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So, Jaesa is canonically dark?


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The DS comapnions are all easily bribed, unlike the one light-sided companion who can only be appeased by making LS choices. If companions are to be any indication, I'd say the Inquisitor tends towards the light.


He says that to all his Inquisitors :)


He will also disaprove when Pub characters make the LS choice and in SOR he agrees with the LS option to let Shan question the prisoner.


LS companions bribed? The only one who could be bribed is the darn pirate and it seems to me he enjoys murdering people more than anything. Khem out right states if he views you weak he will eat you and the only reason that does not happen is because of plot. Xalek is a crazy sith zealot he would most likely crush you if you suggest such a thing. Looking at the companions at face value the majority are DS.


You have you Archelogist is pretty much a normal human being in terms of morality and I am still suprised he is still alive considering the artifacts that you are dealing with. Plus you have a delusional impure jedi who gets called out she is no longer one and she still does not believe it *shakes fist* great LS leaning companions there right?


As I said the reason why I can't play a LS inquisitor is because the narrative just does not work for me. You have options where you want to change the empire, You have options where you are committing outright treason/you hate the empire. Plus the sheer amount of weakness that you display the only reason you are alive is because of plot.


The expansion proves it further considering a lot of LS inquisitors I know/talked to are mad that a lot of the dialogue options are you acting DS and stating things like you want to rule the galaxy. I hold the same opinion with the sith warrior by the way sooo its agree to disagree.


Now on SOR


Actually depending on your alignment and darth title he says something different. If you are imperius he says he can count on you because you are truly loyal to the empire. While DS is about you always out destroying its enemies. Neutral I don't know because I never done it and consider being neutral as being bipolar in terms of the plot


About the light choice dealing with the imperial guard in SOR if you are empire and pick the light choice he sounds annoyed. Considering how heavily he says perspective. The point of the scene is that both side's wishes to handle them their way.

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About the light choice dealing with the imperial guard in SOR if you are empire and pick the light choice he sounds annoyed. Considering how heavily he says perspective. The point of the scene is that both side's wishes to handle them their way.


This is actually just the response he gives to the warrior. To the inquisitor he says "Your counsel is appreciated and you do make a compelling point", sounding completely sincere. Deferential, even.


Also, a reminder that you don't have to pick every LS option you see to be Darth Imperius. LS1 doesn't take much.

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This is actually just the response he gives to the warrior. To the inquisitor he says "Your counsel is appreciated and you do make a compelling point", sounding completely sincere. Deferential, even.


Also, a reminder that you don't have to pick every LS option you see to be Darth Imperius. LS1 doesn't take much.


To me when I did it on my sith warrior his tone of voice sounded annoyed just like how Satele is cross when she does not get her way and if you are republic she is concerned with why did you allow it. Well people have different opinions as always.


Plus being LS 1 at shadow of revan I feel is pretty crazy considering how many decisions you go through people roleplay different ways but I find it incredibly hard to have a character at dark 1 or light 1 by SOR.


As I said before agree to disagree.

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To me when I did it on my sith warrior his tone of voice sounded annoyed just like how Satele is cross when she does not get her way and if you are republic she is concerned with why did you allow it. Well people have different opinions as always.


Doesn't seem to me like you read what I said. It's not about different opinions; it's about different responses. You're correct that he was annoyed at the warrior. He wasn't annoyed at the inquisitor and said something else entirely.



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LS companions bribed? The only one who could be bribed is the darn pirate and it seems to me he enjoys murdering people more than anything. Khem out right states if he views you weak he will eat you and the only reason that does not happen is because of plot. Xalek is a crazy sith zealot he would most likely crush you if you suggest such a thing. Looking at the companions at face value the majority are DS.



Having played around with it, Khem mostly cares you don't suck. He hates corrupt/cowardly Dark Side actions as much or more than minor compassion. In the old system you could net out 50+ affection on general quests by being hard-line or aggressive to your questgiver, then absorbing a -1 or -2 for not murdering something.


Khem could coexist nicely with a Light III or even IV Inquisitor so long as the Dark points came from killing Force users. He's not like Dark Jaesa or Scourge who hit you with -200 for touching the Light dial.

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Having played around with it, Khem mostly cares you don't suck. He hates corrupt/cowardly Dark Side actions as much or more than minor compassion. In the old system you could net out 50+ affection on general quests by being hard-line or aggressive to your questgiver, then absorbing a -1 or -2 for not murdering something.


