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All day without server.


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I think in the whole time I've played this game they've done that... once.

So I'm not getting my hopes up there.


naaaaaaa they have done it couple times when a entire day was lost


Im sure everyone will get creditted $0.4838790677419355 for the missed day if servers truely stay down 24 hours.


This is a pain to be sure but what ever, a day away for SWTOR probably do us all good!

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I am sure Bioware would be happy to transfer 50 cents into your account. That is how much money you lost today out of your enormous 15 bucks a month.


the problem is not only in money,we lost our game time,there are many people that needed to play today because tomorrow or the Day After Tomorrow they are busy.

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Hey they just reported this so be warned:


Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.



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Its only been some hours. Stop feeling so self-entitled.

Self-entitlement? Really? :rolleyes:


Although I agree some players are overreacting to the situation, try to remember that it's well within their rights to feel a little servers-are-down angst. Furthermore, mass media has been pushing the idea of "entitlement" because it's the new go-to buzzword of a certain U.S. political party. Try to remember that these players are paying to play, they're not trying to get something that wasn't already promised to them via the subscription.


I think you need to reevaluate your definition of entitlement.

Edited by -PassingStar-
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If it's 0,02 dollars per hour then how's your math doing? Why not grow some balls and not let companies, your coworkers and other people walk over you? I pay monthly to be able to play a game that should have been offline in the first place.


Your saying the game should never be taken offline for maintenance or patching, so your happy with a game that has bugs ?, your happy with a game who's performance will begin to degrade the longer that time passes without maintenance ?


Jebus people its a game sure I would have liked to login today, UK based so we have lost most the day to it but hey ho these things happen now and again, every MMO has had these days and every MMO inthe future will have these days as well, No matter how good your test environment and QA are 1 day something like this will happen.

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Yeah, however did you function without SWTOR for a few extra hours...:rolleyes:


Good lord lol. Some of these requests are just pathetic...


I don't know, I think I'd settle for separate maintenance times for the US / EU servers at this point in time. It wouldn't have a detrimental effect on things like conquests, it isn't even going to have any effect on "world first" raiding claims (I know :p).


It's been suggested before, I think it's one of those QOL improvements BioWare could make to the overall experience. Especially if they want to grow market share and get more profits.


Never going to happen I know, I'm sure there are some excuses for not doing it. If you can call lazy and bone idle excuses I suppose.

Edited by Transcendent
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Oh the horror, I suppose they should credit your account With .02 for every hour they go over their time maintenance. Or .50 if God forbid the servers Gasp are down all day.


Sometimes you just have to shake your head.


* the monetary conversion was used with U.S rate your country your country's conversion might be different.

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I don't know, I think I'd settle for separate maintenance times for the US / EU servers at this point in time. It wouldn't have a detrimental effect on things like conquests, it isn't even going to have any effect on "world first" raiding claims (I know :p).


It's been suggested before, I think it's one of those QOL improvements BioWare could make to the overall experience. Especially if they want to grow market share and get more profits.


Never going to happen I know, I'm sure there are some excuses for not doing it. If you can call lazy and bone idle excuses I suppose.


Yeah, but then the EU would whine that they get the patch a day later, or the US would whine that we get ours a day later...whoever would be second, would be screwed.

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Your saying the game should never be taken offline for maintenance or patching, so your happy with a game that has bugs ?, your happy with a game who's performance will begin to degrade the longer that time passes without maintenance ?


Jebus people its a game sure I would have liked to login today, UK based so we have lost most the day to it but hey ho these things happen now and again, every MMO has had these days and every MMO inthe future will have these days as well, No matter how good your test environment and QA are 1 day something like this will happen.


Ignoring the first part, you already know that you're talking nonsense there to build up your otherwise weak argument.


Far from every MMO is as bad as Bioware in patching. WoW for example doesn't have this struggle. They patch in the morning. Never had a problem and wow they remove bugs and improve the game. Again stop laying down and let everyone walk over you.

Edited by Fuzzionlol
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the problem is not only in money,we lost our game time,there are many people that needed to play today because tomorrow or the Day After Tomorrow they are busy.
This word (the bold one) is the key here. The players didn't need to play, they wanted to play during that time, and no, they don't deserve compensation or anything else for that matter. Quit trying to think Bioware owes anyone anything, they don't... they don't even owe us any explanation for what went wrong...
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Ignoring the first part, you already know that you're talking nonsense there to build up your otherwise weak argument.


Far from every MMO is as bad as Bioware in patching. WoW for example doesn't have this struggle. They patch in the morning. Never had a problem and wow they remove bugs and improve the game. Again stop laying down and let everyone walk over you.


Not really your the one who said the game should never be offline.


WOW has had full day issues multiple times, looking at it through rose tinted glasses much.


September 2012 EU servers unavailable for over 24hrs.

April 2015 server down 8 hrs past the advertised maint times.

Nov 2014/Dec 2014 2 patch days extended massively due to DDOS attacks.


Those are on the 1st page of google having never played WOW I couldn't tell you an example 1st hand so had to google but I can give you instances for pretty much every other major MMO since the genre began having days like today.


It's not laying down and letting people walk all over, its having worked and played the genre for over 18 years and accepting that these things can and do happen no matter how big your company be it the tiny indie mmo or the $500m blockbuster.


Back to playing Battlefront, damn evil EA's plan of making me buy battlefront due to swtor being down worked.

Edited by thamightyboro
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This game costs 50 cents a day. You've thrown more money than that away on useless items this week.


Everything breaks from time to time----or have you never owned a car? A washing machine? A central air unit? A mechanical pencil? Fixing stuff sometimes takes time.


The game will be playable again soon. Be happy you have a game that developers want to improve or continue to contribute to. Star Wars Galaxies died a giant death because Sony gave up on it and their fans. I would rather the same not happen here. Bioware has always delivered quality games. Try to keep that in mind. And be patient.

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If you lack the understanding of how patching MMOs is different than you just downloading DLC for whatever other game you play, then maybe you're right...this isn't the game (genre) for you.


I don't care about DLC's or whatever your argument is. I will compare an MMO to another MMO.

There's this company called Blizzard that has successfully maintained an MMO of (arguably) inferior IP than STAR WARS for 10+ years without going F2P yet.


In the first year of World of WarCraft's life, they solved the whole EU/US time zone thing, so that both regions can access the game at peak hours/prime time on patch day/weekly maintenance.

They also give free time if something like this ever happened the past 10 years, not because they owe it to their paying customers but because such a good gesture can go a long way and builds trust.


Please don't tell me I am a Blizzard fanboy for stating the obvious because they really dropped the ball long time ago in my opinion. I am just comparing SWTOR to the most successful MMO out there in terms of subscribers.

Edited by dark_lord_hades
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50 cent for 1 000 000 subscriber is about 500 000 €. So, I don't think that they will be happy to give 50 cents to players :)


This game doesn't have remotely close to 1 million subs, and the only people who have ANY cause for complaint are subs.


There are, perhaps, 200-300k subs.


And it isn't giving them money, it is giving them digital shinies.

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Offline swtor is an often problem here,especially if you play on harbringer server,players really tired of this stupidness and we loose our game time. I don't think subscribing this game is a good idea anymore


I play on Harbinger, and while it does seem to be the most crash prone, I would hardly call the downtime "often".

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