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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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Only the unhappy people come running to the forum. The people who are happy with it just play.


Given that POT5 solo and ranked queues now have a wait time double of what you could expect prior to 4.0, I'd say that the people who are truly displeased have simply up and quit. 4.0 changed things, brought in players and seemed to be generally helping, cutting down wait times and giving me people to shoot. Now?...whole place is a freakin' ghost town.

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Over half my guild has unsubbed and a good lot of them have stopped playing altogether.


I've unsubbed too now. We were sold a pack of lies, casual gaming experience my ***.


The game is burning down. I've never seen planet numbers so low since expansion, and never seen the forums in such a frenzy. It's even riling up on social media. BW has the opportunity to roll back the patch, to mia culpa and release something that they've actually PTSed, but they probably have the dev head-up-own-butt syndrome so they're reacting with defensive scorn rather than humility.


This is the worst thing I've ever seen on SWTOR, and the response from Eric was atrocious. The attitude was we're not understanding their vision and expectations, rather than the devs realizing that they weren't understanding their playerbases' expectations, which are much more important than their own.

Edited by positronics
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For those that want to Yell at the top of their lungs at how the level of nerf was needed and only the lazy inept will have an issue , ,,


Does that really explain the massive population decrease the game has experienced since the patch hit ,


just looking at Harb & Berg , though feel free to check out others , the game has lost a huge percentage of the population that had been active at the start of the week ,,






I dont even know if Bioware can correct this mess given how the Bugs, Nerfs , and Patching disaster have destroyed what good will they had establised over the last few weeks

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For those that want to Yell at the top of their lungs at how the level of nerf was needed and only the lazy inept will have an issue , ,,


Does that really explain the massive population decrease the game has experienced since the patch hit ,


just looking at Harb & Berg , though feel free to check out others , the game has lost a huge percentage of the population that had been active at the start of the week ,,






I dont even know if Bioware can correct this mess given how the Bugs, Nerfs , and Patching disaster have destroyed what good will they had establised over the last few weeks


Please switch to 30 days and them come back :)


The population was already on the decline shortly after release.

Edited by Neglience
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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


There is no evidence to support that claim.

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There is no evidence to support that claim.


Not only that, the crappy 2P and preferred marketing models make any progression without a subscription almost impossible, for the express purpose of encouraging subscriptions.


This is one of the few ocasions where a second bad decision has been worsened by a previously bad decision.

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Not only that, the crappy 2P and preferred marketing models make any progression without a subscription almost impossible, for the express purpose of encouraging subscriptions.


This is one of the few ocasions where a second bad decision has been worsened by a previously bad decision.


F2P player... err preferred... bought a level 60 token and used it.


He never realized that the old expansions are still buy in to play. Now he has a level 60 toon that can only do Ilum and Black Hole for quests and nothing else besides group content.


So F2P or preferred who never subbed or bought the old xpacs, can't even play anything past Ilum in the storylines.

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For those that want to Yell at the top of their lungs at how the level of nerf was needed and only the lazy inept will have an issue , ,,


Does that really explain the massive population decrease the game has experienced since the patch hit ,


just looking at Harb & Berg , though feel free to check out others , the game has lost a huge percentage of the population that had been active at the start of the week ,,






I dont even know if Bioware can correct this mess given how the Bugs, Nerfs , and Patching disaster have destroyed what good will they had establised over the last few weeks

woah u mean more people were online on saturday and sunday?


another shocker!


this one is almost as good as you pointing out the downturn when the servers were OFFLINE

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But others' lack understanding how to play their characters should be catered to. Got it.

Lack understanding how? Push buttons, kill stuff, have fun...or do you mean they should learn their "rotations" and min/max like hardcore gamers do?


I guess I just don't understand your mentality...if Bob'Vader just spams whatever skill is off cooldown, but can still enjoy the game and he keeps playing, why do you care if he understands his class at all? He's not on your PvP team or your HM Ops group, he's out doing solo content that you find easy to do...what the hell does it matter to you what Bob'Vader does?


If you've progressed beyond the need of the crutch that a companion provides, why not dismiss them if you want a challenge, or turn off some of their skills? Create your own difficulty level if the challenge is all you want...why support an environment where Bob'Vader can't even complete solo heroics and he quits?


I'd rather cater to someone like Bob'Vader, who's playing the game and enjoying it, because given time, anyone can become a better player once they get hooked...hooking them and letting them feel "powerful" while having fun, isn't a bad move at all...it creates a game players return to.

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The problem with that situation is as follow:

Sure, players that focus on a single character powered through KOTFE and the Alliance stuff too fast.

But not everyone has only one character. Hell, even with the stupid M1-4X grind I managed to find the Alliance stuff fun and was ready to repeat it on every character I have (FYI, we are talking about 26, with only 8 that were KOTFE ready at launch and only one that became so after.)

But with this nerf, Bioware just ensured I would not repeat the grind. Like ever. Now everything has become tedious.

So what's better I ask: Players finishing content quickly? Or players not playing at all and thus not paying?


I totally agree with you! I have more than one toon of each class and was looking forward to experiencing the new content on each of them. Now I am having trouble working through mobs with more than one elite. Leveling a sage/sorc is miserable. Even my agent is struggling. I put my companions in tank mode just to keep the mobs off me. The companions drop like flies and boom - dead! I give up.

