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Exp is FINE Companions are FINE


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How do you keep influence down when one conversation got me 1800 influence with one and 800 with all the others. Sure it was the end of a planet convo, but there are lots of those in the game.


I used to throw gift after gift at my companions, now I just sell them. I started this patch at level 36 with most of my companions with sub 2000 affection, by level 42 all my companions except the one I only just got are at level 9 influence or above, Elara is at lvl 17 just through questing with me. By the time I hit the end of chapter 3 I have no idea how high it will be.


Don't have a companion out when you do conversations. They won't gain influence if they aren't around.

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Stanley Woo, please go and stay go. I personally don't mind companions as they are now, but the exp complaints are legitimate. You hit the new raised level cap before you're even halfway finished with the current story content. Seems a little silly to me, considering I've maxed out three 60s in early access, that is to say before the game's officially even released.


And suggesting that the problem be addressed by saying "You don't HAVE to use a major selling point and feature of the game!" is just absurd. There's tweaking that needs to be done, especially considering that right now there's no good reason to use anything but a healing spec on companions, because it's so objectively better and allows you to soak up infinite damage on anything short of Ops-level content. I think a happy medium could be reached by making companions a little less crazy to start out with, but reaching the current levels of strength as you max out their influence.


I use DPS companions because it takes me a quarter of the time compared to a healer comp.

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These posts... The guy can't play without a companion so we all have to look this failed update through the fingers?


Companions are ruined.. Hopefully they fix it else I do see this game go back under a mil subs


Well my server disagrees with you. There hasn't been this many people on since SoR came out, and given that only half of the people are 65 and half still 60, I'd say it's gotten a better response than SoR did.


Can't be all that bad if it brings life back to a dead server. I was really giving up hope on Jung Ma the past couple months because it got really bad. I could count the number of Pub 60s online during prime time on my fingers and toes, and still have a few left over.

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Technically it does. Every class has a basic attack that they will perform when attacked if you do nothing. Only Sorc/Sage removes it from their bar after selecting an AC.


Wrong, if I stand there on my commando, she does not auto attack anything. You will have choreographed combat that looks like you are doing something, but you will not do ANY damage whatever until you hit a button.


How do I know? Parsers, I am always parsing myself.

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12XP made the game better. I hated the MMO aspect of the game. The whole painfully grind before you can enjoy the Bioware storytelling. Each class story is easily the full price of a video-game.

Did you also hate the game aspect of the game? Because when you literally cannot lose against a champion, because your invulnerable companion can tank and hold their aggro forever, that's not a game. That's not even a trick masquerading as gameplay that they'd try on kids in educational games.


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12XP made the game better. I hated the MMO aspect of the game. The whole painfully grind before you can enjoy the Bioware storytelling. Each class story is easily the full price of a video-game.


People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.


People have the OPTION to turn it off. People making videos. People making polls. It's not even a majority of people doing it. It's a very small fraction who don't speak for the entire community for some reason instead just not playing with their companion. They have this twisted obsessive need to nerf the companions for everyone. They think if they make enough threads and complain about it enough. It will get done.

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People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.


People have the OPTION to turn it off. People making videos. People making polls. It's not even a majority of people doing it. It's a very small fraction who don't speak for the entire community for some reason instead just not playing with their companion. They have this twisted obsessive need to nerf the companions for everyone. They think if they make enough threads and complain about it enough. It will get done.


I honestly think that there would be no one "complaining" if it were the player characters that were buffed, and not companions.


I think a lot of the "complaining", myself included, comes from the immersion breaking aspect of companions being so much more powerful than player characters.


Pre 4.0, I could dismiss companions and complete things myself if I wanted, with a bit of smart gameplay, depending on what I was going up against. In 4.0, I can still do that. So no problem there.


Pre 4.0, if I sent my companion in to do things, chances are, I would have to help them out, and that was awesome. However, in 4.0, your companions need no help at all. I think that's what the problem really is.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.

Honestly from the sounds of things you didn't know how to play the game and BW needed to offer you an extra tutorial for however you missed the stuff the first time.

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I honestly think that there would be no one "complaining" if it were the player characters that were buffed, and not companions.


I think a lot of the "complaining", myself included, comes from the immersion breaking aspect of companions being so much more powerful than player characters.


Pre 4.0, I could dismiss companions and complete things myself if I wanted, with a bit of smart gameplay, depending on what I was going up against. In 4.0, I can still do that. So no problem there.


However, pre 4.0, if I sent my companion in to do things, chances are, I would have to help them out. In 4.0, your companions need no help at all. I think that's what the problem really is.


To many people there is "No problem" honestly it just seems like the same people saying their is. It's literally been just been a few days since the change. People are like having a heart attack. You would think Bioware sent a team of Hit men to your place by the way people are acting.


I spend a fair amount of time in game. When I come on here see people posting polls and videos. This goes past normal behavior. However I will add what I think. Companions are fine. Those who don't like it have the option to dismiss it. Pro Nerf crowd wants it lowered for everyone because they personally don't wan dismiss their companion is just unfair. Let it play for at least a month before claiming its the doom of all things.


