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Creepiest Romance? (Spoilers, obviously)


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Nadia. It felt like she was stalking my guy like his number one fan. Any even vaguely nice response to her was taken as a passionate admission of undying love. He ended up married to her because anything short of being a complete *** furthered the "romance". I expect if he leaves her for Theron, she'll come after him with a hammer.


Nadia was such a creepy romance. It had a "the grown up should have known better" vibe to it. As far as both age and maturity she was very young as well. Then I accidentally married her because the convo wheel doesn't account for tone of voice.

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Nadia was such a creepy romance. It had a "the grown up should have known better" vibe to it. As far as both age and maturity she was very young as well. Then I accidentally married her because the convo wheel doesn't account for tone of voice.


Where are you getting her age and maturity is other than 22, the same age as the Consular?

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Maturity wise we can debate Nadia, but age wise she is 22 which makes her older than Vette, Jaesa, Risha, Kira, Ashara, and Mako ((who I believe is the youngest at 19)).


Oddly nobody every complains about the others as being creepy from an age point of view.


I still find it funny that people think she's too young for the main character but they have no problem with her running around the Galaxy killing people at his order by the bucket loads. :eek:

Edited by StarMagus
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Maturity wise we can debate Nadia, but age wise she is 22 which makes her older than Vette, Jaesa, Risha, Kira, Ashara, and Mako ((who I believe is the youngest at 19)).


Oddly nobody every complains about the others as being creepy from an age point of view.


I still find it funny that people think she's too young for the main character but they have no problem with her running around the Galaxy killing people at his order by the bucket loads. :eek:


The fact that she's older than them just makes it worse. She's 22 but acts like she's 12 because of how sheltered she is. I feel like flirting with Herod like flirting with a middle schooler. the way she behaves and talked makes it very uncomfortable to talk to her even as a female consular.

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Corso. Holy freaking crap.


I started searching the forums today just to try and find a way to permanently end his romance. My smuggler flirted a couple times with him and now he's like her personal stalker. I've tried shutting down the romance multiples times, all with disapproval and he Just. Won't. Stop.


My latest conversation had a response option that sounded negative. When I picked it, Corso totally ignored it, then grabbed her and kissed her! No means no, you stupid NPC! Ugh.


After I finally found the convo option to avoid his creepy kiss, Corso said something about how when we're old and gray, he'll still be there when she's ready to come home or something. He's planning to stalk her for her entire life now?? Geez, I need to make it through to KotFE just to get away from this creepy jerk.


I've generally enjoyed the SWTOR romances, but I had no idea that if you tried to get out of one, things could get this bad. Yikes.

OK, now I begin to understand why people get the heebie jeebies about him. My F!Smugg romanced him (ha! ha! I have the green moddable Westar pistol!) and if you do that, the romance seems to be quite unremarkable, with no hint of betrayal (Quinn, Kaliyo), lounge-lizard (Doc!), power-imbalance/stalking (DS Jaesa, Ashara) and the like.

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The fact that she's older than them just makes it worse. She's 22 but acts like she's 12 because of how sheltered she is. I feel like flirting with Herod like flirting with a middle schooler. the way she behaves and talked makes it very uncomfortable to talk to her even as a female consular.


Didn't find any issue with my Consular (female). She did come off as sheltered, but then she let her dad basically tell her what to do at the age of 22 (instead of arguing against it, she would just go behind his back and do what she wanted, or just do it and then take a talking too :p).

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If you believe SF Debris, Kaliyo is apparently the character to romance "if you ever wanted to know what having a psycho girlfriend was like" ("We went for drinks, once. As colleagues.") I can't say myself, no having played the agent much. Though personally, there are a LOT worse companions than Kaliyo.


Dark sided Jaesa hands down.

First you stalk her and kill all her family and friends. Then you torture her teacher and when she shows up you first torment her psychologically and then you beat her up physically. She finally completly snaps under all that and becomes a broken insane husk of the person she used to be and is completely stripped of all humanity she once posessed.

