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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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They'll look at their metrics and see that many people do the 20 warzones and interpret it as it being something people want. :rolleyes:


It doesn't matter how reluctant, unwilling, disgruntled, resigned, angry, passive people were when they did it. They did it, so they must have enjoyed it, because the metrics say so. And because people obviously enjoyed it so much, there will be more of it in the future.

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


This is all well and good except that finding the companion does not actually complete the mission. It is only completed once you gain them.


So unless you want a mission log full of missions you cannot complete, the companion quests need an option to "not recruit" and complete the quest. The you can at least choose not to take a companion that requires PvP for example.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


Please do not lock any more PvE content behind a PvP requirement. While it may be said by PvPers that having to hunt for influence to get Qyzen, there is no real comparison. To get Qyzen takes and hour to an hour and half of hunting, but to get the 20 PvP games took near 6 hours. If more PvP IS required, please at least lower the required matches by at least 50%.

Companions should not require PvP or at the very least, there should also be a PvE route to getting the same companion, a bit like Qyzen.


Otherwise I have liked the majority of the new content.

Edited by Ferretfur
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I am on a PVE server.. Why am I being forced to do PVP for a PVE quest?? Why am I forced to PVP at all??


Does it matter to you Eric that the population of the PVP servers are pretty much non existent?? Does it matter to you that Bioware had the same issue in August, Sept, and Nov. in 2011??


Do not force PVP on your players.. Let them play the game how they want.. You provide the park.. We will decide how we want to play on it.. Got it?? :rolleyes:


Becaused entitled wrath tears taste the best? Where did you get the idea that the only PVP that can, does or should happen is on PVP servers? Does the same go for RP? No one is "forcing" you to get 4x.

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In order to get a companion that has no expertise stats, I do agree.


So, I really think the number of PvPs required should be dramatically below 20, myself? I really would have it so it'd be just "Do the Unranked Daily" would be more-or-less what the mission would say after talking to whomever the comp is, which is 4 WZs, that sounds like enough exposure, I could totally live with that as the basic requirement. You'd have to turn in the Daily BEFORE being able to go back to the companion...


It's not even the point here. You have to PvP not for that particular companion - not ONLY for that companion. But to be able to get future alerts from those who gave you the quest. And those NPC are supposed to provide you other companions, which they can not do until you obtain the previous one.


I say either remove PvP requirements or let us refuse the quest without loosing future companions.

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Becaused entitled wrath tears taste the best? Where did you get the idea that the only PVP that can, does or should happen is on PVP servers? Does the same go for RP? No one is "forcing" you to get 4x.


That's not actually true. If you don't do the mission for the companions then you will not be able to get future companions as they are locked behind the missions you did not do or did not want.


I.E. You have to do Qyzen if you want to get Lokin, no way around it so in a way you are forced to do it since you can't reject a companion and move forward which is basically what the problem is. I could care less about the droid but there is no way to reject him so if I want to progress with the alerts I have to do the mission whether i want him or not.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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It's not even the point here. You have to PvP not for that particular companion - not ONLY for that companion. But to be able to get future alerts from those who gave you the quest. And those NPC are supposed to provide you other companions, which they can not do until you obtain the previous one.


I say either remove PvP requirements or let us refuse the quest without loosing future companions.


There should be the ability to refuse a companion (Pvp or PVE) that you do not want and then move forward. There are companions some may not want but they have to do the mission whether or not. There needs to be a way to reject.

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I just had a new and terrible thought.


What if they required me to do 20 GSF matches in order to get a companion that I want. Or worse yet, what if I was required to do 20 GSF matches to get a companion that I didn't want (like Skage) in order to continue the quest chain so that I could get one that I do want (like (insert your favorite companion here)).


While I would do the matches if required to get to a companion that I do want, I would not have any fun doing them, and would complain loudly to anyone that would listen about the fact that the devs chose to make that a requirement.


Oh yeah, and I would probably be one of those people who decided to afk the entire match, and if possible I would form a group of like mined individuals that were also willing to afk the matches to join with me so that I could get the requirement out of the way as quickly as possible.

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I say either remove PvP requirements or let us refuse the quest without loosing future companions.


This is pretty much my point, unless the companion is vital to the story (which shouldn't be tied up anyway), you should have the option to refuse to recruit and end the quest.


Also, what gives that you cant abandon old class quests. I cant seem to get rid of Makeb or Ilum chains?

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No content, zero - should be gated behined PvP.


It is a small group who have no place in an mmo - especially a Story-Driven PvE mmo. There are other PvP specific mmo's still in existance, although I do not believe they last long due to extremely low population/popularity. PvP & PvE are so totally different playstyles that they should not be mixed. I believe Warhammer is a PvP mmo they can play - it was specifically created for pvp'ers so fine gate as much stuff there as you wish - anyone subbing there does so knowing it is a pvp game.


