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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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i wish people would stop saying this....its more fun to do it with a group

Then do them with a group. Why is that even an issue? What does level sync have to do with that?


mmos are supposed to be somewhat social but now since you can solo everything even bt its antisocial ll

No, MMOs are "supposed" to be about whatever the player wants them to be about. For you, apparently, they are "supposed" to be about grouping. For others they are about dressing characters. For others they are about amassing in-game money.

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So I just recently returned to the game. I didn't realize things were so streamlined that you were functionally expected to JUST do the class story and no side missions. I was 13th level by the time I left Tython. I was 18th level by the time I got to Ord Mantell, and noticed I was leveled back down to 12th. Admitting I'm carrying around a couple of powerful color gems in my sabers, which add to most things dying in 1 to 2 hits, it still 'feels" almost too easy. When I was level- and gear-appropriate during the Prologue, I had to use most of my abilities. Now a quick double-saber whack to generate some Focus, take out packs of mobs, and dash on (if I don't mount up).


There's something to be said for the ability to toggle this feature off. It would let people who want to dash through the game do so, and let others who want a level-appropriate experience also have that. I can't see any real harm in making this a toggle-able option, save the possible amount of work it may take devs to implement a feature like that.

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There's something to be said for the ability to toggle this feature off. It would let people who want to dash through the game do so, and let others who want a level-appropriate experience also have that.

In the part of your post I did not quote, you said that even with level sync on Ord Mantell, you were done in 2 whacks. So this is about being able to do it in 1 whack instead of 2? :confused:

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In the part of your post I did not quote, you said that even with level sync on Ord Mantell, you were done in 2 whacks. So this is about being able to do it in 1 whack instead of 2? :confused:


I have a suspicion that has a lot more to do with the gems I have in my lightsabers than anything else. I may try to get my hands on a couple of similar sabers with default gems and see what mobs on OM are like.


I hadn't initially planned on putting in powerful gems; I wanted a different color for my sabers (which were both yellow/gold), and a very generous offer from a guildmate was made, but there were some high stats which came with them. I didn't have the 100k+ it takes to buy color gems on my realm's GTN (I was honestly STAGGERED at what things cost on my GTN).

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I have a suspicion that has a lot more to do with the gems I have in my lightsabers than anything else. I may try to get my hands on a couple of similar sabers with default gems and see what mobs on OM are like.


I hadn't initially planned on putting in powerful gems; I wanted a different color for my sabers (which were both yellow/gold), and a very generous offer from a guildmate was made, but there were some high stats which came with them. I didn't have the 100k+ it takes to buy color gems on my realm's GTN (I was honestly STAGGERED at what things cost on my GTN).


Recent change in artificing changed it so that all crystals have what used to be "end-game" stats (+41 stat bonus); at least for artifice-made crystals. CC crystals have always had +41 stats. Now that I think about it, I don't think they explicitly said whether things like the Black/Green Crystals you can buy with THORN tickets were changed.

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I do the heroic 2s on 2-5 characters a week depending on my mood because I collect the Remnant armor and I'm stock piling companion gifts... I have to say, I really don't notice level sync.


I will say this, it was really nice being able to level 1-65 in the original 1-50 content... I really don't care to see anymore of Makeb or SoR when leveling.

Edited by SirUrza
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  • 2 weeks later...
Know I'm a little late to the discussion guys, but I gotta say, I HAAATE level synch with a BURNING PASSION.:mad: Now every time i get queued for an FP i gotta worry about whether or not im stuck with some noob who doesn't know what the hell they're doing. Having sync on a planet is retarded and completely defeats the purpose of leveling. A level 65 shouldn't HAVE to worry about possibly being ganked by anything 30 levels below them. So yea all you guys claiming to buy into this level synch crap, stop lying. There's nothing beneficial about it. All it does is make the game devs lazy to create new stuff like fp's and such because why should they? Especially when they can just bump every old one up to 65? A level 65 SHOULD BE ABLE to pimp slap ANY NUMBER of level5s Simultaneously without the slightest SMIDGEN of concern. Level synch is ridic. Only benefits of sync I can MAYBE envision are from pvp, which I couldn't care less about. Level sync is basically like giving everyone, even sucky players handouts or participation trophies. End it BW. It's the sane thing to do.
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Know I'm a little late to the discussion guys, but I gotta say, I HAAATE level synch with a BURNING PASSION.:mad: Now every time i get queued for an FP i gotta worry about whether or not im stuck with some noob who doesn't know what the hell they're doing.


