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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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My Gunslinger did the Koth romance and unfortunately just as with Theron and Lana there was no special dialogue or anything this chapter at least for me picking the LS option and Koth staying with the alliance not sure if you might get anything if you go DS and he leaves?



That's a bummer! I'm lightside so I guess I won't see if him leaving while romanced makes any change, but thanks, appreciate the answer :)


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LEAVE KOTH ALONE *cries mascara* ;_;


But seriously. I did everything he liked up until I blew up zakuul, then he acted like i was evil the whole time and took off. That kinda pissed me off.




The thing that set me off was that when he ran away, he tried to take the Grave Stone. Arcann just killed billions of people, but god forbid I destroyed 1 spire. And then while on this tantrum he decides to try and take literally the only form of defense the galaxy has against Zakuul.


He was ready to doom the entire Galaxy and everyone in it, because his feeling were hurt. If I ever see him again, he's going to die a slow and painful death.




Edited by Klingonlol
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So I still have Koth into Chapter 12, I'm light side I'm not going to kill innocent Zakuulans even if they're dumber than rocks. So in chapter 12...

I choose whether to send in Jorgan or Kaliyo first. I choose Jorgan for everyone, but I'm going to choose Kaliyo first on my agent cause she's her companion originally. Senya and Koth oh my god, they hate Kaliyo with the passion of a thousand suns. They ***** at ME for Kaliyo's actions. 'She's a terrorist!!!' Koth agrees with Senya about how Kaliyo is. Then later Koth says 'maybe she'll forget how to breathe' or something like 'hey...if we send her in, Senya, maybe the Knights will kill her.'


O_O Good lord, Zakuul people. I know Kaliyo sucks, but what has she been doing for 2 chapters behind the scenes?


Behind the scenes=the companions and you, sleep, eat, go to the refresher, have sex (with Jorgan, Kaliyo, Lana, Theron or Koth, whoever you're married to or dating), just do normal things they're not going to show us. Cause when a chapter is done, they're chilling in their default spots, picking their noses. Like how it was on your ship before KotFE.


I knew Koth would be gung ho Zakuul, but Senya surprised me being super samaurai gung ho too. *rubs forehead*


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So I still have Koth into Chapter 12, I'm light side I'm not going to kill innocent Zakuulans even if they're dumber than rocks. So in chapter 12...

I choose whether to send in Jorgan or Kaliyo first. I choose Jorgan for everyone, but I'm going to choose Kaliyo first on my agent cause she's her companion originally. Senya and Koth oh my god, they hate Kaliyo with the passion of a thousand suns. They ***** at ME for Kaliyo's actions. 'She's a terrorist!!!' Koth agrees with Senya about how Kaliyo is. Then later Koth says 'maybe she'll forget how to breathe' or something like 'hey...if we send her in, Senya, maybe the Knights will kill her.'


O_O Good lord, Zakuul people. I know Kaliyo sucks, but what has she been doing for 2 chapters behind the scenes?


Behind the scenes=the companions and you, sleep, eat, go to the refresher, have sex (with Jorgan, Kaliyo, Lana, Theron or Koth, whoever you're married to or dating), just do normal things they're not going to show us. Cause when a chapter is done, they're chilling in their default spots, picking their noses. Like how it was on your ship before KotFE.


I knew Koth would be gung ho Zakuul, but Senya surprised me being super samaurai gung ho too. *rubs forehead*


And it's not like WE, chose to have her on the team...

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From very early on I've been getting Quinn vibes from Koth, that's really why I don't like him. I feel like some how he is going to betray me.


I don't trust Senya either. Valiyn did not "slip away", Senya let her go. I don't know if she will have the internal fortitude to kill or watch her children be killed. Some bonds just run too deep. Koth is like an errant child trying to live in a story book world. His blindness is annoying at times but does provide an alternate view for story telling.


I feel that both he and/or Senya could betray us in the future.

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I don't trust Senya either. Valiyn did not "slip away", Senya let her go. I don't know if she will have the internal fortitude to kill or watch her children be killed. Some bonds just run too deep. Koth is like an errant child trying to live in a story book world. His blindness is annoying at times but does provide an alternate view for story telling.


I feel that both he and/or Senya could betray us in the future.


I don't see Senya betraying us . She does work with a code of a sort (kinda like Samara) but she doesn't have the Strenght Samara had . At best she will keep her word and do what must be done . At worst , she will lose her resolve and get killed . But I do not see her betraying us , unless we decide to for unknown reasons go soft and make a deal with Arcann/or/Vaylin .