PvP'ers make up a tiny miniority of mmo players (hence why there is usually one pvp server per 10 pve servers for most mmo's - and very few 100% PvP mmo's). Forcing players to learn how to grief other players is not a practice you should be encouraging. PvP'ers (Griefers) have Battlefield & such where they can kill each other all day long without ruining the game for the majority.

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Becaused entitled wrath tears taste the best? Where did you get the idea that the only PVP that can, does or should happen is on PVP servers? Does the same go for RP? No one is "forcing" you to get 4x.


Evidently a lot of PvP isn't happening on those servers either, have we had our weekly "merge Pot5" thread yet?


Nobody is forcing anyone to get 4X or Pierce, except that the current system won't allow you to advance the chain past them, which means no alerts from Shan, who gives the alert for 4X, or Lana, who gives the alert for Pierce, until you've done the mission, even if, afterwards, you elect to not recruit them. There is no option to refuse them in the initial dialog that actually refuses them. It gives you the mission to complete, after which, you can reject them if you choose.


I don't much care about "If you want them, you have to do what's required". I care about "I don't want them, but I still have to do what's required to get them just to reject them". That option should have been available from the start. Why wasn't it? Because they have to justify a budget for PvP. PvP servers are failing drastically, so they can't use those as a justification to dedicate resources to it.

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No content, zero - should be gated behined PvP.


It is a small group who have no place in an mmo - especially a Story-Driven PvE mmo. There are other PvP specific mmo's still in existance, although I do not believe they last long due to extremely low population/popularity. PvP & PvE are so totally different playstyles that they should not be mixed. I believe Warhammer is a PvP mmo they can play - it was specifically created for pvp'ers so fine gate as much stuff there as you wish - anyone subbing there does so knowing it is a pvp game.


PvP'ers make up a tiny miniority of mmo players (hence why there is usually one pvp server per 10 pve servers for most mmo's - and very few 100% PvP mmo's). Forcing players to learn how to grief other players is not a practice you should be encouraging. PvP'ers (Griefers) have Battlefield & such where they can kill each other all day long without ruining the game for the majority.


I disagree, in spirit, here: PvP oriented content should be gated behind PvP. That said, companions are strictly PvE content. There isn't a single comp in the base game that requires you to PvP to get, and so, they should probably not have been gated behind PvP now. Gotta justify that budget though...

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While I think most of the crying is isolated to here, here has been my observation so take it as you will.


Zero whining on fleet or any planet.


One instance of someone in a pvp match saying they would not try and that BW ruined their life for making them pvp blah blah blah


I play on Harbinger and Ebon Hawk.


BW PLEASE have some backbone and don't change this. The children on the forums do not represent what the majority feel. Indifference. Just leave it.

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BW PLEASE have some backbone and don't change this. The children on the forums do not represent what the majority feel. Indifference. Just leave it.


My solution, forget about 4X. However, let me point out the worst result BW can have is "indifference" among the players. That's worse than outright hate.

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While I think most of the crying is isolated to here, here has been my observation so take it as you will.


Zero whining on fleet or any planet.


One instance of someone in a pvp match saying they would not try and that BW ruined their life for making them pvp blah blah blah


I play on Harbinger and Ebon Hawk.


BW PLEASE have some backbone and LET ME KEEP THE STEADY STREAM OF UNDERGEARED CHATTLE FOR THE MEATGRINDER TO PAD MY STATS. The children on the forums do not represent what the majority feel. Indifference. Just leave it.


Fixed it for you. Thanks for sharing.

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Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!




I think this is the first time I've said this since I started playing MMOs back near the beginning of th eoriginal Everquest, but Eric, that is a deliberate falsehood. You are already gating PvE content behind PvP by simply having the 4X/Pierce mission in the game at all. Any specific companion is PvE content by their very definition. It could be argued that companions in a generic sense are part of PvP on open PvP servers (are there even any of those left now?) but any specific companion, in all ways that make them unique (I.E. STORY DIALOGUE) are purely PvE....and you've walled 2 of them off behind a shortsighted, self-destructive forced PvP scenario.


And it hasn't gone unnoticed that you did this with 2 of the most popular overall companions, which adds insult to the injury. Its a blatant attempt to try to force players into PvP because, for whatever reason, you guys seem to think that evryone will love it just as long as they try it.


Except PvP in MMOs, especially in auto-targeting, no friendly fire-magic-explosions MMOs like SWTOR, sucks. Always has sucked, always will suck. And the fact you need a special stat just to begin to have a chance makes it even worse. I'll get my PvP fix in games that do it well, like Planetside 2 - where its a real battle, takes real skill and cooperation to achieve anything, and not in a stat/level based auto-targeting fake arena contest.