And then, and only then , do you f*ck her.


Honestly it's really really disgusting.


^Like her. Kaliyo really has nothing on Jaesa; the latter even expresses disappointment that you're not cheating on her because then she can't hunt down and kill the other women (or men, as is the case after RotHC) in your life.

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Didn't find any issue with my Consular (female). She did come off as sheltered, but then she let her dad basically tell her what to do at the age of 22 (instead of arguing against it, she would just go behind his back and do what she wanted, or just do it and then take a talking too :p).


The entire nobility system of the Republic is very Feudalistic with arranged marriages, family elders telling their children what to do, where to go and whom to be with. She doesn't seem that out of place with what we see on Alderann.

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The entire nobility system of the Republic is very Feudalistic with arranged marriages, family elders telling their children what to do, where to go and whom to be with. She doesn't seem that out of place with what we see on Alderann.


Truth be told, the only time we're exposed to nobility and royalty in Star Wars is on Naboo (the Queen's elected, but there's other nobility, I believe) and Alderaan (the Organas most obviously, but the game gives as a few others, most notably the Thuls and Ulgos). Honestly, the Republic strikes me as a bit of a confederacy than a truly unified government (Senate and Chancellor not withstanding).

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I don't know you get a pretty good view of the nobility when you hit Alderann, you just have to piece it together from the different stories. Of course that's just Alderann and the feeling of the Republic is that each planet is allowed to keep their own customs and the like. So yeah, it's hard to say what the rest of the Republic's nobility is like ((keep in mind this is 4,000 years before the movies so whatever Naboo eventually turns into isn't really a factor in TOR)). All that said I do get the feeling from Nadia that this is the first time she's been really out and about doing things from her home planet, and so some of her actions are completely understandable, most people are in awe the first time they travel far away from home and get to see vastly different cultures.
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Isn't that the convo where you tell him you want someone more forward and takes what they want and then he does just that and your character is happy with it? :p


Because that's the scene it sounds like, and thusly I wouldn't say that makes him creepy.

Ha ha, are you asking if my character led him on or 'wanted it'? :D


But no, I don't remember anything from this convo about her wanting someone more forward. Actually, he confesses his love for like the millionth time and I chose 'Don't love me' which I figured would end things. But he kept on after that. I thought picking the next top convo option (which sounded negative) would let him down easier than the bottom choice, but apparently Corso doesn't understand what no means. That's when he grabbed her.


I was honestly a bit horrified and angrily escaped out of that conversation as quickly as possible. No way do I want to have my character tell a guy repeatedly to back off and then just passively let him put his hands on her. Where is the option to smack this guy across the face and throw him off the ship?

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Ha ha, are you asking if my character led him on or 'wanted it'? :D


But no, I don't remember anything from this convo about her wanting someone more forward. Actually, he confesses his love for like the millionth time and I chose 'Don't love me' which I figured would end things. But he kept on after that. I thought picking the next top convo option (which sounded negative) would let him down easier than the bottom choice, but apparently Corso doesn't understand what no means. That's when he grabbed her.


I was honestly a bit horrified and angrily escaped out of that conversation as quickly as possible. No way do I want to have my character tell a guy repeatedly to back off and then just passively let him put his hands on her. Where is the option to smack this guy across the face and throw him off the ship?


But but don't girls like this kind of thing? Isn't this why Twilight is popular? :confused:



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Ha ha, are you asking if my character led him on or 'wanted it'? :D


But no, I don't remember anything from this convo about her wanting someone more forward. Actually, he confesses his love for like the millionth time and I chose 'Don't love me' which I figured would end things. But he kept on after that. I thought picking the next top convo option (which sounded negative) would let him down easier than the bottom choice, but apparently Corso doesn't understand what no means. That's when he grabbed her.


