. NO IDEA WHAT ELSE to do but I seriously think the companion is not enough .. too much nerf or my class is just too weak, too squishy, etc.. oh yeah he always attacks the companion first.


PS sorry run on sentences.


i know what u mean m8 done it today on my sorc wiped twice due to slacking except that in 180 bonused gear not much iof a problem (keep in mind im casual player ) then i went in on my merc i was shocked at one point my hp went down to 60% in the heroic tbh i think its more of a L2P isuea m8 god alike heals from companions are back even my gf done it on her sorc and damn me shes just ****

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Gear was 208s with a 220 earpiece because Odessen doesn't have anything below Radiant gear (what's with that?) and I was too lazy to go to fleet. Senya was healing at inf. 13.


FYI, you can get 208/216 earpieces/implants at a crystal vendor by Oggurobb

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Sagas should get more buffs?? Really?


Aren't they like, the pub's side sorcs? You know, the OPest class around? The class with the best movement advantages, stuns, heals and so forth?


DPS Sage/Sorc is at the low end of the spectrum in terms of raw damage output... at the moment. However, you're correct they do bring a lot of utility to the table. I know I wouldn't want to try HSF solo as a DPS... anything. But that's just me. A challenge is one thing, self-inflicted torture though? Nope nope nope.

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DPS Sage/Sorc is at the low end of the spectrum in terms of raw damage output... at the moment. However, you're correct they do bring a lot of utility to the table. .


Their standing DPS is at the low end. Relevant for soloing, their burst and mobile/semi-mobile damage is very powerful.

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just solod it with my sniper.. so easy don't know what ppl are complaining about.


Really? Because I did Voss an hour ago with my sniper ( MM). Very far from easy. Every good DPS ability is channeled and- as you know?- not much time to stand around during the Exarch fights.

So I am calling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vgQalXaIxs


Btw. I also tried " it`s so easy, stand in the middle of the two elites and Sana Raes thing will kill them", which someone wrote in another thread.. Guess what, also not true- as expected.

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