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PVP should be priority


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OP Completely disagree..... just speaking personally i would be happy if they completely removed pvp and ops and put the money and resources into more VA work for story and companion romances and interactions.


Im going to completely disagree with you.


While i donot do Ops I do PvP on occasion and enjoy it until Expertise kicks in. I also like the story part of the game


However removing both of those would probably be the end of ToR. Yes neither community PvP or Raid is the mainstay of the game removing those however well i already said it

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I agree, PVP should get more attention.


People get bored with PVE quicker. Look at a game like Call of Duty, the single-player portion is minuscule, people play the PVP aspect for years.


I can't stand PVE, I get bored so quickly with scripted AI enemies. Every PVP match is different, human opponents are much more unpredictable and rewarding to defeat.

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I agree, PVP should get more attention.


People get bored with PVE quicker. Look at a game like Call of Duty, the single-player portion is minuscule, people play the PVP aspect for years.


I can't stand PVE, I get bored so quickly with scripted AI enemies. Every PVP match is different, human opponents are much more unpredictable and rewarding to defeat.


Call of Duty is an FPS title, whereas this game is an MMORPG.


Both are radically different from one-another, in ways that make your comparison entirely moot. People stop the PvE after they finish CoD? Probably because there's literally nothing else to do once they've finished it. In an MMO however, there is tons of content aimed at PvE players even after they have finished the main campaign, which is only tripled if you do it with friends.

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I consume the new story content then I run it's repeatable missions chasing the carrot then I'll PVP for a bit. I'll go back and forth between daily PVE and PVP content for some time, long after the story has finished.


I like having a lot of things to do, both PVE and PVP interest me. Nothing wrong with BW adding in some more PVP content at some point.


Ultimately I feel BW needs to add more of everything, the more we have to do the less likely we are to get bored and move on.

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PVP whining has been the source of just about every egregious nerf inflicted on PVE players since the game began so the only priority PVP should get is (a) they get their own server and a rule system divorced from the rest of the game where they can PVP themselves into non-existence without bothering the rest of us, or (b) being dropped into the nearest black hole at the earliest opportunity!
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PVP whining has been the source of just about every egregious nerf inflicted on PVE players since the game began so the only priority PVP should get is (a) they get their own server and a rule system divorced from the rest of the game where they can PVP themselves into non-existence without bothering the rest of us, or (b) being dropped into the nearest black hole at the earliest opportunity!


And people say PvPers are toxic... You're salty, and your tears are delicious...

Edited by howieloader
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And people say PvPers are toxic... You're salty, and you tears are delicious...

Seriously, there are none as toxic as the anti-PVP players / PVE purists. They seem to carry the most baseless assumptions and vitriol towards another portion of the player base than any.

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True PvP-focus can only work in a sandbox, never a class/level/vertical-progressed themepark, because of among other things, the "level-wall," and restrictions on what classes can do what things in what situations better, with little or no counters by hard-coded design. (Run-on sentence is much go!)


(Although, granted, I have yet to see how rally-down will work in wPVP...Ideally, I hope to see some gankers crying about no longer being able to one-shot people 20+ levels below them with impunity.)


Among actual MMOs, EVE-Online is the only game that ever got this truly right.




Face it, this is not a PvP game, and never was. There was a time when I did almost nothing but at end-level --On Mercs. And Slingers. And Sorcs when they sucked ****-- and believe me, it stopped being fun real quick.


It's a great fun thing for extra creds/comms/gear/XP whilst levelling, and the occasionally amusing diversion for ***** and grins at level-cap --not to mention a great way to quickly "ghetto" a set-bonus for raiding with, now that they've genericised them across both game-modes-- but in this game, that's all it is.


Come join us in EVE-Online if you fancy yourself a "real" PvP player.


Most such here would last a month, if even that. So to those, in advance:


Ur stuffs, I can haz?

Nailed it.


A year or two ago, I might have agreed with OP, but at this point it's clear the devs are in over their heads as it is. Why make the job harder, especially when there are so many better options out there now?

Edited by Alphasgimaone
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Seriously, there are none as toxic as the anti-PVP players / PVE purists. They seem to carry the most baseless assumptions and vitriol towards another portion of the player base than any.

Well said. The ironic thing is, they're probably the players making you link achievements to join their PvE PuGs.