I was honestly a bit horrified and angrily escaped out of that conversation as quickly as possible. No way do I want to have my character tell a guy repeatedly to back off and then just passively let him put his hands on her. Where is the option to smack this guy across the face and throw him off the ship?


No, more like asking what choices you picked. It sounds like the same ones as I did, which while they sound one way when you read them in your head "Don't love me" (for instance) comes out "You don't want to love me Corso, I'll just end up breaking your heart, I want someone tougher, I don't know if I can ever settle down"


Basically the choices don't give context and play out differently than one would want. The game tends to play out expecting you to pick certain choices or lead you there regardless unless one does a lot of no no no no.

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No, more like asking what choices you picked. It sounds like the same ones as I did, which while they sound one way when you read them in your head "Don't love me" (for instance) comes out "You don't want to love me Corso, I'll just end up breaking your heart, I want someone tougher, I don't know if I can ever settle down"

By that point, I had chosen the bottom 'greatly disapproves' options for the previous 2 or 3 conversations. And even after picking the "mean" option in the one we're talking about now, Corso *still* proposed to her later. By the end of the dialogs, he'd settled for creepily watching her potential children as an uncle figure, so I guess that's progress? Still want to throw him out the airlock though. :D


In games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, starting and ending romantic relationships seems more clear. There's the heartbreak icon, for example, to end the romance. The SWTOR relationships seem a lot harder to gauge. If I'd known that 'flirt 3 times = soulmates4life' with Corso, I'd have avoided those options like the plague.

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By that point, I had chosen the bottom 'greatly disapproves' options for the previous 2 or 3 conversations. And even after picking the "mean" option in the one we're talking about now, Corso *still* proposed to her later. By the end of the dialogs, he'd settled for creepily watching her potential children as an uncle figure, so I guess that's progress? Still want to throw him out the airlock though. :D


In games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, starting and ending romantic relationships seems more clear. There's the heartbreak icon, for example, to end the romance. The SWTOR relationships seem a lot harder to gauge. If I'd known that 'flirt 3 times = soulmates4life' with Corso, I'd have avoided those options like the plague.



I think the flirt 3 times options = together 4 life is pretty much the default. I recently made a new Sith Inq and followed the story as it was progressing and talking to companions the second their conversation became available.


My guy got into a relationship with Ashara, and then right when the following was all happening to him....


1. A powerful member of the Dark Council is trying to kill him.

2. He has ghosts in his head that are not only trying to take over his body, but are slowly killing him.

3. Everything that he owns is being taken from him and killed including other apprentices by the Dark Council Guy.


Ashara pulls this... "I'm not so sure we should be together, things are complicated for me right now and I just don't know if I can keep violating the Jedi code by being in a relationship. Totes sorry!"


For whatever reason it struck me as one of the coldest things you can do to a person in the middle of the worst moment in their life. Like telling somebody who is dying from cancer and in the middle of aggressive Chemo that your life is really complicated right now and you need to take a break from being with them while you sort your stuff out.


I spent the rest of the game trying to break up with her, telling her nope didn't want to sleep with her, didn't want to marry her, didn't want anything from her. I still got a stupid love letter from her that a character who had romanced her fully from start to finish including marrying and wanting kids got.


It's like what is wrong with you woman, I don't want you... stop acting like we are still a couple.

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It's like what is wrong with you woman, I don't want you... stop acting like we are still a couple.


After three flirt options, which seems to be the case with Corso, it seems one is just now playing out the romance, without a break up and the real break up is when you start a romance with someone else.


Though, I never got a love letter from Felix or the kiss scene at his rescue when I had broken it off with him after many flirts with my third consular.


As for the Inquisitor, is that how it played out in 4.0 TOR? Before that, one was generally able to move the romance at a pace that it happens after you're done with Chapter 3, or to fast (all at the beginning of chapter 3).

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In 4.0 companion conversations are tied to main story progression not affection levels.


