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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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something being good or bad for a game is completely subjective. you are continually deriding anyone for offering any opinion that isn't yours and parading it as seeing the glass half full or half empty.


just because someone doesnt like certain aspects, it doesnt mean they were predisposed to do so, nor does it mean they dislike everything, or will dislike anything in the future. you're simply writing them off because they don't agree with you as if to say they are ignoring some absolute truth.


this is a place for discussion; people will like and dislike different things. opinions either way doesn't make them better or worse.


Thank you Captain Obvious for pointing out the people's opinions are subjective, including my own. Stop making this into an argument. I said what was needed.

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please no namecalling as thats against the forum rules


I support the game as it goes on. I give it where it's needed. Deal with it. That's who I am, that's who I always have been. If I support something, I will stand by it fully dead on hardcore. That's what I do. Who I am in life. Misunderstandings or opinions aside, have a nice day Pagy, I did not mean to upset you. Enjoy what you can :)

Edited by Sarfux
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something being good or bad for a game is completely subjective. you are continually deriding anyone for offering any opinion that isn't yours and parading it as seeing the glass half full or half empty.


just because someone doesnt like certain aspects, it doesnt mean they were predisposed to do so, nor does it mean they dislike everything, or will dislike anything in the future. you're simply writing them off because they don't agree with you as if to say they are ignoring some absolute truth.


this is a place for discussion; people will like and dislike different things. opinions either way doesn't make them better or worse.


Indeed. Personally, there have been quite a few changes to the game of late that I thought were pretty good. I also like the idea of syncing/downleveling/mentoring and believe that it is needed in every MMO, including this one. However, BW's implementation of the system is a quick and easy half-assed method. It has already been discussed ad nauseum, so I won't repeat those debates here - but until both the syncing and the increased level gains for the "critical path" get an optional "off switch" then I will not support the game, nor play it as both directly negatively impact my enjoyment of the game, and I will stand by that stance hardcore because that's who I am as a gamer.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Gotta agree with OP. Don't get me wrong i see the benefits of having level sync, but not everyone wants to be forced to be considered "equal" on lower leveled planets. As a level 65, i thought that was the point of gaining level, so you wouldn't be considered equal. I don't think they should take the feature away but they should make it optional instead of forcing it on the players.
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I hated the idea of this when it first came out. After a reasonable amount of time I am still under the impression that this is one of the worst features in the game. If there is one aspect of this game that will make me unsub, its level-sync.
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Then what's the point of level sync?



The Alliance grind (the only thing that currently constitutes a new endgame for this expansion) is almost entirely based on doing old heroics.


It was never about challenge, or immersion, or balancing PVP.


As barely tolerable as it is though, it could always be worse.

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The Alliance grind (the only thing that currently constitutes a new endgame for this expansion) is almost entirely based on doing old heroics.


It was never about challenge, or immersion, or balancing PVP.


As barely tolerable as it is though, it could always be worse.


This, in part.


Lvl sync serves two purposes.


First, Story: we are supposed to be liberating the old planets. It would make no sense for the story if the liberation of planets was a steamroll simply becuse you are level 65 and the target of you liberation is 40 levels lower than you. There would be no drama to the story.


Second, $$$$: Now of course creating level sync cost money but it allowed them to use existing content and only need to make a story and what amounts to one instance in two different forms. While simply designing the story isn't a huge effort the QA for the decision wheels is actually pretty intensive. Plus the redesign of the companions was likely not simple. So they saved money achieving #1

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This, in part.


Lvl sync serves two purposes.


First, Story: we are supposed to be liberating the old planets. It would make no sense for the story if the liberation of planets was a steamroll simply becuse you are level 65 and the target of you liberation is 40 levels lower than you. There would be no drama to the story.


Second, $$$$: Now of course creating level sync cost money but it allowed them to use existing content and only need to make a story and what amounts to one instance in two different forms. While simply designing the story isn't a huge effort the QA for the decision wheels is actually pretty intensive. Plus the redesign of the companions was likely not simple. So they saved money achieving #1



Speaking for myself only (not trolling). This isn't about what purpose lv sync serves (been there, done that and know the drill), it's about the part where I'm FORCED, as in not voluntary, to play this game synced. Just think about pre 4.0 and consider the current change that's been FORCED into this game, that's all I'm saying and that's also your choice to consider/think about/etc.




*(in general) nobody likes being FORCED to do anything. If it's not voluntary, it's a dictatorship and if it's a dictatorship, then there's no freedom*

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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I think it is also offered so that the credits in the game are "slowed." What I mean is that a lvl 60 could roll through any content and not have a problem. No repair bill, easy credits, etc.