Khem could coexist nicely with a Light III or even IV Inquisitor so long as the Dark points came from killing Force users. He's not like Dark Jaesa or Scourge who hit you with -200 for touching the Light dial.


Dude the man hates minor compassion just as much as you being cowardly. Plus the approval points is more of a game play mechanic considering the number is because of when you get the companion. His disapproves more if you are light side since majority of the time you are avoiding confrontation and displaying weakness.


Likes: Killing Force users, displays of strength, making foolish people unhappy (These two things the DS inquisitor does in abundance hence why its so easy gaining approval with him(


Dislikes: Weakness in any form, not killing Force users


You being nice in any form, you avoiding confrontation and being peaceful and making nice which is majority of the LS actions he downright hates you I know I have done it.


He has a conversation on your alignment if I recall if you are LS he views you as being weak and demands and explanation. If you are DS he likes you but he thinks you are reaching too far too quickly which would end up you being killed. Honestly the reason why I don't like the LS run since most of the time it feels too much like an afterthought had the same feeling with my Dark Jedi.


Doesn't seem to me like you read what I said. It's not about different opinions; it's about different responses. You're correct that he was annoyed at the warrior. He wasn't annoyed at the inquisitor and said something else entirely.




I am going to be that guy but he does pause for a second before he is willing to back down perhaps because you are also a dark council member. I see your point though, hmm maybe he does not view the Wrath as an equal hence why its different.

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Ok now to get on topic sorry about that.


Now after testing the boosted 60's my conclusion how they can give that title to SI when they start neutral? I say for the sake of the player they should of gave them their neutral title. So the inquisitor just one day woke up and decided to be evil all the way to neutral after getting their imperius title?


Yet bioware said empire is DS and republic is LS well you gotta show that in the game bioware. I tried it on a jedi councilor not one mention of being on the jedi council on their profile sooo they were dark side? Maybe? Yet many councilors say that dark side makes absolutely no sense in the narrative.


I conclude their boosted stuff is quite bad.


Ahem now Jaesa? If they kept to republic is LS and empire is DS she is going to be dark side, now in my opinion? Don't take it seriously since its that bad you are better off leveling a new character in my opinion plus you get your nice shiny titles.


Plus setting up your own past choices and it does not take long to level I was level 50 on hoth.

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LS companions bribed? The only one who could be bribed is the darn pirate and it seems to me he enjoys murdering people more than anything.
I said "The DS comapnions are all easily bribed". Not sure how you got to "LS companions" from there. What I mean by 'easily bribed' is that giving them gifts yields a large influence gain.

To rephrase it, all companions that respond well to dark-side choices are also easily influenced with gifts, while the only companion that is not easily influenced by gifts responds well to light-side choices. You can walk around with Khem, make all light-side choices, take a little hit on his affection and then easily compensate that with a gift or two. You can not, or not as easily, walk around with Ashara, make DS-choices and compensate the loss in affection with gifts. This implies that, at the very least, choosing a light-side path has been as thoroughly planned and implemented as a dark-side path.


As I said the reason why I can't play a LS inquisitor is because the narrative just does not work for me.

And I can't play a DS one because senseless, maniacal murdering does not appeal to me. If there were any cunning, devious plans behind the DS path, that would be something to at least try, but it appears the cunning and deception are, not surprisingly given their environment, mostly granted to the Light Sided Inquisitor.

You have options where you want to change the empire, You have options where you are committing outright treason/you hate the empire.
There are options everywhere. It is never stated, or implied that the LS choice are always necessarily pro-empire, they just happen to be because they usually promote the common good. Unlike the DS options which are usually selfishly motivated and this Sith selfishness is an important factor in the downfall of the Empire. I know of one ls-choice that could (rather should) be considered treason, which is when you tell that Jedi on Korriban the truth.


Plus the sheer amount of weakness that you display the only reason you are alive is because of plot.


The idea that unrestrained murder somehow displays strength is rather odd given that it is usually the easy solution to a dilemma. The class-story doesn't change between light and dark side, either way the Inquisitor is equally strong.


The expansion proves it further considering a lot of LS inquisitors I know/talked to are mad that a lot of the dialogue options are you acting DS and stating things like you want to rule the galaxy. I hold the same opinion with the sith warrior by the way sooo its agree to disagree.

