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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I just did the [The Tyrant] on Bel'Savis.


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This was on my Level 65 Sentinel decked out in full 208 augments, 186 relics, 216 implants and an earpiece, and a mix of mostly 220 gear with some 216s still left to replace.


My companion was a rank 10 Doc as a healer. Most groups were 2 elites and a silver aside from the second group which was 3 silvers and the champion at the end.


I was able to successfully clear it without dying once using:


Self Heals, since I play Watchman

Rebuke on Cooldown

Saber Ward but only once

Pacify if I had time to weave it in between my rotation.

Disable Droid (but I quickly broke it with Twin Saber Throw by accident)

Full Class buffs since I have Legendary

Full presence from all Datacrons (Minus Fleet) and companion stories.

Leftover Stim from the HM TFB I ran the night before.


I did not use:


Guarded by the Force

Force Camo



Heroic Moment and Heroic Moment Abilities.


My health only got low once and that was in a pack with 2 golds and a silver because I decided to attack a gold first instead of the silver.


Doc had aggro on a gold full time during one trash pull but his health never dipped below 90%.


The Champion didn't hit all that hard and was easily beatable without interrupting his Ravage.


I consider [The Tyrant] to be one of the hardest heroics of the Old Era before 4.0. I am willing to go try any other heroics outside of SF since my Sentinel has not done the FE story if people would like further results from any other heroics.


Please Comment below in a constructive and civil manner your thoughts or suggestions, so we can provide feedback to the Devs about this.

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This was on my Level 65 Sentinel decked out in full 208 augments, 186 relics, 216 implants and an earpiece, and a mix of mostly 220 gear with some 216s still left to replace.


There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...

Edited by Neoforcer
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There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


That is no problem. His health dropped low ONCE and he did not use a couple of (strong) skills at all.

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There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


What is your class/role? And what heroic would you like me to try it on?

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There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


This is a question bred out of my own curiosity: The free 60 gear is 188s all around. Last week we used those same free 60 characters in that gear to continually farm Soa for the 224 main hands. Granted we are higher level players so I don't count that for much. But, back on topic, it seems like the people who are struggling are struggling with star fortresses mostly, and if they're in 188 free gear shouldn't they be reminded that their gear might be too low for the encounter the way they want to play it (solo style)? That wouldn't strike me as a companion problem, but a player lack of being informed problem.

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Well, you're pretty tough. Most people aren't that well equipped, or honestly that good. I had some trouble with the opening fight in The Tyrant, and ended up running away and doing it in two tries. But I agree its basically fine.


You could try Vipers Nest on Makeb, that's the one that's really given me trouble so far. Well, that and the one with the poison gas but that's got nothing to do with the companions.

Edited by WulframH
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There your problem right there not every one is deck out i 208 augs mix of 220 and 216 gear. What some are decked out in is the free 60 gear as they have just returned with out all the comm stacking the people that have never left have. SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. Some are going into heroic 2 that are meant for every one in all gear...


He would have been level sync' d which caps the benefit from armor. If you are having issues gearing and leveling your companion , run tactical Black Talon/Essels with your first companion a few times. You will get 208 drops & thousands in influence.

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Well, you're pretty tough. Most people aren't that well equipped, or honestly that good. I had some trouble with the opening fight in The Tyrant, and ended up running away and doing it in two tries. But I agree its basically fine.


You could try Vipers Nest on Makeb, that's the one that's really given me trouble so far. Well, that and the one with the poison gas but that's got nothing to do with the companions.


What is your class/role, so I can give it the fair try as the same type of character?

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This is probably going to come off sarcastic but I really don't mean it as such. I wonder Reno, if you're interested in testing this stuff, if you'd be willing to get a full non aug'd green suit and see how you do? I'm really more than anything curious how gear scales down for those heroics and if that even matters. I know you can't do anything about the datacrons or presence buffs.
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What is your class/role? And what heroic would you like me to try it on?


I can solo every one i am founder and probably could do do it all blind folded i talking about returning and new players not being able to do what we all can do then complaining and un subbing to a game that just got a breath of life into it to have it killed again. Did companion need a nerf yes do i agree with the amount for the casuals sake no. Players that come on theses forums saying i can do it every one can there are new players and returning players that are not and may not every be at yours or my skill level. Those players should be gated by what because us elites want a challenge form 1 to 50 leveling or heroic 2s? Telling them L2p i can do this is not a good community and will kill this game then we all can talk about the good old days when we had a star wars mmo that died because we were selfish.

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DPS Sage


Alright, I will run it with my Level 59 Telekinetics Sage Since I will be scaled down anyways. His gear is all 172 Mods with a 156 Earpiece, 2 Garbage Implants ilvl 62/64, Level 35 and 45 Rakghoul Legacy Relic


My companion will be my rank 5 Theron. I will post the results as soon as I am done.

