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Overpowered companions 4.0


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I'm not a hardcore must be the uberest player at all.


I am, however, a "Legendary" player, so I have lots of bonuses.


I now find that on many of my characters, I can let my companions solo any encounter. So, for me, they're massively overpowered. It's...disheartening.

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I had my companions do the all the new chapters by themself.They even did my convo parts Also bake me a potato and took out the garbage. They won't do windows..sniff. The stories some have posted about Super companions this should fit right in there. Forgot about them wearing muscles shirts and yelling "Matt Damon: for some reason. The muscle shirt looks really silly on T-7.
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Companions overpowered....right.

My experience? No, not overpowered at all.

Maybe I am missing some bonuses somewhere, but my companions are not even close to the "god mode" some of you are claiming to have.

This^. Try grind some high level heroics and you see companions are just all right. If they are nerfed, you will spend way too much time on heroics/SF to be worth the reward.

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This got my vote.

The people who now clamor about over-powered Companions will jump immediately onto another bandwagon once they get their will and have spoiled things for those of us who are happy with how things are right now.

So I wonder what is next?

I mean... to complain that something is too easy? Come on! Anyone who wants a challenge... do not be lazy and create your own Challenge and the Game provides ample of opportunity for that.

I recently had fun watching two 60 Imp players and their Companions taking on one of the Rep Stronghold Defenders on Tatooine. Mighty surprised was I... because it took the 2 plus Comps to take the ONE NPC Defender down and it took them more then 5 minutes. Want a challenge... try this.


Just quoting you to say your sig is awesome.

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The fact that they will nerf hard and harm new players is not a good argument. Nobody wants a useless companion, they just need to balance those influence/presence buffs and make them useful but not op. Hope they manage to fix this for all players, making the game with a fair amount of challenge to everyone.
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I'm far from the "Must play hard games" type of guy as you can get I enjoy a good story over that ANY day but the current situation with companion's is ridiculous I've taken all but one ability off of qyzen and he's still overpowered his normal attacks hit like a truck I had to remove those just to actually lose hp I want the CHANCE to die atleast I don't want to be invincible. Now for those of you knucklehead's that will say put away the companion I SHOULDN'T have to that was part of my draw to the game that it was like kotor in that you had companion's. I do think though this is just a bug or glitch they haven't gotten around to addressing hopefully they do soon.
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I'm far from the "Must play hard games" type of guy as you can get I enjoy a good story over that ANY day but the current situation with companion's is ridiculous I've taken all but one ability off of qyzen and he's still overpowered his normal attacks hit like a truck I had to remove those just to actually lose hp I want the CHANCE to die atleast I don't want to be invincible. Now for those of you knucklehead's that will say put away the companion I SHOULDN'T have to that was part of my draw to the game that it was like kotor in that you had companion's. I do think though this is just a bug or glitch they haven't gotten around to addressing hopefully they do soon.


I would say...just keep playing.


I completely restarted my character since 4.0...and I will say that at low levels, companions seem OP...but as you level up, things get different.


My character is now definitely the one that takes down far more enemies than my companion. The only difference from pre 4.0 at later levels, is that you don't have to worry about gearing companions...but the gameplay is still the same. My character is still the one that destroys enemies, not my companion.

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I now find that on many of my characters, I can let my companions solo any encounter. So, for me, they're massively overpowered. It's...disheartening.


To maximize my understanding and enjoyment while minimizing my frustration, I started 4.0 at level 1. So far I would have to agree with you and those who say the Companions seem over powered. Please note that I am only lvl 32 on Nar Shaddaa right now. I have many times sent my companion to one mob while I attack another. OR I agro 4 or 5 mobs and take them all down.


However, I do not believe that it is just the companions. It is a bit more complex. I think it is a combination of the over leveling and the level sync added to the companions.

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A non-ideal, temporary, band-aid solution would be to just hit the follow button on your companions toolbar.. then they won't attack or heal or anything. Or, you can just outright unsummon them. In either case, it will prevent their wonky balance from making content too easy. You could also just unequip their weapon, which should disable their weapon-specific specials (which should be most of them) and significantly reduce their damage output.


None of these are great solutions, but would at least put some struggle back to anyone who is suffering from companions overwhelming everything in sight.

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A non-ideal, temporary, band-aid solution would be to just hit the follow button on your companions toolbar.. then they won't attack or heal or anything. Or, you can just outright unsummon them. In either case, it will prevent their wonky balance from making content too easy. You could also just unequip their weapon, which should disable their weapon-specific specials (which should be most of them) and significantly reduce their damage output.


None of these are great solutions, but would at least put some struggle back to anyone who is suffering from companions overwhelming everything in sight.


The best thing to do is to just jump in first, and destroy enemies yourself...and have FUN.


Could I sit back and let companions kill everything in 4.0? Yeah, I don't doubt that. Could I set companions on passive and jump in and kill everything myself in 4.0? Yeah, I don't doubt that...but I would rather let companions fight their fight along side me. As long as I jump in first, and fight my fight, I take out more enemies, and my character is much more impressive than my companions in doing so.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I actually find the 4.0 KotFE fun with the way it is. There still is a risk that you can get killed, and that your companion can't heal you quick enough (I, however have not tried being a healer to a companion damage / tank so I have no opinion on the reverse yet).


