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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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OK, I'ma hafta call BS. I tried the same thing, All for One cheeve, with a Sniper rated mostly 216 with bits of 208 and 220, fully augged to 208. T7-01 was a fully loaded rank 50 and roled as healer. I was able to withstand the Exarch's barrage for maybe 2 1/2 minutes before T7 almost instantly succumbed and I was destroyed soon after. The Exarch wasn't even worn down to 30%.

Oh, and this was 2 days ago, just before 4.0.2. I tried to solo the SF again not an hour ago and quickly died when the first mob got stuck in the ceiling and decimated my rank 50 Treek healer and my same sniper.

It's a nice story though. Not every class are created equal. If you're a tank or an healer this is good update. Especially if you can tank and heal or heal and tank. Edited by aisaelo
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All the people saying 'kekek solo exarch in mah sleep' are the standard trolls that have plagued any useful patch response.


Anyone who saying the H2 SFs are nice and breezy are either a tank, in top edge gear, or lying.


This is a horrible patch. Mostly for the pre-60 progression too, which is so miserably slow now it's almost broken.

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A heroic mission designed for a team of 2 players is no longer soloable? Say it isn't so!

It's hardly heroic, If the game was done right you should be able to solo all the content currently.


It's not like other game's content that were designed for 5 weren't done by 2 before.


If you think it hasn't been done before, you're new.


Here is me reminiscing from sniping level 500 Dark Jedi on Dathomir, solo.

Edited by aisaelo
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The thing is in Star Wars and Kotor, your character should be able to defeat SF, easily.


What they failed to exploit is the Emperor. Now that guy could have been a raid boss.


How does it make sense to need to team up against the SF boss at all if you're a Jedi for example. It makes no sense to me.


Nobody should have to grind and if we have to group they should increase the reward.


I don't even know why I care, once I play all the class storylines I'm out of here.


The thing is the is SWTOR and SWtOR is an MMORPG... It ALWAYS had a grind, whether group or solo. They did was make the actual cut scene story bits easier for the people who just wanted to do the story but the quests around it were a grind and you HAD to do them in order to get the levels and gear to move to the next planet. SWTOR has always been almost schizophrenic in this matter.


The problem is here there are some things that are different.

1. Only 5 levels. This means there is less to do than you would going from zero to 50.


2. Only a little over half the story given up front, so now that the story is on "pause" how do you keep people playing? The story part was basically suspended the minute "chapter 10 coming soon" popped up on your screen. SWTOR makes the lions share of their money off subscriptions and microtransactions. Without more story to do atm, and limited repeatability as it is a shared story, in order to keep making money people have to keep on playing other wise they stop paying, so you have a grind.


Now this was a little missed at launch when there was so much to do and when it was still new and shiny, BUT this dynamic can't be missed now because the world feels much smaller and the new and shiny has worn off.

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I am going to say what everyone hates to hear. L2P. If you can't clear that as a commando in that gear with the companions as they are now, then you probably don't belong in an Heroic by yourself.


Well there is a completely useless, elitist reply that adds nothing to the game and only tells people to go away if they can't spend 8 hours a day on it...




It is almost like you elite players want the game to die, you keep trying to run off other people.

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About point number two, this is the thing. They need to up the ante, not just in group missions. Even the world bosses give nothing. This game could be fun if the reward would equal the trouble. The story is good but I would like to be able to farm some boss like in the other games for loot, not scraps. Edited by aisaelo
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My server doesn't have the population at the odd hours I play to allow me the luxury of getting a helper for the Heroic 2's. I'm at the last boss dying every single time in Heroic Star Fortress. I'm pretty well geared for a DPS 220 main/offhand 216 set bonus. My companions are at 22 rep level (cost me around 4 mil to get)


Basically my companion no longer heals. This is a huge part of the worthwhile content I can't do anymore that I was perfectly enjoying solo'ing before (see above my odd hours of play time). Why such an extreme nerf?

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Look, this is what it says in the description for heroic star fortresses:


Heroic difficulty is intended for groups of two or more players or powerful solo players who have strengthened their alliance.


And that's exactly how it is now. Some people can solo them, others can't. Before the nerf everyone could solo them, even in 190 greens and with a rank 2 companion - that never was how it was supposed to be.


The problem is that now people have had a taste of the power, they think they are owed to have it. If the companions had been like they are now from the start of 4.0, there'd hardly be anyone complaining.

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Has anyone been able to do it with a shadow dps after nerf?