Personally people like casual friendly. We tried it the other way for three years. People didn't like the slow grind or companions dying so easily. They switched both of that. People want ..I think a majority the game to be easier. They want to get to the class quests. Most people beaten the side quests so often we remember what NPC says nearly by word. Its refreshing the companions can actually heal. It makes the entire game play for me at least personally much more fun.


They have tried the companions the way you wanted for past three years. Don't you think at least for a month you should try to embrace this change. If you really find it so horrible. Just dismiss it. hose are options that you have. Taking it away from everyone because just a few loud people stomping their feet don't like it is really unfair. It's literally been a few days. I don't see the harm in at least letting it play for a month then complaining if its still unfair to you.

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People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.


People have the OPTION to turn it off. People making videos. People making polls. It's not even a majority of people doing it. It's a very small fraction who don't speak for the entire community for some reason instead just not playing with their companion. They have this twisted obsessive need to nerf the companions for everyone. They think if they make enough threads and complain about it enough. It will get done.



spot on... Thanks

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People don't understand the failed business model of the past. I hated it when companions were not strong. I always seemed to have to fight someone a level higher then me if they weren't higher then they were elite. At least now I don't have to spam general asking for help.


People have the OPTION to turn it off. People making videos. People making polls. It's not even a majority of people doing it. It's a very small fraction who don't speak for the entire community for some reason instead just not playing with their companion. They have this twisted obsessive need to nerf the companions for everyone. They think if they make enough threads and complain about it enough. It will get done.


So don't paly with your companion in a story that's almost entirely about recruiting and playing with companions? Yup that makes a lot of sense.


Sorry but the original class game was easy enough as it was, sure parts got tough and some of the difficult noobs had was around understanding gearing but that's all changed.

Now you get gear appropriate for the content dropping often enough to easily deck you out so gearing shouldn't be an issue at all.


If you were failing at the original content then you are better off watching videos of the story on youtube, the game shouldn't have to be dumbed down to this level to cater to people who can barely work a mouse. It was never difficult.


As for exp ... complete waste of time even offering it to begin with. The game is going to auto level us every chapters anyway and once you're 65 what lure is there in killing any mobs? Might as well remove them all to save me usijng my stealth ability.


People more and more seem to want a movie more than a game ... it's a real shame.

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So don't paly with your companion in a story that's almost entirely about recruiting and playing with companions? Yup that makes a lot of sense.


Sorry but the original class game was easy enough as it was, sure parts got tough and some of the difficult noobs had was around understanding gearing but that's all changed.

Now you get gear appropriate for the content dropping often enough to easily deck you out so gearing shouldn't be an issue at all.


If you were failing at the original content then you are better off watching videos of the story on youtube, the game shouldn't have to be dumbed down to this level to cater to people who can barely work a mouse. It was never difficult.


As for exp ... complete waste of time even offering it to begin with. The game is going to auto level us every chapters anyway and once you're 65 what lure is there in killing any mobs? Might as well remove them all to save me usijng my stealth ability.


People more and more seem to want a movie more than a game ... it's a real shame.


So you spend a lot of time watching videos of the stories in the game? Oh here. Just to help you out.


"To do that, you point the mouse at the thing you want to drag, press and hold the mouse's button (which “picks up” the object), and then move the mouse to another location. When you move the mouse (and keep the button down), the object moves. To release, or drop, the object, release the mouse button."


Practice that daily and you will get good:rolleyes: Best of luck

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Part of this drama stems from players that expected the game to be harder for EVERYONE with 4.0 and found out that was not the case, and also those players that fear a companion nuke based on Biowares dismal adjustment history.


This has created a firestorm on both sides of the issue IMO. If players could be guaranteed the adjustment at the top end (some kind of diminishing returns) would be reasonable, perhaps only slight then its possible this drama would not exist, at least not to this extent.


Of course, hardcore players could stop holding on to the past as well....but I expect that will never happen. A tiny TINY group of players, IMO, will continue to endeavor to make this game more difficult in every way possible for all players as a matter of principle.


Unfortunately for those kind of folks it is FAR more likely that the game will only get easier as time goes on....not harder, and their efforts are most likely in vain.

Edited by LordArtemis
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So you spend a lot of time watching videos of the stories in the game? Oh here. Just to help you out.


"To do that, you point the mouse at the thing you want to drag, press and hold the mouse's button (which “picks up” the object), and then move the mouse to another location. When you move the mouse (and keep the button down), the object moves. To release, or drop, the object, release the mouse button."


Practice that daily and you will get good:rolleyes: Best of luck


Huh? How does anything you said bear any resemblance to anything I said?

Some people's non-sensical nonsense just really makes communication difficult at times.

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Part of this drama stems from players that expected the game to be harder for EVERYONE with 4.0 and found out that was not the case, and also those players that fear a companion nuke based on Biowares dismal adjustment history.