Koth..is on Zaakul weed and it is damn good :D Too bad , he is a one face kinda of guy . Like he doesn't seem to grow beyond the 'I'm the revolution !' ..Urgh

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I don't trust Senya either. Valiyn did not "slip away", Senya let her go. I don't know if she will have the internal fortitude to kill or watch her children be killed. Some bonds just run too deep. Koth is like an errant child trying to live in a story book world. His blindness is annoying at times but does provide an alternate view for story telling.


I feel that both he and/or Senya could betray us in the future.


i dont trust anyone i think they all going to betray me 0_o


poor HK i trust him ;/

Edited by LordXantor
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My main, male trooper, doesn't mind Koth. They aren't exactly best pals, but they're in this together for as long a Arcann is on the throne. Hope he learns what Valkorion truly is, otherwise my main won't have much choice. My warrior, on the other hand, is absolutely unmoved from all the drama coming from Koth's end every time Zakuul gets a taste of it's own medicine (he pretty much views all of Zakuul as the enemy, just another tool in Valkorion's hands). He doesn't hate him, but he will destroy him if he stands in his way (which is unlikely after the ds choice I took at chapter 11 or whatever it was when you team up with Kaliyo, but we'll see).


Personally, I can understand why some people dislike him greatly. However, a lot of his dislikers have no reasoning for their hate besides "well, he doesn't like when i do bad stuff". DS characters are far, far from saints. The chaotic evil decisions people love to make for some reason are on the same level as Arcann's, if not Valkorion's. Why would anyone besides Xalek, Pierce and Kaliyo (there are 2-3 more pure ds comps but they still haven't been brought back) even tolerate your presence? The only reason chars that kill NPC's left and right for bad haircuts were made alliance commanders is because Arcann has a bigger army. Guess who's gonna be public enemy number one the second he goes down.

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I don't mind Koth. I do take issue with some of the things that people suggest as reasons they don't like him.


1) His love for Valkorian


Remember, prior to Arcann, and in some ways after, Zakuul is a paradise. A strong prosperous society ruled by a benevolent Emperor. Your Outlander comes along and tells Kothe that his hero ate a planet 5 years ago and is an unspeakably evil force ghost/god. Why shouldn't he believe the best in Valkorian? Who is he supposed to trust you or his lying eyes?


Valkorian doesn't look like Vitiate, act like Vitiate, and the only evidence that he is Vitiate is that the force sensitives think he is. I don't know why his skepticism is so difficult to take.


2) His supposed disregard of non-Zakuulian lives


This is a willful distortion of his position. It's not that Kothe doesn't care about others. In fact, the reason he abandoned his post was because he was ordered to participate in a slaughter of innocent people. Kothe cares about everyone and that's why he's trying to take down Arcann. He gets mad at the Outlander doing outlandish (pun intended) things because he doesn't want to replace one tyrant with another.


All you naughty Sith Lords, Fallen Jedi, etc. shouldn't be so surprised. This is a guy who left a pretty cushy gig as a Naval Commander for Zakuul (which remember is a utopian society from his perspective) to fight for innocent people. Of course, that includes his own people.


3) Kothe isn't alone


I do notice that Kothe seems to generate an unreasonable amount of ire. Even prior to his potential exit from the Alliance, people have focused much of their dislike on this character. I find that curious when Senya holds many of the same views, especially with regard to her baby daddy and her home.


I don't think everyone who dislikes Kothe does so out of any overt racism. I reject that. But I would wonder why Senya gets a pass when Kothe doesn't.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I don't mind Koth. I do take issue with some of the things that people suggest as reasons they don't like him.


1) His love for Valkorian


Remember, prior to Arcann, and in some ways after, Zakuul is a paradise. A strong prosperous society ruled by a benevolent Emperor. Your Outlander comes along and tells Kothe that his hero ate a planet 5 years ago and is an unspeakably evil force ghost/god. Why shouldn't he believe the best in Valkorian? Who is he supposed to trust you or his lying eyes?

Answer: Then why would he believe you are Hosting Valk at all ? So far , it isn't like anyone could Talk to Valk but us . Yet he believe us on THAT . but not on others things ?? and he was ordered to kill some of ours peoples , so he isn't completely blind . He saw the war while we were asleep .

fair enough , the whole Valk ate a whole planet can sound crazy to someone who isn't force sensitive . But he doesn't even blink at the power Vaylin has or Arcann . Yet what we tell him is out of this world..


