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Please remove level sync


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Actually I was opposed to the idea myself in the beginning, but all the previously soloable heroics before 4.0 is still soloable but harder and more realistic. Plus, it keeps people away from farming wbs or ops. So I think they did it well.
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I don't understand why the thought of adding the original system back into the game as an option torques some people. Is there something about watching others have freedom of choice that scares them?


No, it just isn't happening because of the 65 Heroic Content. It has nothing to do with being against it, it's unfeasible and not going to happen. Endgame right now is grinding heroics -under level sync-. If you remove Level Sync, well, there you *********** go?


Think before you open your mouth.


They cannot remove Level Sync without reworking or trivializing Alliance content, thus, it isn't happening, period end. And now this thread will continue for 20 more pages and I'll come back and say this again.

this ^ not to mention the fact that we need 5000 threads about the dam thing.

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I don't understand why the thought of adding the original system back into the game as an option torques some people. Is there something about watching others have freedom of choice that scares them?


Soloing WBs. It was quite easy at 60.

If level 65 would get to WB before that group of low levels then they would have to switch to another instance (usually not available) or wait and it takes a long time to WB to respawn.

Edited by Halinalle
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Soloing WBs. It was quite easy at 60.

If level 65 would get to WB before that group of low levels then they would have to switch to another instance (usually not available) or wait and it takes a long time to WB to respawn.

I understand there are positives to level sync. I am not against level sync. I am against having no choice but to engage level sync.


I want to wipe in flashpoints as I level toons because my gear or my companion's gear, or because my abilities or my companion's abilities, aren't there yet. So I do some more leveling until I can get the next level mods, re-min / max everything and try again. Rinse & repeat until I clear the flashpoint and make it to the next one. No dumbing down and no immortal Jeezus droid babysitting ... This has been taken away - on many levels.


Or, there are times when my wife & I want to revisit old flashpoints and HMs with OP toons for the sole purpose of sipping a scotch and zerging through the content. No level-appropriate drops, or level-appropriate mobs, or level-appropriate resistance. Sometime we just wanna blow **** up the old fashioned way.


All I want is choice. The responses so far are a Sgt. Shultz'esque "How dare you argue for choice. You vill like vat is there or you can go play somezing else. Ozervise ... you vill be flamed!"

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Where is the original system? And why is someone a moron for wanting choice. Why would you care if someone else wants to grab a beer, settle in and blow through Athiss in 15 minutes without resistance?


You realize that you're the one who said the original system is still in place and I was just adding on top of that, right?

Secondly, you've yet to explain how turning level sync off wouldn't trivialize the entire current endgame. You just keep ranting about choice without being willing to offer an idea for how you're not wrong.

Edited by Djiini
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You realize that you're the one who said the original system is still in place and I was just adding on top of that, right?

Secondly, you've yet to explain how turning level sync off wouldn't trivialize the entire current endgame. You just keep ranting about choice without being willing to offer an idea for how you're not wrong.

That is correct. I did say the original system is in place. It's just disabled so we don't have access to it. I would ask that Bioware provide players with access to the old non-level sync system so they can choose between the old non-level sync system and the current level sync system when doing FPs, HMs & heroics. With regard to level sync, that's pretty much all I'm asking for. For the record, not once did I mention, or even imply, turning level sync off. And I will reserve judgement of right or wrong for the forum PvP antagonists who thrive on deeming themselves worthy to pass such judgement. Me ... in matters of opinion (i.e. pretty much everything not data related) I couldn't care less. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm as big as speeder fiend as anyone, and I practically never get dismounted. OTOH, I have a lot of CM bikes, all of which claim "excellent" protection. My main annoyance about aggro range on bikes is that I can't blow through chokepoints near my destination without making sure I've got room to shake the tail
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Please remove sync or at least make it optional. Ive been playing this game since release, I have all the base characters on both factions and a couple extras. Ive done all the old content I care to.