No more fretting if your loot is good for your companions, no more buying mods for companion slotted armor / weapons, and being able to play content you skip because it was kicking your *** every time.

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Hi all,


Sorry if this is being talked about elsewhere but I can't find another topic.


Why are companions severely overpowered now? I'm on Dromund Kaas and my companion (Mako, as a healer) has almost 3x as much health as I do.


Going to be like the Slot Machine come Tuesday.....I can feel a disturbance in the Force! :jawa_evil:

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I love the way the game is right now. I'm really happy to be back and I want to enjoy all the awesome story content there is. I like the way companions are and I don't think they are OP. If you want more pve challenge you can just not use your companion, maybe. Or unequip the weapon. Just my 2 cents. Edited by YodaHardstyle
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so the same ppl whining about lvl sync reduce the players lvl on mid/low lvl planets are now moaning because Companions give them back their pre 4.0 godmode?....


are u guys actually doing the new alliance stuff? w/o powerfull comps its an endless grind.


at least u could ask for adjustment instead of an nerf. and we all know how hard the Dev`s nerf hammer will hit if once wielded.

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The current companions are much too strong for the difficulty of content that is out there. Either the companions need to be tuned down, or the content difficulty tuned up. Personally I think the first is in order considering that companions are (stat wise) stronger than player characters right now.


It is not only that the content becomes too easy, but that the strength of your companions stands in no relation to the strength of character (as mentioned above). 1 companions now equals 2 player characters. They have so much more HP, Mastery, and other secondary and tertiary stats. This is not just prevalent when you are level-synced but starts as soon as you get your first companions. When you do the heroic quests on the starter planets, you can sit down on the ground while your lvl 8, rank 1 companion completely obliterates multiple groups of heroics at the same time without breaking a sweat.


Sure, those of us who like our game with at least a little bit of challenge could opt not to take out our companions. But what fun is that? Companions are an integral part of the story and the game and it should never be the case that you have to forgo using a companion just so heroic content becomes challenging again (note: non-heroic content is a breeze even without a companion). Heroic content should be heroic. If you want to breeze through the game and never die? Stick to solo content. But for heroics; this needs to be more challenging. And I am not saying increase the challenge to HM content, locking out half the game's population from completing it. But it has to be more challenging than it is now so that it, at least, feels like heroic content again. Right now, my companions can solo everything while I make soup downstairs in my kitchen.


As someone in this thread mentioned before me: this disparity between companion strength and (heroic) content difficulty is taking all the challenge out of the game, and with it a sense of achievement and fun after beating it.

Edited by Iryfindel
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BW please consider a change.


With companions so strong, there's so sense of achievement when completing the adventures. The game plays itself sort of. I can do nothing and my companion kill all the stuff


War on spice heroic on Tat, wanted to see how far bioware went on companion capabilities......

I pulled the entire room, killed all enemies in the room, at the end of it, Lana was at 75% and I was at 60%.

Yeah, that should just not happen.

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To maximize my understanding and enjoyment while minimizing my frustration, I started 4.0 at level 1. So far I would have to agree with you and those who say the Companions seem over powered. Please note that I am only lvl 32 on Nar Shaddaa right now. I have many times sent my companion to one mob while I attack another. OR I agro 4 or 5 mobs and take them all down.


However, I do not believe that it is just the companions. It is a bit more complex. I think it is a combination of the over leveling and the level sync added to the companions.


Companions were like that before 4.0 if you got all the Presence datacrons and had legacy presence buffs and you put them in gear. They could easily solo the planets up to Alderaan with all of the above. Alderaan things started to get tougher.


My girlfriend and I used to use our companions to replace people in HM FPs at 60. The only one that was too hard for this was HM Blood Hunt because you needed DPS with brains to get the adds fast enough.


Companions aren't any more powerful than they were before, you need to stop comparing max legacy buffs on lowbie planets as being relevant to saying companions are OP. They were OP before 4.0 in the same exact places and circumstances, the only difference now is you don't need to gear them they come with gear by default. Where you all need to go is 60+ heroics and content and compare. They won't feel so powerful then.

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War on spice heroic on Tat, wanted to see how far bioware went on companion capabilities......

I pulled the entire room, killed all enemies in the room, at the end of it, Lana was at 75% and I was at 60%.

Yeah, that should just not happen.


Try doing the Oricon Heroic with the 2 commanders in the center on the Dread Fortress Bridge. Or have your companion go tackle the Revanite Walkers. Or do the Makeb Heroics. Of course companions are going to be overpowered on a lowbie planet with a legacy with a lot of buffs, they were since 1.0 if you bothered to keep their gear up to date.


Really everyone that's complaining, try doing content on your mains at level and seeing how they are, presence has a lot more power at lower levels than higher levels. Judging by my results in the Black Hole, they are half of a decent player worth of DPS or heals at high level content.


