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Exp is FINE Companions are FINE


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The ones who want them nerfed are such a small minority it's insane, believe me complainers are loud and that can feel like there is many of them, but there isn't.




You may see "lots" of complaining, but as some bright individuals may know there are plenty of players, new & experienced, online taking part in the game and probably thoroughly enjoying it.


Give everyone on the planet a fresh juicy peach, and statistics will show that roughly 10-15% of the entire population will dislike the peach, and complain, while the rest of the world are contently enjoying the delicious peach.


This, boys and girls, is part of Murphy's Law.


"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."


You simply cannot please everyone, it is impossible.

Edited by Kagato_Muyo
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If the companions are nerfed a bit, I won't complain even though I think about newcomers. I still have fun playing. But one thing I sure don't want to change is the XP CURVE.


Not everyone has hours to spend everyday to do stupid grinding. This xp curves allows to cater to people who have less playtime (you know, a job, family life, college....) and it doesn't prevent the other to do the harder things in game like ops etc.

If you already reached end game, OF COURSE it's easier! What were you expecting? One thing Bioware could do though is add harder stuff on ops etc for hardcore gamers, this way that would cater to everybody I guess.

Keep the xp, keep the partners this way and add optional crazy hard content for those who want a bigger challenge, I don't know how this works but I guess it should be possible no?

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The introduction of accelerated leveling bolstered the subscriber base and brought in a ton of new players. Having played SWTOR from launch, I appreciated the 12xp thing because it eliminated my need to grind every last side quest (again) just to level up. I really wish they'd have kept 12x in this new expansion (with an on/off switch) and hope to see it in the near future.
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The alliance grind is going to be incredible horrible if they nerf the companions. Its already quite dull, but manageable because of the shorter downtime between the grind.


And should they nerf the companions then all thouse H2 missions per planet while leveling will once again be forgotten. Nobody is going stand around calling out for groups. And this time they wont turn grey and easy to solo at a later time.


Everyone iv come across in swtor play the fastest way from 1 to 60 (65), and only ever really slow down during their story missions. With a mix of daily flashpoints.


I sincerely hope they wont nerf the companions.

Edited by Zhijn
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I am in no way shape or form one of these guys that goes out of their way to support swtor for the sake of just supporting it. When I see a problem I attack.


From what I have seen their is a great many people trying to formulate this expansion as a complete failure, and on that point I must disagree. I think what they did with the leveling system is to be frank is the future of mmorgps. The old leveling system has been getting old for many years now, across many games. The way they approached it was unique , and I can get behind that.


As for the companions, oh my word yes, they are insanely overpowering right. As the op said you can simply dismiss them, but their is a old game mechanic that gets in the way. One they need to remove. When ever you finish talking to a starting npc for a mission, your companion auto spawns. When ever your in a decently hard boss fight via a class story your companion auto spawns. So the only suggestion in this area is to remove or give us a option to turn off the auto spawn.


As for the npcs being too easy now, too early to tell, once I get to the more difficult planets like Hoth, voss, and belsavis then ill have a better idea.


A few other things though. Artifice and Armstech needs to have all their weapons, that they can make, be made custom not adaptive. As a adaptive weapon is fixed stat wise when equipped, and has no way of upgrading it. There by it is useless.


I noticed the devs have allowed a glitch to continue this weekend. Allowing empire to visit/pvp on certain republic worlds and visa versa. My recommendation is to make this glitch official like but with a few changes. First for Korriban and Tython make sure players 1 threw 15 can not be flagged or flag on said planets. Two turn off the entrance to the fleets, that is actually messed up. Lastly put down a shuttle somewhere that gives them access to the opposites factions worlds, but as soon as they are arrive, they are auto flag. In case the devs actually oopsed and letting this glitch slide, I will not tell you how people are doing this. As I think their is a rule against that.


Last but not least pvp needs allot of help right now. I am not going to say anymore on the subject, as pvpers have covered it 10,000 times over. So if your actually interested bioware just read the numerous threads about it in the pvp forums.

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The introduction of accelerated leveling bolstered the subscriber base and brought in a ton of new players. Having played SWTOR from launch, I appreciated the 12xp thing because it eliminated my need to grind every last side quest (again) just to level up. I really wish they'd have kept 12x in this new expansion (with an on/off switch) and hope to see it in the near future.


Exactly. Making things less of a grind is actually more fun. The people can complain about their companions. They always have an option to "dismiss companion" if it really bothers that much. I don't think this company can afford to play with fire by making things harder just as new players are coming and old ones are returning. Who actually enjoys killing the exact same mobs for hours and has fun doing that.


Not everyone can play 24/7 those can't shouldn't be punished by doing so. The companion is a hundred percent optional. Whats shocking people act like its forced on them. There's an option for people to use it who like to play casual. If you don't then simply don't use it. The entire nerf them for everyone because I don't enjoy it doesn't sit well.