Lvl'ing makes my character feel more powerful and more convenient. It's like a fluff reward for grinding it out. If I want to do explore or do a task AGAIN, heroic AGAIN, or go get that datacron on this other alt AGAIN, dread seed AGAIN, but I dont want to spend an extra hour in that area. I can just mount up and jet over to where I need to be. Work, explore, jumping obsticles, whatever and move on.


Not anymore, now I get constantly dismounted if I dont notice that spawn point in time. It really defeats the advantages of lvl'ing up and somewhat for stealth classes too.


The whole mechanic has changed. I know changes happened. But every MMO Ive played in the last 15 years was not improved by a mechanic change after you learned and determined to play the game (x) way.


Please remove it or at least make it optional. For all the jerks that think it's great, let em keep it. A toggle option like [allow access to same class quest] so the rest of us can turn it off when we are just going to grab that datacron one more time and I dont feel like dealing with the planets random mobs that I already killed countless times in the past.

Edited by Iron-Hawk
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The whole point of leveling is to make your character more and more powerful.

Now there is not point in getting better gear, since you can only have two levels above max level of the planet.


Leveling is a hold over mechanic from the days RPGs were played with pen, paper, and dice. It has no place in a modern MMORPG. There's no game mechanic that compells the player to go back and ROFLstomp low level mobs, nor is there any logic to support why such an ability should exist.

Edited by Thunderstriken
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Leveling is a hold over mechanic from the days RPGs were played with pen, paper, and dice. It has no place in a modern MMORPG. There's no game mechanic that compells the player to go back and ROFLstomp low level mobs, nor is there any logic to support why such an ability should exist.
But there are visceral mechanics that compel the player to go back and ROFLstomp low level mobs. Like facerolling through old advanced content ... blowing stuff up the old fashioned way over a glass of scotch after a long work day for no other reason than it can be relaxing & fun to do. Edited by GalacticKegger
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But there are visceral mechanics that compel the player to go back and ROFLstomp low level mobs. Like facerolling through old advanced content ... blowing stuff up the old fashioned way over a glass of scotch after a long work day for no other reason than it can be relaxing & fun to do.


The people hell bent on forcing this upon you don't want you and your wife to have fun...they want you both to be challenged every time you log on...or they'll tell you to max out your companions or offer other sage words of advice like "l2p" or "I don't have any issue"...they're more concerned over HOW you play the game than they are with if you ENJOY playing the game.


I'm 100% for it being optional, even though I've greatly enjoyed it...what I dislike is the flipping agro.

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there is still a point to getting better gear -- that's what MMOs are all about --- I am still getting better gear -- don't have all 220 yet, and still need lots and lots of crystals --- the non raiders have a way to get better gear if they level sync and do the x2s solo ( which we CAN now) --- I do them everyday, religiously ---- and love level sync; makes it fun again
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there is still a point to getting better gear -- that's what MMOs are all about --- I am still getting better gear -- don't have all 220 yet, and still need lots and lots of crystals --- the non raiders have a way to get better gear if they level sync and do the x2s solo ( which we CAN now) --- I do them everyday, religiously ---- and love level sync; makes it fun again


Yup. It works. Nothing else needs to be added or removed.

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I do not know, who's bright idea was to create to level sync, but please remove it.

The whole point of leveling is to make your character more and more powerful.

Now there is not point in getting better gear, since you can only have two levels above max level of the planet.

I was doing black hole, illum, belsavis solo and i like it, they cannot lost it relevant status years ago so what is the point of being challenging/semi challenging.

I hated it in guild wars 2 and i hate this here.

I want to feel that my character is powerful and you taken it from me.

In warcraft i can solo entire raids with ease.

Here i cannot even solo few champions that are 20 levels lower then me.

I do not see the point of leveling, getting new gear, advancing my character since it won't make a difference.

All changes in patch 4.0 looks awesome but this really puts me off.