You talked to? You didn't play it then? But it's not a case of agree to disagree. The entire game is full of dialogue choices, and if there weren't any DS options the DS players would be upset. You are never forced to take a dark-side option and, as far as I remember, there is but one dubious choice. What is different in the expansions is that the pc is a lot more confident, more aware of their own strength, which is no more then fitting for the inquisitor given their accomplishments and their station as a member of the Dark Council.


About the light choice dealing with the imperial guard in SOR if you are empire and pick the light choice he sounds annoyed. Considering how heavily he says perspective. The point of the scene is that both side's wishes to handle them their way.

Are we talking about the same scene? When you choose to let Shan handle the interrogation Marr says: "Your council is appreciated. And you do make a compelling point.", without sounding annoying. And Marr does know how to tell you when he dislikes something you say (for instance when you make a remark about how the Empire lost due to infighting).

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I conclude their boosted stuff is quite bad.


You are making a mistake when thinking that their boosted characters represent any form of preferred, or 'canon', class story. The class stories give the player the freedom to choose the path of their character, one path among many possibilities. The starting point of the boosted character is just one of the possible paths.

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You being nice in any form, you avoiding confrontation and being peaceful and making nice which is majority of the LS actions he downright hates you I know I have done it.


So have we, and we have noted that his dislike of LS choices is very, very modest.


He has a conversation on your alignment if I recall if you are LS he views you as being weak and demands and explanation.
Meaning what? You're not seriously suggesting a Dashade assassin has anything to say over the path his Sith master chooses? If he doesn't like the choices made, he knows where he can find the airlock and let himself out.


Anyway, he seems quite content with a LS master by the end of the story, if that is your concern.

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Ahem that was a typo apologies. The gifts is more of a game play mechanic and how much approval they get for it for example khem val even if you make a DS choice he will get less approval than say Xalek because you got him at the start of the game. It's like that with all companions check it out with T3 for the jedi knight its the same. Even vette for the sith warrior its not about the narrative its about when you got them because you have them for the longest time.


Hence why someone like Xalek gives loads of approval with gifts and dialogue because you get him late in the game since it is meant to help you catch up in approval compared to the companions you got earlier hence why the values for them are all different.


Don't you notice on other classes its the same when its approval and disapproval? T3 gives me like -1-10 for a lot of dark decisions does that mean the jedi knight is meant to be DS? While lets say scourge the man just leaks approval like ashara with every aggressive and dark side choice? Heck no its because he is your last companion and making his approval like t3 means you would never max him by the end if you use him soon as you get him.


Now ashara? Do note she is the only companion in the game where gifts absolutely don't work with her unless you are romancing her via courting gifts. Or have you not heard stories of female inquisitors DS or LS having trouble raising her approval via gifts? Same with an unromanced male hence people said to farm Belsavis dalies to raise her approval. So this argument in my opinion does not work since the person who actually has the easiest time raising her approval is a male inquisitor DS or LS when romancing her via courting gifts. She is the only one who has the gift problem while its normal for everyone else.


Well approval no longer matters anyway since companion conversations advance by the story not by approval anymore. So yay companion conversations for everyone!


Still I don't know how you have the idea that gifts and approval points point to how well implemented a path is I personally consider the opposite with a LS inquisitor from a narrative standpoint in my opinion.


So I disagree here.


Now on being a DS inquisitor don't know how you are playing your inquisitor since my DS inquisitor is far from that I count many times where DS options are you outright lying and deceiving other people. Or even using cunning hell I recall Taris where you are outright manipulating a padawan into doing what you want. Then the story goes lol nope afterwards but that's a different discussion.


But I guess many people forget that. While LS is you more being about using "coorperation, helping others in order to get what you want majority of the time and being about unity and truth. Not deceiving them. While DS would threaten or shock the person if they refuse like most sith would or lie to get what they want. Plus you don't even have to murder someone for "no reason" most of the time since there is normally other options available to you which leads into another dark side choice. If you pick those choices that's on you.


So if you play your your dark side character as a mindless psychopath(which is something I also dislike since Darth Traya is my favorite sith) that's your progotive just like how I don't like when people play pure LS its not believable in my opinion and makes you come across as a moron LS or DS.


Now the expansion? Well since I heard bad things from people I trust greatly I was not inclined to take my LS inquisitor into the expansion. Since I know LS inquisitors who hate the empire and LS inquisitors who have no desire to rule the galaxy. Then bioware turned and went heeeey you totally want to rule the galaxy and take over the empire with your dialogue options.


