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Overpowered companions 4.0


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You have no idea what nerf means, rofl.

My advice for people who dont like facerolling content is, cancel your sub. I did. There are better things to do then artificially gimping toon becouse some idiots like to fart through game content.




Oh i see... YOU dont need a challange. Maybe instead of ruining game for normal people, players like you shoud just buy level 60 toon.


Right, because people that don't agree with you aren't normal. Internet arguments, as usual :)


I don't mind the powerful companions. Regular solo pve content was easy already, and the way companions are now lets me 2-man 4-player content if I want a challenge.


As usual, people make a big deal out of nothing at every little change. This is the internet, where everyone feels they should shove their opinions down everyone else's throats :)

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The guys asking for nerfs are the usual MMO elitists minority, they always believe that since it's easy for them it should be made harder for everyone...


They hide their true purpose behind "wanting a challenge" which is is a lie, since if that were the case there are many ways to challenge *yourself* in any game.


Here's the truth of why they ask to make things hard for everyone: they feel only *they* should be able to solo the harder content and now that everyone can they feel diminished.

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The guys asking for nerfs are the usual MMO elitists minority, they always believe that since it's easy for them it should be made harder for everyone...


They hide their true purpose behind "wanting a challenge" which is is a lie, since if that were the case there are many ways to challenge *yourself* in any game.


Here's the truth of why they ask to make things hard for everyone: they feel only *they* should be able to solo the harder content and now that everyone can they feel diminished.


What are you on about,

Never been an elitist in any game, or " Only *they* should be able to solo the harder content and now that everyone can they feel diminished" huh? wot?

Dont want an NPC playing the game for me, doesn't even feel like I need to expend one iota of effort anymore,

Not too much to ask for keeping players immersed in the game while fighting mobs.

Edited by goodnamebro
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What are you on about,

Never been an elitist in any game,

Dont want an NPC playing the game for me, doesn't even feel like I need to expend one iota of effort anymore,

Not too much to ask for keeping players immersed while fighting mobs.


Don't want an NPC to play the game for you? Don't AFK then.


Heals too OP for your taste? Don't use him in heal mode, or does it break "immersion" to challenge yourself?


You're asking the devs to what you could do yourself and screw other players at the same time...

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i may be over simplifying and not sure if mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but you do have the option of turning down some of those skills available to the companion. If the skill has a green square in corner you can right click to deactivate - you can still use the skills but manually. Just remove some healing skills or shield and there you go.. increased dificulty... i did it.
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The guys asking for nerfs are the usual MMO elitists minority, they always believe that since it's easy for them it should be made harder for everyone...


Who said make it harder for everyone? If Bioware can put in some kind of adjustable system so you can have your walking tour and I can have my game, that's fine with me. I don't care about you, but I don't want anybody else to suffer if they don't have to. I'd just rather Bioware change companion power back to around the way it was than leave it as it is, but those don't necessarily have to be the only two possibilities.

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We are only companions now...Our companions are the main character/hero/


The funny thing is in instances we have the extra droid to help out..but he's not even needed cause our companions can solo them.

Edited by Ghoste
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i may be over simplifying and not sure if mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but you do have the option of turning down some of those skills available to the companion. If the skill has a green square in corner you can right click to deactivate - you can still use the skills but manually. Just remove some healing skills or shield and there you go.. increased dificulty... i did it.


i take that back, i disabled the shield preventative measures and kolto quick scan, both.. and still i couldnt die... i went afk and made a sandwich and he healed me through a few gold stars and other mobs no prob with 1 heal... lol.

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Lana Beniko - Rank 50 - Buffed


DPS role:


105,817 HP

5273 - 5288 Damage


Tank role:


122,499 HP

3862-3877 Damage

D'oh. I measured mine at level 60 before starting the 4.0 story.


I should get Forex back soon and I'll check his stats then. I'm sure it'll be the same as yours.

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I don't see why people think downgrading the companions a little would render them useless.


My Sage has 4.8k health. Qyzen has over double my health and double my Master/Endurance at influence rank 9. C2 and Nico also have extremely high stats at rank 1 and rank 4, respectively.


I want useful comps, sure, but I also don't want the game to freaking play itself for me. Comps shouldn't be soloing FP bosses or healing you so good you take almost zero damage. That's just too much. They need balanced out. It's not even fun.

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The scale on the companions appears to be either bugged, or ridiculous.


We're seeing HP totals on companions for the same level and role ranging from what, 55k to over 130k?


No wonder people can't agree on whether companions are "OP". they're barely even talking about the same companions, in effect.

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The scale on the companions appears to be either bugged, or ridiculous.


We're seeing HP totals on companions for the same level and role ranging from what, 55k to over 130k?


No wonder people can't agree on whether companions are "OP". they're barely even talking about the same companions, in effect.

It's probably how much +Presence you have. With M1-4X at 250k influence, I've got 3646 presence.

Edited by Khevar
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D'oh. I measured mine at level 60 before starting the 4.0 story.


I should get Forex back soon and I'll check his stats then. I'm sure it'll be the same as yours.

So yeah, here were my final numbers:


Tank stats:

122,436 hp

3893-3926 Damage (Pri)


DPS stats:

105,763 hp

5303-5336 Damage (Pri)


He also pulled 5664 dps on a 5-minute training dummy fight. :cool:

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I like it because it helps me play while one arm and hand heal up and rehab. Bad wounds and shrapnel one one side of my body. I can't move and fight like I used to. Its not a crutch (per say) but it helps. A toggle would be awesome.
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Great, can you hand out some examples of games where you do not need to do anything?

Yeah, Guild Wars 1, if you had all heroes unlocked and decent gear on them you could basically c-space through most content, even hard mode, with my own skill bar empty.

Edited by nimmerstil
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Hi all,


Why are companions severely overpowered now? I'm on Dromund Kaas and my companion (Mako, as a healer) has almost 3x as much health as I do.


If you want companions that can't DPS, can't heal, and can't stay alive then try EQ2. You can have all the companions you want that won't go into battle, attack everything in sight, can't head to save YOUR life, and are always DEAD then you have to wait 2 min before you can recall them. Is that what you want? I am very happy with the companions in KOTFE. You should be able to sent you compainon to fight one mob while you fight another. After all they are the same level as you they have top of the line gear like you, they have skills like you. They can now hold their own with out you having to come save their butts all the time. So what is the problem?


Go get some Cheese and Crackers to go with your Whyne...

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