Valkorian doesn't look like Vitiate, act like Vitiate, and the only evidence that he is Vitiate is that the force sensitives think he is. I don't know why his skepticism is so difficult to take.


2) His supposed disregard of non-Zakuulian lives


This is a willful distortion of his position. It's not that Kothe doesn't care about others. In fact, the reason he abandoned his post was because he was ordered to participate in a slaughter of innocent people. Kothe cares about everyone and that's why he's trying to take down Arcann. He gets mad at the Outlander doing outlandish (pun intended) things because he doesn't want to replace one tyrant with another.


All you naughty Sith Lords, Fallen Jedi, etc. shouldn't be so surprised. This is a guy who left a pretty cushy gig as a Naval Commander for Zakuul (which remember is a utopian society from his perspective) to fight for innocent people. Of course, that includes his own people.


Answer: I think what peoples blame the most in Koth is that he come very selfish . Here we are cut off from our own worlds , and he pressure (be you good or evil , sith , jedi , or others) into caring for a society that see you as a Terrorist and want you dead .

He is the one who shouldn't be surprised actually . A jedi or trooper would care for Zaakul and the innocent . But anyone else , has no reasons AT ALL To give a damn about Zaakul . considering they see us as the murderer of Valk and would hand us over Arcann in a heartbeat if they could .

So the error here , is that his dialogue is pretty bad . It couldve been done so much better . he could have shown a bit of sympathie for the Outlander for starter .


And acted less selfish and not throw any Tantrum (when he leave , it come off as a mighty do as I want or go to hell ! and I see you evil even if it was an accident!) . No second chance really ? that is very petty from him . especially for someone who claim to wanna get ride of Arcann . That shouldn't stop him and keep trying to convince you at least..but instead he just Bail on you and Try to steal the only weapon we had the graveyard ship .


3) Kothe isn't alone


I do notice that Kothe seems to generate an unreasonable amount of ire. Even prior to his potential exit from the Alliance, people have focused much of their dislike on this character. I find that curious when Senya holds many of the same views, especially with regard to her baby daddy and her home.


I don't think everyone who dislikes Kothe does so out of any overt racism. I reject that. But I would wonder why Senya gets a pass when Kothe doesn't.


Answer: I said this before and I say it again .


Unlike him , she tell you her childrens are dangerous .(koth want arcann dead , yet during your escape if you don't stop a melt down he BLAME YOU . His Tantrum should be directed at Vaylin . But all he can yell at us is 'WHY DIDNT YOU DO ANYTHING!' ..Urgh...

She tell you she will kill the knights if they try to stop us .

She tell you she is sorry for what's happening to our worlds .



Yes she has yet to admit Valk maybe evil . But again , she may still surprise us . And she has admitted much so far in comparison to Koth who is still in Lalalnad of his own .

and Last..Senya didn't stop my smoochie with Lana :D He did.....so he get the boot! :p

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Personally, I wish we could take Koth to Ziost and show him "This is what your precious Valkorian did to a planet full of his own people. Do you get why we hate him now?"

If the answer is "no", then we leave him there.


Or have him Talk to MArr......


Valk did kill him after all . Maybe he can get trough him...

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Yeah, it annoys me greatly when people mention they're hatred or dislike for a companion simply because they're not kissing their *** or nose deep in their *** smooching it. I'm sorry, but if you were so great you wouldn't need 30 companions+ to get **** done and this story would be over before chapter 1 was finished.


True, Koth and Senya are more patriotic about their home world than us Americans are of America (ever see US flags every where you go? Pledge of Allegence, if they still do that and morons haven't won out saying take it out of schools).


Koth and Senya love their society. They don't love how Arcann and Vaylin are ruling it and involving the Core Worlds, but I understand why they're not happy when us Outlanders go bomb and destructive crazy through their home world.


Arcann and Vaylin destroyed and ****ed around with the Core Worlds. Not the innocent and really stupid, citizens going about their business. Sometimes the choices I see people making for the evulz is no better than what real life terrorists do. You guys aren't doing stuff the military does, you guys are bombing them because you slept for 5 years, had your favorite companions removed and are just vengeful little *****.


