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Is This Really What People Want??


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I'm not trying to get ppl to quit. But just question this 4.0. Thing don't be deceived. Decide for yourselves. Remember what I said from other replies use you heart. Ask yourselves does it feel and look like a single player game?.. That's it.


I leave with that thought.


And? WHat if it does? Vast majority plays these games as single player games with optional grouping.


You are willing to pay 15$/month for "MMO" that doesnt get any updates but youre unwilling to pay for a game that has all what MMO has without WoW crap on top of it and monthly updates. Yup, i sure dont want YOUR version of MMO, not even WoW can keep people around with YOUR version of MMO.


Sure, you make sense, go play Star Trek, its full of instances FYI, its less MMO than SWTOR lol


I like when people shoot theselves in the foot, but its one problem with saying "ill go play x" becasue if its any of AAA or near AAA MMO its not different than SWTOR.

Edited by Mikahrone
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That's cool and all but the forum only has a couple whiners and it's the same few people, everyone else is praising, not to mention the reddit and in-game having overwhelming positive responses.



And yet the server populations are plummeting and its barely a week out from the release of this 'expansion'. The numbers are easy to see on planets, in guild online and on the fleets. From what I am seeing we are below the 12x XP runup to KotFE. Harbinger went from heavy all through 12x XP at peak to standard tonight at peak and most of last weekend.


Its easy to see that we are in worse shape than before this 'expansion' . Story, BW's 4th pillar that they put all faith into, was met with a resounding NO at release by the vast majority and almost had this entire game shut down quickly. F2P keeps the server power on but for how long?


What shocks me is how quickly people tired of it.

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And yet the server populations are plummeting and its barely a week out from the release of this 'expansion'. The numbers are easy to see on planets, in guild online and on the fleets. From what I am seeing we are below the 12x XP runup to KotFE. Harbinger went from heavy all through 12x XP at peak to standard tonight at peak and most of last weekend.


Its easy to see that we are in worse shape than before this 'expansion' . Story, BW's 4th pillar that they put all faith into, was met with a resounding NO at release by the vast majority and almost had this entire game shut down quickly. F2P keeps the server power on but for how long?


What shocks me is how quickly people tired of it.




Your anecdotal evidence is just that - anecdotal.


You see how silly you look now and you should have your eyes checked. But i dont really think its your eyes, because lieing like that goes beyond simple "error" because during the weekend it was MOST of the time (almost 60%) in heavy+ state.

Edited by Mikahrone
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IMO the story in swtor is extremly good. Way better than wow's and any other mmo's story. BUT....most other games beat them in all other aspects..BUT swtor is still fun...and for me..its the place i go when i have a holiday from other games....swtor is never my "main" game and I dont think i would accept it as such..its star wars...i love star wars, but in my head its also something i loved as a kid.....and I that gets to me after a few mnts playing it.


But the combat is still fun...I would say its a slightly less fluid experience compared to wow, but the mechanics are similar. The animations are slightly better in swtor for ranged dps....ranged dps have ONE animation in WOW..THAT IS BAD!!!! I dont understand why wow has it like that, but Iguess it have to do with the 100% smooth combat in wow....1-4 animations = 100% fluid gameplay. For melee dps I would say wow is better, as I think its way to slow in swtor...BUT..


But yes...if NOT for swtor story....swtor would have been dead before birth even,.....

Edited by runar_smugler
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And yet the server populations are plummeting and its barely a week out from the release of this 'expansion'. The numbers are easy to see on planets, in guild online and on the fleets. From what I am seeing we are below the 12x XP runup to KotFE. Harbinger went from heavy all through 12x XP at peak to standard tonight at peak and most of last weekend.


Its easy to see that we are in worse shape than before this 'expansion' . Story, BW's 4th pillar that they put all faith into, was met with a resounding NO at release by the vast majority and almost had this entire game shut down quickly. F2P keeps the server power on but for how long?


What shocks me is how quickly people tired of it.


What's extra easy to see is that you have cancer.


I can diagnose these things over the internet just by eyeballing whatever information I like to think is definitive.


Never mind that my chiefest medical credential is that I'm CPR/FA certified and, many years ago in my early college years, worked as a CNA.


I have Google, oncology is a breeze.


You have cancer.


You believe me, right?


I mean... You're asking me to believe you, and I suspect you're even less qualified to speak from a position of authority on Bioware's server data than I am about cancer.


So, since we're just making crap up, I wanna play doctor.


As your WebMD (ohoho, how clever I iz), I say you have... Squamous cell carcinoma, and a herniated septum, and a ruptured aorta.


Ok? OK!


Now tell me more about the servers!


Isn't roleplaying fun!?

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Yup, I'm loving the story content and story is what I prefer the most when it comes to Star Wara: The Old Republic and games in general so this is what I can say that I wanted and I have no trouble with having the patience to wait for the rest. I also do not intend to sit around for six month doing nothing but waiting since that sounds to be quite a boring prospect so I'll be playing the game, the stories and doing other things. It'll be little different what I do in-between Telltale's episodic releases. It's more fun.


I also do not think your "read-along book" or "movie" analogy quite fits in this case since the story in the game allows you to select dialogue and certain actions which a movie usually does not and I doubt the Star Wars movie will though I remain excited to see it. I do not believe a read-along book does that either.


It may be that in-between the wait for the new chapters it could be that they'll release the content you are interested in such as pvp and operation content.

Edited by SingaSong
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God yes ..I so agree

I did the entire expansion in a night and only died twice...I'd like to think I'm JUST that good but I'd be lying.