I wanted to subscribe but this really puts me off. It is a game breaker for me.


Thanks in advance.

I hate level sync to. I use to love camping newb ground and owning them flat out on pvp server to run their game experience so they either move to a pve server or Quit the game entirely..Oh man...my E-Peen is so large.

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Funny, I had more fun when down leveling wasn't in the game.


There is only two possible reasons for that:

1. You like cheesing content, which some people do.

2. You like ganking.


Either way, sorry but I can't feel that sorry for you. Boo hoo you have to do the content at the level intended and you can't gank. Grow up.

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I do not know, who's bright idea was to create to level sync, but please remove it.

The whole point of leveling is to make your character more and more powerful.

Now there is not point in getting better gear, since you can only have two levels above max level of the planet.

I was doing black hole, illum, belsavis solo and i like it, they cannot lost it relevant status years ago so what is the point of being challenging/semi challenging.

I hated it in guild wars 2 and i hate this here.

I want to feel that my character is powerful and you taken it from me.

In warcraft i can solo entire raids with ease.

Here i cannot even solo few champions that are 20 levels lower then me.

I do not see the point of leveling, getting new gear, advancing my character since it won't make a difference.

All changes in patch 4.0 looks awesome but this really puts me off.

I wanted to subscribe but this really puts me off. It is a game breaker for me.


Thanks in advance.


Your character IS more and more powerful, even while level synced. You have all your passives, actives, gear, presence, and companion influence that you gain as you level. Killing things on Korriban as a level 65 in level 220 gear with a companion at rank 50 is infinitely easier than killing things on Korriban as a level 5 in green gear drops and a companion you just met.


The only difference is that you get XP when you go back now. You can still even 1-shot most enemies.


Level sync is working perfectly, making more of the game relevant, and in no way are higher level characters somehow weaker on low level planets than characters of the appropriate level.

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Your character IS more and more powerful, even while level synced. You have all your passives, actives, gear, presence, and companion influence that you gain as you level. Killing things on Korriban as a level 65 in level 220 gear with a companion at rank 50 is infinitely easier than killing things on Korriban as a level 5 in green gear drops and a companion you just met.


The only difference is that you get XP when you go back now. You can still even 1-shot most enemies.


Level sync is working perfectly, making more of the game relevant, and in no way are higher level characters somehow weaker on low level planets than characters of the appropriate level.


Oh really now Pee Wee Einstein?

Your character is more powerful being at reduced hp when level synced?

All you DGs need to wake up and smell the roses.

When they jacked everything up to 65, they destroyed all the work you did to get to 60 to steamroll all of the old content.

So they got mad because we could solo wbs as a 60?

Big deal.

Now everybody's sorry *** can't solo any of the fps.

And you can't 4 man some of the old stuff.

When we were 60 we were Op because the lower stuff couldn't damage you and now they can.

Forget the B*** S**t that your new comp is Op.

next time you go to a lower planet, see if you lose any health or not?

Guarantee you do , if not then you're a G**DAMN hacker.

Take your level sync and put it where the moon don't shine up your A**es.

level sync is STUPID.

All that work to get to level 60 is wasted being screwed down to the lower planets scale.


Have a nice day. Next please.

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Yup. It works. Nothing else needs to be added or removed.
Added? Yes because some enjoyed the old way more than they enjoy level sync and would like to have it back as an alternative option to level syncing. Removed? No. I personally believe that level sync is working as intended. Edited by GalacticKegger
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this ^ not to mention the fact that we need 5000 threads about the dam thing.


I'll stop about level synch when people stop asking to nerf companions.


I like things faceroll easy. Level synch is away from that. Companion power increase is towards that.


If both sides accepted things as they are, I'd suck up the level synch more. But there's almost as many threads asking to nerf companions as there are to remove level synch (with opposition in both threads, of course).


If others don't accept the new companion state, I won't accept the new level state...

Edited by DalrisThane
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