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Everything posted by Epic_X

  1. So basically i got banned from chat for 24 hours. and no I'm sub. My whole account got banned thats the thing i think is so stupid
  2. I got squelched bcs i sent the same whisper to my friend several times and he didnt even got the whisper 1 time so i tried again! Then I got squelched! It's not even my fault he didnt get it! It's so stupid my whole account got squelched! How am I supposed to talk in gchat now?! To play wz's?!! Its so stupid im so annoyed atm they better take this away immideately! What do you guys think abt that and squelching in general?
  3. I could play it without any problems yesterday! But when I wanted to start it today it sais downloading and keeps stuck at 100%! I deleted bitraider now i have to install the whole game again! Isn't there any other solution?! It seems the support is once again to stupid to fix anything i got the day off today and wanted to play a bit but now I can't even play! I paid money for that game! So give me an answer support!! I have no desire to reinstall the game just bcs we have a useless support!
  4. Gestern konnte ich es noch ohne Probleme starten und spielen! Aber seit heute heisst es INSTALLING und es bleibt bei 100% stehen!!! Ich habe den Bitraider Ordner gelöscht aber das kann nicht die Lösung sein dass ich einfach so von einem Tag auf den anderen das Game neu installieren muss!! Was hat unser "super" support jetzt wieder gemacht?! Seit dem letzten unnötigen Update ist das Game ohnehin schlechter geworden! Da bekommt man einmal einen Tag frei und möchte spielen aber darf man? Nein gewiss nicht! Ich habe den Download jetzt abgebrochen ich habe keine Lust an meinem freien Tag das Spiel zu installieren! Wäre dankbar für andere Lösungen und für den Support hoffe ich sie haben eine gute Erklärung ich habe Geld für dieses Spiel ausgegeben!!
  5. Omg it moved 0.3 percent in 45 mins damn i'm proud atm
  6. COME ON GUYS Don't have all day! There are people who has to go to work tomorrow! And they want to play a bit!! *** are you doing?? 3.5 hours longer than it was planned!! OMG
  7. Jeez.. Why always when Europe people come home from work??! It's so annoying man! Think a bit more abt it before you do it again at this time...!
  8. Hey guys I just quickly wanted to ask how much do you think is the grand mercenary stronghold decoration worth? I want to sell it but on the gtn are no others so I don't know how much it's worth:confused:
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