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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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This. I usually only play (and sub for) in the weekends because during the Monday to Friday i go to the gym after work and really have no time and energy, EXCEPT for one day. Guess which day i'm talking about?





leg day, definitely leg day

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I agree with the principal but not the whole reward thing, it's just sad that an an EU player i have lost a whole day of sub time from this as it will probably be too late for me when it's eventually fixed


I'm in NA. But this is a day off from work for me, and most or maybe all of it is gone. There should be some type of compensation. Or a pay by the hour sort of thing. Hate paying for something I'm not getting.

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I am also a subscriber BUT I am not throwing a tantrum like a lot of people are on here. Regardless of how certain players may or may not feel, SWTOR will update/patch their game how best they see fit. All of the whining isn't going to make it any easier for you or quicker. They'll get the game up when they are able to. Maybe you should find other things to occupy your time instead of whining to others about your lack of being able to play. When it comes down to it, it is JUST A GAME no matter how much money you have spent on it or plan to spend on it.


I realize that this will rub people the wrong way but so does childish whining because you can't play a game. Life is too short to being getting all upset over a video game. Now, bring on the hate messages since I knew when I typed this that it would generate it regardless of how I chose to word my thoughts.

Edited by slcoley
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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.



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I'm just curious: why weren't EU servers patched during EU night/morning time as opposed to prime-time?


It makes no sense.


A whole day has now been lost for subscribers and I presume they won't be getting an extra day as repayment either.


because they are in usa so its on thier time... would be more easier if they had a eu team or building

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Nice that the page came up :)


I am sure you guys are working full speed on the server bugs, can't wait to get back in game.


Thanks for a super good game i really enjoy it a lot.





P.S To all you raging guys out there, don't be like that, everything runs from and around computers and thats just something you dont have a 100% control of, and lastly it is a f2p game so your not losing anything. Bad comments dont make the team work fast i am sure of it, i diden back when i was in a tech team. Stay cool and you well get in game sooner then you think.



most of us dont play for free because we are subscribers , we dont like free stuff cuz its like chains while playing ,

and second of all we pay a lot , so we should be compensated for that because we dont throw money in mud .

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Hey everyone,


As you can tell, the website is back online, but the game servers are still down. We are actively investigating an issue with client patching. Unfortunately, I don't have any ETA for you right now, but will keep you updated as I find out more!






You gotta be kidding me... Launcher updated nicely in less than 30 minutes right after shutdown, and now I lose the whole day? :eek:


I may accept the delay and swallow the bittenress, but in exchange I demand to know what's happening! :mad:

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Earlier I got stuck on "reorganizing data" for the thousandth time (which takes FOREVERRRR), so I decided to turn off streaming downloading/installs because lbh what's even the point when all you can play are the starting planets anyway. Problem is, you have to reinstall everything for that, and while it was going fast and efficient when I was doing it at first, now I'm completely stuck on "network error while downloading patch data (310)". Which would make sense with what was going on atm, except I'm still downloading Main Assets 219, and not one of the patches >.> So idk if it's the current patching problem you've got going on that's interrupting the main install, or if I actually have an issue with it I need to fix. So it's a little irritating knowing I could be just sitting here wasting time if, in fact, I do need to find some way to fix that issue on my own, and its not on your end. So. Any insight would be appreciated.
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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.




I was literally about to ask about this... I'm stuck at %93.15 ...

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Statement: You missed that you are paying for this game, not playing it free.


No sir i diden miss it, i am well a where of that i am paying for it, and i have no problem paying for it even tho that game is down right now. I diden say it do to its not a problem for me. Hope you get what i mean, my english is not that good ;)

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94.87%...been there for a couple hours at least, with no indication of anything happening in the background at all. I tried just shutting it down and restarting, but it just popped back up at 94.87%, and it remains there..."updating".


I've had the same sort of thing - 95.87%, shut down and reopened it. Just stuck.

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Dear Bioware


I resubbed on saturday - due to a crappy connection I only managed to complete the download of the game this morning.


Yesterday I made sure I did NOT have to go shop for anything, so that I could play when I got home from work at 6PM. I made Chicken Pangeng also yesterday so that I would not have to spend time cooking today, because I was really looking forward to some gametime in SW:TOR.


It's now 9.20PM in GMT+1, where I live, and I have to get up at 6 in the AM.


For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

associate with you.


Best Regards

A not so convinced re-subscriber.

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You gotta be kidding me... Launcher updated nicely in less than 30 minutes right after shutdown, and now I lose the whole day? :eek:


I may accept the delay and swallow the bittenress, but in exchange I demand to know what's happening! :mad:


Its broken.

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I agree with the principal but not the whole reward thing, it's just sad that an an EU player i have lost a whole day of sub time from this as it will probably be too late for me when it's eventually fixed


My friend , i am also not happy especially because i work very early in the morning till late night and if i see i have to download enormous patch , i will be furious !! :D :D:rak_01:

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For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

associate with you.


Things break. Things happen. And until they know exactly what happened, how can they tell you exactly how long it will take to fix?


Would you rather they say an hour, then say another hour, over the course of six hours, while they find the problem? That takes more time away from finding a solution.

Edited by JWagner
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