Wasn't that a possibility before level-sync though? There are always going to be clueless players.

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Know I'm a little late to the discussion guys, but I gotta say, I HAAATE level synch with a BURNING PASSION.:mad: Now every time i get queued for an FP i gotta worry about whether or not im stuck with some noob who doesn't know what the hell they're doing. Having sync on a planet is retarded and completely defeats the purpose of leveling. A level 65 shouldn't HAVE to worry about possibly being ganked by anything 30 levels below them. So yea all you guys claiming to buy into this level synch crap, stop lying. There's nothing beneficial about it. All it does is make the game devs lazy to create new stuff like fp's and such because why should they? Especially when they can just bump every old one up to 65? A level 65 SHOULD BE ABLE to pimp slap ANY NUMBER of level5s Simultaneously without the slightest SMIDGEN of concern. Level synch is ridic. Only benefits of sync I can MAYBE envision are from pvp, which I couldn't care less about. Level sync is basically like giving everyone, even sucky players handouts or participation trophies. End it BW. It's the sane thing to do.

Dude, if my 65 trooperette main goes to a planet with level 5s, she's synced to level 12 ('coz it's Tython or Ord Mantell), and she splatterfies them in unlimited quantities, even without Lana around. On Ord Mantell, only one critter takes two hits, the Champion Savrip(1). If you can't do this, you doing something absolutely wrong.


So, like it or not, it's here to stay, and it hasn't had the slightest impact worth fussing about. When it was introduced, I went from being able to kill the Champion Savrip in 2 basic attacks to needing maybe 2 or 3 heavy abilities. Big whoop.


(1) Maybe the named foes for the cheevos, but in general there's really nothing except the H2s that make going to Ord Mantell worth her while. She did *all* the quests and opened *all* of the map and found *all* of the datacrons nearly three years ago, but three trivial H2s in the same place (back in the pre-4.0 era, three trivial H2s that dropped 3 basic commendations EACH!) is worth doing, just barely. (Actually, it isn't, because the crystals are no longer useful for her.)

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A level 65 shouldn't HAVE to worry about possibly being ganked by anything 30 levels below them..


If a level 65 gets ganked by someone 30 levels below them they suck and would have lost even harder if the playing field was even. Level sync may make a level 35 slightly more viable against a level 65, but it doesn't make them anything near equal. That level 65 is going to have access to all of their abilities while the level 35 won't, not to mention being better geared. You're only going to lose to someone far below you in level in open world PVP if you absolutely suck at it.

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Dude, if my 65 trooperette main goes to a planet with level 5s, she's synced to level 12 ('coz it's Tython or Ord Mantell), and she splatterfies them in unlimited quantities, even without Lana around. On Ord Mantell, only one critter takes two hits, the Champion Savrip(1). If you can't do this, you doing something absolutely wrong.


So, like it or not, it's here to stay, and it hasn't had the slightest impact worth fussing about. When it was introduced, I went from being able to kill the Champion Savrip in 2 basic attacks to needing maybe 2 or 3 heavy abilities. Big whoop.



so basically what you just said is BW went through all the hassle to code and implement down leveling and it really did do jack but make gamers press 3 buttons instead of 1 or 2 while killing crappy mobs and grinding. Sorry but the game didn't need that BS.


Hell, that alone makes me want to toggle it off and never turn it on again. It might be here to stay but I do not like it at all. Both for how useless it is and because it wasn't made optional.

