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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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You can still solo a lot of Star Fortress, it's just really tedious. Like sticking forks in your eyes on purpose.
they needs to strike a balance between too easy (leading to people getting tired of it too quickly) versus too challenging (and people not attempting it at all)


sadly, the avg swtor player is absolutely horrible based on my experience with players in fps, ops and even quest areas (lol help me with archon!).


to make the most people happy, the game needs to be more on the dumbed down side. this pushes the better players away, but best to shoot for the bigger piece of pie imo

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I am all for increasing the rating of the drops in the Heroic 2 SF. It's a whole lot of time to put in (three times) for that paltry weekly reward.


The Solo Mode SF should drop 208s and the Heroic SF should drop 216. Solo weekly should grant about double the weekly reward. Heroic weekly should grant the same as solo but with Radiant crystals (4 or 5) as well.


And Bioware should adjust the poor Tank Companion set up. UPWARDS. They aren't properly rolling defenses and mobs just chew through them. You are better off at this point pulling a DPS Comp and trying to burst your way through Boss health. Healers Companions need their healing output adjusted UPWARDS by about 10% - 20%. (single target big heal by 20% / heal over time heals by 10%).

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Did it last night ( Nov 19th ) post 4.02 with Veeroa Denz at 25 affection DPS stance until ambush. Me in mix of 186/192/198/208/216 with a 220 barrel in gun with VG shield tech.


Took about the same time as before coz nerf to companions balanced by a few extra points in gear since before patch.


Used the sentry gun buff for Extra DPS in final exarch fight - coz tanks are a only mediocre at DMG . And I ain't got all night! - No problems . Just set comp on heal before ambush phase until the end. - never went below ~60% health - and when I did, popped DCDs and made sure to leave mass taunt to taunt the room, to give her a healing space for a GCD or two.


It never felt that difficult and I managed the paladin without any of the contacts buffs. - Just guard comp, set to DPS then kite, tank and spank.


If you're finding it hard with similar gear and comp affection, then its a L2P issue IMHO - If you're in worse gear or your companion and contacts are not 10+ affection, then grind a few more H2s - You'll get there soon enough and sail through. Besides there are still people LFG-ing a lot, so do it 2x as fast by grouping up.


Myth Busted! :eek:

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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The Star Fortress was challenging before to solo, but doable. Now it's an absolute impossibility for virtually anyone, and that's being generous.


Both of these statements are very wrong. The Star Fortresses were not challenging to solo AT ALL before this. I soloed every one of them and I think I died 3 times across the what 6 or 8 missions. One of those deaths was a knock back one shot so that shouldn't even count.


I tried to solo one last night and in my 208 and Influence 10 comp, no intro buff, I wasn't able to do it. However, I got pretty close before giving up. If I upped my gear and up my companion influence I have no doubt I could solo it.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Did it last night ( Nov 19th ) post 4.02 with Veeroa Denz at 25 affection DPS stance until ambush. Me in mix of 186/192/198/208/216 with a 220 barrel in gun with VG shield tech.


Took about the same time as before coz nerf to companions balanced by a few extra points in gear since before patch.


Used the sentry gun buff for Extra DPS in final exarch fight - coz tanks are a only mediocre at DMG . And I ain't got all night! - No problems . Just set comp on heal before ambush phase until the end. - never went below ~60% health - and when I did, popped DCDs and made sure to leave mass taunt to taunt the room, to give her a healing space for a GCD or two.


It never felt that difficult and I managed the paladin without any of the contacts buffs. - Just guard comp, set to DPS then kite, tank and spank.


If you're finding it hard with similar gear and comp affection, then its a L2P issue IMHO - If you're in worse gear or your companion and contacts are not 10+ affection, then grind a few more H2s - You'll get there soon enough and sail through. Besides there are still people LFG-ing a lot, so do it 2x as fast by grouping up.


Myth Busted! :eek:


That's nice. So tell me, how is my Sentinel supposed to switch to Tank stance, or my Mara? Is there a tank spec for sorcs? I didn't see it when I was choosing, what's it called? I'm quite sure that my assassin/Shadow/Jugg will do quite well. Unfortunately for me, that's not the only toons I play, nor the only toons that I plan to play. It's nice that you can come here and throw stones rolling on a tank spec about how others need to L2P, how have you done on a dedicated DPS? How's your healer doing? Have you tried, or is it that you haven't L2P anything else in these heroics that are supposed to be doable?


Before you try to play that "But it's only for the elite players to solo" crap: Really?