Like the sun machine saving the people of zakuul since they might be "your" people one day instead of doing it because its right. I looked at that I was quite concerned and from what people told me I personally feel I am correct.


Now marr? He remarks in a similar manner to the sith warrior if you pick the LS option my LS inquisitor did not do it here because the republic can easily with hold information if we let them have him. I just assumed he said the same thing to the inquisitor which he does not.


You are making a mistake when thinking that their boosted characters represent any form of preferred, or 'canon', class story. The class stories give the player the freedom to choose the path of their character, one path among many possibilities. The starting point of the boosted character is just one of the possible paths.


Then they should give the inquisitor the neutral title as I said since I recall the point of it was that no one has any idea what you would do or what your motives are. Which leaves it more open like the JC not mentioning whether you are on the council.


Anyway I don't see this heading anywhere and this is drifting off topic.

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Now ashara? Do note she is the only companion in the game where gifts absolutely don't work with her unless you are romancing her. Or have you not heard stories of female inquisitors DS or LS having trouble raising her approval via gifts? Same with an unromanced male hence people said to farm Belsavis dalies to raise her approval. So this argument in my opinion does not work since the person who has the easiest time raising her approval is a male inquisitor DS or LS.

My female light-side inquisitor had no problem maxing her affection out long before finishing the class story. Which is exactly my point, the inquisitor that can most easily max affection for all companions is a light-side inquisitor, followed by the ds-male who can romance her and buy the gifts to bribe her. This, imo, implies that the light-sided inquisitor is anything but an afterthought - as you were implying.


Well don't know how you are playing your inquisitor since my DS inquisitor is far from that I count many times where DS options are you outright lying and decieving other people. Or even using cunning hell I recall Taris where you outright manipulate a padawan into doing what you want but I guess many people forget that. While LS is you being about "co orperation, helping others in order to get what you want.


It didn't appear to be hard to manipulate Ashara, I think it was almost harder to not unintentionally manipulate her in opening the thing, while at the same time not offending her. Well, that dialogue was, or would be, kinda fun for both paths. I am sure there are other opportunities for interesting manipulation on the DS. The LS path was enjoyable, to say the least.


Talking about the KOTFE expansion I got a Light side inquisitor I have not played it because of the complaints with the dialogue being DS now if this is not the case I will do it and make my own judgement. Since I normally trust what people close to me say.

Well, it's pretty generic and doesn't use much of the Inquisitor's background with the force-ghosts, which is somewhat disappointing. And while not forcing you ds, the ls options lack the 'finesse' they had in the main story, you're more like a common Jedi rather then a light-sided Sith. And yes, there are some 'glitches' in the handling of the characters.


I just assumed he said the same thing to the inquisitor which he does not.

Can happen. I essentially assumed similarly ....

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There are many other examples of manipulation but I did not want to make the post too long. Now on approval in the current game for leveling a new character? It does not matter anymore everyone gets the conversations after plot points something I am thankful for. Since to me it did not make much sense stuffing gifts in companions faces to make them talk to you and now the conversations flow better.


Khem val you may think I am weak and a rubbish sith but you will take this SKULL AND LOVE ME! :D (I wonder whats going happen in the expansion for those who got rid of him I don't know why anyone would since he is such a bro/bodyguard for a DS character.)


Mako you may think I am a murdering psychopath but take this slicing kit and adore me!




The nice thing is now everyone can see Ashara's conversations without needing gifts costing in the millions to max out. I bet all those LS inquisitors who did not use her and DS inquisitors are relieved. One thing I hope for is that they conclude her Arc because she STILL has not admitted she has fallen to the dark side one thing I hope for if you are LS you help sort out her problems and return her to the light or DS you finally make her fall and get her to embrace being a sith.


Since her conversations ended at her admitting "Peace is a lie" and then class stories got axed and my PC wallet weeped greatly at the missing credits.


Approval is now used correctly in the fact that the companions just fight harder with you since now they like you more via the presence buff and it affects crafting that's it. Approval only effects the new companions in the story.


I just think he does not view the sith warrior as an equal hence why he gets annoyed at them somewhat.