Yep, I did it with a Madness Assasin in full 208 PvP Gear. I succesfully finished the Heroic Star Fortress 4 times yesterday going from my PvE Gear (216 - 220 Mix) with Rank 50 Companion, Buffterminal and all 4 Alliancecrates on my first run to 208 PvP Gear, rank 25 Companion without using the Buffterminal, Crates or Heroic Moment on my last run. If needed I could post some Screenshots I took along the way and write a bit about the Skills I had to use and how difficult it was. Right now I´m in a bit of a hurry and don´t have the time.

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They are definitely soloable for sturdy classes. I did it today on my Pyro. I'm sure I could on my dps Guardian.


don't know about light armor classes


I have seen sorcs and operatives do it. One operative did it with his tank companion dead on the final boss fight BUT he is apparently DANG good at kiting so the term "experiences may differ" definitely seems to apply there.

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what is 'kiting'?



and that question there is why some people say SF is now impossiable :)


kiting is where you run around and out some distance between you and a mob. good way to buy time for your comp to heal you up. gonna be important for the Knight Ambush in star fortress now I imagine

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and that question there is why some people say SF is now impossiable :)


kiting is where you run around and out some distance between you and a mob. good way to buy time for your comp to heal you up. gonna be important for the Knight Ambush in star fortress now I imagine


Probably depends on the character. I made it through the knight ambush just fine on my combat sent with Lana heals last night. Just do what you're supposed to do, cc, kill adds, dps down one knight with maybe an occasional cc of the other to allow Lana to catch her breath, use your defensive cooldowns, and kill the other. With ranged, yeah you might need to kite just to get some distance.


Exarchs are alway fun. Don't like how Lana constantly stands right under them, though. She doesn't know how to not stand in stupid, and i can't constantly keep putting her on passive and taking her off again. Maybe I should try a more ranged character, like Nico. Lana and I make it, but I dont want to have to babysit. If only it would let me take Theron...

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If it was designed to be a tactical it would be in the tactical gf que but it is not...


Why would you roll up a companion that uses Tech if you use Tech? You realize that you are gimping yourself doing that. If you are a Tech user, you should roll up a force companion and vice versa. There are better synergies and if the boss pops a DCE against one of the types the other can still do dmg.

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Well there is a completely useless, elitist reply that adds nothing to the game and only tells people to go away if they can't spend 8 hours a day on it...




It is almost like you elite players want the game to die, you keep trying to run off other people.


Ah, the old "elitist hurrrrr durrrr" bullcrap again. Every class has the potential to solo the Star Fortress instances on heroic difficulty. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like every player has that potential. Not everybody can prepare a gourmet meal. Not everybody can dunk against a 6'10" forward. Not everybody can run a 4 minute mile. Not everybody can beat a computer at chess. However, unlike most of those examples, given the time and desire to learn, every player can beat a heroic SF.


So, quit crying and throwing around insults and put some stuns and cc on your ability bar and learn to kite. They aren't giving kid mode companions back. Yes, they need a slight buff but no, they do not need to be reverted to 4.0 launch status.

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and that question there is why some people say SF is now impossiable :)


kiting is where you run around and out some distance between you and a mob. good way to buy time for your comp to heal you up. gonna be important for the Knight Ambush in star fortress now I imagine



I know the trick. Didn't know the term :D

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You can still solo a lot of Star Fortress, it's just really tedious. Like sticking forks in your eyes on purpose.


Yeah but in large part, if you look at the mechanics it is supposed to be a PITA atm. I'll work backwards. The h2 SF provides you with a special achievement if you do it solo WITHOUT using the buffs, "One for all." it is a 100 point achievement so it is supposed to be hard. The buffs are only "clickable" if you have 10 rep in the appropriate faction. With that in mind it is pretty clear they do not expect people to go in there without having at least 10 faction with some of the Alliance.


What do you get while grinding that faction? gear, companion affection etc. Then while doing it with the buffs, you are getting more gear. Eventually you can do without the buffs.


tl;dr the mechanics of the zone make it pretty clear that atm it should be tediius/hard/a grind whatever because tbh, the OP companions had us in there too early and we are too stubborn a bunch to stop doing it now lol.

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And again: Just because there is an achievement (which adds a substantial amount of points and a title to your legacy) that says you have to do it solo doesn't make running it solo the status quo.

Come back when you have facts, instead of guesses based on a single achievement.


Here's the facts, that achievement is for doing it w/out the Alliance buffs, not for just doing it. This means that there was a reasonable expectation that people would be soloing it with the buffs. In fact, it's not just a reasonable expectation, Musco has straight out said that it should be do-able. Someone posted the quote above. There's the facts, I didn't have to guess once, I looked at all the provided evidence and drew my conclusion. However, alleviate any "screenshot or it didn't happen" scenarios:


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.





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