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bw did a massive fail by making changes that welcomed lower-skill level, new players then obliterating the reason they were able to play.


there's no virtue in being good or bad at the game...but BW is making changes that appear to consistently push people away. it doesnt make any sense.


the truth is: a lot of people liked how easy the game became. and this change will definitely push them away. now its up to BW to figure out how to make the most people happy...hopefully by giving us more options in game that can entertain all types of players.

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bw did a massive fail by making changes that welcomed lower-skill level, new players then obliterating the reason they were able to play.


there's no virtue in being good or bad at the game...but BW is making changes that appear to consistently push people away. it doesnt make any sense.


the truth is: a lot of people liked how easy the game became. and this change will definitely push them away. now its up to BW to figure out how to make the most people happy...hopefully by giving us more options in game that can entertain all types of players.

Good post Pagy...I agree.


Do you think that change was intentional to minimize any any complaints about level sync, another thing they hid from us? Or do you honestly believe they misjudged companions by THAT much?

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


Agree! What makes me really angry about this whole thing is that Bioware could easily appease the angry masses by fixing what they messed up, but no, they want us to jump through a million hoops by posting all kinds of data about how badly we're struggling. I don't seem to remember them asking the whiny pvpers to post data before they nerfed the sage/sorc aoe to the ground. They simply did it and expected us to bend over and take it. Just fix the damn thing! Make your subscriber base happy for once, please!

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Good post Pagy...I agree.


Do you think that change was intentional to minimize any any complaints about level sync, another thing they hid from us? Or do you honestly believe they misjudged companions by THAT much?

tbh i have no idea...in my mind the power of the companions can only be explained by the poor programming/logic behind how they worked ie the healer not casting for long periods.


with the instant 60, new story jump-off point it's clear they wanted to make the game "new player friendly" and part of that explains buffing the companions and eliminating the pressure to gear them up, especially if you're new.


but i think the real issue was a lack of testing? for me i felt my companions were doing crazy dmg right away as my first level up was a healer. second time through, i tried to pvp with my merc and realized healing was so powerful i would have to cc/kill the companion first.


lack of testing also explains this drastic nerf as well. i'm not sure that people are putting in the correct process over there...to make changes, test them out, and review results.

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with the instant 60, new story jump-off point it's clear they wanted to make the game "new player friendly" and part of that explains buffing the companions and eliminating the pressure to gear them up, especially if you're new.

oooh...that's actually a really good point too...


But yeah, the lack of testing is quite obvious.

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For those that wanted a Companion Nerf , and have been spamming the forum for the last 2 weeks , and contunue to do so , , get that I agreed that somehting should have been done , BUT


The level of the Nerf , and how it was slipped in without any conversation , and how it only became known just prior to the patch has raised a Red Flag , for many but there are other issues



1st ,

How the game Patches , this is something that will not change because its a key selling point to EA , and how they want to monetize the result being we have a horrific patching process that often creates the wrong settings , and requires players to download the entire game several times with each patch , this is not changing , and some players are just moving on , and ending their subs.



The bugs . not the minor bugs but ones that make game play near impossible , or so problematic it interferes at a significant level when it comes to their enjoying the game , again , players just giving up and leaving.



The Healing nerf , and what that means to players that want to solo or 2 man , and not have to do the healing themselves , and the impact on how quickly they can farm a planet heroic , and or any of the content in game.


Because prior to the launch of 4.0, there were lots of things that one could do to earn credits , and or get the items one might want to farm.


But with 4.0 , we really just have Operations , Planet Heroics , and Events ,


With the Companion Healing changes , unless you have teamed up a Player Healing with another Player its either going to go slow or painful , at least when we had decent Healing Companions in 3.- this was not an issue , But with these changes its going to be a lot more painful , and time consuming to do missions that earn just north of 10k credits , which is absurd




K , my expectation at this point ,


The nerf crowd will continue to shout , and yell , and ignore the data being show them (sort of like peeps yelling over others trying to tell them that man is having an impact on the worlds climate)


That Bioware / EA will not make the basic changes to things like patching because their bosses dont want to lose the revenue stream.


That the Nerf will stay or just get a minor adjustment at best, and far to late to correct the mess that was made of the game when the patch hit Tuesday.




My plan , enjoy the game until my sub runs out , and then head on to some thing else , with the option to come back in the Spring , that is if the game is still bothering to release updates at that time, because Movie or not , I expect that what ever influx they expected in December to be heavily countered by the huge sums of ill will that Bioware/ EA cultivated this week

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same kinda goes with the slot machine


when that thing was released it was glaringly obvious how powerful it was and bw was caught offguard thinking "uh...crap....oops"


This is 100x worse than slot machine. I never posted once on the forums in all my years. I'm fed up to my ears about this change, and so are a lot of others.


This is a game changer, and not in a good way. Look at the server drops, and yes it had been slowly declining since expansion, but now it's jumping off a cliff.

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Good post Pagy...I agree.


Do you think that change was intentional to minimize any any complaints about level sync, another thing they hid from us? Or do you honestly believe they misjudged companions by THAT much?


What if that change was intended by EA so that the casual players who already left at least 15$ for a subscription now go on to the next SW Game EA dose offer?


I mean the SW 7 Hype is there and why not push the masses of casuals from one game to the other?

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