Reverse what's happening, a tyrant in our Core Worlds invading Zakuul and their territories and they'd do the same thing with their own type of 'commander'.


I try to always keep my companions happy. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't, but I try. Sure, my character is the Alliance Commander, but I still listen to what advice my companions give me even if that companion annoys me. I may have been surprised Koth and Senya were mad in general Kaliyo was in Zakuul or sent there or whatever, but I understand why they're ticked off. I'd be too.


So hating Koth cause he doesn't agree with you...man, I hope no one here who despises him or blows everything up is in charge of anything for real or have any real life friends you hang with cause the second they disagree with you.......

Edited by Eanelinea
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If it was so simple that we could just march into the throne room with Senya, and give Arcann & Vaylin a thorough spanking for their galaxy-smashing ways, I would gladly do that without getting anyone else involved.

The thing is, it isn't that simple.

We can't get at Arcann and Vaylin without breaking things, and we can't break things without inconveniencing (and sadly probably killing) people on Zakuul.

That's the reality of the situation.


Senya understands it to a certain extent (though she's only really willing to smite Knights, droids, and Zildrog cultists).

Koth... they tell us that he's all worldly but then he acts like a child.

I don't expect him to always agree with me, but I do expect him to either come up with a plan that gets us closer to taking down Arcann without risking any lives, or to shut his mouth.

Constantly whining about me doing it wrong without coming up with a viable alternative is just ridiculously unhelpful.

I can't remember if we get to say to him "I wish we had an alternative, but we don't, so we're doing this" and have him understand. Somehow I suspect not.


Off the top of my head, I can't think of a way to get to Arcann and Vaylin without risking innocent lives that doesn't put us at their mercy, except maybe a fake surrender, but I wouldn't expect that to actually work anyway because Arcann fights dirty.

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If it was so simple that we could just march into the throne room with Senya, and give Arcann & Vaylin a thorough spanking for their galaxy-smashing ways, I would gladly do that without getting anyone else involved.

The thing is, it isn't that simple.

We can't get at Arcann and Vaylin without breaking things, and we can't break things without inconveniencing (and sadly probably killing) people on Zakuul.

That's the reality of the situation.


Senya understands it to a certain extent (though she's only really willing to smite Knights, droids, and Zildrog cultists).

Koth... they tell us that he's all worldly but then he acts like a child.

I don't expect him to always agree with me, but I do expect him to either come up with a plan that gets us closer to taking down Arcann without risking any lives, or to shut his mouth.

Constantly whining about me doing it wrong without coming up with a viable alternative is just ridiculously unhelpful.

I can't remember if we get to say to him "I wish we had an alternative, but we don't, so we're doing this" and have him understand. Somehow I suspect not.


Off the top of my head, I can't think of a way to get to Arcann and Vaylin without risking innocent lives that doesn't put us at their mercy, except maybe a fake surrender, but I wouldn't expect that to actually work anyway because Arcann fights dirty.


well...we could always stand in middle of Zaakul dark town , naked and with a sign that we killed the Z'Emprore . Play bait , get carbonized.....and he take charge of the alliance . :D


lol he kinda make me feel that he has an Anders complex . Like with Anders (DA2)...


Anders: Why wont you help Mageees? you are a mage , your sister was a mage , your dad was a mage..

Hawke: I wanna help! I will Help ! I swear! (kill templars left and right and save mages)

Anders: listen to me harp some more about you not doing enough

Hawke: *get depressed*

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Anders: Why wont you help Mageees? you are a mage , your sister was a mage , your dad was a mage..

Hawke: I wanna help! I will Help ! I swear! (kill templars left and right and save mages)

Anders: listen to me harp some more about you not doing enough

Hawke: *get depressed*


No, Anders was so much worse.


Anders: I hate you treating mages (Who at this point have all proven to be arseholes) like criminals, so I'm gonna 9/11 the shiz outta the chantry and force all mages to go die in a war without their consent!

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No, Anders was so much worse.


Anders: I hate you treating mages (Who at this point have all proven to be arseholes) like criminals, so I'm gonna 9/11 the shiz outta the chantry and force all mages to go die in a war without their consent!


I sided with mage and approved of his actions so...:rod_tongue_p:


The only thing I hate it about Anders is the whining......lol

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Yeah, it annoys me greatly when people mention they're hatred or dislike for a companion simply because they're not kissing their *** or nose deep in their *** smooching it. I'm sorry, but if you were so great you wouldn't need 30 companions+ to get **** done and this story would be over before chapter 1 was finished.