Does no one remember when this game was in beta. How many people eagerly waited to play this game. Then after a while the people stopped playing. Its because they were not having fun. That in order to do the class missions you wanted to get the fun part. You had to grind for hours. For most people it wasn't worth it. That's one of the reasons the subs have dropped. Finally they are breathing new life back into the game just as they are people want make it even harder again.


Maybe there is a balance. Maybe an option to turn off companion buff for those who don't want it. Perhaps a Vendor you can speak to. It seems from experience that making the game harder is not a good business model. How many people exactly were playing the game before this new expansion. I saw more people wanting to play with x12 exp Boost. Then more people playing longer because its more fun when you don't have to grind. it is a video.


Just my take and I agree with everything you said.

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I see threads like "Too much EXP" I'm worried Bioware might somehow think they think for a majority of the fans. We have tried it the way most of you have played the endless grinding. The slow experience. What was the result of that been. It's been very bad for business.


Now you want go back to failed business model that caused this game to go under a million subs. That to people is the smart route. Lets remind people why they did this in the first place. It's because many people who been here since beta didn't like it. They quit. Now you want re-turn us to the slow grind we come to know and hate...because YOU don't like the new experience.


Companions are an option. No one is forcing you to play with them. In fact you can "dismiss companion" you don't have to play with them at all. I don't get why some people want it removed for EVERYONE even though they have an option to just not play with it. It's like "If I don't get it my way I want ruin it for everyone else"


My suspicion is that Bioware checks the subreddit for swtor as much as they do the official forums, and if that is the case, then they will see that the subreddit is the polar opposite of the official forums, and it's been nothing but high praise for the expansion.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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My suspicion is that Bioware checks the subreddit for swtor as much as they do the official forums, and if that is the case, then they will see that the subreddit is the polar opposite of the official forums, and it's been nothing but high praise for the expansion.


Bingo! We have a winner! The only negative posts I see in great numbers are here where people will complain about anything. Everywhere else I go, people are loving this expansion with a passion.

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My suspicion is that Bioware checks the subreddit for swtor as much as they do the official forums, and if that is the case, then they will see that the subreddit is the polar opposite of the official forums, and it's been nothing but high praise for the expansion.


Some people seem to be HIGHLY critiquing of this game on it's own forums and I don't understand it. If you're THAT unhappy, take a break :eek:


We, as a whole, the community, should be overall positive and supportive for the game! And yes, I have noticed on other sites as well people are LOVING this expansion. :) As they should, because it's great!

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Companions are in a strange place for me. At low ranks, they are kinda weak, but as soon as they get to rank 20 depending on their role, they become somewhat strong, especially the healer role, the tank role seems kinda weak, dps role seems good.... At rank 35... I can't pull agro away from my healer given how much it heals for. DPS becomes a bit of a glass canon... and tanking is ok... I've no idea what its like at rank 50, I'm not spending a further 2 hours sat at fleet gifting my single companion!.... but all I can say is the curve is very weird


What I will say compared to pre 4.0, at rank 10 all companions are definitely all stronger now. I think the issue is they should have translated the old 10k influence to a much higher rank... e.g. 30 and balanced it from that point not rank 10.

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Someone on another thread said put them on passive. That should work. So there is a alternative. The player gets to control them.


That's better then option to remove the buffs from everyone. If they take away the buffs now they everyone gotten used to this new casual slide in favor of more harder content to appease to a small section then they will doing a giant risk. I know if this game becomes even harder then I might not even consider stay subbed. I played this game in Beta when it first came out and stopped about a year into it. The grinding was so bad. I couldn't do it over and over again. Now I'm playing at least four different classes almost at once. It's a big improvement.

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Companions are ruined.. Hopefully they fix it else I do see this game go back under a mil subs


saw that on Wow, still going, saw that on dcuo , don't know if it's still on but it lasted quite a while after the whining at least.



Seriously, you want hyper challenge, go play Dark Souls, some Atlus shooter or custom maps on Doom, I don't know...

Well,at least that's what I do when I want to actually play something that require some skill, not a freaking mmo. If you didn't get it yet that mmos are not going to be back on the vanilla wow era where it was a hassle to even get your first mount you're deluded. And I'm all happy this era is freaking over. Because it was not challenging, it was boring.


Seriously I played Wow from vanilla to burning crusade, Dcuo, even the godawful Metin 2 and Flyff. Well, if I want a challenge, I will play a manic shooter or Serious Sam on hard mode rather than these. Why? I don't have to do the same *********** mission over and over again with the same damn skill combination over and over for hours to get one level and the chance of maybe getting enough money for buying a decent equipment , provided I'm also good at doing business in game.