So when I did the romance first, it all happened after the main quest story and her conversation about her life being complicated and wanting a break seemed fine.


When I did the romance path in 4.0 things unlocked in a totally different way because her wanting to take a break because things were complicated for her happened in the middle of the Sith Inq's darkest hour. So it seemed really selfish.

Edited by StarMagus
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Most of these posts refer to Male PC/Female NPC romances. But honestly, the Female SW wins the non-consensual sex contest. Not just one companion (see also: subordinate), but two at once.


After his sudden but inevitable betrayal, you can call it off with Quinn. Then later, you can basically inform him that he will father your children. The tone in the character's voice doesn't give the impression that Quinn has any choice in the matter. He'll do it or suffer the implied consequences. Later, after a one-off fade with Pierce, you can inform him that nailing you is going to be part of his regular duties aboard the ship from here on. He doesn't seem to mind, but again it's clear that this is a command he'd best not refuse.


Yeah, depending on how you play it, the female SW can come off more than a little bit rapey.

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...After his sudden but inevitable betrayal, you can call it off with Quinn. Then later, you can basically inform him that he will father your children. The tone in the character's voice doesn't give the impression that Quinn has any choice in the matter...


Just on this, this conversation option happens with a female SW without any flirting happening prior. Quinn readily accepts and it sounded (to me, at least) like his agreeing was never in doubt. He acquiesces because it serves his master and by extension, the Empire. The ultimate yes man.


Knowing that, I think this makes the romance less creepy than the non-romance. At least with the romance he speaks up and questions you, explores the idea of a relationship with the PC etc etc. The idea of Quinn impregnating her in the name of duty and service to the Empire... *shudder*... Creeps me the **** out.

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Just happened in my Jaesa like experiment. And this one is a major failure in the script. So I play this female jedi master and the game pushes so hard for her to be romantically involved with Felix. What in the world a jedi master and a soldier may have in common? They kissed twice without me having a say, there is ground between "I love you" and "get lost" and it's the only instance I got 2 flirt options :eek:


I don't know if there's a polite way of getting out of this, but at least I got the option to go reading when Felix announced the jedi master they had 4 hours to themselves :p The only thing they can have is him fantasizing about her, what they called "amour courtois" in medieval times, she's untouchable to him (unless me, the player, really wants otherwise, which is not the case)


So far, the partner she is closest to is Qyzen, a little to my surprise, but she's a huntress, he's a hunter. For those versed in greek myths and archetypes, she'd be an Artemis(Diana) priestess, hunting, sickness and night/moon. If you want to know what happens to one forcing physical romance on her, search Menoitios :p the one and only "immortal" to be dead :p

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I've found Vectors to be the creepiest, he's part of a hive mind! Every bug on Alderaan knows your favourite sex positions now!!


I mean, the guy's sweet and my favourite female + male romance... the only one I've actually pursued... But it's still just weird...

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Side note:

Nadia Grell Born: 3664 BBY

Kira Carsen Born: 3663 BBY

Mako Born: 3660 BBY


Revan: 3994 BBY

Exile: 10 years before Bastila, give or take.


You think Nadia and Kira are to young? Revan is canonly 10+ years older than Bastila, since Revan and Exile are more or less around the same age.

The JK and JC's age isn't canon, so they can be in their mid 20s.

Edited by Dustalie
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Side note:

Nadia Grell Born: 3664 BBY

Kira Carsen Born: 3663 BBY


Revan: 3994 BBY

Exile: 10 years before Bastila, give or take.


You think Nadia and Kira are to young? Revan is canonly 10+ years older than Bastila, since Revan and Exile are more or less around the same age.

The JK and JC's age isn't canon, so they can be in their mid 20s.


They are rather close to the PCs age in terms of the storyline. What I wonder is why a lot of the female romances always seem to feel to be 10+ years older than the PC :p Torian the exception (actually feels to be younger than the BH) and Vector is about the Warriors age (but I thought he came off older).

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