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Is this a thread trying to get SWTOR shut down? Yes, PvP content lasts longer due to replayability. But that's only the case if your population wants to PvP frequently. There are a lot of people participating in warzones in this game, but that isn't the reason a majority of players are here.
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Is this a thread trying to get SWTOR shut down? Yes, PvP content lasts longer due to replayability. But that's only the case if your population wants to PvP frequently. There are a lot of people participating in warzones in this game, but that isn't the reason a majority of players are here.

I think the issue is that more of the game's population wants to PVP frequently, but the game modes / maps have been without attention for so long that they have gone stale. PVE has had 4 operations, SoR, and KotFE in the time PVP has received 1 warzone. I don't think it is wise for Bioware to abandon PVP; make it their one and only focus? No. But it needs some loving asap.

Edited by azudelphi
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I think the issue is that more of the game's population wants to PVP frequently, but the game modes / maps have been without attention for so long that they have gone stale. PVE has had 4 operations, SoR, and KotFE in the time PVP has received 1 warzone. I don't think it is wise for Bioware to abandon PVP; make it their one and only focus? No. But it needs some loving asap.


The thread wants to make PvP a priority, which is not the correct move. I agree that adding some content for PvPers would certainly be helpful, but will never and should never be the priority in this game.

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The thread wants to make PvP a priority, which is not the correct move. I agree that adding some content for PvPers would certainly be helpful, but will never and should never be the priority in this game.

A fair point.


People taking things to the extreme in general is bad for the game.

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever.


My brother...SWTOR PvP has been in Maintenance Mode for over a year and a half. While you have my full support in your effort, reality is a ***** in this case. BW isn't good at PvP. They created an excellent combat system, but pretty much effed up everything else. And it wasn't like they didn't try. BW gave it their best shot...talked big, and even delivered, on almost everything they promised. The intention was good, but the execution was horrible and almost everything they created for PvP was either half-baked (Ranked) or flat out screwed up (original Ilum).


So they rallied the wagons and figured out what they are good at...Story. And now they are going to do that. More power to them. The PvP in this game is still fun, but it will never be epic. Just roll with it and have what fun you can. Casual PvP is casual...

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I think the PvP is fine, I am glad the new PvP gear is not that much below the PvE gear, so crossing between the two becomes easier. What I think should be a priority is cross-server tech, not just for warzones, but also for starfighter and even for flashpoints would be nice.
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PvE and RP have been priorities for some time now, well over a year and a bit. While I understand that BW have to chase the money- but as others have said, the infinite variety of PvP is gonna help see people through the long weeks and months between episodes of the story. Just 1 map with a 200 kill team death-match can't be that hard can it?



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Every player I know PvPs, therefor the majority of players PvP...it should be a priority.


Story may have been the focus in 2015, but 2016 should be PvP!!!


No, every player I know does not PVP thus it should not be a priority. I know more players than you thus you are a minority.

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I think the PvP is fine, I am glad the new PvP gear is not that much below the PvE gear, so crossing between the two becomes easier. What I think should be a priority is cross-server tech, not just for warzones, but also for starfighter and even for flashpoints would be nice.


If it's not that much different why bother having it any different at all?


Bolster everyone to same stats - let the battle rage may the most skilled win.

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If it's not that much different why bother having it any different at all?


Bolster everyone to same stats - let the battle rage may the most skilled win.


If that ever happens, then the PvP centric crowd better get something epic that requires a lot of PvP to earn.

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I think the issue is that more of the game's population wants to PVP frequently, but the game modes / maps have been without attention for so long that they have gone stale. PVE has had 4 operations, SoR, and KotFE in the time PVP has received 1 warzone. I don't think it is wise for Bioware to abandon PVP; make it their one and only focus? No. But it needs some loving asap.


So much this.


A fairly large group of my friends and I started playing the game right out of beta, and most of us were players who enjoyed both PvE and PvP. We would do some of the class stories and flashpoints one day and do PvP the next. Both were important to how long we decided to stick with the game.


I had to take an extended absence because of real life stuff but returned 4-5 months ago. None of my friends play anymore. When I try to get them to come back, often the only thing they ask about is whether PvP has gotten any attention. Because it hasn't, they stay away. And I'm sure they aren't the only ones.


I would like to continue playing the game, but will probably stop for a bit after running a few characters through the current KotFE chapters. I'll resub once the rest have been released to finish up, but if PvP were better (or there was any indication that it wasn't being completely ignored) I would stay subbed throughout.


Making PvP a priority (note, for people who still can't seem to grasp the difference, I didn't say the priority) is not a worthless endeavor. It will bring players like my friends back, and it will keep players like myself here full time.

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