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Can we talk about the annoying laughter again?


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You are overreacting.

The laughter is awesome and needs to stay!


I played an Operative back when BioWare choose to remove it because, as far as I remember, some people felt “humiliated” that some classes laughed about them during PvP. (Mind you I’m a PvE player)

I was until that day still enjoying my Operative despite several nerfs that hit the class before. But the removal of the laughter greatly diminished my enjoyment of the class since the Operative no longer displayed joy in doing what she was doing. :(

I soon after quit SWtoR for some time. When I returned some time later I rerolled on a different sever no longer choosing the Operative but the Sniper.


With great pleasure I recently notice on my return with KotFE and start of a Bounty Hunter that the Powertech in the Advanced Prototype discipline features the laughter upon skill reset for the Rail Shot. :D

And like the Operative I really enjoy playing that class and discipline because the character itself displays joy in doing their job thanks to the laughter.

It just pure fun!


Currently I’m finishing my Sorcerer (just about to finish Rishi) and then probably start rolling on my Trooper.

Thanks to you I now know which advanced class to pick. ;)


So yes I wholeheartedly disagree with you. The laughter is awesome!

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I remember that they took that away on the Smuggler/Agent once, and everyone complained that it was gone because they liked the audio cue.....


.. so they put it back quite a while ago.


I never remember having had it - at all.

I only remember Operatives / Scoundrels having that kind of laughter.

And I almost exclusively play Sharpshooter ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Not a fan of that "hurr dee durr Ima dumb dumb inna brrrrainz" laughter, but I somehow learned to zone it out. After all, if you can deal with thousands of Chosen Ones running around being the same one and only galaxy saviour as you, you can deal with a silly sound, no?


What I DO want though, is Treek not being audible for everyone. The best thing about companion Overpowergate was that most people stopped using that disgusting critter, and now it is back with a nausea-inducing vengeance. :tran_eek:

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Having to play another class or skillset is not really a solution, is it? If a certain class was broken beyond redemption, you wouldn't tell me to just roll another char, would you? ;) You'd want that class to be fixed.


No, but that's not really an accurate comparison. The class isn't broken.


It'd be more like if you leveled a Jedi Consular, but then found out that you hated the particle effects for Disturbance; to which I absolutely WOULD reply, then play something else. YOU not liking the sfx or gfx for a particular ability/proc doesn't mean they should change it. I'm certain there are a great many ability sounds that people don't like, but they're not going to waste the effort to go through and let us cherry pick whether we hear each individual one, and they're not going to give ONE group of people the option to disable a sound they don't like and not another group. None of us are special little snowflakes.


I'm sorry that your enjoyment of a character has been ruined or lessened, but it is what it is.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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(I know this has been discussed before, but there is no other way for me to express my dissatisfaction, since there is no Feedback option ingame or in the forum, and the Customer Support closed my attempted feedback ticket with an automated message, as I have come to expect from this game. So, please bear with me.)


So, recently I started a Trooper and went Commando (Haw haw, Guttermind. No, the subclass. :p). Loved the class, until I hit a certain level. At that level, my Commando became a crazy, murderous lunatic that just could not stop laughing every 5 seconds.


This is unacceptable to me. Not even FemShep can remedy this.


I am unable to play this character for more than 5 minutes at a time. This is the timespan it takes me to become pissed off at the incessant, annoying laughter. This completely and utterly ruins the character for me, and I have barely played her since.


To my utter dismay, the Commando is not the only class with this "feature". The Scoundrel and one of the Bounty Hunter Subclasses has it as well. That makes THREE classes I won't be able to play, because of some rather pointless audio cue.


Bioware, if you really value all your customers, like you said in one of your recent posts, PLEASE consider changing this to a less annoying sound, or by giving us the option to turn it off completely.


Now, please, everyone tell me I am overreacting. Or voice your support.


IDK. I like the laugh - but I play a girl in game, and the laugh on my smuggler and my operative is cute. IDK bout he guy laugh.

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(...) and they're not going to give ONE group of people the option to disable a sound they don't like and not another group. (...)