Now people have to play their class correctly (sometimes, rarely even still) and that slows people down.

Less credits means things are more expensive means CC is a better option :rak_03:

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I love how people come out and argue about making options in the game for others...


Op makes an optional suggestion then out they come, no no can't have that it'd make it easier for you... I dont care that I don't have to toggle it!


Seriously, they have made a point and a good one, it should be optional, ie you you like it don't turn it off, if you don't, then do, why you find the need to come here and argue about it is beyond me.


Forced level sync is bad, especially when it was a game changer for a lot of people.

That person that likes doing old content without the what you call challenge, the farmers that farm nodes that don't want to be bothered by mobs they outleveled 4 years ago.

The holocron hunter that wants to do the jumping crap without being harassed by mobs they outleveled 4 years ago, etc etc etc.

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I love how people come out and argue about making options in the game for others...


Op makes an optional suggestion then out they come, no no can't have that it'd make it easier for you... I dont care that I don't have to toggle it!


Seriously, they have made a point and a good one, it should be optional, ie you you like it don't turn it off, if you don't, then do, why you find the need to come here and argue about it is beyond me.


Forced level sync is bad, especially when it was a game changer for a lot of people.

That person that likes doing old content without the what you call challenge, the farmers that farm nodes that don't want to be bothered by mobs they outleveled 4 years ago.

The holocron hunter that wants to do the jumping crap without being harassed by mobs they outleveled 4 years ago, etc etc etc.


Because I don't want his idea to influence my gaming. The devs made their decision, the majority of players (not the tantrum throwers on here) are indifferent or enjoy that the game offers more from older planets.


I don't want the devs to waste resources on trying to implement a "toggle."


Forced level sync is good and I hope it stays. So far the devs agree with me.

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Forced level sync is good thing.

Why? World bosses. Group of low level characters are waiting for few more players so they can defeat the world boss. But there's also level 65 characters running around alone trying to find world boss to solo. Level 65 attacks the world boss before lowbie group and lowbies are forced to jump to another instance just find out that there's also level 65 soloing the world boss. And that's if there's multiple planet instances. With one instance they would have to wait a very long time before respawn.


Also because of Qyzen's recruitment quest in after chapter 9 you have two options:

- kill 3 world bosses (this would be way too easy without level sync)

- kill 20 easy champions (takes time but can be done solo even with level sync)

- Jedi Consulars get Qyzen to join alliance without doing anything special.

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Because I don't want his idea to influence my gaming. The devs made their decision, the majority of players (not the tantrum throwers on here) are indifferent or enjoy that the game offers more from older planets.


I don't want the devs to waste resources on trying to implement a "toggle."


Forced level sync is good and I hope it stays. So far the devs agree with me.


You seem plenty happy judging by most of your posts to let your idea's and wants influence others gaming


Implementing a toggle isn't hard, many games already had them, if it was hard they wouldn't.. yes I am making an assumption, however its semi educated


Nothing says the devs agree that a forced sync is good, just because it's there, doesn't mean they agree, they could be forced to add it for many reason, none of which they may like.

Fact is that a forced sync allowed lazy design by allowing old content to be recycled instead of making new content, I don't see how that's good.

I for one would much prefer new level current content, than forced old content we outleveled years ago.


However I don't see one point in your whole argument that says why we shouldn't have the option.


And who are this Majority you speak of? because neither you nor I have the numbers to back that up.

You are allowed to make assumptions, just as I did, but you should at least acknowledge it was an assumption.

How many of those already gone left due to the lvl sync? how many left due to natural up's and downs of expacs, did they leave earlier than normal, how many left due to the companions, no one here knows, nor can they.

Fact again is that some like it and some hate it, optional makes it for everyone.

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Forced level sync is good thing.

Why? World bosses. Group of low level characters are waiting for few more players so they can defeat the world boss. But there's also level 65 characters running around alone trying to find world boss to solo. Level 65 attacks the world boss before lowbie group and lowbies are forced to jump to another instance just find out that there's also level 65 soloing the world boss. And that's if there's multiple planet instances. With one instance they would have to wait a very long time before respawn.


Also because of Qyzen's recruitment quest in after chapter 9 you have two options:

- kill 3 world bosses (this would be way too easy without level sync)

- kill 20 easy champions (takes time but can be done solo even with level sync)

- Jedi Consulars get Qyzen to join alliance without doing anything special.


On world bosses they can stun your companion as soon as you start, there is nothing stopping them from something similar with the sync, or even an area around a world boss, such as its range for kitting being forced.

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On world bosses they can stun your companion as soon as you start, there is nothing stopping them from something similar with the sync, or even an area around a world boss, such as its range for kitting being forced.


