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Eric Datamined info or not people still want to voice their opinions


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People want to voice their opinion on a subject before you change stuff not afterwards.


Why do you think people turn to this information its is because of a complete lack of official information coming from yourselves.


What happened to your promise earlier this year about being more open and forthcoming??

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I've been waiting for this post --- that's all I'm going to say .... right now I'm still subbed.... but we'll see what happens after tomorrow ......



Hey folks,


I wanted to post a reminder, discussion of datamined content is not permitted on the forums. Doing so can lead to action being taken against your account up to and including infractions, which lead to suspension time.


Let's cover the elephant in the room. Yes, Companion power and healing is being reduced in 4.0.2 tomorrow. Tait will be posting patch notes and we will be discussing these changes more later today. However, until that time, please remember that posting any type of specifics about these changes are datamined and are not permitted.


Thanks everyone.



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It would be nice if knowledge of upcoming changes came from the development or community teams themselves, yea.


And not like, a couple hours before it's patched in simply because of an uproar about what was datamined :p

Edited by hadoken
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It doesn't matter what they delete here on their forums. The information and discussions are already at several other sites. The elephant in the room, as the Dev post should have acknowledged, is BioWare's lack of communication to their player base. If they don't want to communicate, that's their call. But then don't be shocked when datamined information is posted across the 'Net and people latch on to it.


One would think that by now, BioWare would understand a little about damage control.

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I've been waiting for this post --- that's all I'm going to say .... right now I'm still subbed.... but we'll see what happens after tomorrow ......



Hey folks,


I wanted to post a reminder, discussion of datamined content is not permitted on the forums. Doing so can lead to action being taken against your account up to and including infractions, which lead to suspension time.


Let's cover the elephant in the room. Yes, Companion power and healing is being reduced in 4.0.2 tomorrow. Tait will be posting patch notes and we will be discussing these changes more later today. However, until that time, please remember that posting any type of specifics about these changes are datamined and are not permitted.


Thanks everyone.



Pretty much how Im feeling if they get "the nuke from orbit. It's the only way to be sure" then Im done, will spend all my CC and unsub

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Just a simple question, but too all the people that are saying they will unsub because of the companion nerf, did you all start with 4.0 or did you already play as a subscriber before that? If you did play as a sub before that, how did you manage back then? If you could play back then you can still play now, because even after the "nerf", companions Will be more powerfull then before 4.0.


You forget the other group that played up to certain point, quietly unsubbed, because it wasn't fun anymore(RotHC for me).


Came back because "return to story", even tho we/I was fairly certain that phrase was a rick-roll.


Found it fun with 12x xp(could actually go through stories in sequence, see the whole thing without interruptions), then really fun with the so-called OP companions(see almost all of the stories for once).


Now the nerf hammer of doom hangs over our heads. Sigh..

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I don't know how much they'll do it by. But I'm having loads of fun in this game how they are right now. I don't think they'll nerf it to the ground, but I would still like to solo the things on every planet. Don't nerf too much!


and aha! I knew it. Those numbers were anybody's guess. People were just guessing about it. It's not official bioware numbers. We all know, deep down, in some way shape or form companion healing does need a nerf. But I hope it doesn't cripple us in any way.

Edited by Sarfux
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discussing the numbers is were your problem lies and they fact bioware has not said they were nerfing any thing. Data mind crap is just that i wish the data miner would learn there lesson well all's they do is get people pissed off which hurts this game. One of them all ready through there hands up in the air over the last time people got pissed off about mined data.


oh and even eric said on there stream that they want you to solo heroic 2s with companion so any adjustment will keep that in mind


i will give you this prediction that any nerf will not be enough for the elitist and the nerf will not be a harsh as casuals think

Edited by Neoforcer
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discussing the numbers is were your problem lies and they fact bioware has not said they were nerfing any thing. Data mind crap is just that i wish the data miner would learn there lesson well all's they do is get people pissed off which hurts this game. One of them all ready through there hands 6;up in the air over the last time people got pissed off about mine data.


Actually, go to Dev Tracker and read Eric's post on the subject. He did, indeed, say that Companion healing was getting nerfed in tomorrow's patch. He just didn't confirm the percentage.


So, yes, BioWare has now officially said tomorrow is a companion healing nerf.