You guys still don't seem to understand players. treating us like idiots that don't see straight past gimmicks is NOT a good idea. I may or may not get either of these PvP gated companions - if I do you can guarantee that after 20 WZs all you will have accomplished is to piss me off even more and add even more fuel to PvP vs PvE flames that constantly tear this community apart.

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You guys still don't seem to understand players. treating us like idiots that don't see straight past gimmicks is NOT a good idea. I may or may not get either of these PvP gated companions - if I do you can guarantee that after 20 WZs all you will have accomplished is to piss me off even more and add even more fuel to PvP vs PvE flames that constantly tear this community apart.


This last part is perfect in summing up the issue. Am now 12 games into my 20 and I hate it, I have lost a lot of love for this expansion due to this.

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While I think most of the crying is isolated to here, here has been my observation so take it as you will.


Zero whining on fleet or any planet.


One instance of someone in a pvp match saying they would not try and that BW ruined their life for making them pvp blah blah blah


I play on Harbinger and Ebon Hawk.


BW PLEASE have some backbone and don't change this. The children on the forums do not represent what the majority feel. Indifference. Just leave it.


Going to have to disagree with you. I play on Ebon Hawk and I have heard people not liking the way the companions are "gated, locked" behind the mission and not being able to reject them, so I would imagine it would depend on when you are playing.

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They'll look at their metrics and see that many people do the 20 warzones and interpret it as it being something people want. :rolleyes:


It doesn't matter how reluctant, unwilling, disgruntled, resigned, angry, passive people were when they did it. They did it, so they must have enjoyed it, because the metrics say so. And because people obviously enjoyed it so much, there will be more of it in the future.


I can pretty much guarantee you that no rat wants to walk through the maze to get the cheese.. Whatever their metrics are, they shouldn't look upon us as rats in a maze..


They can justify it all they want.. They will lose customers if stuff like this continues.. :rolleyes:

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If they release a new companion with PvP requirement let us atleast have a option to get it some other way.


I have seen alot of players beeing angry about players entering warzones and doing absolutely nothing, they move a bit to not go afk.

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If they release a new companion with PvP requirement let us atleast have a option to get it some other way.


I have seen alot of players beeing angry about players entering warzones and doing absolutely nothing, they move a bit to not go afk.


Perhaps have two ways to get ANY of the Companions: a PVE way and a PVP way. Then it would make everyone happy. PVPers can continue PVPing to their heart's content without venturing out into PVE areas, and PVEers can avoid PVP. And those that like both can choose either way.

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Perhaps have two ways to get ANY of the Companions: a PVE way and a PVP way. Then it would make everyone happy. PVPers can continue PVPing to their heart's content without venturing out into PVE areas, and PVEers can avoid PVP. And those that like both can choose either way.


My friend, you have totally failed at forum posting.


To actually post a rational thought on the forum is like running and jumping into the lions' cage at the zoo.


Please reconsider your post. :eek:

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Perhaps have two ways to get ANY of the Companions: a PVE way and a PVP way. Then it would make everyone happy. PVPers can continue PVPing to their heart's content without venturing out into PVE areas, and PVEers can avoid PVP. And those that like both can choose either way.


Actually there are three ways.


Option 1. Be the required class, you get them back anyway.


Option 2. Lets call this one the alternate way, for those who would like extra companions for their existing class. Do the quests gated behind PVP, or gated behind PVE. I would never waste my time doing the Qyzen quest for example on non consular characters, why subject myself to a mind numbingly dull PVE grind? In the same breath, I fully appreciate the PVErs reluctance to enter PVP.


Option 3. Do not play the expansion story, therefore retaining all your companions. I see zero point doing the story more than once (twice at best, once each side). If anyone can explain to me the benefit of taking multiple toons through the same story, I am all ears.


Legacy wide alliance building would be the only reason to my mind, but we do not have that option anyway, and yet we can pass the little influence boxes around happily within our legacy, and characters who have never set foot in KofTE can wear Star Fortress achievement titles, make no sense!

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I've only done 4x on my trooper, so i got him instantly. Can you reject recruiting him to complete the alert without doing any PvP? If so I have no problem with the requirement.


If you have to PvP before you have the option to reject that would be bad design, as there may be a time when literally noone PvPs.

Edited by bdatt
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I've only done 4x on my trooper, so i got him instantly. Can you reject recruiting him to complete the alert without doing any PvP? If so I have no problem with the requirement.


If you have to PvP before you have the option to reject that would be bad design, as there may be a time when literally noone PvPs.


Thing is, if they continue to gate companions for PvP, we could end up with an entire PvP chain for alliance companions, with, say, 1 from each class. Then, even if you managed to bypass a class requirement on one, the other 7 would require the year of PvP hell.

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