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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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I'm sure you are aware by now. Network connection error 311. Even though my network and internet is fine. I'm not sure what the patcher is doing...but I had to close it down anyway. I re-did the patch, it had the error 2 more times.


I ran a repair scan to be sure, all seems ok. :D


What is the issue with the servers? :rak_04:

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My friend , i am also not happy especially because i work very early in the morning till late night and if i see i have to download enormous patch , i will be furious !! :D :D:rak_01:


I feel for ya, hope you get some game time in if/ when servers go back up :o

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I bet there's a few people at BW working their collective butts off to get this patch working for us.


Just want to say thank you to those people that are really working hard at this moment.



stop butt kissing you getting anything for free of em lol

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Things break. Things happen. And until they know exactly what happened, how can they tell you exactly how long it will take to fix?


Would you rather they say an hour, then say another hour, over the course of six hours, while they find the problem? That takes more time away from finding a solution.


Im not angry. Im just really dissapointed. Ive had this whole evening mapped out as a gameday and now its not going to happen (or so it seems).


And I agree. Its not always possible to give a solution to when things are fixed. That being said. I dont think there's anything wrong with telling your customers: " we will have an update for you at XX hours." Even if that update is "we have no news on the ETA". This whole waiting for something which may or may not happen is IMO not ok.


I did not mean to step oon your toes (or anyone elses). Im just frustrated over the lack of information :-)

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You know if they got rid of Bitraider they wouldn't have these problems. I've been patched since 9am est, and that's with bitraider bypassed. They'll never learn


This does not sound like a launcher issue. Launcher issue would have servers online and nobody using them. The servers are down, meaning it sounds like a fault in the patch when they converted from their development environment to the real time. Wonder what it was.

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No sir i diden miss it, i am well a where of that i am paying for it


Let me quote it for you:


it is a f2p game so your not losing anything


Enlightenment: Meaning of free - redefined.



Statement: my beloved shḯtgun's RoF is insufficient to deal with this thread. Gone shopping for a new, 42-barreled one.

Edited by RokkitSienze
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It's just 15$ take a chill pill, *****in about it wont make it go any faster, just let them do their stuff, and the servers will be up soon enough.
lol thats 15 bucks of hard earned money dont know about you but i work hard for my money and like to see it go to good use like playing not waiting :D
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to everyone being stuck at some % or "re organizing data"(for the1203929302 time) :


seriously guys disable bit raider now, you will have to re-download the whole game but the benefits of NOT having bitraider seriously outweight this, plus : the extended server downtime is cause Bit raider clients messed up , its no surprize as bit raider is complet and utter garbage ( i re-downloaded the game to get rid of it 2 day after installing and never looked back) taking whole days re-organizing and downloading patches that are less than 80 megabytes.


Seriously save yourselves the trouble and disable that garbage, maybe if most do so bioware wil finally get the point and completelly remove that bloatware.

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A surprising amount of butthurt for a patch day. Surprisingly enough having switched to normal launcher a month or so ago on CS's recommendation to fix an issue. The issue wasn't fixed but switching game types has had the unexpected benefit of not being caught up in the current debacle.


As for comps getting nerfed this is hardly surprising and should be expected. Did you really expect your heroics to remain cakewalks? And crying and bellyaching about how long their taking to fix it is just infantile. I'm running SWTOR on a laptop without a dedicated video card at lowest settings. I catch all the holo glitches and can't do ops or anything with more then like two people due to graphics lag. And people are complaining about patching taking a bit longer then usual? Or that they won't be able to breeze though content that wasn't meant to be breezed though to begin with? Cry some more.

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what they need to do is return the game back and fix the patch later if they are having problems that way people can play and for this long of await they need to give the subs a free day on there sub for there screw up
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