This has created a firestorm on both sides of the issue IMO. If players could be guaranteed the adjustment at the top end (some kind of diminishing returns) would be reasonable, perhaps only slight then its possible this drama would not exist, at least not to this extent.


Of course, hardcore players could stop holding on to the past as well....but I expect that will never happen. A tiny TINY group of players, IMO, will continue to endeavor to make this game more difficult in every way possible for all players as a matter of principle.


Unfortunately for those kind of folks it is FAR more likely that the game will only get easier as time goes on....not harder, and their efforts are most likely in vain.


I don't want it to be harder then it was before, I just want it to be at least somewhat difficult. For example no point in having elite's etc. now if I can LITERALLY do nothing to beat them other than chat whilst my companion ( who I haven't bothered getting influence with ) does it all automatically for me.


Yes I suppose I COULD get rid of my companion but I never had to do that before and for an expansion that seemingly puts so much emphasis into companions and our relationship with them that never using them would seem counter intuitive to the great story they've produced.

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EXP is too fast. I didn't have early access so I was 60.99 when I started the expansion. A couple hours later I'm finishing Chapter 5 and I'm already lvl 65. No EXP coupons either. So, the EXP is too much. There should be some grind between levels not capping half way through the new expansion.


Also, in Solo mode at least mobs are ridiculously easy. It's not so much that companions are overpowered perhaps as that when you're in an instance with a companion, you're probably in Solo mode and the mobs are a joke. Even elites are easier to kill than strong mobs should be. They cast slower than usual and less frequently. They basically stand there waiting for you to kill them. This could be worked on maybe.

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I don't want it to be harder then it was before, I just want it to be at least somewhat difficult.


You do realize the vast majority of this game where you can deploy companions has never been somewhat difficult? So the reality is you do want it more difficult than it was before, you just refuse to admit it or are trying to cloak your argument in sheep's wool.

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I don't want it to be harder then it was before, I just want it to be at least somewhat difficult. For example no point in having elite's etc. now if I can LITERALLY do nothing to beat them other than chat whilst my companion ( who I haven't bothered getting influence with ) does it all automatically for me.


Yes I suppose I COULD get rid of my companion but I never had to do that before and for an expansion that seemingly puts so much emphasis into companions and our relationship with them that never using them would seem counter intuitive to the great story they've produced.



Yes... i suppose you could get rid of the companion. however... you do not. Why? Because then you can not chat?


please define 'Somewhat difficult'. The game was not particularly difficult before the update either for there were always ways to make things easier.

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Exp is FINE Companions are FINE


What should be the reaction a wide across the planet nerf for EVERYONE because a few small people don't like it personally for them. So everyone needs to get a nerf because a few people don't want "dismiss their companions" then they want to complain their companions are tooo OP while doing nothing to keep them out of the fight...sounds a bit silly.



Fully agree! :)

Edited by Glower
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EXP is too fast. I didn't have early access so I was 60.99 when I started the expansion. A couple hours later I'm finishing Chapter 5 and I'm already lvl 65. No EXP coupons either. So, the EXP is too much. There should be some grind between levels not capping half way through the new expansion.


Also, in Solo mode at least mobs are ridiculously easy. It's not so much that companions are overpowered perhaps as that when you're in an instance with a companion, you're probably in Solo mode and the mobs are a joke. Even elites are easier to kill than strong mobs should be. They cast slower than usual and less frequently. They basically stand there waiting for you to kill them. This could be worked on maybe.


In all the above you forgot one important statement: 'IN MY OPINION....' that is in your opinion....


Well, IN MY OPINION Grinding is the death of my enjoyment and i avoid grinding whenever I can.

Running 14 chars I personally am happy for fast leveling and i miss the 12X EXP because there are so many other things for me to do and enjoy. Leveling is just a VERY minor part of the overall game experience FOR ME.


Yes... Elites APPEAR easier to kill if you measure difficulty in the time it takes to erase one. Taking a long time to achieve something does not automatically translate into more difficult. It just makes it more tedious and boring in my opinion. My understanding of more difficult is to give Elites more skills that can take half a Player Avatar's health away. But how many people will like that? I would not...


Well... all that I wrote is of course MY OPINION (which appears to be shared by many other players. But maybe I am wrong).

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You do realize the vast majority of this game where you can deploy companions has never been somewhat difficult? So the reality is you do want it more difficult than it was before, you just refuse to admit it or are trying to cloak your argument in sheep's wool.


I do realise what exactly? That you never found it "somewhat difficult"? I don't care how easy YOU found it.

I want it to be that I can't chat and let my companion win each and every fight ( with the exception of a couple of boss fights they may supposedly die in ) without me needing to do anything.


If you are implying I could do that with my companions prior to 4.0 then you are the one "cloaking your argument in sheep's wool".

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Yes... i suppose you could get rid of the companion. however... you do not. Why? Because then you can not chat?


please define 'Somewhat difficult'. The game was not particularly difficult before the update either for there were always ways to make things easier.


Defined in my previous post.


I do not get rid of them because they are supposed to be part of the story, the thing I am actually playing this game for and which is actually really quite good.

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