So yeah , you have raids blablabla. But remember about that time you had to do that blackrock bs over and over again to gain your damn end game set with so low chances of drop? OH HELL NO I don't want that bs again.


There is a reason no mmorpg is classified as an e-sport. (maybe wow but I'm not even sure and that would be ridiculous).

Edited by Nihilkult
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saw that on Wow, still going, saw that on dcuo , don't know if it's still on but it lasted quite a while after the whining at least.



Seriously, you want hyper challenge, go play Dark Souls, some Atlus shooter or custom maps on Doom, I don't know...

Well,at least that's what I do when I want to actually play something that require some skill, not a freaking mmo. If you didn't get it yet that mmos are not going to be back on the vanilla wow era where it was a hassle to even get your first mount you're deluded. And I'm all happy this era is freaking over. Because it was not challenging, it was boring.


Seriously I played Wow from vanilla to burning crusade, Dcuo, even the godawful Metin 2 and Flyff. Well, if I want a challenge, I will play a manic shooter or Serious Sam on hard mode rather than these. Why? I don't have to do the same *********** mission over and over again with the same damn skill combination over and over for hours to get one level and the chance of maybe getting enough money for buying a decent equipment , provided I'm also good at doing business in game.


So yeah , you have raids blablabla. But remember about that time you had to do that blackrock bs over and over again to gain your damn end game set with so low chances of drop? OH HELL NO I don't want that bs again.


There is a reason no mmorpg is classified as an e-sport. (maybe wow but I'm not even sure and that would be ridiculous).


couldn't agree more. If people want a slow boring grindfest, then they should go play some korean MMOs, enjoy the endless grind till your eyes bleed.

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Can companions die now? Mine is practically invincible in dps mode, near invulnerable as a tank and is actually completely unkillable as a healer. I've pulled entire dungeons of bad guys including 10 silver and 2 gold and my healer did not die.


yes they can die, the heroic 65 kotfe content can kill a companion. They are very tough at low levels though for sure and powerful at the cap. The group content in the game is FPs and OPs everything else can be solo'd. I have no problems with it.

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What we need are some credit drop buffs...that nerf was just too ludacris.


I slightly agree. It should be able to counteract the CM whales out there. However, if less credits are being "made" by the game it should drive prices down.


Personally, I like that it is requiring more time to get credits. Farming over 300K in 20 min was kind of silly, nice, but silly.

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I remember how the game was when we didn't have any boosts from multiple legacy toons. When if if you didn't know how to play your chosen class you had a tendency to have to re-spawn on one or more occasions. Also depending on what class you played you didn't have a companion until near the end of the starter world. Even then, you didn't always start with a healer so you would have yourself and another dps to play around with and that was without any legacy boost.


That being said, I thought I wouldn't like the new level sync, but I am a big fan of it as it is. I have 16 toons and have leveled only 6 to max level. The reason being is because when I got to level 40ish, I just couldn't push myself to go thru that many quests again. Oh! Before that I had 20 toons and I decided to delete 6 of them before the last update. I have started a new toon to see what the leveling would be like and I absolutely love it. I know I will be able to get thru the 40's to 50's much faster and without quitting as it burns me out. I will level all my other toons with much more satisfaction now.


I guess I am saying that I agree that the new level sync is great and please don't nerf it. I can finally do all those quests I couldn't do before and I can enjoy my toons I left at 36 or 42. Thank you bio-ware.

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Can companions die now? Mine is practically invincible in dps mode, near invulnerable as a tank and is actually completely unkillable as a healer. I've pulled entire dungeons of bad guys including 10 silver and 2 gold and my healer did not die.


Cant do that at max level. You can get overwhelmed by mobs & die. Companions in Healing mode are NOT invincible.

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I see threads like "Too much EXP" I'm worried Bioware might somehow think they think for a majority of the fans. We have tried it the way most of you have played the endless grinding. The slow experience. What was the result of that been. It's been very bad for business.


Now you want go back to failed business model that caused this game to go under a million subs. That to people is the smart route. Lets remind people why they did this in the first place. It's because many people who been here since beta didn't like it. They quit. Now you want re-turn us to the slow grind we come to know and hate...because YOU don't like the new experience.


Companions are an option. No one is forcing you to play with them. In fact you can "dismiss companion" you don't have to play with them at all. I don't get why some people want it removed for EVERYONE even though they have an option to just not play with it. It's like "If I don't get it my way I want ruin it for everyone else"


Devs don't care about forum posts. Only bottom line matters.

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As a returning player who has just resubbed for the new expac, i love it , i also love the fact that everywhere i go there are a lot of players around again and the starter areas are so full so you actually have to wait for quest objectives to respawn because so many people are around.... thumbs ups from me.
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