It's already exactly like that. As soon as you attack the world boss your companion gets stunned for entire duration of the fight. Companions have never been allowed there. Just like it's the case with operations. World bosses are in fact operation bosses without weekly lockouts.


Even without companion it wasn't too difficult to solo most of them at level 60. I did everything once just to see how many are too easy to solo. Hoth WBs were too much at least for me. I know, Gargath required at least 2-3 people even at level cap in 3.0. I almost got Snowblind down but just couldn't keep my health up long enough to do it. That was as Annihilation so plenty of healing.

Edited by Halinalle
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It's already exactly like that. As soon as you attack the world boss your companion gets stunned for entire duration of the fight. Companions have never been allowed there. Just like it's the case with operations. World bosses are in fact operation bosses without weekly lockouts.


Even without companion it wasn't too difficult to solo most of them at level 60. I did everything once just to see how many are too easy to solo. Hoth WBs were too much at least for me. I know, Gargath required at least 2-3 people even at level cap in 3.0. I almost got Snowblind down but just couldn't keep my health up long enough to do it. That was as Annihilation so plenty of healing.


I know I am saying they could alter that to make it for lvl sync.

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Yeah it would be cool if you could turn it off like you could with 12x xp. It's nice to have the option to level wherever you want, but sometimes I just need to go somewhere on a lower level planet, return there for a class quest, etc...and I miss being able to just get where I'm going on my speeder and not have to worry about the low lv trash hassling me.
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First, Story: we are supposed to be liberating the old planets. It would make no sense for the story if the liberation of planets was a steamroll simply becuse you are level 65 and the target of you liberation is 40 levels lower than you. There would be no drama to the story.

I dunno about this part. The target of my liberation is, say, 40 levels below my true level, but not my effective level, and I still mostly steamroller them. (The gear in an unholy mix of 208/216/220, with more than half augmented at 208, and an HBG (Gunnery Commando) in 220/216/216/208 probably is behind this. It also earns me Guard when a GFTFP has a tank.)

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This, in part.


Lvl sync serves two purposes.


First, Story: we are supposed to be liberating the old planets. It would make no sense for the story if the liberation of planets was a steamroll simply becuse you are level 65 and the target of you liberation is 40 levels lower than you. There would be no drama to the story.


There is no story associated with the planetary dailies that pertains to current content, they are JUST old content recycled.

If it was associated in any way it would be different, they loosely tied them in with a ague looking for gear report from the companion questgiver, then its totally blown out with standard returns that we have been doing for years, they are not refresh, or reset etc etc, they are pure and simply recycled.

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Fact again is that some like it and some hate it, optional makes it for everyone.


Well making it optional will be almost like removing it. When higher level will be doing heroics as synced and some not synced will either one shot him or kill all mob objectives faster then he will kill one of them. What do you think will happen?


I think level sync have several objectives and any of them will not work if you make it optional:


Balance world PvP on PvP servers (but i know it is lost already)

Balance doing heroics objectives for your alliance.

Balance doing World Bosses.

Dont steal kills from lowbies.


1. Supposedly helps even out pvp ( LOL )

When you level sync your at the top lvl for that planet and you retain all special and passive abilities for your

character, which means if there's actually a low level player working through quests your going to destroy him in pvp, which solves nothing and does not add any balance. Prior to this change if a player was really being harassed, I at level 60 could go to that planet and watch his back for a while so he could finish questing and it was actually a cool part of the community that is being taken away. Just add an OFF SWITCH.


And BTW what prevent you from doing this (the bold text) right now. I cant see how it was taken away from you? it is same as before: If he was harassed by 60lvl PvP pro geared guy, you would be either better and kill the guy or worse and die. But now if he attacks with you in group he will not kill both of you, since low level player can attack him also and contribute into fight and 2 players with 2 comps should kill him even when he is better then each of you. So new system actually helps in this case.

Edited by ShawDou
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Also I don't think people understand the impacts of such a change...at least right now.


Remove Lvl sync and yes you can crush the mission weeklies BUT Then their is no reason to not renerf companions. This would likely make the H2 SF harder than what they re going to buff it up to.


Also, whether players like it or not A game like this needs not just to make enough money to keep the lights on, the CEO expects ROI. When your game is a subscription/f2p hybrid that means you have to keep people playing to keep them paying. Now they only introduced 2 new things this expac...the story and two versions of the same instance. While fun, I know plenty of people who were against the companion nerf who said "this is going to get old quick, steamrolling the weeklies. I will probably unsubscribe and then come back after they have released a few chapters that I can binge watch, I already have the gear I need/want."


Letting people turn off level sync, for the Heroic Missions at least, would have a negative impact.

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