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OK, I'ma hafta call BS. I tried the same thing, All for One cheeve, with a Sniper rated mostly 216 with bits of 208 and 220, fully augged to 208. T7-01 was a fully loaded rank 50 and roled as healer. I was able to withstand the Exarch's barrage for maybe 2 1/2 minutes before T7 almost instantly succumbed and I was destroyed soon after. The Exarch wasn't even worn down to 30%.

Oh, and this was 2 days ago, just before 4.0.2. I tried to solo the SF again not an hour ago and quickly died when the first mob got stuck in the ceiling and decimated my rank 50 Treek healer and my same sniper.


Nope, no BS. I wasn't prepared for the amount of damage the Exarch would pump into a tank companion. Up until that point, tank companions were almost indestructible, so I expected T7 to do fairly well. I was spectacularly wrong.


T7 died in a few hits, and I spent the rest of the battle jogging in large circles around the Exarch. When he stopped to do a long cast, ground-targeted AoE ability, I let him get it off and moved to safety so I could heal up. It took several minutes of repetitious dot/hot/kite, but I got him down. I was definitely surprised by the jump in difficulty from the rest of the SF compared to the Exarch.

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Nope, no BS. I wasn't prepared for the amount of damage the Exarch would pump into a tank companion. Up until that point, tank companions were almost indestructible, so I expected T7 to do fairly well. I was spectacularly wrong.


T7 died in a few hits, and I spent the rest of the battle jogging in large circles around the Exarch. When he stopped to do a long cast, ground-targeted AoE ability, I let him get it off and moved to safety so I could heal up. It took several minutes of repetitious dot/hot/kite, but I got him down. I was definitely surprised by the jump in difficulty from the rest of the SF compared to the Exarch.


Try doing it with a sniper.

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Done. Solo'ed on my Shadow tank in 216's, with no buffs and endurance stim, and with Lana healing at influence level 26. It was fairly straight forward, but game mechanics are important. Kill weak first, protect your healer, etc. etc. Ironically I found the last boss easier than the Robot boss who calls out additional troops.


I won't apologize for the gear. If you can't do it in 208s? Gear up. Sheez, it's not hard to do so when the crystals drop like rain.


It is not impossible. It is a challenge but not a Hard Mode. You have to know your skills/class that's all.


Gear drops 208s - one shouldn't need better gear than what gets dropped to complete it - just like bloodhunt hm needed far better than the 'recommended" let alone dropped gear.

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Gear drops 208s - one shouldn't need better gear than what gets dropped to complete it - just like bloodhunt hm needed far better than the 'recommended" let alone dropped gear.


But as BW stated, the Heroic SF is meant to be played by 2 undergeared players. Soloing this instance is meant to be a challenge that may require you to have more than the minimum required preparation.

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Gear drops 208s - one shouldn't need better gear than what gets dropped to complete it - just like bloodhunt hm needed far better than the 'recommended" let alone dropped gear.


If you run with 2 people, you can clear it with gear well under 208. If you want to solo it, you'll need to gear up and know your class. Soloing this content is not meant to progress your gear, it's meant as a challenge to be conquered just because.

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It's still doable.


Complete runthrough with 192 companion gear, a healing Lana on level 27 without alliance buffs or crates. So this would've been the "One for All" Achievement if I hadn't done it already. So stop saying it's impossible. A challenge, sure, but that's intended, as Eric has explained here:

[*]“The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.

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I just soloed it on my Sorc. Not that hard at all:

-Set comp to heal during boss fights.

-Kite constantly during the exarch fight.

-use Madness (you need the mobility and self-healing)


Corruption would be possible as well if you aren't comfortable using Madness, but it would take longer.

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They must have nerfed it back in late December. I did it as a Telekinetics sage with whatever storyline gear you get from KotFE, and Lana at, I think 33ish in healing stance.


In the same run I did One and Only, Feet on the Ground, and Playing with Fire. I don't recall struggling.


A few extra notes:


No datacrons,

I used my Heroic Moment twice during the fight because it took a long time.

I had to battle rez Lana, but I never had to heal to full and make the Exarch pay for hurting me..


Since I never really struggled with this, I imagine they must have nerfed it since the original post was made. Or maybe they just buffed companions. Either way, if you're having trouble I suggest you try it now. Its a lot easier.

Edited by Crossward
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I played tonight. Did 2 SF heroic runs. Senya and I cleared it no problem. Alliance lvls at 15 and she is at rank 34 in heal mode and me on my sniper in vendor 208s unaugmented. wrecked everything.


It is still soloable. Just need to know what you are doing

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