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KotFE,...really? This story is so cliche and predictable it's sad....


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While I find the WAY they tell the story (new angles, etc) very well done the story itself is so predictable, full of cliche's, and the like....the story itself is bad, even if the way it's told is great.


There are way too many "cringe worthy" moments in the story....too many of the jokes just reek of trying too hard...the way your character kinda "struts" in most scenes is absolutely asinine and stupid looking.


Overall I'm not very impressed with this expansion due to the over-use and failed "jokes" on top of the predicatability and absurd cliche's that are riddles throughout the story (up to chptr 8 at least) Even if HOW it's told (again angles and whatnot) is well done....


SoR has more replayability than KotFE by far...I'm dreading going through it a second time..and even SoR didn't make me feel like that...though Makeb did.


I've been subbed (mostly, on and off for a month or two here and there for various reasons) since launch (open beta) and with the stupidity of forced level-sync and the lackluster storyline so far with KotFE I'm considering canceling my sub for the first time for "good" (at least an extended period of time)


eh..KotFE is just kinda meh....certainly far from there best work and not even up to par with the original 8 stories (I mean in quality, not in length)


No you can't have my stuff if I leave.

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only bumping once to see if anyone else feels the same or to hear some (non troll) counter points.


EDIT: Oh I will give one more "good" point. I played a little on older daily planets and the level sync isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still think it's stupid not to have the option, but it's not a "game killer" for me.

Edited by Suromir
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only bumping once to see if anyone else feels the same or to hear some (non troll) counter points.


EDIT: Oh I will give one more "good" point. I played a little on older daily planets and the level sync isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still think it's stupid not to have the option, but it's not a "game killer" for me.


Chances are, if people didn't respond the first time, they don't agree.


That, or their brains only work in binary, and they are stuck on the "complain about level sync and companions" track to bother.


Give them a week or two - you could just be ahead of your time for complainers. :cool:

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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.
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Chances are, if people didn't respond the first time, they don't agree.


That, or their brains only work in binary, and they are stuck on the "complain about level sync and companions" track to bother.


Give them a week or two - you could just be ahead of your time for complainers. :cool:


Nope, already here! :D

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Did someone said cliche? "I am subscriber since X, this new things are bad, i will unsub." Most used cliche in game forums, yet you complain about cliches :rolleyes:


Goodbye, we will miss you NOT :D


I've been subbed (mostly, on and off for a month or two here and there for various reasons) since launch (open beta) and with the stupidity of forced level-sync and the lackluster storyline so far with KotFE I'm considering canceling my sub for the first time for "good" (at least an extended period of time)


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Honestly the only thing that REALLY annoys me about KotFE is how OP Valky, Vaylin and Arcann are. Seriously, Valkorion is displaying feats that could put him above Darth Plagueis, a guy who could Force push someone and it would make them look like they'd been killed by a bomb and the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP. I also agree that some jokes are really forced.


Well, sadly, that's how almost all the EU stuff works. Writers having to "one-up" the previous have turned Jedi/Sith into comicbook superheroes...It's ridiculous and what turned me off to a lot of EU stories. That's the "why" anyway. But I agree it get's a bit old as EU Jedi/Sith toddlers have more power in their pinky's than any jedi/sith we see in the movies combined.

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Did someone said cliche? "I am subscriber since X, this new things are bad, i will unsub." Most used cliche in game forums, yet you complain about cliches :rolleyes:


Goodbye, we will miss you NOT :D


Only replying to this troll attempt (sad one at that) due to it's hilarity. First off I didn't say I was unsubbing..I said it's making me consider it. But if you bothered to read and comprehend my post instead of looking for a chance to troll, maybe you'd have understood that.


read moar, use more brain cells, troll less.


2/10 thanks for playing.

Edited by Suromir
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I think what makes it so cliche is the familiar themes they were going with, while I really enjoyed my first play through of it, I as well don't relish doing the exact same story, with the exact same scenarios and 'choices' again. Nothing about it or the released content would make me want to unsub or really complain. I think it was a risk they knew they were taking and a direction that i'm not all that disappointed with.


However it lacks seriously in the replay dept and if their plan is to release one chapter a month (with most chapters being maybe an hour or two worth of content) It won't hold weight. Now if the choices you make in the story ACTUALLY amounted to something, where the difference between doing one thing and the other could end up with companions/allies dying, or the world around you changed not only in that chapter but going forward..then it might actually have some more replayability.


I found the more humorous scenes to be exactly that, and if I remember correctly, I indeed laughed out loud at them. I think more so it was shock at seeing something funny in what should have been a more somber or serious area.


Overall though I actually enjoyed this expansion and the content/changes that came with it but I was/am disappointed with the lack of meaningful choices that actually impact the story.

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I can't wait for the suicide mission that lets me kill my own character off if I make bad choices.


I wouldn't mind seeing Skadge get liquified in a tube because I took too long rescuing him from the collector's. Samara has already joined my crew... now I just need Legion and Kasumi and I'll be set.