Here, I'll do the clicky work for ya:


Hey folks,


I wanted to post a reminder, discussion of datamined content is not permitted on the forums. Doing so can lead to action being taken against your account up to and including infractions, which lead to suspension time.


Let's cover the elephant in the room. Yes, Companion power and healing is being reduced in 4.0.2 tomorrow. Tait will be posting patch notes and we will be discussing these changes more later today. However, until that time, please remember that posting any type of specifics about these changes are datamined and are not permitted.


Thanks everyone.



Edited by Jumajin
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discussing the numbers is were your problem lies and they fact bioware has not said they were nerfing any thing. Data mind crap is just that i wish the data miner would learn there lesson well all's they do is get people pissed off which hurts this game. One of them all ready through there hands 6;up in the air over the last time people got pissed off about mine data.


Bioware has not said anything because they want to ninja nerf it and they do as they please, always have. They don't care what we think.

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well from my perspective is I haven't looked at the forums for few months and ask a question. to see all the topics go poof! including mine. not a big deal I suppose but. if people are that bent on a response, you think that bioware would at least quash rumors, rather than leaving everything up in the air?? just a thought ;)
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Well, the nuke was long way incoming. The only bad is that it misses its target by half a globe.


I mean (according to my prophetic dream last night, of course), companion healing, really? It was too strong, but what about insane DPS comps? Or utterly useless in their job tanks, while we talk about balance? It's presence system that needs some bombing and fixing in the same time, not *********** healers. Those were just a symptom.

Edited by Frenesi
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Oh, so that's where all the topics went.


You didn't think they were gonna leave them did you? When I went to bed at 2am pacific time, I went to quickly grab a torrent, and looked in and counted 12 front page topics about the same subject. Now I just thought they would merge them, but they did contain links (some of them) to data mined info, so it's not surprising.

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Actually, go to Dev Tracker and read Eric's post on the subject. He did, indeed, say that Companion healing was getting nerfed in tomorrow's patch. He just didn't confirm the percentage.


So, yes, BioWare has now officially said tomorrow is a companion healing nerf.


yes i know that but before that people were posting numbers and data

Edited by Neoforcer
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Eric and Bioware are tone deaf if they don't get why people would go to another site to find this information. Your communication sucks! In a word it is pathetic. Releasing information only hours prior -- rather than days like other sensible and well regarded MMOs -- is a huge part of the problem. Another part of the problem is that you completely ignore your player base and continually bow to a vocal minority. I previously unsubbed because of the cartel slot machine debacle for several months and came back a few months prior to this update to get the perks; however, if you foolishly nerf things beyond all recognition, player recommendation, or good sense, you WILL be losing my sub again -- perhaps permanently.
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This is a SWTOR community, why do things need to be "official" (which will be well after everyone else knows anyway) before we are allowed to voice our discontent?


The major reasons include


- Not everything that is datamined goes into the game

- Not everything that is datamined is accurate

- Datamining doesn't necessarily encompass a comprehensive view of all changes


Think of the accuracy change from 3.0. When they were originally reported, tanks were freaking out about needing accuracy on gear until we got further information that tank stance would provide 10% accuracy. BW releases information when they are ready to in order to ensure a complete overview of changes that are almost certainly going into the game can be provided. This avoids a certain layer of uncertainty that comes with datamining where players tend to think the world is ending.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Alkuzar View Post

Just a simple question, but too all the people that are saying they will unsub because of the companion nerf, did you all start with 4.0 or did you already play as a subscriber before that? If you did play as a sub before that, how did you manage back then? If you could play back then you can still play now, because even after the "nerf", companions Will be more powerfull then before 4.0.




I DID play before 4.0 -- was in beta, a founder and subbed -- I left after RotHC and also after SoR -- it got boring ... period

4.0 gave it new life for me --- yes story, but also the old fun was back like in the old days of class stories ( which will never come back, unfortunately I'm afraid ) --- oh and I never could get a group for 2x weeklies --- so I never had that experience till 4.0

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So this is what it's come to. A total lack of reasonable time to discuss this change, with the only advance notice being found through a method which is not allowed.


Customer service at it's best then..........


Well, if you do continue with this (not to be mentioned) change, of a (not to be mentioned) percentage. to a (not to be mentioned) fundamental part of the game.


Then you can quote all the infractions you like at me - as I'll be Over-and-Outlander.

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