Set bonuses, skill rotations and procs should vastly outproduce what a companion with 5 abilities can do, not to mention they are all power heavy and low on crit and surge relative to a properly geared player. In other words, they are in the equivalent of comm gear, high endurance, high power, pretty much even spread between the tertiary stats, 2/1/1 crit/acc/ala. Seriously, if you are getting out-dps'd or out-healed by your companion, you need to learn how to play your class because you are doing something wrong.

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Try doing the Oricon Heroic with the 2 commanders in the center on the Dread Fortress Bridge. Or have your companion go tackle the Revanite Walkers. Or do the Makeb Heroics. Of course companions are going to be overpowered on a lowbie planet with a legacy with a lot of buffs, they were since 1.0 if you bothered to keep their gear up to date.


Really everyone that's complaining, try doing content on your mains at level and seeing how they are, presence has a lot more power at lower levels than higher levels. Judging by my results in the Black Hole, they are half of a decent player worth of DPS or heals at high level content.


Set bonuses, skill rotations and procs should vastly outproduce what a companion with 5 abilities can do, not to mention they are all power heavy and low on crit and surge relative to a properly geared player. In other words, they are in the equivalent of comm gear, high endurance, high power, pretty much even spread between the tertiary stats, 2/1/1 crit/acc/ala. Seriously, if you are getting out-dps'd or out-healed by your companion, you need to learn how to play your class because you are doing something wrong.


Not in the slightest, when your companions basic attack does more damage (or the same damage) as your 14 second cool down big attacks you know something is broken.

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It's funny, because at level 3 on my new BH my HK51 isn't more powerful than me. Then again, I "only" have the presence bonus from before the patch on him, influence level is 1.


In comparison my T7 on my other JK on Taris is at influence 16. He wrecks house, but even then it's not nearly as easy as the emotional hyperbole and hysteria from the usual suspects would suggest. You and the comp can still die easily if you mess up.


Also funny how nobody ever mentions their influence levels. Oh yeah, that'd be a fact, we can't have facts. We need emotions and screaming instead.


So what we see here is really a fringe minority trying to sell their subjective opinions as fact, garnished with lots and lots of hyperbole and huge amount of screaming.


Here's a novel idea: try a different, more rational approach, maybe? No? Okay. Keep screaming, it's entertaining watching such people flail aimlessly.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Not in the slightest, when your companions basic attack does more damage (or the same damage) as your 14 second cool down big attacks you know something is broken.


But they don't.


Black Hole Daily, Kovic fight, using StarParse:


Concentrated Slice: 7230 biggest hit, 10765 total damage

Focused Burst: 5092 biggest hit, 10027 total damage

Dispatch: 5246, single use

Zealous Leap: 4027, single use

Force Exhaustion: 3593 total damage, 2 uses

Sunder Strike: 2380. single use

Force Leap: 2168, single use

Blade Storm: 2041, single use

Saber Throw: 1663, single use



Finishing Strike: 4888 single use

Pummel: 4038, 3677, 2354

Whirlwind Strike: 1037, 1001

Melee Attack: 811 biggest, 11 hits between 530-490 averaging about 515-520.

Force Crush: 678x3, 431x7


Base attack did 800 damage for a biggest hit, you're doing something wrong if they are out-dpsing you.


PS. My commando finished the same fight with Yuun and got higher DPS, 2100 versus 1700 I did on my guardian. Yuun's damage was similar to Kira's, in fact only a few points difference between any particular type of ability. But I still did almost 47k off the boss's hp, Yuun did less than half that.

Edited by Draqsko
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The is a lot of hyperbole flying about over the companions but nobody who is screaming about them being OP is mentioning what presence bonus they hove on these low level toons, or what their influence level is at. A brand new player on a new account with no legacy bonuses, no account wide datacrons, low influence and low presence is going to have an entirely different experience than the old hands who are in here screaming that their 30th alt is wiping the floor in low level content, neglecting to mention that it is due to all their accumulated bonuses from legacy etc.


It seems nobody bothered to read the detailed explanation of how companions work now and how having all those bonuses built up is going to power up the companions for low level alts etc. It was all there if you bothered to read it and take the time to understand the implications. They even talked about how companions of low level alts before 4.0 were hilariously overpowered due to all the bonuses. That did not change significantly because new players without all those bonuses would get slaughtered.


I personally like having powerful companions, the whole story/lore is that these are supposed to be allies and friends who are perfectly capable of standing on their own, some of them are legendary beings in their own right such as Lord Scourge, they should be potent friends standing by your side, nearly your equal, not hiding behind you and being incapable of handling opponents without your help.


If you want a hard experience, leave your companion on the ship, wear crap gear and solo the stuff. You have that option. You are still going to be OP at low level because of all the account wide datacrons.


I like not having to worry about keeping my companions all geared up and I like being able to use which ever companion I want rather than the one that is most effective. I find I am switching companions a lot more now and enjoying having different ones out and hearing different comments. And I like having companions that in heal mode are as effective as running with my friend who plays a healer. healer companions are now actually as effective as running with a player healer.

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