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Respectfully disagreed.

Won't write an essay because I don't have time and I don't feel like I need to justify liking something or not.

Just something I noted:

"SOR had more replayability than KOTFE"...

I loled a lot.

You are talking about the expansion where you get exactly zero choice throughout where every one reacts pretty much identicaly to whatever you say?

Sure KOTFE doesn't offer a huge amount of massive differences in how the story unfolds. But there are choices to make that actually feel relevant for once.


Say what you will but being a dick to your allies in SOR changed absolutely nothing while being an *** to Koth makes it clear he'll abandon you if you ever cross the line. I could spat in Satele Shan's face in front of Theron in SOR that he wouldn't have twitched a finger.


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99.999% (hyperbole, yes; that far off from reality, no) of all fantasy and sci-fi writers are absolutely ****** at what they do. So is it really that surprising when that 99.999% rears its ugly head? Especially in a franchise that -- despite what the fans believe -- was and always has been just a kid's show to wrack up merchandising profits.


I mean, Star Wars has never been a work of well-written fantasy and it's certainly never been science fiction. It's actually pretty humorous how "deep" some people think the Jedi and Sith codes are, nevermind the insipid line Yoda vomited up about fear and anger in the prequels.


So, yeah, KotFE (and the rest of SWTOR) is cliche and predictable trash. So what? It fits in just fine with the franchise.


But if you're honest approaching anything Star Wars-related looking for brilliantly-written material, you have only yourself to blame. Star Wars is just about killing stuff with laser swords and flying around in space ships and ****.

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99.999% (hyperbole, yes; that far off from reality, no) of all fantasy and sci-fi writers are absolutely ****** at what they do. So is it really that surprising when that 99.999% rears its ugly head? Especially in a franchise that -- despite what the fans believe -- was and always has been just a kid's show to wrack up merchandising profits.


I mean, Star Wars has never been a work of well-written fantasy and it's certainly never been science fiction. It's actually pretty humorous how "deep" some people think the Jedi and Sith codes are, nevermind the insipid line Yoda vomited up about fear and anger in the prequels.


So, yeah, KotFE (and the rest of SWTOR) is cliche and predictable trash. So what? It fits in just fine with the franchise.


But if you're honest approaching anything Star Wars-related looking for brilliantly-written material, you have only yourself to blame. Star Wars is just about killing stuff with laser swords and flying around in space ships and ****.


There has been some stuff in the EU that is actually brilliant, both writting wise and reflexion wise. Matthew Stover is the first I'd think about (Too bad Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi messed up "Traitor". At least "Shatterpoint" is intact.)

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I really like the story. It reminds me a lot of Suikoden where you recruit allies to fight the big bad dictator. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter and the next companions you can recruit. I hope recruiting all those allies will mean something in the future.


My only gripe right now is that there's no reason to go back and play the areas once you're done. I hope they would add weeklies and dailies there so that I'd have a reason to come back and do things just like in SoR.


Here's also hoping that your companions will officially come back through the story on the next chapter. There's the terminal to bring them back, but I'm afraid of missing quests and achievements if I brought them back right now.

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I really like the story. It reminds me a lot of Suikoden where you recruit allies to fight the big bad dictator. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter and the next companions you can recruit. I hope recruiting all those allies will mean something in the future.


My only gripe right now is that there's no reason to go back and play the areas once you're done. I hope they would add weeklies and dailies there so that I'd have a reason to come back and do things just like in SoR.


Here's also hoping that your companions will officially come back through the story on the next chapter. There's the terminal to bring them back, but I'm afraid of missing quests and achievements if I brought them back right now.


My replayability gripe isn't just the linear story (which I did thoroughly enjoy), but also the post-story Alliance stuff. It's got the same issues as Garrisons in WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion: The whole recruitment thing honestly makes playing an Alt all the way to the end unappealing. I, for one, have no desire to go through all three linear expansion stories to get from 50-65, and then be expected to do the Alliance on all of them. That's just entirely too much grind. So, KoTFE has taken SWTOR to a single character game for me, outside of seeing the 1-50 class stories.


Same as Garrisons over in WoD did for me there.


Blizzard revamps talent trees in Mists of Pandaria, BioWare does it here.


Blizzard stat squishes in Warlords of Draenor and introduces Garrisons, BioWare does it here and brings in Alliance.


To be honest, I wish they would stop looking at WoW by this point. Or should we just look at Legion next year to see what BioWare will copy next?

Edited by Jumajin
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the worst part is there's no explanation for why he's so OP


Actually there kind of is, it's part of the Jedi Knight's original storyline. I'll post a link to a youtube video in first spoiler field below that explains the important part. Be aware though that if you haven't played a Jedi Knight yet, you'll basically spoil yourself the entire second and third chapter of the Jedi Knight's original storyline by watching it.




The relevant part starts at 5:25 and goes till the end.



And for those who watched it:


This does raise one other question though, why should Ziost have changed things for him?