They've defiantly turned it into a kiddie game.

Where's the challenge now ??

Then doing it a second time for my new level 60 character ... Even skipping ALL the cut scenes I nodded off twice.

IT is soooo boring.

The story is stupid too .. Really .. The devious old Emperor is cheating on the Empire we know with a younger, sexier (but somehow eternal) Empire ... So is chapter 10 'THE DIVORCE' and the empire takes all the Sith and moves home with it's mum ??

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I have to say that for the most part I do like the changes and the direction the new expansion has gone.


I do like it and want to see more of it and hope they don't nerf all the good new changes.


If I had any complaints, it'd be to do with some of the crew skill changes, but for the most part there has not been anything to really make me not want to play.

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If you're playing a BioWare game for it's gameplay, challenge, or group content, you're playing the wrong game. I play BioWare games because I like story in games, and they're the best at delivering it. If I want ANYTHING else out of an MMO, I'll go play World of Warcraft.



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You can "okaaay" all you want he's right, regarding pure gameplay there are better mmos. If it was a question of combat gameplay I would still be on dcuo which has beat'em up elements.


In terms of performance and response that's right, but you can't stab things with lightsabers in those other games and I'd label that more a 'gameplay' element than a 'story' one.

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Yup, I'm loving the story content and story is what I prefer the most when it comes to Star Wara: The Old Republic and games in general so this is what I can say that I wanted and I have no trouble with having the patience to wait for the rest. I also do not intend to sit around for six month doing nothing but waiting since that sounds to be quite a boring prospect so I'll be playing the game, the stories and doing other things. It'll be little different what I do in-between Telltale's episodic releases. It's more fun.


I also do not think your "read-along book" or "movie" analogy quite fits in this case since the story in the game allows you to select dialogue and certain actions which a movie usually does not and I doubt the Star Wars movie will though I remain excited to see it. I do not believe a read-along book does that either.


It may be that in-between the wait for the new chapters it could be that they'll release the content you are interested in such as pvp and operation content.


Except having played through it on four different characters already (and there won't be a fifth, as now I'm bored with it's single rail-driven design), outside of a couple of extremely minor NPC reaction tweaks, there is no variation to the story no matter what you choose. So, the choices really aren't all that great, and certainly don't impact the actual story in any way.


Good for a run-through or two, but not something I'm going to do on all my Legacy alts. They'll just rot at level 60.

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Put simply - yep! This is exactly what I want!


All of these changes are exactly what I want. More story, coming out episodically makes me excited for what is next.

Streamlined 1-60 is finally compelling me to play the classes that I haven't.

Level sync lets me play with friends who aren't the same level as me and still feel a slight challenge.


There aren't any changes that they've made that aren't exactly what I want!


That said - I'm a fan of Bioware's other games - and not so much other MMOs. I played the first Guild Wars excessively, although that was similar in that you could grab computer controlled companions and play through the campaign without really going through the normal MMO trappings, and I really enjoyed The Secret World. I loved the KOTOR games, and while I was initially skeptical of getting this instead of KOTOR 3, I feel like (especially with this new content) they have maybe put so much more story and content using this format than if they had released KOTOR 3 in 2011 instead.


So I'm, perhaps, a unique player case. I was never into PVP or grinding or making alts, and despised the sort of "read this sentence then get 5 wolf pelts" personality-less feel of MMOs like WOW, where the lore is mostly through reading and not directly experienced. I remember my friends joking about how side quests in SWTOR you were still ultimately getting 5 wolf pelts but had to endure a 10 minute conversation about how someones child will die without them first - but I mean... that's ultimately what I want as a player lol.

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Put simply - yep! This is exactly what I want!

So I'm, perhaps, a unique player case. I was never into PVP or grinding or making alts, and despised the sort of "read this sentence then get 5 wolf pelts" personality-less feel of MMOs like WOW, where the lore is mostly through reading and not directly experienced. I remember my friends joking about how side quests in SWTOR you were still ultimately getting 5 wolf pelts but had to endure a 10 minute conversation about how someones child will die without them first - but I mean... that's ultimately what I want as a player lol.


Nope, I don't think you're a unique player case, as I think many people are not that keen on the PvP element either or "lack of story" elements. Mind you, I do like having alts and trying things different ways.

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I'm pretty happy with 4.0. I think the companions are a touch too powerful, but I like level sync, and I like knowing that there will be a reason to play my Jedi every month.


The whole 'it's not a MMO anymore' is IMO laughable. There's still FP's, Op's, PvP and the like to do. So it's still a MMO, even if you can do some of those thing solo.

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Nope. I came to this game because EAware stated in development that this was going to be a story driven MMO. They tauted how well they understood Operations. They bragged about having "the best pvp devs in the business" working on PvP. I'm not making any of this up. Those were EAware's words during development. Just because they didn't deliver what they promise doesn't give them an excuse to just throw it all away and concentrate on one thing. I don't blame people for being upset that this game turned into a single player easy mode movie. For years, people asked this company to improve the game play in all aspects, not just story. And they failed.


For those of you who are happy that you got your SPRPG, good for you. But some of us who came into this game, excited that we would be able to finally play KOTOR, the online MMO, are getting kicked to the curb, which isn't right. But whatever. History has a way of repeating itself. Getting rid of one audience of fans for another.


I do love the story. Bioware is excellent when it comes to that aspect and I love them for it. But I hate that they are sacrificing everything else just to have story. Doesn't sit well with me at all.

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