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This is probably going to come off sarcastic but I really don't mean it as such. I wonder Reno, if you're interested in testing this stuff, if you'd be willing to get a full non aug'd green suit and see how you do? I'm really more than anything curious how gear scales down for those heroics and if that even matters. I know you can't do anything about the datacrons or presence buffs.


I made this thread to run heroic tests, so I am fully willing to do tests.


I would have to buy a suit of green gear off the gtn but would be willing to try, just pick a class and role.


I can solo every one i am founder and probably could do do it all blind folded i talking about returning and new players not being able to do what we all can do then complaining and un subbing to a game that just got a breath of life into it to have it killed again. Did companion need a nerf yes do i agree with the amount for the casuals sake no. Players that come on theses forums saying i can do it every one can there are new players and returning players that are not and may not every be at yours or my skill level. Those players should be gated by what because us elites want a challenge form 1 to 50 leveling or heroic 2s? Telling them L2p i can do this is not a good community and will kill this game then we all can talk about the good old days when we had a star wars mmo that died because we were selfish.


This thread isn't about that, this thread is run tests and provide feedback, if you have a heroic and class in mind, please post it.

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I just did all Belsavis heroics on Rep side.




204 2-piece, 208s with few 216s, 5 or 6 augments (200)

Relics: 204 and 186

T7, rank 25, tank


T7 went down only against Tyrant but even then I finished that fight and continued. No other issues apart from really annoying lag.


I still don't know why people think Belsavis heroics are brutal. Alderaan has brutal heroics if you're not careful.

Edited by Halinalle
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There is the other difference,


For those of us with all the classes unlocked we get a decent stat buff for companions , is it possible for single character players in basic gear of their level


At least for me, it was impossible to do H2s on level with basic gear before. At best I could do the Oricon H2 (55) with my 60 with a mix of 192/198 unaugmented. Even then I'd die on certain pulls and champions there.

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I have tried many times to complete The Viper's Nest on my Sage both with Theron and the now buffed Treek who was only rank 4 as healer. I was unable to complete it because on top of 4 Silver Mobs, which should be okay, they also do a Grav Round Armor debuff and I am not able to interrupt all of them. The Damage these mobs do quickly eat away at the pre-bubble I placed on myself and my companions and quickly whittles down any health I try to heal back with my free heal.


And when I did mange to kill a silver on one attempt and by using CC another one spawned to take it's place.


I am now going to attempt this on my Sentinel using the same set up as in my Original Post.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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I have tried many times to complete The Viper's Nest on my Sage both with Theron and the now buffed Treek who was only rank 4 as healer. I was unable to complete it because on top of 4 Silver Mobs, which should be okay, they also do a Grav Round Armor debuff and I am not able to interrupt all of them. The Damage these mobs do quickly eat away at the pre-bubble I placed on myself and my companions and quickly whittles down any health I try to heal back with my free heal.


And when I did mange to kill a silver on one attempt and by using CC another one spawned to take it's place.


I am now going to attempt this on my Sentinel using the the same set up as in my Original Post.

Thanks for testing these. It's interesting to see how the results vary with different ACs, specs and gear levels.

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I just did the Tyrant with 58 commando. I ran Aric as a healer till the main boss. I never run a healer but I am not impressed with tanks since 4.0. I had 192 gear except 186 relics. Kiting is our friend. With main Boss I turn Aric to a Tank and between healing him with DPS spec and interrupts knocked it out. His heath got pretty low but surprising was I was able to get him back up. That and the Boss hog never went after me. First time I have done that HR. Alric was level 12 influence.
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I have tried many times to complete The Viper's Nest on my Sage both with Theron and the now buffed Treek who was only rank 4 as healer. I was unable to complete it because on top of 4 Silver Mobs, which should be okay, they also do a Grav Round Armor debuff and I am not able to interrupt all of them. The Damage these mobs do quickly eat away at the pre-bubble I placed on myself and my companions and quickly whittles down any health I try to heal back with my free heal.


And when I did mange to kill a silver on one attempt and by using CC another one spawned to take it's place.


I am now going to attempt this on my Sentinel using the same set up as in my Original Post.


People were complaining Makeb heroics were too hard before the nerf, not sure they are a good testing ground for companions. There are enough other H2+ quests to still give a ton of crystals that can be used to buy better gear.

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OK I tried this

Level 65 Combat Sentinel

No class buffs

No stim

No armour

No Ear piece or Implants

2x 208 Light sabers no augs

2x 178 relics no Augs

Scorpio healing (Influence 1, Presence 1018)

Did not use heroic moment died 3 times trying to kill Tyrant , got him to about 10% each time.


Added class buffs a 208 Ear and 1x 208 Implant killed him with 30% health left.


It seems that Mastery and Endurance are set to a predetermined level and power gets capped only secondary and tertiary stats add to your toons overall effectiveness.


Scorpios healing was pretty poor then it should be given her level need to try with a better companion next time. I'd consider myself an above average but not elite player. Sentinel is not my main and on the last Ops tier I only got 3/10hm and was 4th/5th Dps on my OPs team. Basically I was a bench player.

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