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While I find the WAY they tell the story (new angles, etc) very well done the story itself is so predictable, full of cliche's, and the like....the story itself is bad, even if the way it's told is great.


There are way too many "cringe worthy" moments in the story....too many of the jokes just reek of trying too hard...the way your character kinda "struts" in most scenes is absolutely asinine and stupid looking.


Overall I'm not very impressed with this expansion due to the over-use and failed "jokes" on top of the predicatability and absurd cliche's that are riddles throughout the story (up to chptr 8 at least) Even if HOW it's told (again angles and whatnot) is well done....


SoR has more replayability than KotFE by far...I'm dreading going through it a second time..and even SoR didn't make me feel like that...though Makeb did.


I've been subbed (mostly, on and off for a month or two here and there for various reasons) since launch (open beta) and with the stupidity of forced level-sync and the lackluster storyline so far with KotFE I'm considering canceling my sub for the first time for "good" (at least an extended period of time)


eh..KotFE is just kinda meh....certainly far from there best work and not even up to par with the original 8 stories (I mean in quality, not in length)


No you can't have my stuff if I leave.


thats your opinion and im not gonna argue it as you are welcome to it. as far as my opinion is concerned, i like it a lot more then the previous expansions. you also have the hk-55 vs. the ikaynid spider and later all his friends.

each to their own, one mans hero is another mans villain.


Only replying to this troll attempt (sad one at that) due to it's hilarity. First off I didn't say I was unsubbing..I said it's making me consider it. But if you bothered to read and comprehend my post instead of looking for a chance to troll, maybe you'd have understood that.


read moar, use more brain cells, troll less.


2/10 thanks for playing.


ironic, very ironic. at this rate i may as well ask CS if i can haz your stuff before they delete. so my point here is that while that one may have been trolling, it doesnt mean you should act the same in response. i mean if you know well enough, you should know not to fall for that type of behavior.

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you also have the hk-55 vs. the ikaynid spider and later all his friends.

each to their own, one mans hero is another mans villain.


Yeah that's a good example there of a scene that's probably responsible for comments like "the writers themselves didn't take it seriously". I mean yes, it's clear that this scene was purely for comic relief however at the same time it was nonsensical. While programmed to be a bodyguard, HK-55 is an assasination droid of which previous models even came with their own sniper rifle and yet they want to tell me he can't even hit a critter at a 20 meter distance at most?

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Yeah that's a good example there of a scene that's probably responsible for comments like "the writers themselves didn't take it seriously". I mean yes, it's clear that this scene was purely for comic relief however at the same time it was nonsensical. While programmed to be a bodyguard, HK-55 is an assasination droid of which previous models even came with their own sniper rifle and yet they want to tell me he can't even hit a critter at a 20 meter distance at most?


Who's to say it's the same. We never see him hiting the creature but neither do we see him not hit it.

With such overkill, it's more than likely that each time the thing he shoots gets vaporized and a new one tries to distract/torment HK. Seeing how sometimes it crosses the screen from left to right only to drop from the left of the screen a second after HK shoots in his direction, I think it's just new ones everytime.

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It did kill it for me a lot of the time with the "oh, whatever shall happen now...................? *sigh* " moments.


There were a few gems within Ch 1-9, but overall, I don't even remember what happened. And that should say something.

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Who's to say it's the same. We never see him hiting the creature but neither do we see him not hit it.

With such overkill, it's more than likely that each time the thing he shoots gets vaporized and a new one tries to distract/torment HK. Seeing how sometimes it crosses the screen from left to right only to drop from the left of the screen a second after HK shoots in his direction, I think it's just new ones everytime.


Because this isn't Star Trek, things getting vaporized by blaster shots isn't exactly very common in this game OR the franchise, there'd be something left if he had hit it.

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Well, sadly, that's how almost all the EU stuff works. Writers having to "one-up" the previous have turned Jedi/Sith into comicbook superheroes...It's ridiculous and what turned me off to a lot of EU stories. That's the "why" anyway. But I agree it get's a bit old as EU Jedi/Sith toddlers have more power in their pinky's than any jedi/sith we see in the movies combined.




I'm really conflicted about this story. It's well told, but it's so disconnected to the past. I really don't see why Arcann is so much more powerful than the Hero of Tython, the Barsenthor, the Wrath or Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperious. All of whom have taken on enemies that should be as strong (the Chapter 3 bosses) if not significantly stronger (Revan).

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I'm really conflicted about this story. It's well told, but it's so disconnected to the past. I really don't see why Arcann is so much more powerful than the Hero of Tython, the Barsenthor, the Wrath or Darth Nox/Occulus/Imperious. All of whom have taken on enemies that should be as strong (the Chapter 3 bosses) if not significantly stronger (Revan).


He isn't or rather shouldn't be, but this is a one-size-fits-all storyline and frankly, he'd wipe the floor in a duel with the non-force-sensitive classes so all of the classes meet on middle ground. We all can stand up to him, but he's the stronger one.

Edited by trueKieran
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