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BIG announcement for subs on Dec 1


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Less restrictive F2P which I'm willing to bet good money is the main reason many will say they would not recommend the game in the survey they just released?


Wild guess here of course.


First how is that unprecedented? Second, project much? That was a pretty baseless assumption regarding the survey. Third I would doubt it because when you are in the top 5, in terms of revenue, for subscription/f2p hybrid MMORPGs and said MMORPGs are still making more money than the less restrictive ones, why do it. You have to remember something... In terms of the world of public companies numbers of players sent the important number, it is how much money those players give you and right now, in the MMORPG world Lineage I, WoW and SWtOR make more money than any of the "less restrictive" games. Why? The less restrictive you make the game the less reason people have to give you money. Stock holder's want to get paid.

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I know what it is. Subscribers are clearly the most valuable piece of revenue for Bioware so to tip their hats off to us they have finally figured out a way to thank us in an epic way!! It is..... 10% off everything in the cartel market for subscibers only for the month of December!! Now that is a BIG announcement!



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Looking at how writers got involved, I consider going full optimist and puting my money on more class missions.


On the other hand, I know that those writers are pretty much corporate whores, ordered to get there and hype us. So yea :(

Edited by Frenesi
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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but, at one point, Eric Musco said that he wanted to have side missions for Treek and HK-51. Since it has previously been said that they won't have the next KOTFE chapter until January, maybe they'll be giving us the sidequest to recruit those two to tide us over.


Maybe that wouldn't be huge but, if they're include people who don't have those and it isn't just a "Go play 20 Warzone matches" quest, I'd be pleased with that. (I have both but I still wouldn't say no to a good pair of side quests.)


Alternatively, maybe Life Day will have a special "Shoot Supreme Chancellor Saresh in the face" event and my dreams will finally come true.

Edited by Thepyrethatburns
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Alternatively, maybe Life Day will have a special "Shoot Supreme Chancellor Saresh in the face" event and my dreams will finally come true.


I would immediately switch from month to month To a 6 month sub for that...


Hell id buy 26 more character slots so i could have all 40 characters shoot her in the face

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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They're changing nomenclature and ending subscriptions and subs. After long studies and panels, they've come to the conclusion that subs have been tarnished through connection to Jared Fogle.


Subs will now be known as hoagies (heros, blimpies, or grinders depending on your locale). Likewise pref and f2p will be known as po'boys and ketchup sandwiches respectively.

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They're changing nomenclature and ending subscriptions and subs. After long studies and panels, they've come to the conclusion that subs have been tarnished through connection to Jared Fogle.


Subs will now be known as hoagies (heros, blimpies, or grinders depending on your locale). Likewise pref and f2p will be known as po'boys and ketchup sandwiches respectively.


Either this or that Chapter 10 will be available to Subs starting tuesday

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Either this or that Chapter 10 will be available to Subs starting tuesday


Remember that the announcement is coming at 3-3:30 in the afternoon Pacific. Do you really think that BW is going to at that time then shut down the servers for maintenance to patch it and bring it back up in the evening?

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What I'm expecting is an announcement giving a firm date when the second chapter of kotfe will start due to it's success and popularity. *



* (Due to our renewed commitment to story, we will release a blog and a roadmap detailing the plans for the next operation sometime early 2017)

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