Edited by Quraswren
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the worst part about this game and the main reason I was unsubscribed for more than a year was that I would visit earlier planets and I would kill things before the animation of my skills would even get through a single frame. When I heard about level synching I re subscribed and I have been here since, not going anywhere. Single best thing they have ever done with the game, I cant even imagine why anyone wouldnt think so.
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so basically what you just said is BW went through all the hassle to code and implement down leveling and it really did do jack but make gamers press 3 buttons instead of 1 or 2 while killing crappy mobs and grinding. Sorry but the game didn't need that BS.


Hell, that alone makes me want to toggle it off and never turn it on again. It might be here to stay but I do not like it at all. Both for how useless it is and because it wasn't made optional.


They went through the effort so that you could be injured by the mobs on low-level planets, so they could use those low-level planets for end-game content. Such as Heroics for alliance grind, and for the shield bunkers. I hope they're going to do more with that.

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so basically what you just said is BW went through all the hassle to code and implement down leveling and it really did do jack but make gamers press 3 buttons instead of 1 or 2 while killing crappy mobs and grinding. Sorry but the game didn't need that BS.


Hell, that alone makes me want to toggle it off and never turn it on again. It might be here to stay but I do not like it at all. Both for how useless it is and because it wasn't made optional.

That's not quite what I'm saying. Starter worlds are a special case, because you get synced to level 12, while mobs will be anywhere from level 1 to level 12. (And the K'lor slugs that people whined about on Korriban - "it's so crap that my level 65 uber-Darth can get killed by a K'lor slug" - are all at the lower end of this range, and pose even less of a threat to a 65 synced to 12 than they do to a genuine level 12 character.)


But it's what you expect. Genuine level 12 characters are OP for most of a starter world, actually. Where sync becomes more interesting is worlds further along the progression, places like Voss and Corellia, where the power difference between the strongest mobs and the weakest is smaller.

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That's not quite what I'm saying. Starter worlds are a special case, because you get synced to level 12, while mobs will be anywhere from level 1 to level 12. (And the K'lor slugs that people whined about on Korriban - "it's so crap that my level 65 uber-Darth can get killed by a K'lor slug" - are all at the lower end of this range, and pose even less of a threat to a 65 synced to 12 than they do to a genuine level 12 character.)


But it's what you expect. Genuine level 12 characters are OP for most of a starter world, actually. Where sync becomes more interesting is worlds further along the progression, places like Voss and Corellia, where the power difference between the strongest mobs and the weakest is smaller.


Starter worlds and capital worlds. Nar Shadaa starts to get interesting under level sync, and beyond that you can die by being passively non-optimal, instead of actively stupid. The chapter 2 worlds I can get through a full opening rotation against golds and some silvers with a 65 DPS, and even alderaan can get a little interesting in the bonus area heroic zones (though that's mainly because of group size, rather than individual mob performance).

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While I don't mind Level sync (yes i do miss being Higher Level but then again , there are others MMO where there is a Level Sync . Guild Wars 2 does it well ) . I do not like the fact that we Level so fast . It is insane . And before the 'But Level Sync ya don't need to worry Blah Blah'' ..


I outlevel my gear !!!!! and now companions don't need to be geared At all (yet they raised the cap of the comm..what the hell for ????) . And they cut so many side quest off . And the game is far easy (it was never Hard , unless you run Naked) but this is ridiculous . A game should feel balanced . It shouldnt be awfuly challenging but it shouldn't be Ding Ding you are Level 20 right away !


There should be some balance here . At this point , it feel like they are speeding players to Ding Ding to 65 so they start Kotfe if they don't buy a Token . I don't see any reason then that .

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While I don't mind Level sync (yes i do miss being Higher Level but then again , there are others MMO where there is a Level Sync . Guild Wars 2 does it well ) . I do not like the fact that we Level so fast . It is insane . And before the 'But Level Sync ya don't need to worry Blah Blah'' ..