I don't think its ever JUST that with Vortena. Its a multitude of things. Its that on the surface the most obvious thing is he is a disagreeable sod who regularly voices his doubt a few too many times. And if you are RPing on a Sith who is fairly used to getting their own way...


True, Koth and Senya are more patriotic about their home world than us Americans are of America (ever see US flags every where you go? Pledge of Allegence, if they still do that and morons haven't won out saying take it out of schools).


Koth and Senya love their society. They don't love how Arcann and Vaylin are ruling it and involving the Core Worlds, but I understand why they're not happy when us Outlanders go bomb and destructive crazy through their home world.


And this is problem number 1 they are both patriots, and for this I don't fault them, but having them about for this reason makes them liabilities, Senya has already proved a liability in letting Vaylin go when she had her dead to rights. And as we know from Chapter 12, the outlander could well have killed Vaylin there and then had Senya not got involved.


Koth and Senya are both now in a position where effectively they are fighting against their home. Sadly, Koth doesn't grasp that completely, or he does, and just doesn't accept it. In their (Particularly Koth's) heads its just Arcann and Vaylin they are against. Furthermore, the alliance in a straight fight with Arcann would be pulp in no time. The best options are hit and run, maximum damage minimal exertion to try and cripple/ slow down Zakuul's offensive capability. Blowing up the Spire may be borderlining on, if not flat out terrorism, but, strategically, it does make sense. WW2 is a prime and recent example of large scale conflict where to cripple ones enemy Civilians were actively targeted, and it wasn't just the Axis that did it either...


Arcann and Vaylin destroyed and ****ed around with the Core Worlds. Not the innocent and really stupid, citizens going about their business. Sometimes the choices I see people making for the evulz is no better than what real life terrorists do. You guys aren't doing stuff the military does, you guys are bombing them because you slept for 5 years, had your favorite companions removed and are just vengeful little *****.


slept for 5 years? You make it sound like we took a nap or something. This is a colossal understatement of what Zakuul has actually done under Arcann's leadership. Lets not forgot from a Sith perspective, the man you served faithfully turns out to have an Empire on the side and never really gave a damn for the Sith Empire or any of its people. And from the Republic perspective you have yet another Dictatorship society trying to muscle in on the galaxy, and causing even more damage than your old enemy ever did. So yeah, if some characters wake up wanting to make Zakuul pay that is not an unreasonable stance to take.


Reverse what's happening, a tyrant in our Core Worlds invading Zakuul and their territories and they'd do the same thing with their own type of 'commander'.


I try to always keep my companions happy. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't, but I try. Sure, my character is the Alliance Commander, but I still listen to what advice my companions give me even if that companion annoys me. I may have been surprised Koth and Senya were mad in general Kaliyo was in Zakuul or sent there or whatever, but I understand why they're ticked off. I'd be too.


I have considered the reverse, and my Trooper is thinking that Saresh needs to go when Zakuul is dealt with. But he also realises to get rid of her, he's probably going to have to fight his own people to do it, and he already knows there will be destruction involved as Saresh won't go without a fight. But he's ready to do it.


I get 100% why Koth and senya don't like blowing up things with a Zakuulan logo of course it'd be weird if they didn't, but, the way Koth and Senya spoke about Kaliyo irritated my trooper a lot and he doesn't even like or trust Kaliyo. But from his perspective as soldier, Kailyo was there... risking her neck for the mission they weren't, and all they did was snipe at her. I wanted a reply to say something like, "if the two of you would rather risk your skins going 10km into a well fortified bunker, be my guest you can go in her place. And maybe, the knights will kill one of you, or both." or just a simple, "Shut your mouths, you're both bugging me." would have sufficed. Becasue Koth has run his mouth too often without me being able to tell him to shush.

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Loved when you could give a response to Senya trying to boss around Kaliyo. It was "I don't remember promoting you to alliance commander before I left" or something of the sort. I mean, I don't trust that anarchist. She's in it for the lulz, that's pretty obvious. And having played through the agent story, I trust her even less than people who are meeting her for the first time. But I'm pretty sure a fortified underground military installation doesn't have a lot of innocent civilians so I don't understand why is it such a big problem Kaliyo is there. If Senya thinks Arcann will go down without a single scratch on Zakuul, she's in for a rude awakening.
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