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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.




have u tried turning the "thing" (server) off and on again ?

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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.



well, on every patch, update,bugfix its the same ****.. when u will finaly get rit of this bitraider ******** ? *** is wrong with u ? u cant earn more from bitraider ,as from your customers, and subscribbers


its an easy choice .. customers, or bitraide ....

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Dear Bioware


I resubbed on saturday - due to a crappy connection I only managed to complete the download of the game this morning.


Yesterday I made sure I did NOT have to go shop for anything, so that I could play when I got home from work at 6PM. I made Chicken Pangeng also yesterday so that I would not have to spend time cooking today, because I was really looking forward to some gametime in SW:TOR.


It's now 9.20PM in GMT+1, where I live, and I have to get up at 6 in the AM.


For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

associate with you.


Best Regards

A not so convinced re-subscriber.


Why are you insulting amateurs - they care, it's professionals that want to drag the job out forever, or just reach the end of the day and go home, without any regard for those that are paying for the service!

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For me it got to 95.25% then within the next 2 hours it jumped (heh) to 96.67% and just in the past 10 minutes jumped to 99.31%. At this rate in a couple hours it will be done. Better late than never. I didn't want to have to re-download the entire thing because the patch messed everything up.
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I myself am wondering since this maintenance is giving EA such a problem and literally taking up a full day of play, will we subscribers be reimbursed the loss of our day? This is just a bit ridiculous taken so very long and frankly unfair to us subscribers to lose a day and still be charged for it
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Why are you insulting amateurs - they care, it's professionals that want to drag the job out forever, or just reach the end of the day and go home, without any regard for those that are paying for the service!


Let me guess, you don't work in IT, do you?

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So what if F2P people were able to post on the forum?


In addition, I am also a subscriber BUT I am not throwing a tantrum like a lot of people are on here. Regardless of how certain players may or may not feel, SWTOR will update/patch their game how best they see fit.


Good question. Problem is, it sin't related to the discussion. Fluffy said that the game is F2P. Right in this tread. You could even read it in the same post you are referring to, I've quoted that.


Now, about throwing a tantrum. I'm a plastic surgeon. If you visit me and pay me for an operation, it will be I who define your new look how best I see fit. No whining allowed.

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Dear Bioware


I resubbed on saturday - due to a crappy connection I only managed to complete the download of the game this morning.


Yesterday I made sure I did NOT have to go shop for anything, so that I could play when I got home from work at 6PM. I made Chicken Pangeng also yesterday so that I would not have to spend time cooking today, because I was really looking forward to some gametime in SW:TOR.


It's now 9.20PM in GMT+1, where I live, and I have to get up at 6 in the AM.


For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

associate with you.


Best Regards

A not so convinced re-subscriber.

Wait, you........ you made tonight's dinner yesterday so you had more time to play a game today? What are you!?.

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I don't have BitRaider, I removed it around a month ago. My game patched successfully around 4 hours ago - strange coincidence that . . . .


Obviously I can't play anyway because the servers are all down.


Anyway, point is I don't see why Bioware/EA is persisting with BitRaider when it appears to cause numerous issues for people trying to patch.

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Perfect. Well, im working for security in a global scale WAN with 5 DCs providing services for over 100 offices and many more customers. We also have to plan our downtimes, and one thing i have learned about them:


Whenever you do patch, it should be ested PRIOR to put it live. And with testing i dont mean some dev runs the game on his virtual system emulating a patch.


Whenever a downtime is required, the estimated downtime is the golden rule. Patch doesnt work? ROLLBACK immediatly and have that planned. Doing bad work on the costs of a PAYING customer and then let them wait for the services they have PAID PRIOR is not only an absolute NO-GO, it is what makes you lose customers.


Get your lazy butts up and work, and learn how to maintain a 24/7 IT service.

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