I don't expect them to. In fact, I fully expect them to ignore this post, because that has been my experience with Bioware so far.


But if I don't post my opinion, who else will? Gotta try, man.


And if there are other annoying sounds, if enough people complain about it, maybe there will be change after all. Not doing anything won't solve anything.

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... and added it to two more classes, yes. Just to add insult to injury :p


Hate to break it to you, Merc has had it for ages. It wasn't something they "added to annoy you". Audio cues are good, you can always tweak your own sound settings so you don't get it. Option is already there.

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I love this audio, it's clear and it's million times more recognizable than that stupid 'whoosh' they had used as a replacement.


Even with the UI editor tweaks procs and buffs are not always easy to read during the intense combat. That giggle is hard to miss and it used to be a unique class-specific proc notifier which worked just fine.

Had no idea they had given it to the other classes, though.

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Sound effects are a huge aspect of my enjoyment of the game. I spent 3 days trying out blasters on a target dummy until I found just the right combination that sounded "right" for my gunslinger. I LOVE the laughs that some classes get. I was very upset when the laugh was taken away from my operative the first time around. Then they went and changed it to some uninspiring "zoop" sound. No no no. The laughing gives my character....well, character. It makes her real and alive and accents her personality. I remember the first time this came up and it was all about people hating the fact that some class was "making fun of them by laughing" in PvP. Seriously? :rolleyes: I was delighted when I discovered that a spec on my commando made her laugh too! It helped renew interest in a character that I had long ago thought I'd shelved for good. But now she's fun again.


If BW really wants to go to the trouble to make laughs toggle-able, then fine. But don't tough my laughs!! :mad::mad::mad: It's one of the very cool things that makes this game unique.

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You mean, I can disable sound categories altogether. That's like treating a papercut by amputating the arm.




I want to disable the GIGGLE on my Operative because my headcanon is that she's the consummate professional.

She does not giggle unless it's part of her cover. We need a giggle toggle.

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Sound effects are a huge aspect of my enjoyment of the game. I spent 3 days trying out blasters on a target dummy until I found just the right combination that sounded "right" for my gunslinger.


My commando's been using the same cannon for the last god knows how many levels because of the way it sounds. Thankfully, it's orange. Otherwise I would have been a very sad panda. Unfortunately, it looks ugly as hell, but I haven't found anything decent to replace it yet. When BioWare puts in appearance slots for weapons, I'll cry with joy.


I know -exactly- the kind of OCD you mean :D

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Its like BW wanted smugglers and Operatives to make fun of everyone using the Force

My smuggler would make fun of Force users though. My agent has less merry thoughts about them.


Now which spec is it that laughs for Merc/Commando? I'm guessing not heals since I have both and I've never heard them laughing. Come to think of it though I did hear another merc player laughing in an FP the other day.



Seriously though. If you take Jo Wyatt's sexy chuckle from me I will Backstab/Shiv you till the nerfs come home!

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Sound effects made by your character shouldn't contrast with the possible ways of role-playing the character. End of story. Literally all arguments you people have is "but I like the laughter!".


Look at issues from perspective other than your own from time to time. Personally I like that sound effect, doesn't mean it should stay.

Edited by Kozor
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As an Operative, I like the laughter. And I was very disappointed when they took it away for a while and replaced it with the generic machine sound.


It's not quite as frequent as it used to be, so be glad for that. I think the way they have it now is perfect.

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Don't mind the laughter so much, it's the groaning pain sound from female SW that makes me cringe.


The male SW groan sound is so distracting. It's not going to stop me from playing the class or enjoying it but it's distracting when I'm having an intense lightsaber battle and then he does his best James Brown impression.

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As someone who has an operative, male, and does not main it but is very familiar with the sound effect, my two cents:


Playing a male, it doesn't bother me. However, it would annoy the hell out of me if I played a female, because it comes across as distinctly more insane, not to mention it's also more noticeable and overall less subtle. The male VO for my operative has just the right mix of having an actual audio cue without it being TOO much.


The female laugh would be distracting for me, personally. But all my characters are male, so I suppose I'm 'lucky' in that regard.

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