I outlevel my gear !!!!! and now companions don't need to be geared At all (yet they raised the cap of the comm..what the hell for ????) . And they cut so many side quest off . And the game is far easy (it was never Hard , unless you run Naked) but this is ridiculous . A game should feel balanced . It shouldnt be awfuly challenging but it shouldn't be Ding Ding you are Level 20 right away !


There should be some balance here . At this point , it feel like they are speeding players to Ding Ding to 65 so they start Kotfe if they don't buy a Token . I don't see any reason then that .


I love the the faster levelling, because it means I get to spend more time learning my "final" skillset. Most classes don't get anywhere close to all the skillset they need to properly use their powers until late-game; and the more time I get to use the final rotations and skills, the better I will be for end-game content. With planetary mob drops being scaled to your level, you're going to be able to keep up with your gear needs as you progress simply from trash drops, or you can take a crafting skill (armor, weapons, or cybertech would be my suggestion).


They haven't removed many (if any) actual quests - though they've made some harder to stumble upon. But, yes, they do want to speed you through the original content, because they do want you to be able to play the new stuff. If you want to stop and smell the roses/do all the side quests, level sync will help there, since you will always get rewards (XP, drops, credits) proportional to your actual level; so you're not losing ground there by dawdling.


Finally, as for the difficulty level, see my .sig.

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They went through the effort so that you could be injured by the mobs on low-level planets, so they could use those low-level planets for end-game content. Such as Heroics for alliance grind, and for the shield bunkers. I hope they're going to do more with that.


Oh thats right. They went through the effort of forced down leveling so they didn't have to make much of anything new and we could grind launch content again. How did I not see that as amazing other than it's not amazing to still be grinding launch content and the shield bunkers were so small they had to make you do it 6 times so you'd member doing them at all.


All of which could be done without down leveling given down leveling didn't make them harder or more entertaining. It just ensured you waste a few more global CD's per mob.


So in my eyes. Still not a reason to make down leveling turned on all the time. It should have never been released till it had a toggle system attached to it.


You want to grind this old content and run with someone else, waste a bit more time and still get EXP? Toggle it on. You want to keep doing it as you have since launch? Toggle it off.


You want to kill a world boss? Have it spawn to the group members level who tag it. You're not in the group? Oh well, nightmare pilgrim has a debuff to handle that. Put it on world bosses and keep that scenario integrity.


Other than to rehash old content, I can't see a solid reason down leveling shouldn't have a toggle on/off and to be honest down leveling to do rehashed content. Waffle stomp it or slog through it, it was weak content to start with. A toggle system wouldn't have changed enough to matter.

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A toggle button is never going to happen. Best case scenario they remove it all together, worse case they'll leave it as is.


They're not going to remove level sync as long as they send end-game characters to old planets on end-game level missions to get level-appropriate rewards (Heroics, Qyzen's recruitment, Star Fortress shield bunkers, what have you).


We've had level sync since October, and the dire predictions from pre-4.0 didn't come to pass. The arguments against basically boil down to "I don't want to have to engage the game at all to get rewards." With the change to mobs dropping level-appropriate loot, and the (apparent, undocumented) change to speeders such that you only get dismounted by certain CC, there really isn't much other basis for arguing against left.


It's not going to get a toggle for the same reasons as it's not going away, plus it would be a maintenance nightmare.

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They're not going to remove level sync as long as they send end-game characters to old planets on end-game level missions to get level-appropriate rewards (Heroics, Qyzen's recruitment, Star Fortress shield bunkers, what have you).


We've had level sync since October, and the dire predictions from pre-4.0 didn't come to pass. The arguments against basically boil down to "I don't want to have to engage the game at all to get rewards." With the change to mobs dropping level-appropriate loot, and the (apparent, undocumented) change to speeders such that you only get dismounted by certain CC, there really isn't much other basis for arguing against left.


It's not going to get a toggle for the same reasons as it's not going away, plus it would be a maintenance nightmare.


I agree. I personally like level sync, makes the lower level content more fun again.

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