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I'd like to point out that Ashara doesn't necessarily approve of LS actions so much as rational ones. My DS Inquisitor got about 200 affection (pre-4.0) for telling a guard on Belsavis to use the Esh-ka as weapons against the Republic, or slapping slave collars on the Trandoshans he'd just beaten to a pulp. What she actually disapproves of is anything mindless, including mindless killing AND mindless mercy. So the Inquisitor can be DS and win her favor without gifts, so long as they're willing to show restraint on occasion. Which, really, isn't that hard--two of their long-term manipulations require them to patiently nudge their target where they want them to go. I'm talking about Alderaan and the whole deal with Rihanna Rist, and Taris, with Ashara herself (the actual DS manipulation path in that scenario involves sending assassins after her, rescuing her from them, and talking her into murdering them when they surrender).
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Jaesa defaults to DS most likely because she is romanceable as DS.


Also I do agree with Inquisitor being LS and warrior DS. It got me thinking about something in imperial side and first companion. Basically first companion seems to be opposite of intended route, so LS Inq gets DS Khem Val and DS Warrior gets LS Vette. Another interesting thing is beside romance option they kinda mirror each other, Warrior and Khem Val being DS while Inquisitor and Vette being LS, but not saints. Even ship aquition cutscenes support that.


Furtheron Agent first companion is Kaliyo whose world view clashes heavily with goals of Agent. BH gets Mako who might speak favoreable for bounty hunting, but she is too soft from what I remember (been long time since played through so memory might fail).

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Er I don't think that argument works problem since on the republic side following your train of thought you can then easily say that the jedi knight is meant to be dark side since your first two companions are LS. Same with the smuggler so I don't think that argument holds. Hell another example the jedi councilor your first companion is pretty much the opposite of Khem val so they are meant to be dark side as well? Plus for agent keeper calls you too soft the job if you are LS sooo yeah.


I personally believe there is no canon and trying to do one just causes problems just play the game how you want. If lore had its way a DS jedi or LS sith would not even be able to use majority of their abilities. Something that still gets me to this day.


No matter if I or anyone dislike LS sith and prefer DS or vicec versa there is no "intended" path until lucasarts comes along and say hey bioware you gotta lock down your alignments for legends or whatever if the game ends.


For the boosted 60 bioware simply assumes republic is LS and empire DS for past decisions for since its more easy that way and its what's "expected" by a new player to the game that's it.

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Overall I agree not to read too much into it. If you like their default setup go for it, if not you can just play it through yourself.


For all we know they might have taken LS Inquisitor simply due to Darth Imperius sounds better than two alternatives (it does imo anyways). Or maybe it is all romance based, LS Inquisitor makes more sense for Ashara romance while Jaesa has to be DS for romance.

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Overall I agree not to read too much into it. If you like their default setup go for it, if not you can just play it through yourself.


For all we know they might have taken LS Inquisitor simply due to Darth Imperius sounds better than two alternatives (it does imo anyways). Or maybe it is all romance based, LS Inquisitor makes more sense for Ashara romance while Jaesa has to be DS for romance.


By that logic, wouldn't Consular be lightsided and Knight (who takes DS points to romance Kira) be DS?

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By that logic, wouldn't Consular be lightsided and Knight (who takes DS points to romance Kira) be DS?


Are you saying Kira is romanceable for DS Jedi only? Because that is what you implying by that logic. DS points is one thing, but Jaesa actually has to be turned in order to romance her.

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This is what I mean I think we should just play the game and enjoy the story. Plus the default is bad you get none of your shiny titles from the story and it does not matter what they call us at the start we are ALL the outlander now.


Plus a path can't make more sense just because of your romance lol just because you are the opposite or same alignment of your romance that's flimsy argument in my opinion. If you are female you start with the pirate soooo that means dark side seems to make more sense if we follow your train of thought.


On the game overview page it clearly says these key words for the SI Sinister, Deceptive, Prodigy of Force Power these two things the LS inquisitor barely does especially the sinister. Plus the story trailer of the SI was a female acting well.... like a normal sith.


Plus a good jedi would not enter in the romance in the first place since it requires you to take a dark side hit so this means dark side makes more sense because they have no problem embracing the dark side. Since they are all about that passion.


See the problem now?


There is no "intended" or canon this is even the words of the lead writers. Hence why when they did their story summaries on the website for the expansion/boosted 60 they left it vague which alignment the character was. Just play the game and have fun. Even if I prefer DS my problems with the LS run is the narrative of it that's it. Same with the DS Jedi Councilor.

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